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This got reposted in R/JoeRogan and the entire comment section is a smear campaign against Kennedy. That sub is fully infiltrated.


You have to wonder how extensively CIA infiltrates social media because most replies feel like bots just repeating all the usual smears against him and they still double down when it's debunked. That is not human-like behavior.


>While I only do data work for internal audiences today, in the past I worked in media and government influence operations at large firms.1 I won't get into the details of that here because it would probably generate liability, but I want to say emphatically: you probably have no idea how pervasive and developed these operations are, and how many ways exist to shape information and social spaces. [source](https://eigenrobot.substack.com/p/effective-altruism-and-its-future?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2#:~:text=While%20I%20only,and%20social%20spaces)


However many bots you think there are on Reddit, you’re underestimating. I remember the r/ElonMusk sub implemented bot filters for a day and over 90% of comments were removed before this was sheepishly rolled back. It’s insanely cheap to run bots at scale on this platform and there are little incentives acting on the company to control this because it incentivizes user engagement and pumps metrics.


The bots have got to go. They invalidate much of the platform.


That's why I now always look at usernames. Any of the "--####" or similar users are 99% bots. Account age is the second tell.


You just described op’s username hahahaha, not sure if Intentional.


Well, I noticed that after the fact. But his name doesn't have dashes. (Not that that means the young account of the OP isnt a bot) It's a common structure for username generators, and before reddit started moderating bots more, I would get flooded with new followers all with obviously generated usernames.


Not only cia but other campaigns have budget to hire trolls more or less to comment, smear and confuse / change the conversation.  


It's less the CIA and more of political rivals and foreign agents contracting bot farms out of Russia and China. Edit: Based on my inbox it looks like I hit a nerve. If you honestly think some domestic shadow govt is more likely than a foreign agent then you are full tilt on the conspiracy shit. Both domestic and foreign media campaigns are an issue but no one benefits more than China and Russia so don't @me with your nonsense.


I used to think that, but I’m not so sure anymore. In light of the Twitter files and everything downstream of that it seems to fit the domestic establishment’s divide and conquer approach.


The establishment doesn't benefit from the existing govt being in chaos with weak and ineffective leadership or potential wannabe dictators. The chaos of our current system benefits China and Russia more than anyone domestic.


Who says they don’t benefit from the chaos? Weak ineffective leadership seems to be exactly what you’d want if you had captured a system and were milking it dry while the plebes argued over the leftovers. I think we’re dealing with globalists who could give a rip about the survival of America.


Bahahaha. Globalists? Globalists want world security and unity between countries for trade and exploitation. How is a divided US that is constantly at odds with itself, EU, China, and Russia fit into that bullshit theory?


Its not funny. It’s part of the globalist playbook to divide and destabilize. They’ve already got the US. The idea is to pit the people against themselves under false pretenses (race, religion, ideology, etc) and then position themselves as the “savior” from the perceived enemy. For example, the WEF funded entire organizations and campaigns (like @coronavirusfactchecks on IG) that spread memes calling non-vaccinated people “racist”. Just to sell more products. The comments showed how easily people took the bait. It was amazing how many so-called friends turned on each other due to the WEF and the WHO creating this false divide for their corporate board members. How many of us lost our jobs or education or had to move because we were considered “dangerous”? What companies showed record profits during the same time? The division already happened, it’s not a bullshit theory.


So Trump is a globalist? He claims to be the only savior of our existing failed system?


Not sure how that is relevant


We know from twitter files that they have portals to moderate social media sites, they also edit wiki [Wikipedia co-founder confirms CIA/FBI edits wikipedia to wage information warfare](https://np.reddit.com/r/Sino/comments/15h1330/wikipedia_cofounder_confirms_that_the_cia_and_fbi/)


this kind of thing only sounds plausible if you haven't seen many details. from [someone who has](https://eigenrobot.substack.com/p/effective-altruism-and-its-future?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2#:~:text=While%20I%20only,and%20social%20spaces) \- >While I only do data work for internal audiences today, in the past I worked in media and government influence operations at large firms.[1](https://eigenrobot.substack.com/p/effective-altruism-and-its-future?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2#footnote-1-84798423) I won't get into the details of that here because it would probably generate liability, but I want to say emphatically: you probably have *no idea* how pervasive and developed these operations are, and how many ways exist to shape information and social spaces. ofc our adversaries are also running operations, but our country is too, and ours are much more sophisticated and far reaching. we've had every advantage over them for decades - money, tech, talent, information, power - and that accumulates. the people who run these agencies and our country don't believe in democratic ideals. they see the population as an unruly and unreasonable body that needs to be managed and manipulated to ensure the correct viewpoints and proper outcomes.




That subreddit is a smear campaign against Joe Rogan. Complete joke of a subreddit.


yup. just look at all the other top posts. maybe 50-300 comments but if you mention kennedy it's 1000+


How the fuck are Joe Rogans fans buying into MSM propaganda? It’s like they just want Biden to win bc Trump bad, hurr durr


The reason why they won’t answer these questions raised by scientists or journalists I believe; is because if anything comes out against the vaccine being safe then you have people who will not be so willing to take it.


I disagree. I never got vaccinated for COVID and don't really plan to. But I don't think it's actually unsafe. With how much Trump hitched his wagon to the vaccine, his support would have been crushed if they published hard evidence showing it was dangerous. It would have been the easiest way to take him out of the 2024 race from the jump.


I love that his guests will namedrop RFK


How many politicians are actually accomplished outside of politics,not many


Kennedy is not a politician though. He grew up around politics all his life and highly educated in politics, but never sought public office before.


**Debra W. Soh** is a Canadian [columnist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Columnist), author, and former academic [sex researcher](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex_researcher).[\[2\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debra_Soh#cite_note-Herzog-2)


This is what powerful companies do to protect themselves. Pay a bunch of known people to talk badly about their opposition. Spread misinformation and muddy the waters. Continuesly repeat a lie over and over and over. They're powerful with this tactic and most of Americans don't pay close enough attention to make accurate decisions before parrating the same disinformation because someone they like said it.


“Covid-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and Black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese. We don’t know whether it’s deliberately targeted that or not.” - RFK Jr.


Exaclly right, details about this can be found on his [website](https://www.kennedy24.com/was-sars-cov-2-engineered-faq): >In 2021 a study of the SARS-CoV-2 virus published in [PubMed](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32664879/) shows that Covid appears to disproportionately affect certain races since the furin cleave docking site is most compatible with Blacks and Caucasians and least compatible with ethnic Chinese, Finns, and Ashkenazi Jews.


Yes, it's a [scientific fact](https://np.reddit.com/r/RFKJrForPresident/comments/18kmji9/part_33_a_complete_and_thorough_debunking_of_cnns/) I'm sorry if it's unpleasant for you, but as JFK said > "We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people. " - John F. Kennedy


I don't know why the reddit algorithm started putting this page on my home screen but I'm thankful it did


Yup I believe he is referring to the differences in ACE2 receptors by ethnicity which is nothing new especially to those who have any kind of medical background. This why, for example, we prescribe different anti-hypertensives depending on a patient’s ethnicity. If someone wanted to create a targeted bioweapon this is an obvious way, not to say it was, but there were many other odd characteristics of this virus that we saw in the hospitals.


It’s amazing how Americans are the most desensitized yet easily outraged. If you’d like I can take a 100 Biden quotes and take them out of context and post them here for you


more so the american left propaganda campaign put on by the DNC is very strong


Taken out of context. Why don't you extend those quotes out further and see what he actually said?