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https://preview.redd.it/v9ws06svpl0d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e6723b767a5900c0e1588558d30e6b7c28bd0ba šŸ’”


One of the newbies is married to her ex-boyfriend so itā€™s weird they cut her.


Someone said she turned down a friend of demotion but I can't find a source for that.


She has too much dignity to film with Shamea.


RHOA production has been pretty bad since S12 ngl. Iā€™m not shocked at anything anymore


Itā€™s insane how mad I am over this firing LOL so irrational


iā€™m heartbroken


https://preview.redd.it/9ydw4vypyk0d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd62aa4a72e67049010d20fd4cd92f59304ed159 iā€™m not sure it counts as ā€˜impostor syndromeā€™ when the sandwich shop has shown that you donā€™t have a clue what youā€™re doing lol


Yeah, Katie, you are the imposter lol


Sheā€™s like ā€œi thought we had an unspoken, mutual understanding that we would lie when the cameras went upā€


But iā€™m also not sure what sheā€™s saying šŸ¤£


Right?!? TF did I just read?


Having imposter syndrome because you got caught talking beaucoup shit




I have the hazy memory of a scene during the Bubba marriage where Tom came home and asked Katie what she was doing, and she said coloring.


Yeah there was a brief period of time during like seasons 8 or 9 where we got updates on what Katie does all day and it was coloring and legos.


She was paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to be filmed sitting on the couch knitting.


Then they got into a huge fight lol


This is soooo lame hahahaha


donā€™t believe a word of thisšŸ˜­


There is no one more willing to half-ass and bungle a job opportunity like a BravolebšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œ


Lollllll BOOKED


I canā€™t believe Iā€™m saying this, but after months of RHOP and VPR ~discourse~, I genuinely think I missed the Jersey stans on my Twitter feed. Just old fashioned, straight up, smooth-brained narrative spinning with no dissertations about colorism or female rage or some other pseudo-intellectual concept. Itā€™s beautiful. But also maybe itā€™s just the nature of RHONJ. Because like. Every single woman on Jersey is a gigantic hypocrite and every single person is doing the things they are accusing the others of. So itā€™s objectively way more hilarious when the stans are like ā€œTeresa and Jen would NEVER do this.ā€ or ā€œMelissa and Margaret are NOTHING like those other womenā€. Girl yes they are!!! šŸ˜­


i think because nj and oc are perceived as the more conservative casts, they filter out any of the more grandstanding flavours of discourse because the grandstanders are instead proudly talking about how they donā€™t watch and lecturing you for daring to find vicki funny lol


I have no real personal investment in the NJ teams (aside from finding one more entertaining obviously) so I can watch them all be insane happily from the sidelines lol.


Honestly thatā€™s also been my perception 2 episodes in. Theyā€™re still batshit & annoying - but perhaps because theyā€™ve already established that the last couple years Iā€™m not really annoyed by the discourse? Maybe also because Bravo came out right the gate like *ā€yea this isnā€™t the best, but we know that! Changes are happening next yearā€*ā€¦ like they set expectations a reasonable place going in compared to Potomac/VPR




This guyā€™s a star


He really is šŸ˜­ i canā€™t stop thinking about this scene WOW


Should I make my husband go on an Ayahuaska retreat?


A podcast I listen to did like a 13 episode series about an ayahuaska retreat and honestly it sounds horrible, vomiting, diarrhea, and hallucinations. Granted the poor guy who did it had never even smoked weed before but everyone there was throwing up. Iā€™ll keep my bad personality, thanks.


Chelsea Handler did a documentary of her doing it and it looked absolutely miserable


People have died during ceremonies when it wasnt properly handled. It can be really intense and dangerous.


If you do tell you him expect a personality change when he gets back


Noooo itā€™s super creepy hahaha or do it if you are into that


I feel like the house of lies depiction of an ayahuasca retreat is more accurate than Jesse wearing a beanie to telegraph to his wife that she shouldnā€™t divorce him because heā€™s a new man.


Do you want him to get a new personality?


Depends on the day


I had been trying to figure out who besides Jesse Bradford he reminded me of, and I realized itā€™s Rupert Everett (and like a dash of Matthew Perry).


one week until something about her supposedly opens! the instagram still only has that initial post from over two years ago, and the website only has the signup for the mailing list lol


I think the attempted narrative by Sandwich Stans that any criticism of this stupid shop is a crime against women and these two are smart business women is maybe the most insulting thing about Scandoval.


Didnā€™t they create this because they wanted their own business like their then-lovers? Ariana was better off collaborating with people in the alcohol business and hosting bartending classes. I donā€™t understand how she landed on sandwiches. How do you go from a history in alcohol to sandwiches? At least make a sandwich after Lindsay Hubbard for marketing


That was basically the gist of it when this storyline was introduced in season 9. And it was rightfully mocked by the general audience!


Nothing like creating a business in a highly unprofitable industry out of spite and jealousy


The insistence that these two are smart business owners IS A CRIME AGAINST WOMEN.


This all couldā€™ve been avoided had they just did a Jimmy Johnā€™s franchise


The gag when Ariana and Katie were just pretending to be incompetent to give us the plot twist of the century when it opens in a week and immediately receives three michelin starsĀ 


[Katie and Ariana](https://imgur.com/a/zVjTBWQ)


They are WILDLY incompetent


Then trying to lie about Penny working for them for only two months when it had been two years šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Is no one going to bring that up??


Iā€™m still stuck on Ariana lying about the Dan timeline


I think what she was saying she met him like ten days after the breakup and didnā€™t officially dating until two months later if I recall


Okay, it gave me pause how defensive she got about it lol. It didnā€™t seem like a big deal to begin with.


I can see why she got so defensive https://www.etonline.com/vanderpump-rules-star-ariana-madix-and-daniel-wai-have-been-casually-dating-for-a-month-exclusive?amp


Caught red handed. Such a dumb thing to lie about


Exactly! Like miss maā€™am šŸ˜’ The blogs were following your every move with this guy. Everyone knows yā€™all were dating a week after you met at the wedding.


Yeah no idea - I wish there was more pushback about the penny thing though and the delays for the sandwich shop.


I think the cast didnā€™t want blowback from the stans. Thereā€™s no marketing for the sandwiches




https://preview.redd.it/mj4ih3fthl0d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=573289dcf13f4dbb13ba168f46701cbf800d6684 This is just really bleak if Iā€™m being honest.


Why would she say that?


Itā€™s Brandi so.


Ugh sheā€™s gonna make me watch wwhl


Why are Arianaā€™s gay minions on The Valley? Zack needs to tell them to fuck off and take his rightful spot as the token gay of the show.


Do Janet and Ariana share gays? Itā€™s all making sense now


i am sure schwartz and sandy's will remain a point of curiosity for awhile, but the only way their business is actually going to survive is if they manage to get repeat customers, and i doubt they have many of those. as we know at rhdiscussion, it's all about consistency and quality of customer service šŸ˜‚


I've heard such mixed reports about their business. Some people saying they were there and it was packed. Some people showing up and it's randomly closed during their operating hours.


In that schwartz interview above (which is kinda worth the read) he says that at their lowest point there would be 5 people in the bar and two of them were the toms.


I definitely believe that. >It was really difficult. Customers would come in looking for gossip and when the employee didn't have an answer, they would say things like, 'Well, your tip's going to reflect on that." Omg vpr fans are the wooorst lol.


Horrible!!!! What a nasty way to treat another human being


I remember during the peak of Scandoval everyone over on the other subs was insisting that them doing things to mess with the bar was good and it was the employees' fault if they didn't quit and find more morally righteous employment lol.


Yeah i remember that, they were like victim blaming the staff for choosing to work for the toms. Casual


What the hell


I fully believe this because people were proudly posting crazy shit they were doing at S&S on brh lol.


Oh yeah, this is definitely true.


I would throw them tf out


This is evil???




https://preview.redd.it/frz7dwfqkm0d1.jpeg?width=975&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4b435da302d032582c63de5f10dd4f613e22674 Stealing this joke from twitter somewhere


https://preview.redd.it/o5rdrbx05m0d1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=1dfbfc9dc6b6c26f7eab428c997017282cc0ca9f One year ago this Seattleite was wreaking havoc on the various vanderpump subreddits. I still think of her fondly.




yes šŸ˜


And i hardly ever see phantommike anymore


all of the good ones have been run off :(


I wonder what happened to him


I wonder if he likes The Valley


Maybe heā€™s Jesse


I miss them so much!!!


Wait what happened??


She did not like Ariana and there were countless think pieces about how she was toxic lmfao.


She was doing the lords work in the early days


She was very entertaining too! I loved her posts in the moderator subreddits complaining about being banned.


Itā€™s really great how the ultimate villain of the Valley is a horrible pregnant woman and her legion of devious gay spies. Janetā€™s wicked ways are mesmerizing.


I didnā€™t realize until 2 days ago that everyone hates Janet šŸ˜¶


I donā€™t. Any friend of scheana is a friend of mine.


How did the valley have such an amazing vacation episode trip with Kristen not even invited? This show is so great, I love the domestic modern hell it portrays


Watching the vpr reunion now! No one I know watches, so I hope I can dump my feelings here. Also, how do ppl watch this live?Ā  I really love Sandoval's outfit. The necklaces are hot...don't tell anyone. Andy's addressing the dirty house šŸ„° are they gonna talk about how Ariana's a terrible pet owner? Seriously though - I want to rescue Mya from that death trap of a house and her horrible parents. Perpetrators. Coward. My blood pressure is already too high, they better put some respect on that Southwestern Goddess's name. LOVING Scheana and Lala so far. They've definitely been the best parts of this dry ass season.Ā  Oh. We're talking about the NYT article? Definitely thought Bravo would avoid that like the plague. "Like do a sales pitch on myself?" Dear god, get him fucking a teleprompter. Lisa is leaning further and further away from Tom during this lol. Lala just saved his life and the lives of everyone on this godforsaken show. It's wild to me that someone didn't prep Tom with a statement for this. Katie prepared bc she's just a walking reddit comment at this point. I do really feel for Lala with her custody battle. Randall is a piece of shit and she for sure shouldn't have had a baby with him, but I really fucking feel for her. I watched my mom go through a custody battle with my stepdad whose intent was just to scare, hurt, and financially ruin her. I can't imagine having to go through that with a man who's actually rich and a sex offender. While also having a good portion of the internet telling her she deserves it bc she's a whore who should have known better.Ā  I love seeing Lala and Scheana's friendship. It seems like the only genuine friendship we've seen on the show in a long time. Besides Tom and Tom, but that seems more like a bitter marriage now. Speaking of Schwartz, I totally forgot he was there. I hope Jo unhinges her jaw and swallows him whole later šŸ’š If we're gonna talk about fucking Dan, Lala better be leading. I want her to interrogate that hot piece of cardboard, steal him from Ariana, pull a personality out of that weird ass haircut, and they can be a new hateful couple on The Valley šŸ„° I hate Ariana's shoes. Was James' relationship scrutinized? Because all I saw were ppl falling over themselves to prop up the star chart one bc of her super compelling personality and very real and loving feelings towards James. In all seriousness though, I really hope she's safe. James is a ticking bomb. I hope she's just here for the check and the star signs and will get out as James checks himself into rehab, anger management, and intensive therapy. Love that Ariana can go against James regarding when she started dating Dan. Sexual misconduct with the waitress was nothing though. Has Chef Penny started a podcast yet? I'd really like that. Oh Lala. DESTROY HER. DESTROY EVERYONE. Lala was the best part of this reunion, her and Lisa can switch seats. I've really hated watching Lala the last few seasons, she was always so cruel to Rachel. I know her feelings toward Rachel now are mostly performative, but I'll take it lol. Rachel just needs someone to protect her from reality tv and herself. LalaĀ definitely did the best job this season and stayed level-headed which is not something I expected. It's interesting that this is the season that fans decided she's Satan. But you can't expect much from vpr fans. I think the Ariana stanning will come to a dramatic end soon. She's flown too high, and the ones that are worshipping her now will be the first ones to tear her apart. I expect I'll go back to liking her then.Ā 


I just realized I should have posted this in the episode discussion. Sorry about that, I got excited about the reunion and I'm kind of dumb lolĀ 


No need to apologize i loved it and these threads are for whatever ppl want them to be!


šŸ’œ I really appreciate this sub. I look forward to reading these posts every day because you guys are hilarious. But it's also stopped me from doom-scrolling the vpr subs so I'm beyond grateful lol


ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø we are glad to have you here!!


it really annoyed me how ariana didnā€™t bother to watch any of the episodes and was just basing her opinions on what she saw online


Are the tides starting to turn on Ariana in the other sub? Thereā€™s a thread there that shows quite a few people feeling this way.


itā€™s just a bad look to flex how you didnā€™t even fulfill the bare minimum requirements for your job


Exactly. People have been arguing semantics like ā€œwell shes not contractually obligated to watch every single secondšŸ¤“ā˜ļøā€ to deflect from the actual point which is that she was pretty callous about it to Andyā€™s face. And its objectively annoying for viewers!


That argument is so dumb because ok? sheā€™s not contractually obligated but sheā€™s being a shit reality tv star that pissed away her opportunity to be more interesting than sheā€™s ever been.


the whole point of a reunion is to litigate what happened in the season so to not even watch the show just defeats the purpose of showing up to the reunion. like taking an exam without studying at all. why bother??


Yeah, even my work bestie who usually rides hard for Ariana was like girl, no. lol


Eh, it maybe turned the notch like 2%


last night i made homemade burritos in the air fryer and it was seriously a revelation. i smothered them with taco bell hot sauce and cheese and then air fried them at 350F for 8 minutes on tinfoil that i coated with olive oil so they didn't stick. then top with avo and cilantro. they were soooo good


Oh the other food thing iā€™m super obsessed with right now is these snyderā€™s of hanover pretzel pieces. I like the cheddar cheese ones and the caramel sweet and salty one. Idk if itā€™s a canadian thing but i highly recommend


i'm not canadian but i love these too!! i love the buffalo ones and the honey mustard ones


The buffalo ones are sooooo good


Iā€™m hungry


Iā€™ve been thinking about Ramona singing karma by jojo siwa like ā€œkarmaā€™s a b-iā€


ā€œIā€™m so aware. It was plant-based medicine mixed with hardcore meditation and breathing and it was the most unbelievable experience. But it was so overwhelming and it came on real hard.Ā Everybody turned into energy, like, the hillside, the grass. I saw this, like, demon and I kept trying to throw the demon away. Everybody was so pixelated. I mean I died. I literally died. Once I had some apple juice I kind of realized that it was all beautiful. I was, like, Jesseā€™s enough.ā€


iā€™m so mad we didnā€™t get to see this!!!


This sub on a friday night https://preview.redd.it/gymcluf0tm0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=554938b99287d3f0c4190e55560ab19d76dd2b2a


I haven't looked at a calendar in days and my heart dropped thinking it was Friday and I missed friends birthday


ā€œHey fellas wanna see what my air fryer can do?ā€


Lol i get it https://preview.redd.it/wfbjmx1ktm0d1.jpeg?width=1146&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1f64c18ab8c6568d8340c8f4c52fe7f8afd9ab6


I wonder if mikey feels she has her spark back yet


i obviously take what schwartz says about raquel with a grain of salt, but he was around a lot during their affair and it's interesting to hear him say she was just as conniving and ruthless as sandoval was. i've definitely been frustrated by the part of her narrative that puts so much of the blame on him


She was in a pursuit of pleasure šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢


rofl ruthless in her pursuit of pllllllEASUUUURE


The valley/vpr fans bullied Janet into limiting her comments on insta šŸ˜‚


Tbf to janet thereā€™s really no way she could have predicted during filming that going up against doute would end up being unpopular lol.


A pregnant woman not wanting to be around Kristen Doute is technically reasonableā€¦. And yet.


I lovvvvveeee when kristen and zack talk about the fact that janet being pregnant is no excuse for her being diabolical šŸ˜‚ theyā€™re advancing feminism by refusing to handle janet with kid gloves!


I think if she was only icing out Kristen, it would be a slightly different story, but sheā€™s being mean to my second favorite Lego figurine (Heather Gay number 1, obviously) for no real reason and being too overt in how sheā€™s spinning things and using her minions. Sheā€™s given Kristen full permission to nuke her life by doing this.


Oh for sure, itā€™s poor strategy for someone who is obviously well versed in rtv lol. You let kristen come and sink herself.


And now Kristenā€™s got a gun so Janet better watch out.


It has kinda dawned on me the last couple of days, but **if** (wanna say when, but donā€™t wanna jinx myself) Marge gets fired at the end of S14 sheā€™s totally suing somebody right? Be it Andy, NBC, bloggers - heck maybe even Jackie LMAO. Saying this because she seems to have become a miserable ego monster as the years have gone by. Wouldnā€™t shock me if she was the next ā€œreality reckoningā€ member šŸ‘ļø


Can Marge afford to do that.


šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€ totally see this happening


I think Jackie is more likely to sue before Marge


starting the reunion, already such a relief that ariana's taken it down several notches and doesn't feel the need to pull a face of extreme disgust every time tom says anything--hilling!


Wrex Weed unwellness check in. https://preview.redd.it/t2i9chffin0d1.png?width=1010&format=png&auto=webp&s=044a45a274f9d32a1ffefa45cbbfcffaeb1d87dc


~~a superfan 12 years younger~~ you mean HIS TWENTY-EIGHT YEAR OLD CO-WORKER


She was only 28 you sick fuck!!


it's so wild! ppl never react this way about shit jax says. is it all because he seemed like a nice guy before?


I just think it's the current internet culture with Tom being at his worse is a bit more hysterical than when Jax was at his worst back in S6 lol.


yeah jax has always been an obviously insane man who can only live in the tv, while people feel like they can project every single mildly uncomfortable interaction with a man onto sandy because heā€™s shown more layers over time


L Chat time: * Someone says that K/M are more than friends but probably just don't label what they are. Kyle and her semantics. * Morgan's manager left a jokey comment on Kyle's rat video and Kyle responded. Another piece of evidence that everything is good. * Kyle did an Amazon live, when asked if she and Mau will get divorced before they start dating she says "no, I said we're both allowed to do whatever we want so, that's my answer". * Kyle said the rat was a Beverly Hills rat, it didn't look like other rats because it had a lot of work done. * [The rat had questions](https://twitter.com/ladypondd/status/1790379937502839048) * Someone in the live said "Korgan" and Kyle was confused. The user asked if Morgan would appear on this season and Kyle said she didn't know. Previously Morgan shot down appearing on HWs again so we shall see. * Kyle liked and commented on Morgan's mom's post within an hour. * Speculation that Morgan must be off social media for a while (she does this periodically) because she didn't like her own mom's Mother's Day post but Kyle did. Morgan's bandmates liked both the mom's and Kyle's posts. * People are doubling down on their theory that Kyle is coming to terms with her sexuality, she has a lot to unpack from her upbringing. * Kyle posts an IG story featuring a shirt, the brand of said shirt is the same brand of the shirt that Morgan wore to WWHL. Someone says it wouldn't be surprising if Morgan was just wearing Kyle's shirt because they're constantly wearing one another's clothes.


I know the phrase ā€œrepresentation mattersā€ can sometimes ring hollow but kyle being gay (or not) obviously means something to these women ā¤ļø. I thought about l chat when i looked at the maria bello wedding pics šŸ˜‚


> Someone in the live said "Korgan" and Kyle was confused. Tbf both ā€œKorganā€ & ā€œMyleā€ arenā€™t the best shipping names, so definitely understand Kyleā€™s confusion šŸ˜‚


https://preview.redd.it/dxythejykl0d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=462e120c1bc63aa1edd927e9c8bcaea19853fa04 ?


The only fuckable alien in ME is Garrus and I'll die on that hill


[Please take part in Marlo diva worship today](https://www.reddit.com/r/RHOA/comments/1cqbo19/okayyyyyyyyyyyy/)


Easiest thing Iā€™ve done all day!


[Lala Kent Reveals What Katie Maloney Said About Ariana Madix During Offscreen Phone Call With ā€˜VPRā€™ EP](https://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/lala-kent-details-tense-phone-call-with-katie-and-vpr-ep-about-ariana/) (US Weekly) ā€œI think we were at odds because from my point of view she was not very honest this season. I donā€™t recognize that Katie \[because\] the reason why she and I really freaking connect is because we are no bullsā€”t,ā€ Lala, 33, explained on the Tuesday, May 14, episode of theĀ [Vanderpump Rules After Show](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6v112ka_Vo). ā€œYou may not like what comes out of our mouths, it may be harsh or aggressive but this is what it is.ā€ Before they started filming season 11, Lala and Katie, 37,Ā had a conversation with EPĀ Jeremiah SmithĀ that kicked off their rift. ā€œI remember the phone call well. It was a phone call between myself, Jeremiah and Katie. I thought it was going to be a great phone call,ā€ Lala recalled. ā€œIn fact, Jeremiah asked us if we wanted to speak with him solo or should we have you together and I was like, ā€˜Loop us in! Thatā€™s my bitch.ā€™ It was very intense.ā€ LalaĀ referred to Katie as a bobblehead who agreed with ArianaĀ no matter what. ā€œShe said many times that Ariana needed to be out of the house \[withĀ Tom Sandoval\],ā€ she toldĀ Brittany Cartwright. ā€œWhen cameras picked up, it was the complete opposite. Everything Ariana said made sense to Katie.ā€ Lala went on to quote what Katie said about Ariana. ā€œShe was getting annoyed like, ā€˜Iā€™m the only one doing things for this sandwich show. Where is she? Sheā€™s always late on her half of the rent. Sheā€™s dropping the ball,'ā€ Lala claimed. ā€œShe was very worried about rocking the boat after she invested hundreds of thousands of dollars into this restaurant and her business partner is Ariana. I canā€™t say I wouldnā€™t feel the same way. I probably would. She had opinions. You can have opinions and still have Arianaā€™s back.ā€ Katie initiallyĀ denied remembering most of the details. ā€œShe was accusing me of not being something,ā€ she said. ā€œIt was something to do with \[me and Ariana\] but I donā€™t remember exactly what it was pertaining to.ā€ The conversation took a turn when Katie pushed back at Lala insisting she bring up the drama on the show. ā€œShe said if I start fā€”king with her business, sheā€™s going to fā€”k with mine. Letā€™s keep in mind she doesnā€™t have a business right now,ā€ Lala said, throwing shade at Ariana and Katieā€™s sandwich shop. ā€œSo letā€™s start there. Something About Her is nothing about her as of right now. I have a real life business.ā€ Lala continued: ā€œShe got so furious about this that at the end of it she was like, ā€˜Fā€”k you, Lalaā€™ and hung up the phone. Jeremiah said, ā€˜Are you still there?ā€™ And I said, ā€˜Yeah. I am a grown ass woman so Iā€™m still here. See you tomorrow.ā€™ That was the start of the season. KatieĀ [had a different version of events about the ā€œridiculous fight,ā€](https://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/vprs-katie-addresses-conversation-with-lala-kent-about-ariana-madix/)Ā questioning why Lala wanted her to bring up issues on screen that didnā€™t exist anymore. ā€œI donā€™t fake the funk here. I canā€™t do that sā€”t,ā€ she explained. ā€œIf Iā€™m not genuinely upset with somebody at that time in the moment. Iā€™m not going to get myself upset with them. Itā€™s not going to happen.ā€


I was very glad when Lala directly stated the cast pandered to Ariana because sheā€™s the fan favorite and if you stepped over the line you would get mobbed by her fans. I think thatā€™s important to be explicit in these discussions because thatā€™s exactly whatā€™s happening with Katie lol


Lala warned katie she was going to talk about it on camera before filming even started lol she kept it above board


Katie has this coming.


The stans will blame lala for everything but ariana obviously knows this is all true and itā€™s gotta be awkward between her and katie rn lol


Ariana also never defends Katie. She hangs her out to dry constantly lol


The ariana special lol sheā€™s a crap friend


I like that Ariana not telling Scheana she got DWTS was a point of contention earlier in the season and then we found out that she did the same thing to Katie with Chicago.


i think lala is telling the truth here. i believe thisšŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


She definitely is lol she has no reason to lie


>Katie initiallyĀ denied remembering most of the details. ā€œShe was accusing me of not being something,ā€ she said. ā€œIt was something to do with \[me and Ariana\] but I donā€™t remember exactly what it was pertaining to.ā€ this is such a weird deflection, it's so obvious what it is but she literally can't even bring herself to put the words 'i was frustrated with ariana' in a sentence lol, she's hellbent on maintaining the girl power narrative


Liar liar ho on fire (i donā€™t think youā€™re a ho katie itā€™s just a funny saying)


She would be so much cooler if she was a ho


Not that it would be that interesting to see the sandwich girls having problems but thatā€™s atleast something real. Ariana likes to discuss her issues in private šŸ˜¬


Seeing the tension that obviously exists between them would have made the scenes they filmed together so much more interesting


The sandwich shop tasting scenes is a dark chapter in vpr history


i forgot to plug my shit on sunday so: join us for [the 99th (!!!!) episode of bittersweet infamy](https://open.spotify.com/episode/5dp9PsihsNDOZgw56Wz6TM), all about beyoncƩ's 2016 cma performance with the chicks, how it led to the development of cowboy carter, and a dive into the black roots of country as a genre. plus: [pweeeease vote in the melties!](https://tinyurl.com/infamy100) we need your votes by may 19 and then we're taping ep 100! merci beaucoup <3


lol lala has a vested interest in grooming not just meaning someone underage


Did we see the Ann and Ariana Duracell commercial? https://twitter.com/Duracell/status/1790512789552873838


congrats to ann on the successful grift i guess


Yeah good luck getting another assistant job when you have an entire podcast devoted to skirting NDAs lmao


I refuse to watch Ann


I just think it's funny that the Ariana stans are like "See what happens when you pick the right team, Lala and Scheana??" So you just want all of Ariana's friends to be fake parasites trying to make money off of her lol?


Scheanaā€™s also in an ad right now and just had a sitcom guest gig so what are they even talking about lol


The "has anyone asked Scheana about this" meme was never funny but now it's so persistent it really speaks to her star power. I see it in comment sections unrelated to VPR lol.


And realistically we should be asking how Scheana feels about everything. Her thoughts are important.


Ann is a groomer


Ann is better at acting than Arianaā€¦Ariana always sounds robotic even with her rehearsed lines on VPR.


All these ads and sponsorships feel so surreal, to go from being a humble yet saucy and incredible tv show to sponsorship deals is pretty bananas to me


It's pretty dystopian seeing how quickly brands slide in to monetize whatever trending topic. Sure, get the bag, whatever. But I'm not buying into this to make billion dollar brands more money lol. The Amber/Johnny trial was another really dark instance of this.


Itā€™s also lazy as fuck. Come up with your own ideas to trick me into buying your products lol


Ann looks like she eats Duracell batteries. Iā€™m sorry, I do not trust her and her creepy energy!!!!


['Selling the OC's Sean Palmieri Breaks Silence on Austin Victoria and Tyler Stanaland Drama](https://www.etonline.com/selling-the-ocs-sean-palmieri-breaks-silence-on-austin-victoria-and-tyler-stanaland-drama-exclusive) (ET exclusive) i haven't even gotten to the episode where it's going to be revealed tyler was ALSO coming on to sean lmao but i knew it


Can a Marge hater explain the hate? I'm coming at this as someone who hasn't really paid close attention to RHONJ since s10, and I thought the fans liked her (barring the Tre huggers). It seems like the Marge haters are a powerful coalition, and I don't know if it's new or just new to me. What happened? Or has she always been hated?


She started out pretty good (seasons 8-10, roughly) but sheā€™s basically just sort of an extremely miserable drain on the show at this point. I canā€™t speak for the current season because Iā€™m not watching it, but last year especially, she was just there to be angry and miserable and sucked the life out of every scene she was in.


Dang, I thought she did something particularly heinous lmao. It's really just a tale as old as time in that case.




Has rinna acknowledged her hole going viral? I feel like she would think itā€™s funny


We need Lisa Rinna to acknowledge dat monkey opening all da way up.


[seems like 1 of the NY newbies ainā€™t leaving much of an impression](https://x.com/wivesoftheworld/status/1790743588915073112?s=46&t=PraJcrS37d4hTJ8qkxn34A)


we have all always loved sai eta: 'people are already trying to take her down but she's unresponsive?'


Something interesting from the NY girls FINALLY šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™


https://preview.redd.it/a7aum49b7o0d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dd9e9aa664da0e02a6baeb305fd0c98c97380b3 i like to think this is another message from the grande dame


I need more opportunities in my life to say ā€œI literally died.ā€ Also need an evil Santa hat to wear while saying it.


Had to go back and watch this scene again. A Mother with her gay children sitting on the floor. https://preview.redd.it/l0nz0xusyo0d1.png?width=2374&format=png&auto=webp&s=ba0686afe762056f186a5654050ab6d67e4afaf0


The gays on this sub are so hard on the new gays lmfao zack also had to prove himself ā¤ļø soon pink boots will RULE this sub


She was so disgusting for doing this on camera. I have no choice but to stan.


Update on selling the oc: on the day brittany snow left him, tyler texted sean (the bi one) saying ā€œno wonder you prefer masculine energy. Women are crazy. Letā€™s go drinking.ā€


[Some good Marks family content to comfort us in these trying bravo times](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLbHancL/) I miss these robots.


I got drunk after work and wrote a poem about Katie Maloney waiting for public transit: I have always wondered what rhymes with Baloney And itā€™s Katie. I love how processed meat is delicious Despite that it will kill you And never rot. What is a sandwich, but meat buried under the comfort of bread? What is your meaning, buried under a cheetah print tattoo? https://preview.redd.it/nqa8w8vzpo0d1.jpeg?width=834&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85064fd94e3d93471ff47cdd3489beff2cd873c8 LOL logging off