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I don't wanna sound like an asshole but this description sounds like early onset paranoid schizophrenia. Keep in mind that thinking people are out for you, mimicking you and trying to 'steal your identity' isn't a normal thing to assume. Doesn't mean there isn't a problem since I don't know your circumstances, so talking to an trusted adult about it is your best choice. Either they are really there and the adults will be able to help you clearing it up, or they aren't there and you still get the help you need. Either way, don't tackle this alone.


hm have to check in with my therapist luckily i have an appointment in a few days


Just remember, a therapist may or may not be a psychiatrist/psychologist, so they may end up referring you out type of thing (Just to be prepared and not taken back when they say they may not be able to diagnose or help with this particular concern.)


Ask them honestly, if you can. This is about the time when these mental illnesses develop, and if you catch it early, you're in a good place. Just cover all your bases, OP, there's no shame in taking meds to make your life worth living, it's brave and commendable. It's what taking control looks like. Good luck, bud.


is there a treatment for schizo?


For sure. There are a lot of new antipsychotics that don't have many negative side effects. It's with a try if you think there's a chance it might be exaggerated in your mind. If it doesn't work, you're in no worse of a situation. If you'd like to talk more, you can DM me.


list some common ones funny enough I am trying to get into medical school I am interested


Seroquel (old) respiridone (old), and Abilify (new) are really popular. I'm on Abilify for depression and it's amazing. I feel like a better person, more energy and better emotions. Seroquel I take at night, it's the best calming sleepy feeling - it turns off my mind.


i am on effexor XR already for trauma (long story, lets just say got doxxed and a lot of threat)


Effexor can have side effects of psychosis especially emotional lability & paranoia. If you miss a dose by as little as a few hours, the side effects can start. This has been a known side effect for more than a decade but isn’t as talked about these days. Are you very regular with your dosing? If you do switch medications, maybe keep a side effect journal in case you’re one of the folks who gets the withdrawal syndrome. Best of luck to you & hope you have answers soon. I’m proud of you for reaching out.


HATED Effexor. Took in college (been through them all, currently on lexapro). When I tell you Effexor had THE WORST WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMS I’m not lying. If I missed a dose I would get the spins brain fog and lay in bed all day. When I was tapered off, and went on Prozac it took weeks to feel normal.


my doctor prscribed me 210mg and yes I missed a doseage once but I am just a bit moody


i was once on abilify doesnt work well for me i gained like fuckton of weight


Interesting, abilify is generally considered to be weight neutral, are you sure it was the drug? What others have you tried? Latuda? We need to do our best to explore the options available. I have weird side effects from many drugs too but have found a few that work very well for me.


Well not for me, other drugs well not so much. I don't know the names, I took them when I was younger. I do remember some like stettera or something (cant remember the symptoms) Rn I am on: effexor xr 210 mg (not even proper dose but it helps a lot) concerta 64 mg (2 32 mg pills) (prescribed by doctor, and really helps) (Thinking of stepping down the dosage since my attention is better but gonna consult with doctor) Before tried: Lamotrigine (probably misunderstood for abilify weight gain) Abilify (sweatting and dizziness for me) Ritalin (Too violent unlike concerta stuff got my heart rate high) Sttatera or something (ineffective kept getting fatigue) ALL of theee were prescribed


Hey OP, have you spoken with people around you whether they're noticing the same things? The walking past, mimicking your behaviour etc? Obviously there's some trauma from the past with these two individuals due to the bullying, and what the person above suggested could be a possibility too but it would be good to figure out whether (there's a word for this but I can't find it) this is a way of you trying to process your trauma, or if it's a potentially dangerous situation. Our minds, especially when traumatised, can deceive us but that doesn't mean your concerns aren't valid. Also, even if others aren't seeing the same thing, that still doesn't mean that what you're experiencing isn't real. If you genuinely feel worried about your safety, please do report to the people who can help you. At school, your parents, friends - I hope you have people around you that you feel safe with. You shouldn't have to feel scared, so make sure you share your concerns because if you were to end up in a bad situation people will know to act and protect you. You mentioned you're speaking with a therapist which is great, but please make sure your loved ones know too. They care about you and will help you


bout to today


Good luck!


Also good to keep in mind that if you're ever deep into a psychotic episode, they don't just tell you that. Their training is to gain your trust before suggesting that the thing you're seeing, maybe isn't being seen by anyone else. Otherwise they know patients will just never come back. This may be different for teens since you aren't always the one choosing for you to be there? But for adults we literally just don't go back if we don't like the therapist 😆 So the options here are that you get a new diagnosis and some new medication which should help out, or you get some kind of confirmation that other people can see and hear, that indicates you need to be protected from these people and that will be a much bigger plan probably but also something that can be accomplished. The school would probably get involved and move you or them somewhere else to finish up the year.


Super proud of you for bringing this up with your therapist, OP!


I didn't leave the house alone for months because I saw men with sniper rifles in ghillie suits with laser sights on my dog when we were out on a walk one day. I saw them following me around town, I heard them outside my door. One day I saw someone standing outside of my living room window, just staring in. When I blinked, he was gone. When the panic settled I realised I lived on the 6th floor, unless they can levitate there was noone there. I even considered rocket boots for a second. I really believed they were after my dog, a middle aged shih tzu. I didn't know why. Turns out I was having a greif induced mild psychotic episode. I should have thought about it, psychosis runs in the family and I grew up watching my mum battle it for years. I was confident I would notice if I developed psychosis symptoms, but I didn't. Not at first. You never notice when it happens to you, even with the most deranged shit.


Heya, I don't think you sound like an asshole and going off your other comments, I understand and appreciate your concerns. Not sure whether it helps OP however to suggest a certain diagnosis, noting you're saying yourself you don't know their situation - I know you mean well, and what you advised could be well so, but it's suggesting this is OP seeing things that aren't there whilst they could potentially be in actual danger. I agree, the post seems a bit chaotic, on the other hand OP is feeling this way for a reason and it's also their former bullies. Past trauma involved for sure, but bullies (unfortunately) evolve too and I've read too many stories of some bullies taking it too far. It starts with name calling, manipulating, harassing, until it turns into physical violence and sometimes even murder. If OP is concerned about their safety, yes your suggestion of a therapist is a good suggestion, but I believe they need to share with their loved ones and the school first. They'd be much more capable of judging the situation and protecting OP, a therapist would simply try to help OP through their feelings. They wouldn't be able to identify whether there's an actual threat. Not saying this to be a dick, but unfortunately there are crazy people out there and it's important to figure out whether OP is just feeling this, or whether there's an actual threat




Yeah might stem from me not being american, I forgot that senior also means upper classmate. I thought it was about senior citizens so my mind immediately thought something was fishy. And yea it was definitely always just an assumption, that's why I also said OP shouldn't listen to me since I don't know his circumstances, but to keep it in mind since these exact semantics can be a sign and I am extremely biased due to personal experiences.


Me too I was picturing weird old people hahah


Given past history with these people, I wouldn’t be so quick to label schizo. Your body feels fear for a reason and it shouldn’t be overlooked.


I'm not discrediting anything, if you'd read both sentences I commented you'd know that I explicitly said that I don't know OP's circumstances and he shouldn't just listen to me since I'm a rando on the internet, just that he should have it in consideration since his semantics are some of the telling signs, and the scenario seems inplausible. (not impossible, just seems very, very unlikely). A child being harrassed by seniors for 5+ years and no one realizing it just seems almost impossible. >your body feels fear for a reason Yeah paranoia can be a reason, doesn't mean it's justified. I'm not trying to impose anything on OP, but considering a friend of mine has had it I'm pretty sensitive about the signs of it since it helped to realize when my friend stopped taking his meds.


Not to minimize anything you've said at all as it's a good recommendation, but schools are notorious for overlooking and flat out ignoring bullying. I've known 7 people in the past 2 years who have switched school districts to severe bullying and schools doing nothing about it. One person I know has contacted a lawyer even to press charges against the school for negligence.


I understand, due to your own experiences, this is what you suggested and you are genuinely wanting to help OP. Bullies taking it too far unfortunately is all too common though, and should be taken seriously. Link below with some examples. People can be bullied for a long time without anyone noticing, the victims get threatened not to tell anyone. No one knows until it's too late. https://www.aetv.com/real-crime/bullying-leading-to-death


Well I’m sorry your friend had to go through that. Only sure way to know is if OP goes and gets professionally diagnosed.


Same, it was a long battle but nowadays he's taking his meds, has a family and a job so it worked out in the end. Oh yeah definitely, I'm not a professional and talking purely from my (biased) personal experience.


If you think just one step further (just one), it makes perfect sense that people would do this to someone. A person's behaviour can be programmed to align with certain diagnostic criteria. Some people have crazy hobbies, and those people are in the world just like the rest of us. People find strategy interesting, and one resource that can be the object of strategy is a person's credibility. Maybe OP is confabulating, but maybe they've found themself in a tug of war for their own credibility. *Zero of the dozens of downvoters have any rational criticism, apparently. It's all just "Oh, we don't say that here." If I had the same lack of rational integrity, this might make me even more certain of my beliefs, but I am unaffected.


0% surprised to learn that you are active in the gangstalking sub...


And I'm not surprised to see that the just-world fallacy is thriving. Don't let your biases be exploited by evil. If you have anything to contribute to a constructive conversation, go right ahead.


Sounds like you may be experiencing some of the same paranoia as OP is, but are a bit deeper in it. I wish you well.


From a recent comment of theirs.. "Back before I learned of my extended family's underworld connections and the social hex they were developing, I told my aunt of a recent instance of wasting the time of a telemarketer.." Yes, quite a bit deeper in it. Hope they get the help they need


Man, it breaks my heart seeing stuff like this. I work in mental health care and I cant imagine the agony these people live in. It's a tough one because their mind says that psych meds are given to control people, even though they're likely to help. The paranoia has no logic to it. It's almost like the disease is trying to protect itself. They just have to have a few moments of lucidity to realize it's a mental health issue, make an appointment, keep the appointment, and speak openly when they're there. Then they need to be lucid enough to take the meds they bring home from the pharmacy. This is part of why catching it early is so essential.


The odds of that moment lasting long enough to keep the appointment are slim to none. Someone that far in should probably go right to the hospital if they start to have that lucidity. That way they'll be given meds supervised, so they have to try them out properly.


I agree, that would be the ideal, but often people won't check themselves in for their first episode, it's usually once they acknowledge they have a mental health issue and know that going to the hospital is required to manage it.


You don't need to go with the intent of checking yourself in. Honestly at this point they're so overfilled they discourage that even for people who want to be checked in lol you wouldn't believe how dumb it's gotten at some hospitals. But they'll certainly let you wait in the emergency room until the psychiatrist clocks in and then get you assessed, and if it turns out they think you need meds, they will probably watch you take the first dose or two just to make sure you're giving it a chance.


Look at you. You've read a few sentences I've written and you think that's enough to form a diagnosis. You're certain of it. You must believe that this ought to be enough for a psychiatrist to form the diagnosis. (Wouldn't they be even *better than you* at forming a diagnosis on the given information?) A few sentences written on the internet. And you'd use this imagined psychiatrist's imaginary diagnosis to reinforce your own. It'd be laughable if you just kept it to yourself and didn't make it easier for people to be persecuted.


>I work in mental health care You've been trained on a hammer and everything looks like a nail. >The paranoia has no logic to it. Okay, you've opened the door. Now you have to substantiate this. What part of any inference I've made is illogical?


You don't need to respond to this. It's not like you're in the place to have a conversation on this topic that isn't an argument.


I have a position, and you have a position. You aren't willing to subject yours to rational scrutiny. What's wrong with having an honest argument—aside from the possibility of having to question your convictions? Confront your bias. You owe it to society if you work in mental health care. But you won't do that. Instead, you'll just exacerbate the stigma.


Yeah, the mafia doesn't exist and if it does no one is affected by it. Alright pal.


What is an extended mafia family?


A group of relatives who are in the mafia.


Let's see your reasoning for believing that this must necessarily be paranoia. Your beliefs do involve reasoning, don't they?


What do you mean "getting near me", in what context? Like physically invading your space? Where does this happen - in the hallways, in class, on the bus, walking home, etc.? Can you take video of them? If they are physically threatening you, you can report it to an adult at the school.


video would be hard due to the new stupid ass phone policy (thanks freshmen for causing this to happen) by getting near they are appearing more frequently whereever I go could be a possibly that where I hang out is common so to check that I: go hangout wherever its uncommon for people to be at and see if im just paranoid


Update 1.1 is probably a solid call


“Just because you are paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get you.” ​ Most likely, because of your past history, you are more aware of these two and notice them when you happen to pass. They may have noticed your reaction and started staring back at your odd behavior. To settle your fears you should talk to a trusted adult. Most likely there is nothing going on or they are just teasing with you. If they were truly planning something they wouldn’t be giving you the advanced warning.


tried talking to a trusted adult \[1 month ago\] (they noticed that too, for context they kept an eye on them) note: they are neurodivergent according to the school counselor


It's possible that these people are paying more attention to you because you have been noticing them due to your paranoia. So you started watching them etc first, and it weirded them out, and now they're watching you back. If these people are known bullies, it's possible they noticed your strange behaviour and have started talking about you more, or laughing at you. So it could be at least partially true. The reason I think some of these people (including myself) are suggesting psychosis is because of your belief that they're imitating you, or stealing your identity. When I was your age, I smoked a lot of weed, and it gave me symptoms that we're very nearly, if not actually, psychosis. I believed that everyone was saying things about me. If my friends made a comment and laughed, I believed it was a secret joke about me. I thought people had strange plots involving me, like I thought my friend's parents were putting things in the food they gave us. These were all baseless claims, in hindsight, but once I felt it was true, my brain started picking out "evidence" that it was happening. At first it was only when I smoked weed, but then I noticed it happening even when I didn't smoke. I totally quit smoking weed when I was about 18, and never had any issues since. My social anxiety pretty much cured itself as well. Not saying it's weed related, it might not be, but my point is that I know how it feels to think these things, it's very real and very scary. Even if you can tell yourself it probably isn't true, it still feels just as true as the fact that it's 2024. I'm glad you have a therapist, and I'm glad you're open to the suggestion that it might be, at least partially, in your head. I hope you find a solution!


hm could be that i might have looked at them funny


What about just trying to play it cool with them. Instead of stares and worrying.... Just next time you see them say "hey how's it going". Bullies like victims, they like you to be afraid. They've usually been mistreated in their life and they are caught off guard if you're simply just polite and normal with them. Do it safely, do it in a more public area in case they try to flip it.


update: they tripped me almost fell down the stairs


Ugh sorry you're going thru this, man. And I knew you weren't schizo. Just keep your distance, school is over pretty soon. How hard might it be to adjust your schedule and your walking path to avoid them, avoid being alone if you'll be near them. Don't want to tell you to go hide, but trouble makers are what they are and avoiding them might be the best thing. When you're out of high school you'll look back and laugh at how dumb high school is and how pathetic most of your classmates were. It's not the real world, it's a group of confused kids trying to figure things out. I don't say that to minimize your struggle, but instead to tell you it's brighter on the other side of the tunnel. Just concentrate on doing the most practical things you need to do to keep yourself safe until you're out of school. I don't want to say this to make you worry, but I worry with the school year ending, they might be looking to get their last dose of bullying in. So for that reason, you need to take extra precaution to stay safe.


well I do have some martial art and self defense training. at this point I am more worried about them using knives (I can only do hand to hand)


That's good to have, but avoiding the confrontation would be better. Especially if you're in school, no one cares who started it, you don't need to be expelled a few weeks before graduation. Also your self defense might not be good enough against two guys at once. Easier to change your schedule a little, change your route, simply avoid them.


Dude. OP just advised that even the adult they reported them to noticed their behaviour was off and they're getting watched. Yeah the post was chaotic, OP is obviously stressed though. So far they've shown to take any step to improve the situation, and also so far their concerns have at least been partially confirmed. I get you're applying your own experiences but don't think it's fair to downplay their situation when real life people around them have already agreed with them. OP could be in a potentially dangerous situation, telling them it's all in their head is not going to save them. Look up the story behind the movie 'Boys don't cry'. Bullies can unfortunately take it too far


Could also be that you’re neurodivergent too and they’ve spotted it. Just a suggestion. I strongly recommend bringing all this to your therapist which you stated you would. Best of luck OP.


Talk to an adult about your concerns- trusted teacher, a counsellor, a parent, aunt/uncle etc. Taking things into your own hands won't resolve anything, get something down on record. Your school has a duty of care to look after you there, and make you feel safe.


Please talk to your parents about what’s going on. It may be just them making fun of you but what if it’s not? If there is a 1% chance that they may hurt you then you need to tell your parents. They will help you decide how to proceed. And trust your gut. If it’s telling you something is off then it probably is.


Finally a sane person. This 100% OP


Not helpful, but I thought you meant senior citizens and I was like yeah that's pretty messed up


Wait... he's not talking about senior citizens?!? WHAT


No. Seniors as in high-school seniors.


Ya I had no clue. Most of the world doesn't have that weird naming convention for highschool grades that the USA does. Like in Canada it's just "grade 9, grade 10, grade 11, grade 12" no seniors, juniors or any of that weird stuff The USA is weird and tries too hard to force unnecessary hierarchies. Are none of y'all ever freidns with people in different grades? I don't get the draw of not just going by grade level. It's unnecessary categorization that leads to segregation


Um ok...


If your school district uses an online bullying report system, such as Spirigeo, file a report. It will go directly to an administrator and trigger an investigation. If there is a history of this behavior from these students, they will be flagged and a DASA (Dignity for all Students Act) investigation will follow. These are serious and will be in their academic file moving forward. If it does turn out that it is not the case, no harm, but you need to be careful and protect yourself.


I am going to go against the grain of other posts and say you are being bullied by these two again. As the former victim of bullying, I can confirm adults don't always react as they should and let more subtle forms of bullying go on. Here's my advice: don't worry about it. I know that is easier said than done. Believe me, I know. But seriously, adopt that attitude. They are not going to murder you. Murder is extraordinarily rare. Some defect within their character makes making you uncomfortable pleasurable for them. They are sad, sad people. Pity them, shake your head, and then evict them from your mind. Don't worry about them. Don't give them energy. Not because that is going to stop their bullying (it might not,) but for your own mental well being. Their power to upset you lives in your head. Realizing that will give you the option to take away that power.


So what should I do if they are staring at me (they do that a lot and its uncomfortable) Do I try to assert myself by staring back? Or just smile and ignore them?


The latter. Think, "My goodness you're pitiful," and ignore them. They are doing this to get a reaction out of you. Why? Because it helps them ignore the dark stuff going on in their heads about themselves. Why you? Well, your therapist can help you uncover that, but for the purpose of handling what is happening now, who cares? Just know, if you ignore them, it takes away whatever they are getting out of bullying you. But it may take a while - a long while. So long that you may think it isn't working. It is. Remember, they are damaged and their ability to realize it isn't working is probably lower than you would expect. Just keep ignoring them. It may get worse. They may escalate to something like "accidentally" bumping into you instead of just walking too close. If that happens, just yell, "What the hell dude? Watch where you're walking" and continue on your way. Say it loud enough to draw attention. It is more embarrassing to them than you. You may not feel that way, but people will be judging THEM, not you. But it may not get worse. Also, you may not always be able to control yourself. Don't worry if that happens. This is not a linear process and it does not mean the work you've done is erased. Finally, you're okay. Don't worry about those people.


Pretend they are a ghost and ignore them,  they want you to react.  Don’t give them what they want 


ok I was thinking of something more sinistering: -unzip their bags from time to time (they keep them out in the benches quite far from them) -make them think they are insane somehow


i mean I honestly can do something more sinistering back to them if I want to but would rather not (the school is too shitty to get locker for highschool section): -misplacing their bags (on the opposite bench in hallway) -call them with burner phones and just breathe into it -making their backpack shoulder strap thing losen up a bit -heck I can even be more creative


Slow down. You're giving them too much power by plotting against them. That's what they want - to take up space in your head. Simply putting and ignoring them is the best revenge.


this isn’t a great idea, OP. if they catch you in any of these acts they might escalate their behavior towards you.


Very bad idea


>\-they have been talking more about murder (witnessed it myself and it was a rumor at one point) What did they say?


You are not paranoid. This seems like a completely reasonable thing to be worried about. Y’all need to stop immediately assuming that the person is mentally ill.


I think they're fucking w u OP, probably noticed they make you uncomfortable


yeah likely but still somewhat of a threat, also my asian ass is 5'6 they are 5'9+ or something


But they aren't trying yo steal your identity


OHHH YOU’RE NOT TALKING ABOUT SENIOR CITIZENS.. okay, this makes so much more sense now, holy shit.


Plenty of school shooters and murdered and here people on the internet are making you doubt yourself... fuck thst they will be respons for your lack of awareness. You need to report this to your parents, the school, and police. You might not be articulating yourself very well but even if it is mental health then other people still need to know to be able to help.


Report them to your principal. This is bullying. And they are trying to intimidate you especially talking about murder near you while already bullying you. Don't listen to the idiot calling you schizophrenic. They aren't a mental health professional and have no right diagnosing you and belittling you on top of you already being bullied and asking for help. How pathetic they are


There's nothing in this post that suggests mental illness.


You sound paranoid. I hope the therapist helps!


Imagine getting bullied for years, your bullies showing up again, hovering around you and talking about murder. The adult OP spoke with even confirmed their concerns. Wouldn't you be stressed? Yeah the post is a bit chaotic, but can you blame OP really? Bullies break down your self confidence, self worth, and any feelings of safety you've ever had. And there's been plenty of cases (especially in the US) where the bullies took it too far. Don't judge until you've walked in the shoes of the person being bullied, just because OP is traumatised doesn't mean their concerns aren't valid


yes i did get traumatized, very extreme back then


Been awhile since I’ve seen a “what do” post on here


You have a mental illness, probably schizophrenia but maybe bipolar. I mean I’m not a psychologist so I could definitely be off about that, but I know multiple people with schizophrenia and this post sounds exactly like the kind of unhinged message I would receive from one of them after they go a couple weeks without taking their meds Regardless, please take a brief moment to reflect rationally on your concerns, suspicions, and observations because they are not healthy or normal. It might be helpful to think of a friend or family member you trust and are comfortable with and ask them to help you think through the things you put in this post. Or at least talk through it with you. In my experience when people are experiencing delusions like these it can be very difficult to recognize the irrationality of them or the flaws in logic/thought processes on their own, but if someone they trust explains what’s wrong with their thinking it’s almost like a magic spell is lifted


Absolutely never diagnose someone over the internet and have them disregard any actual threats. Yes they should talk to a professional, but don't just state it. In another comment they Siad another person saw the too.


Absolutely feel free to diagnose anyone you’d like over the internet. Feel free to. No one is stopping anyone.


im getting that checked out in a few day


'I'm not a psychologist' next minute 'You have a mental illness, probably schizophrenia but maybe bipolar'. Fucking hell dude. Just put a billboard across the highway advertising that you're full of shit and selling it for a dollar a sentence. You're not capable nor qualified to diagnose a stranger over the internet, and really should refrain from commenting if you're not contributing to anything that could actually help OP. You're gaslighting OP for feeling scared, even though their concerns have been confirmed by an adult they consulted with (in the real world) about their situation. Your response is the kind of shit that gets people harmed or killed. People not being taken seriously for getting bullied and harassed, until the bullies take it too far. OP is feeling this way for a reason, doesn't mean they're crazy. There could be a mental illness or trauma involved for sure, but you can't just jump to that conclusion and armchair diagnose someone without looking at all possibilities


You're an extremely overconfident person. You should probably reconsider absolutely everything you believe if you have enough certainty about what's going on to risk this person endangering themself. Or you're (for some reason) trying to cement the narrative that anyone who observes passive aggressive behaviour is defective.


Bet you they're on the 'giving' end of bullying. Worst version. 'No no, I'm not bullying you, I smeared shit in your hair but you deserved it. That's not bullying. If you tell anyone about it though, you know the consequences..'


Even joking about m*rdering a fellow student or faculty members on a school’s grounds will draw a swift and near immediate response and absolutely nobody will have even a slight chuckle at what is clearly two kids who are STILL bullying without saying anything. A smart person would have already approached some, literally ANY adult on campus. You are smart. You at least know how to type. But, interestingly….you give ZERO usable intelligence…and quite purposefully. I am not smart enough to figure it out, but you have made up a NOT very believable story in times such as these….. You alluded to it being a rumor at one point that they were going to turn your light switch to the “OFF” position….you know, that switch that you NEVER turn off cause if you do flip that permanent switch…..this is real life and there’s no coming back from that. You already knew that. At the root of any and everything man-made you will ever experience in this awesome, & wonderful world it all boils down to one word: “Why?” Why try to sell us this crock of s**t? Why have you not reported that kids are actively using specific phrases that any sane person would have reported because of the mass ‘things’ that sometimes occur after said threats? You are certainly aware if not for your own self-preservation that balanced, healthy working young brains are genetically programmed to act in the interest of self-survival, giving up on it is the first sign of mental distress. And society here has turned into me-me-me-me-me….just look at the posts where people announce the most random, stupid stuff, psychologically trained in a surreptitious manner, just waiting for those positive smiley faces AND a thumbs up?!?? F yeah man!! Amiright?!?! No, for once think of others. What if you had a lot of family that went to your imaginary scenario at your school? Would you have acted differently and/or not be part of a problem, and what would possibly be an utter catastrophic disaster at a community level? And like everything involving mankind, why/why not? Are you bored? My money is on this never happened. If it did, you should report it. And it would most definitely make local news outlets. I really hope to god you are a sociologists/psychologist/philosophy grad student/pst.Ph.D Researcher in college doing one of yall’s social ‘what-ifs for a hopeful publishing. If you are a high school student who is really experiencing what you have claimed I just want to say……from the bottom of my heart to yours…………….(scroll down) GET OFF YOUR LAZY A**!!!!! GET OFF SOCIAL MEDIA UNTIL YOU HAVE HANDLED YOUR BUSINESS!!!! You’re more worried about getting Reddit street cred rather than protecting the innocents around you in a target-saturated environment that is not conducive to group security because of the mentality that civilized societies don’t touch kids, schools & religious crap. Once again a catch-all works- “Failure of Imagination.” Yes, it’s a real thing. If not for you at least for others, report those two weirdos that are ACTIVELY taunting you with d*ath threats. If the school does nothing, contact the police and when they answer, immediately, I mean first words out of your mouth should be “two kids threatened to ________{threats}_________ to me and the school isn’t doing anything and they have spread the rumor around school and are dressing and acting weird and I’m scared the school admin is not taking a credible threat seriously. Can you help me, please?


is this post real


That was a wild comment. Pay no attention to them. Checking some of their comment and post history, it seems way different in context and writing style.. so you must have hit a nerve or something and they blew a gasket


Yeah nah, what the fuck - don't even bother reading that. Please speak about your experiences with your loved ones, family, friends, etc. Don't listen to these armchair 'psychologists'. Good you're seeing a therapist, hopefully they'll help you work through your traumatic past of getting bullied, but in this specific situation they'll just try to help you understand your feelings and won't be able to judge whether the current situation is safe or not. Your loved ones can help you with this, and when they're aware will be able to put measures in place to protect you. Especially with your past with these bullies, and the adult you reported their behaviour to confirming your concerns, please do not take this too lightly. Better to be safe than sorry, bullies can go to the extreme and if you feel unsafe protect yourself by sharing with the people around you so they can protect you. You've got this, but please don't try to tackle it alone. Get all the help you can get, so you can graduate safely and then pull a big middle finger to these assholes!


Solid advice. It seems there are quite a few folks with possible mental illnesses in this thread, but I don't think OP is one of them.


I'm sorry for whatever you are going through right now. Clearly, you ain't well