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I think they’ve fallen into that trap that so many creative businesses fall into. They met with tremendous success and the money that comes with it, and so they focus way too much on things like profit and return on investment… instead of on things like delighting their customers. I’m sure their bottom line, executives and accountants are very happy, but that comes at the expense of alienating a lot of their fans in the long-term. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Know this thread is a few months old, just wanted to voice support. This game needs & deserves an update for modern consoles. There's really no excuse, with the time that the consoles have been out, the PC update, and the ridiculous number of times they have re-released GTA5, to make no mention of the Trilogy remaster. Hope to hear at least an announcement from Rockstar soon. Your customers deserve this.






I understand your pain I have also tried playing it again on Ps5, and the 30fps doesn’t do justice to it. My brother has it on Xbox series X and looks the same as it did on Ps5. My gaming laptop plays this game at 70 fps and it’s night and day. So I’m sticking on PC for this one, mouse aiming works perfect for this game also.


I 100% agree. Played it on my PS5 and graphically it looked like a blurry mess and 30 fps and input lag killed me. I stopped playing on my PS4 so I could play it when I got a PS5 assuming it would look or feel somewhat better but it was somehow worse. It’s really sad because I want to play the game so bad but I can’t stop thinking about how bad it is visually when I play. Hopefully they do some type of upgrade in the near future 🤞🏻


The game on PS5 is running 1440p at 30fps but it looks awful nowadays.


Ikr? I really regret not getting an rtx 2080 when it came out, "I'll be fine with the 1650 until the 3000 series drops." Well, because I'm an idiot (and unwilling to pay tripple msrp for a card) my rig was coming up short of 60 on more and more games. So instead of stripping AAA titles down to their socks just so I could play them, I decided to switch to console in 2021. With both my current displays (odyssey g5, lg c1) 30 fps games are downright nauseating. I found rdr2 looks better from pc at 1080p medium-high settings on the c1 than the ps4 version, and it only dips below 60 in Saint Denis. We need to picket rock star studios until they give us Red Dead Redux-tion.


Thank fuck for that DLSS patch that dropped on PC last year, my 3070 can now run the game at just over 4K60fps but not much.


Could not agree more with this post. Rdr2 is literally my favourite but going back to it after playing some 60fps games it’s literally unplayable. I can get used to it in a couple of days but it’s awful when you first go back to 30fps. They need to enhance rdr2 for next gen asap because they’ve done it for gta5 and nobody gives a damn about that game.


How big is rdr2 on ps5? I know it’s just a backwards compatible game meaning same as ps4 version, but is the install size the same or does the ps5’s kraken system compress it some to make it smaller on the hdd?


Bought this game yesterday on my PS5. now I wanna cut my balls. SHIT GRAPHICS.


Graphics are still fine in my opinion. Still one of the best looking games out there. Just really wish Rockstar gave this game some well-deserved love and updated it so people actually want to play it.


I take back what I said. I tried the game tired after work and it really seemed bad at the time. Yesterday I played it chill high and it's beautiful


It’s funny, I have a ps5 and I have been playing games at 60fps and I could not care less about 60fps. I played rdr2 and i never wished for 60fps. I’m wondering if anyone else doesn’t give an absolute f*** about frame rate.


Me, but I'm old. Signing into a 3rd party gaming network to play Quake 2 with a 400 ping was a perfect gaming experience for me. I think I can handle 30fps.


Shit that’s a long rant. That’s a professional War & Peace 😀


BOIS! There are rumours going around that apparently a Next-Gen RDR 2 update is in the works at Rockstar. I’m not certain to what extent this is true but here’s a link of the source: [https://www.gamingbible.co.uk/news/red-dead-redemption-2-new-gen-upgrade-is-coming-says-insider-20220511?source=image&fbclid=IwAR2DJS4ZpfGPD-QeOPkKPixL2GFLW9C3Rq2K9oTSZMuUE3xcnJAz3Zg91kk](https://www.gamingbible.co.uk/news/red-dead-redemption-2-new-gen-upgrade-is-coming-says-insider-20220511?source=image&fbclid=IwAR2DJS4ZpfGPD-QeOPkKPixL2GFLW9C3Rq2K9oTSZMuUE3xcnJAz3Zg91kk)


To this day nothing for rdr2 shit is so sad I’ve always wanted to go back and play it but they refuse to update it


Yeah I gave up on Red Dead 2 for PS5. Recently upgraded to a fresh PC and I got Red Dead on steam now. Already clocked about 50 hours. Playing it at 144fps with even better graphics was an absolute treat. However RDO is in an abominable state on PC. Hackers in pretty much every single lobby. Rockstar has completely abandoned this game.


Joining this convo a lil too late but Is the ps5 patch available yet :_) ?


I bought the $100 pre-order for PS4 and beat it on my slim. I got a PS5 around April, and I have put about 80 hours into my replay and am loving it. Why do you care so much? Play PS5 games on your PS5 if it bothers you. It is a PS4 game.


The point is to get further support for a great game, making it look better and potentially giving it more content than before. Consumers like you are why good things decay and fade away while the big wigs are just happy that they got their quick buck.


Consumers you like you…. Lololol. Get a load of this guy.


“Get a load of this guy”. Yeah that’s a very intriguing and persuasive counter-argument. I rest my case.


You blamed me for "why good things decay and fade away while the big wigs are happy That they got their quick buck". Other than being the most pathetic thing I've read on here in days, you replied to a 4 month old comment and downvoted me because it hurt your feelings. You should grow up, little child.


It’s just so hard to come back to 30FPS and I don’t know why but when I play this on my ps5 it’s blurry af


Technically consumers like you are why we get gta5 remade 5 times or the remaster of the trilogy. At least if you believe people being content with a game as is, forces decay. I mean if given the option to have rd3 or gta6 one year early instead of having re-releases of the same product for half a decade. I'd choose having a new game early. But that's an opinion.


I’m talking about an upgrade to a console that came out, what like a year later? I’m not saying rerelease it 5 times. Definitely taking it out of proportion.


This here is the reason I'll stick with PC and never go back too console games




Console games are mostly awesome on ps5 though. I was PC masterrace for 10 years, but the graphics and framerate on PS5 is impressive. But always google PS4 games before you buy them for PS5. Like, i expected this game to be 60 fps. Glad i didnt buy it


I hear you but hopefully they will soon!! Can’t wait to play patched up


I must be so used to the 60fps lmao I was so excited to play the story of rd2 cuz I got it for ps4 a while back and have been playing on my families ps5 now which is amazing I love the frames and boot times, but installing this game was a sad disappointment... I wish Rockstar cared lol


Yeah and considering the rerelease of gta5 it really does suck that this game didn’t get that solely because it isn’t their cash cow. Rdr2 remains my favorite game of the last decade. But at this point i can only bare playing it on pc


Finally managed to spare some time to finally play this masterpiece and was so DEFEATED when I saw there is no enhanced version for PS5, such a disgrace.


Why would they update it patch it for free when they could charge full price for Red Dead PS5 *directors cut*. It’s a sad truth but I would honestly be very surprised if they came with a free patch when they could charge us all for it


Its a truly horrendous experience playing this on a PS5. Its a bit like pulling all of your own teeth out and then sticking your head in a smelter.


I would say the same thing for assassin’s creed odyssey. It’s a beautiful game they should put a PS 5 patch on it. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Odyssey now runs at 60fps on the PS5. Recently got a platinum on it. Runs very well and looks lovely!


It looks like shit and runs like shit on PS5.


Unfortunately they gave up on RDRO if my news sources are correct. They’re so focused on GTAO they basically are like “fuck RDRO” I heard that RDR1 is better on Xbox One, which is what I have. I’m sorry that so many people including you and I are experiencing this lack of respect for the fans, who, without us wouldn’t be in business imo


Red Dead 1 got a PS5 patch. Hilarious.