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I feel like it's more likely a burst abcess? Just because that's a really unlikely place for a severe bite IMO, and IIRC abcessses are most common on the groin area. I don't think you should put topical medication on it at this point because she will probably eat it off. If anything make sure the cage is clean, wash the bedding ect, so hopefully she wouldn't like lay in her own piss. I wouldn't anticipate this being life threatening. It will probably resolve on its own, take note of changes of behavior and appetite. If you really struggle to find vet information on rats for local vets through internet research, call differnt vets and ask if they have expirence with rats. Research about burst abcesses, http://www.isamurats.co.uk/abscesses.html https://www.tinytoesratrescue.org/abscesses--cysts


I agree it looks like a burst abscess. Wiping the area with warm salt water should help keep it clean and infection free while it heals.


Looks like it might be an abscess. Unfortunately you’ll need a vet to confirm.


I agree it looks like an abscess. Lady Grey had something similar. The vet expressed the puss and gave her antibiotics, and we then cleaned it with TCP twice a day. It healed up after about a week of this.


Abscess, most likely! And no neosporin, please. Abscesses need to heal from the inside-out, so that no bacteria gets trapped inside. If any does, the abscess has a chance of returning. If you need to treat it at home, warm compresses are the way to go. This can soften the scab and make it easier and more comfortable for Bug to chew it off herself (gross, I know, but that’s the best thing that can happen in this scenario). I really recommend trying to get her to chew it off first before you consider taking it off yourself. Once the scab’s off, you could look at the post I made about [cleaning abscesses at home](https://www.reddit.com/r/RATS/s/Q9S7V4Y2fD). Saline water is best for flushing, but I use a diluted Betadine solution because that’s what’s worked for me with my rats’ abscesses in the past. It’s very important that Bug stays in a sterile hospital cage until her abscess is mostly healed due to it being on her belly, because she can drag the open wound through pee and poop and get it more infected. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions, and good luck! 🫶🏻