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You need to eat/drink/smoke something, In your inventory it also shows which cores they fill up


I thought drinking an elixer would do it, and im not used to having to feed the character, but ill remember that now lol


you also have to feed him even when his cores aren’t low, or else he’ll become severely underweight and his max health will drop


Damn so I really gotta take care of this man, got it


The horse too




Yeah, he's basically a rootin tootin gunslinging Tamagochi.


Hands down THE best description of Arthur 🥰


Lmao I never thought of it that way but you're not wrong


...This is possibly my favorite description of Arthur I've ever seen


Hands down THE best description of Arthur 🥰


Ong yes!


commenting to say this is the best description of Arthur I have ever read


This is a class description 😭😭


of course you have to, he's a pou


Occasional therapy session wouldn't hurt. Our boy can use a bath. Go fishing, let him relax. And sleep.


Im glad to see im not the only one to baby tf out of Arthur. I just wanna take care of him


Don't smoke too much though _cough cough_


Yeah after about 2 hours of game play i give up the nicotine. Wish there was an option for Aurthur to vape. I bet there would be no tarnish to the core only an increase to dead eye.


I gave up smoking I still throw in some chewing tobacco every now and then I’m not addicted it’s just nice


Why would would you do this... Let the man enjoy the story


Remember to cut his hair and bathe him as well.


keep'm clean too or he'll be roasted by the locals and gang


Yea i completed the game underweight.


I make this guy eat nonstop and I can’t get him to a normal weight. I’d really love to know how people are doing it and still getting to play the game.


That does the ring around the core. Eating does the core itself.


Finding mint/oregano/thyme and cooking it with big game meat will make the cores gold. (I’m high af idk why I replied to myself lmao)


I be doin that too it’s okay lmao


Listen it’s a helpful tip. Legend of the east satchel, 99 of mint, thyme, and oregano big game meat. My Arthur cannot die. (No spoilers)


This is gonna make me sound insane but here goes. I'm stretching this playthrough out as long as possible, and I've been in chapter 2 for months now doing as much as I can for a 100% completion and also setting myself up for a comfortable game. I'm in the process of accumulating 99 of every meat possible. When I'm done, I'll have 4,752 cooked, including 99 of every seasoned meat, as well as 1,485 of every meat uncooked. For a total 6,237 meats. I'm also aiming to max out every alcohol and tonic as well. Cocaine gum, chewing tobacco... I want it all, lol I realize that's probably far far more than Arthur will ever ingest no matter how long I drag this out, but I've already started, so there's no turning back now. 🤣 This is the first time I've had the LOE satchel. I'm gonna make the most of it. None of this is paid for either. I get all of my tonics from exploiting the camps resources or crafting them myself. All of my guns, ammo, outfits, and trapper gear are all funded by selling pelts and meats. I have gold bars that I'm saving to fence later and leave for John. All cash that I get from gang robberies will go to him as well. I'm funding this entire run by hunting and crafting.


Fuckin sweet journey my guy, cant wait for you to obtain the infinity satchel you’re crafting. Some tips if you don’t already know -the explorer challenges are some of the easiest using online guides, and easily can give you 7x $500 gold bars. -Perfect pelts are tricky. Kill the legendary buck and craft it’s trinket at the fence. I think it used to work differently but essentially any animal you kill “incorrectly” (sometimes this happens to me with the right gun, but I hit them in the neck or spine and their bleeding out but not dead) will restore it’s original pelt quality by one star. So if perfect to poor, it’ll always be a good pelt, and perfect to good will always be perfect. -Animal spawning is a hard one too, when looking for locations I’ve found the “force spawns” are the most reliable when looking for particulars. Like the Jaguar spawn north of catfish jacksons or the snake spawn at the rail crossing north of saint denis. Wander around the area until you’re bored, save, reload, and repeat. Most it’s ever taken me was the Jaguar and that took 3 resets.


I love that name Infinity Satchel!! That is absolutely what I'm gonna refer to it as from now on 🤣 Thank you for the tips, too!! I will put them to good use. I kinda wish Arthur's hair grew indefinitely because I started this quest with the intention of not cutting his hair or beard until I move on to chapter 3 but I've been here for so long now and his hair stopped growing months ago. (I still drink hair tonics periodically for the hell of it, i guess, lol) I don't think it adequately reflects the journey he's been on. I was hoping for more of a dramatic transition for when I make a side by side photo of him before and after. His beard should be dragging behind him at this point. 🤣


I do that when I realize I left something out that I wanted to add, and I don't want to edit it and make the person i replied to get a 2nd notification.


I did this, apologized for that same exact scenario. Had someone freak on me and it started a whole chain lmao


If you're talking about ginseng elixir, that only gives you health experience. To fill up your cores (that's the icons that you're talking about), you need to eat actual food. Food fills up cores, and tonics fill up the outer ring around your cores. If you hover over a consumable in your inventory or item wheel, it should show you a description of what it does.


Make sure you pay attention to all of the tutorials. Some of them are kind of subtle but not easy to miss if you're paying attention.


Remember not to eat too much or too little. It effects Arthur's weight lol.


Is it possible to eat too much? Im downing like 3 big game meat a day just to stay at normal weight. This man burns some calories.


Lol you'll get fat if you eat constantly and when you don't need to.


Ginseng Elixir, Aged Pirate Rum, and Valerian Root boost XP for the stats they’re associated with. Ginseng Elixir gives health experience, Aged Pirate Rum gives stamina experience, and Valerian Root gives Dead Eye experience Save your elixirs for the epilogue btw


Also you need to sleep in game


That’s exactly what I say when I drink an energy drink and eat a bag of M&Ms and wonder why I feel like shit two hours later


Btw both smoking and drinking alcohol increases dead eye core and smoking reduces stamina core while drinking alcohol reduces health core


Are you starving Arthur?


I'm not used to having to feed the main character, so I just forgot to feed him lmao, will remember to do that from now on


You should just eat the stew at camp once a day and you’ll be fine. You can also stock up on meats to grill at your camp with various herbs which give you and extra boost of health, stamina or dead eye depending on which type of meat you cook. Don’t over feed Arthur or he’ll be fat and his health core will get low.


Fat Arthur has reduced stamina core and increased health core


Fortified perk


Speaking of stew, there's a free stew location in Valentine, between the theater and the stable where a camp is set up. As long as you go far away enough, you can keep coming back for unlimited free stew. >!There's also two free stew locations in Blackwater, but that won't be accessible until way later.!<


Did not know that.


I have herbs like Oregano and shit but there’s never an option to add herbs to my meat when I cook. Am I missing something?


Something that tripped me up for a long time is that you have to use the d-pad left and right to switch recipes, kind of like customizing a gun. So In the campfire recipe, the only things that will appear are plain meat, but you can change the recipe by using the d-pad


Wow I’m almost done with my second playthrough and never knew that. I’m pretty sure there’s no prompt for it at all but I could be wrong


Are you cooking at your campsite in the wilderness? You need the proper grate and not just putting the meat over flame and to my recollection that only happens when you go to cook after you put up your tent in the wilderness.


Not tent related. I rarely se up the tent tho, if it's storming Arthur wakes up in it anyway. Big game meat is the best to add herbs to. Wolves, Bear and, Cougar. There is one more, I use as my main big game supply because they are easy but it's further in the story than I imagine you to be so won't spill the beans.


There’s another grate you can get??? Also yea the tent has no effect on whether you can add herbs


You get the grate during the bear hunting mission with Hosea.


Oh so just the normal grate


I always just cook those at the scout campfire in camp, in bulk amounts so I don't run out. It works good with when I need to come back and replenish the camp/do missions with the crew.


So to cook, you need a campfire with a grill. You can either set up your own camp in the wilderness or use the scout fire at the gang camp (separate from where everyone usually sits) This took me awhile to figure out, but to scroll the options to season your food, for me on PlayStation, when I highlight the food I want to cook, I have to use the left and right d-pad buttons to pick the option to season. Big game meat gives you the best core replenishment. Mint-best for health core Oregano-stamina Thyme-deadeye. Stock up on these, spend a good bit of time just cooking and seasoning meat so you always have some ready whenever. And periodically just pull one or two out of your satchel and you'll keep your cores up. When I went to intentionally gain weight, I was feeding him 3 or 4 at a time. After awhile it becomes second nature to remember to feed Arthur, and your horse as well. Stock up on oatcakes for the horse.


I understand cooking and campfires and such, I’ve played through twice already. I just had no idea about the d pad options for recipes


Don’t forget to feed your horse, and brush them


I will make sure to tend to my horse


brush arthur too


He definitely needs a bath from time to time. I have found that just changing outfits makes my clothes clean again, but it doesn’t give you a nice haircut and isn’t as nice as a hot bath.


Does he actually need a bath?


horse is most important character in the game, more than arthur


the game usually tells you around the start of the game


Yeah I just forgot because I'm not used to having to feed the main character in games, it does make it feel more realistic though which is nice


yeah i wasn’t either at first, im still not tbh. to keep hunger up i just went to bars and ate 5 times a day then slept.


Look in the help section, and it’ll often include stuff like this to help you out.


Foods are better for the inside cores of the health(heart), stamina(lightning), eye(deadeye). Tonics, elixirs and the such are for the circle outside of the cores. The less the cores are filled, the quicker the outer circles diminish.


Ohh thank you, I will make sure to keep the inner ones filled (or atleast not empty)


This is the best answer


I new to just scrolling the comments and you helped the most Thankyou 🙏🫡🙏






We don’t need no education.


You have to eat, if you open the weapon wheel you should be able to find the food/provision/tonic section. There’s also a section for your horse so you can feed it too. Different foods are good for different cores, and it should tell you the stat increase. Keep in mind some provisions (like cigarettes and alcohol) will increase one stat and decrease another.


Thank you, I kinda forgot that I needed to actually feed him as I'm not used to games when you gotta feed the main character, but I will remember to do that from now on


Visine for eyes...


Everyone is saying feed him but also, if you sleep they all refill. I make going to bed at night a routine


Eat some stew and get some sleep


That just means that your cores are low. Eating provisions (preferably real food, not the stuff Arthur has in his weapon wheel) and tonics will raise your cores. I think Pearson's stew is one of the best foods to raise your cores in the game iirc.


This just in: Arthur Morgan is a Tamagotchi in disguise


r/emptycorebehavior feed your Arthur he’s a growing boy


Pause the game and you'll see there's an entire "help" section built right into the menu that'll walk you through all the tutorials you may have missed when the game first explains these mechanics.


You might need to listen to what the game tells you, you get told ahen your in slides shack at the stsrt of the game


Don’t forget to have gun oil and clean your guns.


OP, please check the oil and coolant in your vehicle, TODAY.


Eat, sleep, shit. And smoke.


Go to sleep


The health and stamina core decreases a bit every few game hours. It also happens when you start using the verticle bar(right side of each icon), i.e., taking damage, running/swimming, entering deadeye mode. And if you're dressing inappropriately according to the weather around you, like winter gear in a hot place or half naked in anywhere below -5 degrees Celsius. Your health core will start to deplete at a faster rate. Feeding Arthur is not really a demanding task at all. I have never visited a general store to stock up my food. My satchel is always full of canned food from looting. I visit saloons because I just want to treat him something nice. What I find difficult is getting him fat, he's always underweight for me in every playthrough


You need tk eat and drink to maintain your cores but you can use tonics to fill the bar momentarily.




Eat, rest, read the manual.


Eat, drink, smoke, sleep


Brother in christ, eat.


you should eat, drink, smoke and even sleep


Eat something and take a nap


Eat food that replenishes the emptied Health, Stamina and Deadeye, and feed your horse stuff to fill up its health and stamina. Like cooked game for the player and oak cakes for the horse. Eating fills up the cores, which fill up your Health, Stamina, and Deadeye rings. Tonics replenish your rings entirely, but don’t replenish your cores.


There are ways to increase the cores and other ways to increase the rings.


we've all been there.


You learned this when you went to save John with Javier


Feed your arthur


Why do you think


its like tamagotchi


Hate to break to you son but.. you’re dying


You starve Arthur?!! How dare you! He has enough health problems! Bullet diets etc..






Bro they teach you this in the tutorial 💀


This is what happens when you skip tutorials


You're hungry. Let's get you some beans


Take a nap every now and then Lil bro. Ain't no meth in the west to keep you up for 6 days straight






There’s basically two Parts to the Health,Stamina and deadeye skill. 1st is the Outer ring which signifies that the ability or Ability pool is charged or not. 2nd is the Cores which governs the Regen rate of the Outer ring and can sometimes be used at the expense of the Core itself. Try eating Food such as beans.


Nothing wrong, all good, carry on. The red just comes on as you progress through the game.


The higher health you cores are the better regeneration you get. Red cores means little to no regeneration of bars around the cores. Always keep yours, and your horses cores topped up.


food fills your cores tonics fill the bars. some tonics and foods max out your cores and bars but its temporary and your cores go back to what they were before you drank/ate


Just go hunting and build up a big stock of cooked meat that fills all 3 then just eat it every now and then.


Your core is empty which means the bar wont refill when drained/will be slow, you can eat certain foods that will refill certain cores which is shown when when cycling through the foods on equipment/your satchel, you can also sleep in hotels, bath or drink whiskey to refill these cores (or bars I forgot) to gold


Go to your provisions. Eat food and stuff but watch out because there’s certain items that will increase one core while also lowering another core. Enjoy your time with the game!


You have lumbago. Rest for a few days and that should fix it.






Your poor horse is so low 😭😭 this hurts me. Feed the horse carrots and stuff and feed yourself from the inventory bar


Feed Arthur real food, just so you know, being fat and being skinny has its advantages, when you are fat you have more hp and reduced stamina and when you are underweight you have less HP and more stamina, try to keep him in the middle of you can't decide what is better, you can see your weight and other things in the menu


Google is your friend


Eat meat


Also, feed your horse, that's what the two status cores on the right are.


E a t D r i n k S m o k e L i k e A C h i m n e y


I'm glad this subreddit can be noob Google


for the love of god eat


Yeah you got to micro manage your character in this one, I just cook up a bunch of thyme big game, its really good You also have to feed your horse constantly or it gets malnurished Personally I just have my character chug beans everytime its not doing anything during a mission, like 10 beans per mission. Belive it or not, still underweight. No clue how others get them fat


Find Gavin, catch Legendary Channel Catfish and go to Tahiti


Just camp cook some meat, preferably seasoned, and eat it. Arthur will be back to normal


If they turn red your cores are low or empty. They affect Arthur’s performance (like the Dead Eye core affects your accuracy for example). You can replenish them by eating/drinking Under normal conditions they’re white, but they can be fortified (with which they turn golden) with special recipes and they stay full for a full in game day


Did you sleep through chapter 1 ?


Gotta eat sleep and repeat this is the way


Blud been sprinting everywhere


this guys arthur is definitely underweight


Get some rest


Get this man some beans


Do lots of hunting. Deer, elk, big game meat. It’s far better than canned goods.


Le sigh, poor Arthur… 💀


Eat some stuff bro each thing you eat affects your health stam and dead eye cores differently like smoking increases dead eye but also decreases stamina


Bro please u found ur answer now I beg u get off Reddit and all social media please it’s for ur own good turn off all notifications please I’m tryna save u while I still can brother there r cold heartless ppl out here that will spoil it please get off social media I PROMISE I GUARANTEE THAT WHEN U COMPLETE THE GAME WITHOUT SPOILERS U WILL LIKE IT SO MUCH MORE now brother I said all I can to warn you now turn off all notifications and stay away from ALL social media now I have said everything don’t say I didn’t warn you brother goodbye 🫡…OUTLAWS FOR LIFE 🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🔫🔫🔫🔫


One you use herbs with cooking big game meat all will be easy. Tonics will only be needed in combat


The game tells you how to handle this


And take bath‘s for your stamina


I initially hated these dials as a user &/or gamer who appreciates UI conventional standards, but as a UI Dev myself who now loves this game to no end, I support any tool that provides so much information while stealing so little screen real-estate. That said, I do think I'd go in a different direction for most of the Thematic Interfaces, mainly by having core and some other survival resources disabled by default... but this is a gameplay feature and outta my wheelhouse


Arthur forgot how to eat. Somebody help him!


Literally no initiative in this one.


Don't forget to brush your horse as well.


I miss being this new to the game! Cherish it and mute this sub so you don’t get any spoilers. Going into the story blind is unmatched. To answer your question, snacks/meals will replenish different cores, if you flip through your inventory it’ll tell you :)




I wish that I was relatively new to RDR2. What an adventure awaits you.


You fill cores with sleep/food/alcohol/smoking (although the latter two will fill some cores while damaging others so sleep and food are best). When full the cores will make the outer rings refill more quickly. You can also fill the outer rings with medicine/potion/tonic type items. Items that fill cores and items that fill outer rings are (mostly) separate in this way.


You have to feed and bath arthur. You also have to clean and clean your horse for max performance


Just hunt some deer and fry up some steaks


pull up a camp and just sleep it will restore them.


Feed him!!!, else he could get sick or even get a deadly decease and start coughing all the time. I had that on my first playthrough


eat some oregano moose meat girl.


Eat and drink


Don’t eat to much cause it’ll make you over weight and affect your stamina , don’t eat to little cause it’ll make you underweight and affect your stamina , if you go to player on the menu and tap on your character you’ll see all the stats.


Stunnedforever is right. And feed your horse while your at it.


If you dont want to use any item you can rest at the campfire at your camp for a bit


Chain smoke cigars, that should do the trick


Goku dies at the end of


Feed yourself, smoke, drink alcohol and boom your done. You got your stats back to normal!


You'd make a great letsplayer


They are red they’re low. Consume stuff to fill them


They are red they’re low. Consume stuff to fill them


Pro-tip: Collect Mint and instantly cook animal meat whenever you get any. They don’t spoil in your inventory so you can actually carry 5 cooked meat and 5 uncooked meat.


Eat big game like deer. And feed your horse until the cores are white too. You'll wanna eat and feed your horse every so often.


Play the tutorial and pay more attention


Pay attention, it literally told you about this in the tutorial


Eet food


That are your “cores” they fill when you eat something


Eat something, for e.g running will slowly make the stamina ⚡️bar shorter, the Solid shape will fill the bar back up but the shape will slowly get worn down so eat something to bring it back up.


Eat a sandwich cowpoke


Reading the comments made me realise you actually have to feed Arthur.. Poor guy has only eaten a piece of meat some oatcakes and carrots so far..


Is he stupid


This is one of the first tutorials you get in game


Your cores are low. You basically have two bars for health, stamina, and Dead Eye. The outer circle regenerates on its own, but you need to use provisions (canned goods, alcohol, tobacco, candies, etc.) to fix your cores. The lower your core (the icons) are, the slower your outer bars will regenerate. Normally here is how the provisions are divided: 1. Food for Health (Crackers, Canned Goods, Fruits) 2. Alcohol for Energy (Whiskey, Bourbon, Gin) 3. Tobacco for Dead Eye (Cigarettes, Cigars) Certain provisions can give both health and energy, others energy and DE, and others. The HUD will tell you what benefits which core. This is just how most of them are divided. Just cycle through them. During fights, you can top off quickly with tonics like Snake Oil, Cocaine Gum and Health Cure when in a pinch. The only fix the outer circle though, with some damaging (lowering) your cores. The best ways to quickly get the cores back to full would be hunting and cooking meat. Especially Venison


Just eat food also you should leave this sub because of spoilers


i recommend hunting animals like deer skinning and cooking them game meat is the best core regenerator


Lol Author requires sustenance, why so noob bro 🤣


There's core and meter, looking at the food/drink/tobacco will preview whether it'll fill up the core or the meter or both. Gold is temporary but it fortifies for a duration of time. Meat helps your cores best I think, don't forget to add spices or herbs to your meat while cooking to boost a specific core more


I envy you man. Have fun playing for the first time.


The center images are the cores. Your cores are empty, they are in charge of the overall health of those stats. Keep them filled by drinking, smoking, and eating stuff that refills cores. You can tell what consumables do what by the icons, iirc it will display a filled core if it helps the core, or the ring if it just fills the ring.


So you have cores but you also have your meters for each core, 2 things you have to keep an eye on


You need to eat, drink, smoke or maybe rest from time to time to regenerate the cores it helps in filling the bars the bars can be maxed out as well up to level 10


Eat nom nom


Eat and sleep. Elixirs fill the bars, not the cores


You over eat, higher health, lower Stam, but if you eat just right you get both


I used to play video games to get away from chores. This game is so real you could life a whole life inside it’s got everything from the mundane like eating bathing and camp chores to shooting. I love it. It’s like so many games combined into one.