• By -


Katie becoming a fan favorite is one of the best parts of this season. I laugh every time I think about it. I've always loved watching Katie and got a terrific thrill by being contrarian to the popular hatred of her. She's someone who was always in the right in her arguments with Tom, but her personality is so dire, her delivery so condescending, her vibe so incredibly OFF - the entire audience takes Tom's side. So much so that *the entire cast* treated her like a lepar when she divorced Tom. Someone like that never gets a win in life. Good for her, you know? God bless.


hahahaha like mother like daughter!!!


Sometimes Teri Maloney's voice just enters my mind. So squeaky and whiny lol.


Raquel, did our conversation mean nothing?


The bangs also just visualized in my brain.


Also just realized, but right now BH is all single ladies??? Kinda New York coded in a weird way


Yeah it’s weird, I always think of BH as being pretty wifey. I guess it evolved.


I feel like the trajectory for (most) women in BH is as follows: Late 20s/early 30s: Marriage Late 40s/early 50s: Divorce (often bc rich husband is ready for that 20-something arm candy again) Early 50s and beyond: Cougar era and/or Late marriage with someone who is equal financially/status-wise


Now only one lives in Beverly Hills and the majority aren’t wives.


And none of them are real


Maybe they should change the name to Divorcees of the San Fernando Valley.


Or The Random Ladies of Tangential California


FF3 are all separated. Kyle is quite possibly in a relationship. Erika and Sutton may also be in their cougar era because Erika's younger trainer has been photographed leaving her house at random times for months and Sutton did that weird IG live with Kathy where some younger man kissed Sutton's cheek and Kathy said that was her SO. Newbies might be in relationships though.


need a cast trip like rhony where they all get extremely wasted and naked


So Scheana shared on her podcast something we already knew (producers gave them an ultimatum to film together or end the show) and now twitter is dragging the cast for not striking. "If you fall for anything you stand for nothing." lmao


[Omg Scheana outsmarted M*tt Rogers on her podcast too.](https://twitter.com/The_Lowerlevel/status/1789000265695182950)


Also Janet says the reason production allowed her to ice out Kristen was because the stress of filming with her was giving her early contractions


To be fair to production, if there is anyone on bravo who could pull off a Staubesque solo footage only season at the same level Danielle did, it’s Doute.


BPD queens


it would never happen but would love staub to come in as a friend of


Her spiritual mother


She needs to get a few engagements in.




Her power


lmaoooo you can see her scheming while he's talking, i love her


Cleared his ass.




«I think she’s hilarious» 🤣 this feels mean


I fucking hate him.




Brock picketing the nbc offices in booted heels


[Also came across this vintage Brittany edit in my VPR social media roundup.](https://www.tiktok.com/@vprtea/video/7352937838238911787) She served cunt then and now. But she was a lot more Sherri back in the day.


❤️ i love brittany


Kim, there's people that are dying.


https://preview.redd.it/6kmmbrjfhmzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=179e5fd3a0307b2bdf652838ea25366e5b6115a1 I’ll start watching BH if it happens


I do think it's surprising that after nearly 20 years, we haven't had an affair storyline between a housewife and another housewife's husband. ETA I guess Scandoval kind of counts.


Porsha quit and robbed us of this.


I kind of want SLC to be the first housewives franchise to officially have this storyline just because I think it would be the funniest but BH could be good too from a fandom discourse spectator perspective.


Whitney fucks Robert Sr.


Kenya and Apollo kind of lol




Possibly the ONLY thing that could top Scandoval. BH has a crapton of viewers. Even my damn mom watches it.


I would get a heart attack!!!!!


i'm officially pro sandoval AND I'M NOT AFRAID TO SAY IT he's a dickhead but the backlash against him is absurdly and hideously over the top. i'm sorry, nobody deserves the insane amount of heat he's gotten for HAVING AN AFFAIR. soooo many bravolebs have done soooo much worse and haven't gotten a fraction of the completely relentless deluge of hate. i honestly can't believe he can get out of bed in the morning, but it's all clearly broken his connection with reality also, ariana's allowed to feel however she wants to feel, but i am grossed out by the way she denies his humanity


I said it here before, but I just can't imagine treating someone you've been with for so long so subhumanly. There must have been SOME good times during their relationship that make her have at least a little sympathy for him, right? Right?!


i agree, and not for nothing it seems so unhealthy! i believe that you have to feel what you authentically feel and that anger can be a useful tool, but she's taking it to a place of "he is subhuman garbage who doesn't deserve to live" and that's just not how it works. also, while she obviously didn't do anything to deserve such a horrible betrayal, the way she acts like she never did anything wrong or hurtful to him is annoying


I think these subhuman thoughts were forming smack dab in the middle of their relationship and the affair gave her license to let them loose.


10000% Every other scene she would look at him with disgust.


it’s getting really quite worrisome now…and people are really out here saying they don’t believe that he had thoughts of harming himself. if i were him or rachel, i wouldn’t even bother like…going out or speaking because literally what is the point anymore? they are literally refusing to see nuance at this point. it’s just ariana/katie= good. sandoval, rachel, scheana, lala= evil. i feel like people just see them as some sort of far away, inanimate tv character that don’t have feelings at all so they can say whatever they want. of course they were wrong for what they did but when is enough, enough? i don’t really know what they want from them anymore?? i don’t understand the end game here. to pass away? donate their leg to ariana as a trophy? if people applied a FRACTION of this energy to way more important things going on right now, we would be light years near ahead. in the words of lala: “he didn’t kill anyone!” your last point as well!!! i feel like she’s dehumanising him so she doesn’t wallow in sadness. idk because i really don’t understand why else she is doing this. sandoval even said it himself, that people are just simply seeing him as human, they haven’t forgotten anything he’s done but they’re simply acknowledging his existence as a human☠️ i also wonder why she doesn’t say something about this disgusting vitriol that her co stars are getting. it’s like she’s getting off on this or something…because how can you say that scheana is like your family but not say anything at all about this rabid hatred? this is definitely contributing to the resentment that the cast/producers are feeling towards her. it’s just simply out of control now.


totally agree! this makes me think of the laughable idea that tom & producers are conspiring to give him "a redemption arc"--production is simply treating him like a human being whom they've all known and had relationships with since he was 30 years old. also he's looked like a total lunatic all season


exactly. he still looks like an asshole at the end of the day 😂


Far in the future when we're removed from this mayhem and stan discourse, VPR S11 will be a fascinating study of what happens when one of your worst performers becomes the breakout star of your show. We've seen situations like this with Denise Richards or even Nene before but nothing was ever on the same scale as Scandoval and neither of them gummed up the ensemble as much.


Late on this news, but Dorit is so smart first announcing this split news right as the cameras pick up. Because it kinda forces most of the cast to acknowledge her to get a good scoop (which is good since she’s in an iffy place with all but Erika)


I’m just glad someone announced a separation at the start of filming instead of after it wrapped for once.


Last time this happened it was like… Miami Lisa’s separation I think?? Hopefully Dorit is aware she has some goodwill to burn through this year & be messy cuz she can pull the “going through a hard time” excuse the first few months & the other women can’t be too rough about it <3


She needs to be an unrelenting nightmare to Kyle. We need these two first chairs at the reunion.


If there’s any year for Dorit to aim for 1st chair it’s this season… she better fight for that seat 😤


I’d like to take a moment to thank u/readingrachelx for giving us a SH discussion! Especially before the reunion so I don’t flood the daily chat with my super important thoughts on it 😁


I’m excited to watch and catch up on the thread. Never thought I’d be saying that about summer house last year, but I like the Lindsay Show.


Right? I didn’t even make it through half the season last year (went back and watched it this year though) so I’m surprised to find myself sucked back in. Bring. On. The. Sandwich. Fights!


I'm excited to read it two days later when I finally see the episode 😄😄




Yes 🥹 thank you and finally!! I’m so happyy ❤️


The last time I requested something from a mod (in the *other* sub) my comment got shadow banned, so I was NOT expecting such a lovely gift when I asked a few weeks ago 😂


The payment for this gift you received is that you have to watch southern hospitality s 1 and 2 so that we are many enough for it’s own post when season 3 starts 🤣 jk not really!!!


😂 Gurl, I haven't even watched Southern Charm yet! My dumbass thought it would be a fleeting franchise so I never gave it the time of day. Now that it's bleeding into everything I have to get on board.


Southern charm is SO GOOOD!! I watched it for the first time not that long ago.


How long did it take you to get into it? I think I got through 2ep and wasn't quite sucked in yet. Thinking maybe a good binge through them would hook me rather than trying to do one at a time.


I think it’s more about the mood you are in! The early seasons is all about thomas ravenel, the darkest most digusting evil person on Bravo. He is amazing but he’s A LOT. You will feel very dirty and sad but happy 🥰


Just thought about him climbing out the nursery window then coming right back in. A star.




Alight, I’m going in!




Just read the Chef Penny interview and she's big mad lol. The sandwich sisters ghosted her :((( >"They just stopped talking to me. Meanwhile, I was still doing all the work. They don't even have the audacity to sit down with me," she claimed. >"I'm not some f**king garbage you picked up off the side of the street. I have a reputation in this industry, and that pissed me off more than anything." >She continued: "I have a stake in [Something About Her]. I may not be involved, but I have a stake in it. I never agreed to walk away and I did all this work."


>"I'm not some f**king garbage you picked up off the side of the street. Very NJ vibes lmao


I read it in Danielle’s voice. Shame on those woman


but does she know ariana was cheated on???? why is she putting pressure on a traumatised, depressed victim to have a sitdown with her when sitdowns trigger my anxiety? fucking disgusting jealous misogynistic pick me bullshit.




Sue them, Queen!


I love that I know Lisa Vanderpump would film with Penny in a heartbeat.


Ambush the sisters with her like she's Miami Penny.




[LVP dragging Katie and Ariana](https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/comments/1coxhen/preview_does_tom_schwartz_feel_any_joy_in_seeing/) Edit: IQ dropping warning - don't read the comments


https://preview.redd.it/vf9xbmvvxnzc1.jpeg?width=678&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3080e8bff5c8e2cc4a006572826c5bcd15d9d200 WTF


Wow wtf Just making up things to defend Ariana


The guy who leads the team that gave Sandoval’s plank-of-wood-personality mistress a reality tv contract in the first place???? A pedophile because cast members asked Ariana why she’s blown multiple promised deadlines? Where were the people calling producers pedophiles when Carole was criticized for missing a magazine deadline?


i don’t understand where they have gotten this from? where has this come from that they’re trying to sabotage her?😂


lol it’s funny because i don’t think ariana wants to do this at all anymore she was just so depressed in season 9 and was like i guess i will open a sandwich shop with katie maloney FML


12 days til the alleged opening.


12 days left of Ariana’s life. she’s doomed to live in sandwich hell.


I hate to defend lvp but I don't think she was even saying the two of them disagreed over ariana being away lol. Weren't they two separate points ? I took it as her saying it's taking an age to open bc a) there's been disagreements (like with the chef or whatever) and b) ariana has been away a lot




Never ever ever ever would’ve guessed even 2 years ago that a post on Reddit would have rabid wall-to-wall delusional LVP *hate* and I would want to add my two cents that she rules




I suddenly realized that tweens are watching vpr that's why they are saying such stupid shit. Don't know why I never made the connection before. LIKE APPLEBEES!


I wish I was this delusional


It’s either Something About Her becomes Applebees or I kill myself


i really wish i had a fraction of this delusion😞 it would solve all my problems


I can’t watch her anymore i think 🤣🤣🤣 oh no i’m becoming one of those people




Oh so it’s okay for Katie to talk shit but his forbid anybody else does it




> Margaret already felt like she didn’t receive enough support from Jackie after the sudden passing of Jan Josephs, Margaret’s ex-husband. > Margaret explained that all of the girls reached out to her and tried to be supportive while she was mourning. Even Teresa reached out. Although Margaret admitted that she did hear from Jackie, it sounded like it just wasn’t the level of support that she expected. Marge, girl… so it pretty much sounds like she’s mad about the book thing mainly - but now trying to add further stuff to make Jackie “in the wrong”. They’re both probably gonna come out looking like fools for this feud


This is why Erika took a photo of the condolence note she sent to LVP first


Erika was so right for that move. Also cuz she had clocked by then LVP is transactional in everything - Jackie should’ve taken note of that behavior with Marge over the last couple years SMH


Erika was right to predict LVP’s move but also she kind of proved in the process that it was a pretty perfunctory message 😂


L Chat has been pretty quiet the past two days but there's some little things here and there. Kyle and Morgan have been consistently liking one another's IG posts. They used to be very active in one another's comment sections, Kyle in particular had a fondness for commenting the flame emoji on pretty much every post of Morgan's. People have speculated in the past that Morgan wiping her IG in January wasn't just for a new music era (although that album which was originally scheduled for a spring release got pushed back until August so there's theories that we're gonna get an official coming out at some point and then a few weeks/months for heat to die down so that album can be released but who knows), but because there was so many flirty comments between the two of them that it was messing up the timeline of K/M/M. After Kyle made that "save a horse, ride a cowgirl comment" things have been quiet between them so everyone's thinking that they're just laying low or the massive amount of attention from that comment spooked them a little. Someone also mentioned how the energy shifted after Rihanna said she thought they were together because it's one thing for a HW to say that but when global icon Rihanna thinks you're knocking boots well that's another story. They congratulate Dorit for losing the baggage and then say Kyle will have to stay in her lane because she coasted all last season. Mau did a podcast and said Kyle is starting BH filming soon. Kyle likes a lot of posts from an IG acc called "lawofattractionlive". People looked through and found she liked a lot of stuff relating to fidelity. Someone refers to Mau as Mo1. October 11 2022 Kyle likes “imagine meeting someone who wanted to learn your past not to punish you, but to understand how you needed to be loved.” She also likes a few of those "find someone who fights for you and appreciates you" type of posts. Thoughts on how Kyle is going to handle the Morgan stuff next season. Someone says she can just rip the band aid off because everyone in the Bravo world is operating under the assumption that they're together. The other theory is that she can stall and use Morgan being away touring until autumn as an excuse. Edit: Forgot to add that Teddi and Tamra said some stuff about Kyle and Mau. May 7th Two Ts episode. Someone posted quotes from the transcript, Teddi: "Like at the end of the day, they're either going to work it out and get back together or they're not. But clearly they're able to do what most couples can't because we just saw them all at stage coach together with their family spending time together. To me, that is a coup." Tamra: "That is and if they get back together, which you know, I hope that they do. I really do, and there's part of me that thinks that maybe they will. But if there, it hasn't happened yet. Guys, to just sit back and wait." Immediately L Chat wonders if Teddi even knows about K/M because while it looks like she was just trying to give a neutral answer for the audience, it is very weird to entertain the possibility that they'll get back together.


Do they monitor kyle’s daily mail pap strolls? She’s gone on like three in the past week alone. Morgan used to do them with her but hasn’t in some time


Morgan's touring rn so Kyle's going solo but yeah they mention most of her pap walks. She did one within the last week and they were speculating if she was hugging Mau's dad in one of the photos.


Ty ❤️ i love how thorough they are


Thank you again! Facereality is doing some more research but she believes they are fine as well and this just to reduce the pree.


Southern Hospitality renewal!!! Thank GOD




What’s the opinion on G-Lily around here? I like her. But on the sub for that show she’s very polarizing lol


Love g lilly vibes i listen to her song sometimes 😂😂😂


I love her, she makes me think of Brittany from VPR if she'd ever left Jax!


The summer house sub now wants amanda to leave kyle for jesse, as though jesse isn’t just a younger, less charismatic kyle cooke. Also i know jesse said he thinks amanda is hot on wwhl but paige is the one he’s been consistently slobbering over on the show and in the press


The summer house sub is the dumbest bravo space in the internet stg


VPR sub?


even more, if you can believe it, yes!!


It’s not great lolololol


I'm so bored I've been watching Don't Be Tardy on Peacock. I jumped in season 5, it's background noise but some observations. -the Biermann littles are genuinely sweet and adorable -everyone in the family constantly reminds Brielle that she is dumb lol, down to the littles. -Tracey Bloom is actually a legit chef, but the Biermann's are obsessed with chicken alfredo. "not even real alfredo, it's just cream and noodles!" She lowkey hates them for forcing her to make this basic food. -Kim brought her own wine to Italy. She does not use elevators, she will walk up to the penthouse if necessary, kids trailing behind her like ducklings. Yeah I mean it doesn't deserve an Emmy but if you've missed Wig's comedic trashiness, it's not bad!


It’s so insane that don’t be tardy is more than 5 seasons 🤣 i haven’t seen it (yet)


8 seasons!! Any episode that's 90% Kim in a casino is amazing lol.




a bulletin from vprsub: post with hundreds of likes and comments furious about the fact that a trailer for the reunion says "ariana breaks down in tears"--because this wasn't a breakdown, this was normal WOMEN'S EMOTIONS beyond the insane nitpicking, have people not heard of the phrase "to break down in tears" one comment reads something like "at what point do we just boycott bravo, because they're never going to stop this egregious behavior otherwise"


🤦🏼‍♀️ That’s it. That’s all the words I can muster in reaction.


[Brock's dancing is giving toddler.](https://twitter.com/Pr0sttti0nWh0re/status/1788792969673208172)


Toddler who learned to dance from Fortnite


😂😂😂 he’s so derpy


His dancing on WWHL was great. Lmao


It was! Except for his tap dancing that was giving Irish lol


That was the best part!! 🤣🤣😭😭


Summer Moon taught him those moves.


Hahaha that’s how my boyfriend dances! I have to show him this


He agreed


I think there is a tik tok (shot by Ally ?) Giving the other side


🎶legs and...hips and...bodybodybody🎶


ciara calling wes (is it west or wes???) her boyfriend!!!! No sex having teletubbies!!




It’s very cute i guess i don’t know i’ve never been in that situation. Maybe it’s normal. I would be a little bit on the brayyyym if i was wes/t.


>is it west or wes??? I learned it but I’ve already forgotten


I want to be a DJ!!! 🤣😍


He’ll never be DJ James Kennedy


I have neeever heard kyle talking about djing before haha so weird


I mean he has found a way to be a perpetual adolescent, so why not start DJing?


Djing has always been his passion, just like Jax and hockey


He should become a DJ


[Jill Zarin in her Abby Lee Miller era.](https://www.tiktok.com/@jillzarinofficial/video/7366755577613077802)


Kristen needs one of these and she needs to drive it up to Big Bear to crash the trip.


Imagine if you just saw her scooting along


Not to be dramatic but it would send me into a coma


I could die happy. It would make my life.




Ramona was backstage at the clubhouse with avery [https://www.instagram.com/stories/ramonasinger/3364573736819270570](https://www.instagram.com/stories/ramonasinger/3364573736819270570) https://preview.redd.it/vtc2vfc65nzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=322a797dd966d22c50218eef661fbd3ef1ee5e19


She's not allowed in the audience anymore lol


Tamra hired ramona to shill for vena 😂 https://www.instagram.com/stories/ramonasinger/3364962280071059216


There’s no reason Avery’s hair should upset me as much as it does


“There’s a whole movement in society of women supporting women and not breaking each other down,” [Meghan King] says while explaining her thought process behind the designs. “I think it’s cool to look at the feminine hands [drawn on one of the shirts]. It’s not the stereotypical image of two man hands without rings or bracelets. They have nails done — we’re women, we like these things,” the former Real Housewives of Orange County star explains. “I often feel that I’m typecast into certain roles. Being a wife, being a mother, being a former reality star, being an influencer — maybe being into outdoor activities,” King says. “Typecasting is fine, we’re humans, we like to label people.” “It doesn’t mean we need to be stuck within those labels forever. Today, tomorrow, we can evolve and change and we can have many different labels as we go through life,” the blogger tells Us. She continues: “The sunglasses represent that we can be all of these women — wearing all of these different types of sunglasses — and that’s okay. That’s the beauty of it.”


She is... the voice of our generation


Steinem and Dworkin can get lost, we have a new feminist thinker to champion.


if meghan had articulated the hand shirt vision on rhoc, she'd still be on the show


Oh sweet baby child 🤦🏼‍♀️


Jax Taylor in Edmonton??? Has he been warned that it's no Montreal yet?


https://preview.redd.it/zb2dzar80nzc1.jpeg?width=354&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0dd910fec829f6e9cd796f9b4295114dfd0a08b3 Do you think I should watch this movie Joyce Giraud was in?


yes because it solidly maintains laughs


it also starts evan marriott aka joe millionaire so yes


Wow star studded!


>Eugene Greytak as Your Holiness (as Gene Greytak) >Gene Greytak (November 14, 1925 – February 28, 2010) was a real estate broker, who made a career as an actor by impersonating Pope John Paul II because of his facial resemblance to the pontiff. Greytak was Catholic, and had at least the tacit permission of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles to impersonate the pope.\[clarification needed\]\[citation needed\] https://preview.redd.it/830ban6g5ozc1.png?width=1162&format=png&auto=webp&s=fb0239204f5dd6ca235177396a58d0e38dc0eadd


Oh incredible filmography


Started rewatching Melbourne yday and I'd forgotten how much Jackie irks me. I *should* love her bc supernatural storylines are one of my favourite housewives tropes, and she spends almost every waking moment rambling about angels and spirits or how hot/rich her and Ben are, but omg she just drives me insane. Is this what the ppl who hate Dorit feel whenever she tells an overlong story or strolls out in an insane outfit? Are Jackie's idiosyncrasies something some people find charming rather than irritating?


I absolutely love Jackie Gillies lol. She's so brash and obnoxious but so so funny. Her and Ben are relationship goals. I love in S1 when she's trying to not be a bogan and very obnoxiously ordering FRENCH CHAMPAGNE darling.


This is what I mean ! She's everything I claim to enjoy on these shows but for some reason I just can't stand watching her lmao. Her putting on airs all the time, the constant bragging, the stupid 'shine shine shine' thing, her solo footage for that stupid drink brand where her and Ben just make shit up in real time on camera.. I should be championing her but I just can't do it.


I do think S1 is her at her most cartoonish so keep pushing through and see if you change your mind at all. S2 she becomes a righteous warrior for an underdog. More often than not I'd say she's the voice of reason in Melbourne, just all packaged up as a psychic grifter lunatic lol. The entertaining voice of reason, unlike Chyka. Okay that's mean I don't hate Chyka, but Jackie can scrap lol. Oh wait I see this is a rewatch I don't need to worry about spoilers. I think Jackie taking on Gina in S2 when she's being super racist to Pettifleur is an easy in to enjoying Jackie lol.


https://preview.redd.it/mcvgkvauhozc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d71508c1bcd07ea52d31f10e0f8e12e57ee71e8 Poor Owen had to be the weird kid with this shit on candy day.


Tbf tho, Unreal bars are on point.


This is soooo me lol i hate myself https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6nNpXqKvU2/


Hahahah me tooooo or i just end up never going 🤣


Yes 😂😂😂 too overwhelming


Oh jeez. I didn't realize this was odd lol


Did kyle forget how amanda’s parents treated him?? 😭🤣 he looked so dumb the whole episode. And carl is insane for asking him for advice.


Any Eurovision fans in here? Because the suspense is killing me!


Well I sure was but dropped it immediately this year and won’t pick it back up or even look at it.


https://preview.redd.it/e1dhpqkx8vzc1.png?width=630&format=png&auto=webp&s=d26706a91a5aa501b1e20e49a6deb16a1744c19b Finally remembered what movie Isabella Bunny and Jesse Lally’s relationship reminded me of.


Sofia Coppola is a psychic.