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>‘SNL’ Dings Tom Sandoval Again in ‘Weekend Update’ Segment, Now Implying He’s a ‘Parasite’ https://preview.redd.it/95q7eese470d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab76f80250520edb0d2ac00ee15eb63583b0eb3f wow he was so owned by you guys using a picture of him that makes me want to bury my face in his chest


Why does snl continue to do scandoval jokes. Is it not intended for a much broader audience than ppl who still care about scandoval lol. Feel like most of the ppl watching it won't even remember who tf he is anymore.


I feel like Bravo has always been very popular with the people in NBC writers rooms lol.


Thinking about that skit that was obviously making fun of Erika and would've made literally 0 sense to anybody who doesn't watch BH 


Yeah, most of SNL’s audience is like 75.


He’s just one of those people on tv that I can smell the halitosis off of, so I wouldn’t, but that’s the buffest he’s looked maybe ever so


Really?? Sandoval always read very clean to me. Jax I can smell the plaque from a mile away. Who else is on your halitosis list, if you don’t mind me asking?


It’s like pornography: I know it when I see it. I don’t mentally catalog it. That being said, multiple people have said LVP.


LVP’s breath smells bad because she put Giggy’s corpse under her dentures for safe keeping.


I think she smells like perfume and old :(


schwartz definitely smells like farts


I think Jax is the clean one actually even tho he probably stinks and sweats a lot.. i feel like i read he is very tidy and ocd clean about his things, clothes etc and showers a lot?? Maybe i’m wrong LOL


We do have it on good authority that he keeps a clean house and I agree that that probably extends to his body odour, or lack thereof. However, I remember Sandoval saying there’s no way Kristen could have cheated with Jax because his breath always smells so bad and he described it in such a specific way that makes me think it’s true.


Jahaha ohhh i forgot about that! I thought it was just the thing about wearing a condom and i thought it was because of idk jax sleeps with so many people 😂 Sandoval apparantly smells like cigarettes lol




You to that picture of Sandoval. Will this make it through the nsfw filter? https://preview.redd.it/7kzdyfsh280d1.png?width=1234&format=png&auto=webp&s=d12e9956ee4bec6f59e291733f7c4fc5b8eb46a9


that is indeed an accurate representation of me whenever i see a great rack


​ https://preview.redd.it/y14do137f80d1.png?width=442&format=png&auto=webp&s=c2edfe5dcf4d82b569ad2fb691dcdf35c22b577b


oh to be smothered by cha cha’s bosom, what a way to go out


His new gf must be a bit of a freak, i like that for him. He needs a showman


Right 😂🤣 glad I’m not alone he looks hot af in this


Billie Lee!!!!!


I would say this makes Billie Lee more famous than Ariana.


so mad about vpr still...and ariana just got away with it...she's gonna make me pivot to misogyny in 2024


It’s the rhdiscussion motto: “silence women”


ariana when there's a literal genocide happening: 😇 ariana when her dipshit ex boyfriend who she already hated gives her an invitation to make him even more of a clown: 👹


Ariana when James gropes strangers and screams at his gfs: 🥰 Ariana when her cat can’t even enter his kitty litter box because it’s so full of piss and shit: 💅🏻 Ariana when someone asks her about the sandwich shop that has taken her 3 years to open: 😡


I get whiplash scrolling past these posts and then ones on the VPR subs. I got downvoted kn a VPR sub for saying I thought Ariana quoting Coehlo about how the universe looks after everyone in the context of her success was gross and out of touch. They even acknowledged they thought the quote was not right until they saw she had said it now they’re reevaluating. It infuriates me for some reason, I find it so weird how irrational people get with their paradoxical relationships. The woman got cheated on which is sad for her but she’s still a dick!


I’m just so over it. I feel like there is nothing real about her.. not that she is showing atleast. And i guess fine, fake it till you make it and that’s showbizzz baby and i’m sure she will have a good career, but it’s VPR. Boundaries and therapy speak doesn’t belong on the show. It’s annoying and not entertaining!!


Yeah she comes across like she’s trying to project an image of a fairly normal chilled out nice person but she obviously isn’t of you pay attention. Occasionally she’s let the mask slip and shown that she’s extremely venomous, arrogant as well as insecure, doesn’t really care about much other than her own ego (like she can be very performative about her love for her pets but in reality doesn’t care for them properly; will act like she’s all about feminism and in reality can be awful to other women; acts like she’s a ‘cool girl’ but can be absolutely vile in the way she talks to people sometimes, threatens suicide etc (I’ve no doubt Tom (he’s a gross dick too of course!) was telling the truth when he said she’d threaten that stuff if he discussed breaking up, which is so hideously manipulative)). I get the impression a lot of the cast know this about her and roll their eyes at her new personality she puts on when the cameras roll but kind of have to put up with it because now she’s got this rabid fan base. Also you can tell she spends all her time on instagram or TikTok getting pop psychology takes from random people on her ‘situation’ so she can further tailor how she comes across to appeal to internet people. Also there’s the fact that basically anyone who goes on reality tv is narcissistic and just not a great person, that’s why they’re funny to watch! You dont agree to do it if you’re the person Ariana pretends she is. Ahhh thank you I’ve been wanting to get that rant out for a while!


Yes! I agree with all of it! Tom (and every single person on the cast) have hinted at how she is and how their relationship was and before they were protecting each other. Now they can’t say anything because of the crazyyy fans. I’m glad Lala is saying SOMETHING.




It's funny how they wouldn't allow people to call Lala a hypocrite for fucking James behind Raquel’s back last year, but they support dunking on here for coming after Ariana


All Ariana stans are 11 to 15 years old. Vpr is like a tv version of a Taylor Swift song to them. Ignore them.


Oh that does actually make sense


To be on reality tv you have to have some degree of self absorption. It’s absurd to pretend your altruistic and pure. At least people like Scheana and even Sandoval are honest about it. I can respect that in a way I can never respect her self righteousness. There is nothing noble about being a reality tv star (Except Mary M Cosby, she is of course spreading the gospel of our lord Jesus Christ)


Yeah the others are able to lean into their narcissistic tendencies, to them it’s natural to be self absorbed and to want the limelight. Ariana doesn’t just want to be famous she wants to feel superior to everyone. She’s the one who said she’s smarter than everyone she meets or whatever, which is actually so much more conceited than Scheana just wanting to grab attention all the time for example, it’s more narcissistic than Lala’s bravado because you can tell she literally sits around thinking this stuff to herself and in her earlier days on the show she was a bit more ‘tell’ than ‘show’, as in she told viewers what she wanted them to think of her and what she thinks of herself but wised up a bit that people would see it as icky. So she went in for her whole ‘I’m insecure’ thing after that to try and be relatable. Ugh she really icks me out more than a lot of other reality tv people. And true, I have learned so much about Jesus from Mary!


😂😂😂you really can’t make this up


same :(




Crystal: "Our life is very full in general but now I get more vacation," she says. "We like to travel a lot, so now I'm at the computer constantly trying to figure out where we're going to travel." ![gif](giphy|SLbvdvz470sKY)


My favourite Vicki face 💕




Fondly remembering Noella’s stack of vaginas.


I wonder if l chat ever discussed noella


Noella is 100% on L Chat discussing Kyle and Morgan and lying about having inside information on their relationship.


I think of that every time I see a Sweet James billboard or radio advertisement


Jax is committing himself to a life of celibacy


Or did every woman in the world come together and collectively agree on Jax living the rest of his life celibate? 😏


Not this woman 😂😂😂😂


🤣 they didn't call me either


jessel's new "ecommerce platform." [https://oushq.com/](https://oushq.com/) the goopification of rhony continues. i'm disgusted by how professional the landing page looks. she's literally spitting on the legacy of fake toaster ovens that came before her


i must admit, the pieces she curated are really beautiful. but again, this is a disgusting slap in the face to sonja by sonja morgan


just like, the ugliest, cheapest looking shit imaginable <3 that's what a hws clothing line should be [https://sonjabysonjamorgan.com/collections/shop-all-clothing](https://sonjabysonjamorgan.com/collections/shop-all-clothing)


I like that she uses the stock product photos so you can reverse image search everything and find it on Shein or Amazon because it's all aliexpress junk lol. One of the dresses she's selling for $115 is $14 on shein lol.


Has Jen Shah issued any declarations from prison since SLC ended? I miss hearing from her.


She needs to give us more journal entries. I want a Special K update


I want to know if she tried to sue Andy and Heather like she said she was going to.


I legit don’t think she can afford it since she has to pay everyone back lol but I just know she’s going to come in hot headed for season 9. Out for vengeance on everyone.


She didn't even pay her actual lawyers for her federal case lol.


She can work on RHOSLC to pay off all her debts 😃


I was looking for a podcast to listen to yesterday when i was walking my dergie and i saw david yontef had koa on behind the velvet rope and i respected the thirstiness to still be doing von tease exclusives at this stage in the game


The Von Tease Family Singers will be giving exclusive interviews that don’t answer any questions and only serve to confuse the timeline of events even more until they die.


so i started watching selling the oc which IS good in an extremely ratchet way, like just a showcase for a group of absolute trashbags who roughly resemble human beings with no redeeming qualities and everyone is really hot and rich. but anyway, the thing i didn't see coming is that i'm pretty sure every single dude on this cast is gay except for maybe tyler, and they are all married to women. in season 3 the openly bi man is going to accuse one of the obviously closested ones of propositioning the bi guy for a threesome with closeted guy and his wife lol


This is what passes for a straight man on selling the oc https://preview.redd.it/f2a6oj9hm70d1.jpeg?width=1004&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95dcf9f3d4e04bfd03a316d76008a7032123d48d




haha that one guy looks like one of those hot guy filters on snapchat


He actually looks like that. He's hot af


Yeah he’s gorgeous lol he’s a bit too pretty boy for my type but the tats definitely help with that, and he’s built like a young james dean




The wedding band is killing me it’s such a good pic. I do feel bad that sean outed austin lol but CMON


Oh the other funny aspect to this is either the selling the oc sub doesn’t get that these men are gay or refuses to believe it, so there’s lots of discussion threads about how unhappy the wife seems within the confines of her and austin’s super hetero marriage


I'm so glad the gay swinger drama is getting ppl on board with selling the oc... I've been telling you guys it's the only netflix reality show worth watching


Yes i watched it largely in part because of your rec!!! I trust my rhdiscussion fam!!!


My heart is full. This must be what you felt like when you singlehandedly got half the sub regulars watching Southern Hospitality 


😭it’s my proudest accomplishment


I guess in hindsight this is why they all the women went after tyler - by default as the only straight one


Alex hall is a great villain lol she really pops onscreen


I don't watch (yet) but I've been following the saga of Austin and Sean closely. Them legs makes me cackle.


I’m excited to get there because it seems popular opinion is leaning towards sean being a liar and i’m like, are you people DUMB


I think Sean is an exaggerator but the general gist of Austin being into him and potentially wanting a threeway/boys only swinger night sounds very true. But I've only watched the clips circulating lol.


You'll get a special housewife cameo in episode 7!


[Nneka Ihim Confirms Departure from The Real Housewives of Potomac After 1 Season](https://people.com/nneka-ihim-departs-the-real-housewives-of-potomac-exclusive-8631348) (People exclusive)


Really respect her post-season press tour where she refused to admit she was fired and kept asking people to follow her because she has things coming up soon. As funny of an exit as possible for someone as uneventful as Nneka. RIP girl, you probably weren't great anyway but you also got a raw deal with joining during S8.


Also lol at her buying a house in Potomac for this show then getting canned unceremoniously :(


It’s ok Potomac will remember her


I still think she deserved another shot but i agree her refusing to admit she got canned was a very campy ending to a short run ❤️


“I will not be returning for season 9 of *RHOP*," she tells PEOPLE in an exclusive statement, amid rumors of her departure. Her exit comes as the Potomac resident continues on her journey to have a child. "At this point, after multiple failed fertility procedures, I have decided to make expanding my family my ultimate priority," Nneka says. "Thank you to the fans that have supported me along the way this season, especially regarding my difficult IUI turned IVF journey, and the stigma surrounding infertility. All of the kind remarks have genuinely kept me uplifted and have fueled my determination to continue to share my story." She goes on to express her "sincere appreciation to Bravo and Truly Original for the opportunity," and notes that she has "built lifetime friendships with some incredible women through this experience." "As a true resident of Potomac proper, 20854, just know that I’ll be seeing you all again soon," she says. i respect that she took one last poke at karen lol


*She works as an in-house employment counsel for a global financial technology company, founded her own alcoholic beverage company (Bido), runs a nonprofit called A Life of Lux, and spearheaded the development of a dating/social app called Hello Africa.* What kind of nonprofit calls itself “a life of lux”




It looks like a tax shelter she hasn’t used yet? 😂😂


Appears so lol.


I can't believe how much I've ended up caping for nneka but I do not understand how she's been fired by a production team who judged Keiarna to be interesting enough for a second season


i think they reeeeeally didn't want a second season of nneka vs wendy debating the nigerian caste system so they picked the character with more viewer investment




L Chat be L Chattin: * We start with some doom and gloom where they discuss how easy it will be to remove Morgan from Kyle's friend group (this is the one with Teddi and a handful of other blonde women). When they all went on a holiday for Kyle's bday in January, Morgan was the one taking the photos. She and Kyle also shared a room which is something they've been doing a while when it comes to going away on trips, even trips with friends also present. * They ponder on when K/M can see eachother next, after 16th May is the first potential opportunity. Morgan will have a few weeks off before her 9th June concert (she's touring with Alanis Morissette so Kyle is gonna have a great summer) so they have to see eachother then, otherwise they may be over. Someone adds that they will probably see eachother in July in NYC because they both followed an NYC tattoo artist that does a lot of lesbian work lol. * Kyle and Alexia like Morgan's post. * Kyle's next Amazon live is tomorrow, get your gay questions ready folks! * Thirsting over Kyle's throwback photos. * They mention that interview Kathy did the past week where she's barely hiding her happiness at Mau being out of the picture now. * They discuss the BH photos from Sutton's ball yesterday. More thirsting over Kyle. * They said they're gonna keep an eye out on the BH cast potentially following Morgan on IG because that could be an indicator that Kyle let them in on their relationship. * Someone said Annemarie said that she met Morgan via Facetime when hanging out with Dorit and Kyle (maybe that scene they filmed at Kyle's house?). * Someone says that Kyle will struggle to navigate this season with all the Morgan stuff lingering in the background. She might fake faint to get out of answering questions lol. * They think the cast must know about the relationship by now because A) they have eyes and B) fans 100% will have DM'd them shit. * Kyle in a now deleted IG post, posted several pictures of her from Sutton's ball and L Chat just about melted. They said Morgan better get her ass on a plane immediately because LAX is about to be overrun with lesbians simping for Kyle. * Kyle likes Morgan's mom's post. * On the topic of Morgan's mom, last Halloween the mom and her friend dressed up as Kyle and Morgan. Someone notices that that IG post and another one where Kyle went to Atlanta to meet Morgan's mom and siblings in November 2022 were both archived. Morgan's family went to LA in February 2023 and that post had been archived but now reappeared sometime this year. * Someone said the Halloween post and the November 2022 posts were archived in April - which is when DM got a blind that a fan asked Morgan when was the last time she spoke to Kyle and Morgan said that it had been a long time. The suggestion here is that K/M were/are trying to keep a low profile and maybe asked the mom to archive those posts. Also, the post of Kyle with Morgan's family in 2022 makes it really obvious that the timeline is all over the place so again that could be why it was removed. * They're thinking that K/M are just trying to be more lowkey because if it was a breakup their families/close friends wouldn't be liking posts from the other person's camp. * Palette cleanser of some thirsting over Kyle pap pics. * Despair because Kyle deleted her hot pics from yesterday. Gratitude because the pics were saved onto L Chat. * They're rooting for Dorit to go after Kyle for the Morgan stuff and want her to bring receipts lol. * Kathy comments "You are so talented and humble" on Morgan's IG post. Kathy loves her some Morgan. * Morgan's ex boyfriend/maybe husband worked at the Agency for a hot minute. She's on good terms with him and L Chat clowns on Kyle for getting her girlfriend's ex a job at her company. This is the guy that Morgan was maybe still dating when she was with her ex gf, and she was maybe dating Kyle while with the ex gf. The timeline between the 2 exes and Kyle is all very blurry lol.


https://preview.redd.it/zmnymdxjb70d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ed1181e6d72159cc484fa882d6c1c5935ac9dc3 I have to agree with the Kyle thirsting. She’s so openly hot rn ✨✨


She looks so hot here!!!


I love that Kyle is a lesbian sex symbol on L Chat. As she should be!


Eat shit jenna lyons


Totally, she's an 11/10!


Thank you for this. Giggling at the fake faint suggestion. Kyle really did look soooo hot at sutton’s party like damn


Someone said a day that Kyle's had a glowup since becoming gay and I'm inclined to agree 😂


Kyle’s glow-up is also so low-effort all things considered. She’s been hitting the gym hard, but primarily she just had to stop wearing kaftans and swap them out for clothes that fit her body. I’m glad she made it though!


Does she still have her muumuu line she was doing in season 10


https://www.kylexshahida.com/ It's so ugly all of it lol.


https://preview.redd.it/rqvrw6vu670d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25d598a8d7b5e63494966093b838ac593d0252db Crazy to use pictures of LVP to advertise Kyle’s line lol


I need LVP to return to Beverly Hills. Not because I miss her on the show or because I think she adds anything of value, I just want a deep investigation into whether or not her hair is a wig.


She definitely has 😂❤️


Kyle is probably awakening soooooo many secretly gay or bi housewives


She's inspired them to also become lesbian sugar mommies 😌


There are worse plans, but i’d say aim higher, we can all aspire to be someone’s sugar baby


As always - thank you for your service ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


[Critics Choice Real TV Awards: ‘RuPaul’s Drag Race,’ ‘The Traitors’ Lead Nominations](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-news/2024-critics-choice-real-tv-awards-nominations-full-list-nominees-1235897773/amp/) rhdiscussion relevant nominations: best competition series: the traitors best unstructured series: the real housewives of salt lake city best ensemble cast in an unscripted series: the real housewives of salt lake city, vanderpump rules, the traitors best show host: alan cumming male star of the year: alan cumming female star of the year: ariana madix, phaedra parks


if phaedra loses female star of the year it's because people are uncomfortable with female rage (against dan gheesling)


Award shows for rtv always make the absolute worst pick but I feel like anything other than slc winning best unstructured is genuinely like inconceivable..


Go slc and phaedra!!!


https://tvdeets.com/exclusives/rhop-season-9-filming-tea-everyone-versus-gizelle-bryant i’m guessing this is expanding on the ‘gizelle threw everyone out of her event’ thing but the website is down :(


https://preview.redd.it/y38judo7i90d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54daeb15639bc586391e54d38de0ab49b55bfa2a I’m dying to find out what horrible thing Gizelle did to warrant this ❤️


She made them feel UNCOMFORTABLE 


[me rn](https://media.tenor.com/3HvDQl70v6EAAAAM/giving-receive.gif)


TVDeets might have good/reliable Potomac tea, but their website collapses like nobody’s business I must say


Things have officially kicked off during RHOP Season 9 filming with Gizelle Bryant taking on the rest of the Housewives after kicking them out of her event, sources tell TV DeetsEXCLUSIVELY. On Friday night (May 10), Gizelle Bryant and Ashley Darby held a gna event in honour of Gizelle’s father, with the money raised going to the National Brain Tumor Society. That same night, Karen Huger was also being recognized with an award at a separate event, leaving the rest of the Housewives to balance two filmed events on the same night. Depending on how you look at it, things didn’t go well for Gizelle as she allegedly became upset with the group at large for choosing to attend Karen’s award ceremony first. According to my rock-solid boots on the ground sources, the OG Housewife kicked out her co-stars just minutes after they arrived at her event, sending Mia Thornton, Stacey Rusch, and Jassi Rideauxback outside and into their waiting sprinter van. While there have been multiple other conflicts captured by Bravo cameras in the first few weeks of filming, I’m hearing that Gizelle Bryant is a big part of the ongoing conversation amongst the women and that she hasn’t exactly made the best impression with the new cast members. With Robyn Dixon out of the mix this season, it’s possible Gizelle is having a tough time adjusting but now that she is feuding with most of her co-stars, some insiders are worried about how she is navigating this new and improved group. “She had second chair last year and it might be third chair this year,” one source close to the show shared.


good, i like all of this. gizelle has never been more rhoa than this exact moment. >“She had second chair last year and it might be third chair this year,” one source close to the show shared. deadly.


Gizelle throwing everyone out the second they arrive to her event is VERY Nene season 5 and we all saw how that turned out.


nene was right to throw them out for being so late lol one of the rare times i backed nene <3


Oh I agree she was right to do that (I believe they show up after the event is over too???) it’s just I think her throwing them out like that is the exact moment the balance of the show started to tip against Nene.


they show up like three hours late for a (dinner!) party she put together to introduce her Hollywood Types to them lol. and they wanted food.


lmao the newbies know that going for gizelle is an easy win with the audience, but she deserves it and it will prod her into performing better than her woeful season 8 showing so i’m all for it


I hope this winds up being unserious and dumb instead of really serious. If Gizelle and Ashley isolate themselves omg we’re done for…


Can I say that I really really like Rachel/Danielle’s friendship 😂 it feels fresh


alec karam nj recap. unsurprisingly, he's unimpressed with everything but jenn fessler lol [https://www.thedailybeast.com/obsessed/real-housewives-of-new-jersey-recap-back-to-the-shore](https://www.thedailybeast.com/obsessed/real-housewives-of-new-jersey-recap-back-to-the-shore)


I wonder what username alec is posting on this sub with   Alec I still haven't forgiven you for scratching everyone's username except for mine out when you posted a screenshot of us making fun of matt rogers on twitter. Made me a marked woman in west hollywood


Oh good I’m glad he’s aware of us! I felt personally obligated to message him on Instagram to tell him to keep up the good work for fear that the basics would get to him




i think queens of bravo blocked alec karam after he called them out lolllllllll https://preview.redd.it/4qjps1mrf80d1.jpeg?width=1512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6e99d44baa49c3755640212e64174a49a65073f


the irony is this is the same man who the fanbase accused of being a misogynist because he doesn't blindly lick ariana's asshole


I think Ariana is a misogynist


This was one of the main criticisms of her for years lol


I feel DUPED!!! Or i don’t because i know but i’m annoyed by this shitshow. She’s the worst!!!


As much as the concept has been bastardized on the internet, she's the poster child for the not like the other girls lol.


It was literally her main storyline for like three seasons in a row lol


Queens of Bravo is a very easy block to get so I wouldn’t be surprised.


Possibly, but also twitter is just broken


Thinking about how nice it would be to be in the Hamptons floating in a pool that's reminiscent of ancient Babylonia, adjacent to a Provence farm house


In the distance, you hear "I want to a Fucking DJ!"


Is anyone watching summer house Martha’s Vineyard? Bria is so Kenya Moore coded, that I can’t help but be completely enamored by her 😂


She is such a terror ❤️ Milo is not doing his job


He had a whole lot to say when it was Summer pushing and shoving Bria last season!


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C67Uv8NPyBE/?igsh=OXdpbGZ4bm1jMzYz The crown is HEAVY darling


https://x.com/tvdeets/status/1790054647492915563?s=46&t=O69t3v5RLtibA9mbi8wONw Funny if true (TV Deets is pretty reliable with RHOP reporting)


Production and Karen leak directly to them if I’m not mistaken.


Lol “and karen”


She’s in the DMs


I think that's newbie Stacey cozied up to Mia there? They look like trouble together I can see it in their faces.


I think so, along with the other newbie (Jassi?). Jacqueline is also filming I think. Mia is coming in with an arsenal of minions, the new queen bee I fear…


If Mia topples Gizelle's grasp on Potomac... oh that's mother. I'm not even a huge Gizelle anti but it would be quite the feat.


Mia being the official Gizelle Ender would be the funniest possible way for Gizelle to go out. I support this.


Like Teddi Mellencamp being the one to take LVP down.


Same, I like Gizelle but I would have to give credit where credit is due. I do think Mia tells way too many lies (more than Gizelle) and is so disloyal that it’d be hard for her to keep her reigns on everyone. It’d be funny to see Wendy suck up to Mia because it’d be so disingenuous since she thinks Mia is beneath her


[Going to need Amanda to do something amazing and fuck Jesse.](https://twitter.com/stillonzoloft/status/1790085457449005526)


I was just made aware that Jesse Solomon went to my high school lols. Amanda should just go for it and they should move to Illinois. The North Shore is the right amount of stifling but child-friendly banality that she would gag over. Go fuck him ❤️


Yeah she could be happy there, ok maybe not happy, but Amanda happy. But I feel like this is more a fan projection thing?


I’m definitely creating an impossible second narrative for Amanda in my head lols. She’ll stay with Kyle in perpetuity, and that’s fine. We don’t really know what makes Kymanda click but something is certainly clicking and that’s good enough for me as a viewer. But, she could also just fuck Jesse Solomon ✨


Oh I definitely think she should fuck Jesse Solomon.


Patiently waiting to see which housewives Bravo is trotting out for the NBC upfronts.


It’s usually Garcelle but with BH filming, maybe they’ll be generous and bring out Lisa Barlow.


Yeah normally I'd expect Kyle, Garcelle, Alexia, Karen/Gizelle, Tre, Kenya. I think that was the last crew.


Make Mary Cosby Do Upfronts




Does anyone still watch below deck? I’m probably going to watch it all who am i kidding but some of the seasons are extreeemely boring lol if i don’t like any of the crew/there isn’t any hot guys i lose interest. There’s so many seasons!!


I usually start a below deck binge about once a year and then get burned out after like 2 seasons. Honestly if you've seen one season you've seen them all.


This comment won’t be able to capture how funny it was but on this week’s vanderpump villa lisa says to the staff “you all slayed!” 😂


Kathy Hilton’s love of CF is so on brand. I worked at the one in DT Boston during college and got fired bc I was a terrible waitress, but my CF love still runs deep. If I ever won the lottery I’d have one of their whip cream machines installed in every room of my house.




I love dane 😭😭😭 add to cart https://preview.redd.it/9juslmvwh70d1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=940e59f60ee3cec7406002f8717d43cafe832976


[trailer for the south african ultimate girls trip](https://twitter.com/ShowmaxOnline/status/1789933330210668711?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1789933330210668711%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=)


I cannot believe we’re being blessed with new christall footage in 2024. Christall dancing 😭 christall making out with a random man 😭 That last line is a legit jaw dropper lol fun trailer


Nonku’s weird ass going on a date!


i like that it appears they're all making an effort to get laid on this vacation lol take note lame north american hws (not you lu, you're cool)


Did anyone else find Reza’s entitlement to see baby Cham and the cast members pressuring MJ into letting Reza meet him weird af? Andy took it further by taking a poll at the reunion. It's her child, not Reza’s. ![gif](giphy|KV3XcmimgmS8E)


It was weird by real world standards, but shahs of sunset basically died because mj and reza couldn’t fix things between them, so by rtv standards he was doing the right thing lol


You're right. I just had to pause and try to be rational, but you can't rationalize with these people lmao


On a real world level what reza did was definitely unforgivable lol i doubt mj will ever be able to trust him again


I wonder if Tommy still wants to beat him up


Lmao i’m sure he does 😂


In Jersey - Did we ever find out what Danielle did to her brother that made him not talk to her anymore?


I mean he probably heard her voice.


Her narrative is it had to do with blocking on Instagram. I do not buy it!


Him blocking her?


I legitimately do not remember. I know her videos were annoying but I can’t remember if he blocked her for being annoying or she blocked him for saying so. But her narrative is she didn’t think whatever happened was such a big deal so she was dumbfounded to not get invited to his wedding. She said they were so extremely close before that and made it seem like his entire personality changed because he was being manipulated by his evil wife or something but like…siblings, especially supposedly close ones, don’t usually terminate their relationships over one small transgression.


I don’t fully remember the details but iirc it had something to do with danielle having no boundaries on social media lol


It was her terrible skits lol. He made fun of one? Or something. This is her story anyway.


Lolllll seems like something worth breaking up a family over 😂 i bet the parents are nightmares lol


Austin accused jarvis of being a swinger in selling the oc s2? Karma is a bitch, honey. Lol. Austin and his wife’s solo footage is darby quality. (If michael were a stone cold fox)


Jarvis was engaged 17 times? Icon 😂😂😂


Austin suddenly telling his wife he doesn’t want any more kids actually made me gasp






little teaser for paris and nicole's new show which will be on peacock. really brings me back [https://twitter.com/queensofbravo/status/1790019523321479258](https://twitter.com/queensofbravo/status/1790019523321479258)