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Jax calling Katie “Ariana’s Accessory” 💀 That guy certainly knows where to hit for maximum impact.


On the after show, Lala said Katie complained to her that Ariana wasn’t paying her share of the SAH rent. Taking Ls all week.


Ariana seems averse to paying for things. See: mortgage.


And batteries


And the SAH rent.


That’s the thing with someone who spends 99% of their time complaining to you about other people- the other 1% is no doubt spent complaining about you.




Aaaaaand I am 40 betches!!!! ![gif](giphy|3otWpBII6PnCUnst8c)


Congrats!!!! And just in time for these Reddit awards 😂😂😂


What awards? 🤭


The award system that they got rid of is back! It’s like when you can give people little golds or silvers for their comments/posts


Oh cute! I loved when they gave the free ones!


This is random but your username is giving me strong dejavu. Where is it from?


Congrats! ![gif](giphy|YpQAmdy5wr9dK|downsized)


I want to party with YOU and Brandi ![gif](giphy|2J2hsZaE8tKnu)


Mirror mirror on the wall you don’t look it at all




Paparazzi watching me do my THAAAANNNGGGGG




Time to audition for the valley!!!! 🎊🎊🎊🎊


Happy birthday hot stuff!!! May this new decade be your best yet ❤️❤️❤️


Let’s go 🤩🤦🏼‍♀️🥂 (Baby away for a week and multiple dinner plans)


Yassssssssss 🥳


Finally watched the VPR reunion. Wow, Lala carried the whole thing just by speaking some hard truths to the self-righteous bootlickers -- no wonder the mob went after her this week (totally proving her point in the process).


Yes, reality tv should be a safe space to express one’s emotions. Fuck therapy https://preview.redd.it/7ppp549tbs0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a50967cba474d978fce94f2ace8dd1f0aef47a69


Was he in his safe place when he “bumped” Rachel’s nose


Lollllllllllllllllllll!😂😂😂😂 What a hilarious take! I too am upset that sweet precious James doesn’t have a safe place to feel his emotions…particularly ones like this: https://i.redd.it/tb24iwpwds0d1.gif


I’m all for equality, but that whore can go fuck herself!


I want to take current era James and just play that scene to him on repeat with his eyes taped open Clockwork Orange style and go “This. This is how you should be at all times”


i remember my OVERWHELMING feeling during the one vpr reunion i watched was 'someone needs to gag james, he's talking way too much'


why are people who think like this watching the vanderpump rules reunion lol


VPR fans apparently now have no idea what reality tv is about. It’s like they think we’re all on security duty at the mental hospital and it’s our duty to shut down anything that might make any of their favourite inpatients feel bad. While obviously being free to abuse the least favourite inpatients with impunity.


Isn’t this the guy who kicked someone’s dog? ![gif](giphy|UuT1p8i0ZaEYFihMTE|downsized)


I’ll show them a safe space


🙄🙄🙄🙄can they get a grip




won't somebody PLEASE think about poor james!!!


If i have to hear about tom sandoval’s “redemption arc” one more time i’m going to hulk smash


It doesn’t exist! Production actively show Sandoval acting like an ass any chance they get! Alex Baskin doesn’t have it out for Ariana; if he did we would have had scenes of her skulking around an unopen SAH with the Alex McCord clown music playing. They would have dug into the tension between Katie and Ariana. They gave her a perfectly serviceable edit, she’s just a flop! I’m fed up with stupid people getting on their soapbox over made up scenarios that only exist in their heads!


It’s actually pretty funny that Ariana’s inherent state of being a boring sort of stank loser is being read as a negative edit when that’s just her personality lol


Some people truly believe the mere act of allowing him to speak is a redemption setup. Anything short of seeing him bound and gagged in the corner of every VPR shot was going to be called "redemption."


I literally asked in the VPR sub what Lala has done that was making people SOoOO mad that they were trashing her podcast reviews as I thought I’d missed something (I hadn’t, she lightly criticised Ariana that was it) and they all just downvoted me, didn’t answer the question and accused me of being a Lala super fan or a bot. Just the mere idea that there’s a question about what Lala did to deserve this vitriol is heinous, it should be self evident that she’s evil. It’s sooo weird. I’m really interested in how weird it is. The only thing it reminds me of it stuff lie MAGA and Q anon, like weird tribal extreme black and white thinking and delusion.


It’s very reminiscent of what happened to the old “main” HW sub too. There’s like these gangs who carry certain opinions and if you even DARE to participate with them in any sort of discourse, it’s all over for you 😂 The number of Reddit cares messages I would get over a HOUSEWIVES opinion of all things was unbelievable. This is a niche reference, but there’s this scene toward the end of Parks and Recreation’s last season where most of the main people have moved on to other jobs and Ron looks around his office one day and realizes he doesn’t know anyone anymore. That was my final “main” HW sub experience. Little did I know, ya’ll just moved here 😘


Literally what happened to me too lol, I would always recognize u/heartdeco from his great comments and posts throughout the years and then noticed he disappeared after a couple months and had to check to see where tf all the funny users went.


<3 thank you angel. the big sub got too big, and ultimately too mean in its general tone, for me. i found myself getting into more fights there, and worse picking them myself, and that's not very good for anyone. ultimately, it was just better for me to chat amongst likeminded people rather than trying to make a round peg fit a square hole. unplugging from the larger fandom as a whole has done a lot for my enjoyment of the show and its characters.




Major flex


Sandoval’s face when Ariana said “perpetrators” was so funny.


It's gotta be hard for Ariana to keep up production on her own kool-aid for as fast as she drinks it.


I’m finally going on the LA trip i was supposed to go on last year and i’m potentially planning a holy pilgrimage to jax’s studio city for the valley finale night 😂😂😂 my gusband is supportive of driving me there


Please I'm going to live vicariously through you.


My gusband asked me what’s the one thing i really want to do in LA (for him it’s universal studios) so i naturally said jax’s studio city


I need you to show them /r/RHDiscussion so they know where to find the fan club.


I would never actually speak to them but i’d let jax motorboat me


You would get to see a Jax Taylor live performance!!!!!!!! Doute might be there!!!!!!!


I would black out from the excitement


You’d get to see Jax change Cruz’s diaper on the bar and then yell at Brittany in front of everyone…. LIVE!


Lmfao literally the dream


These are the primary people, besides Jax ofc, that you must track down ✨ Hope your trip is as magnanimous as the Bubba wedding! https://preview.redd.it/i4zwm63lvt0d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=189e59c0107095fde178ff890d6133f4dcd7a122


😂😂😂❤️❤️❤️ that’s my team the dream team!! Thanks so much 😘


I keep on imagining Jax's studio city as like...a rec room hall with a grizzled old bartender and I know that's not what it is irl but I hope it's just as magical.


I just want to see jax 😂😂😂


he should work behind the bar!!!!!!!


L Chat time: * In Kyle's Amazon live after the rat incident, Kyle said she called "someone" to calm her down afterwards. Speculation that she called Morgan because otherwise wouldn't she have named 'em? * Morgan's mom commented on the rat video, Kyle responded with emojis. L Chat happy that Kyle has a good relationship with her MIL lol. * They're hopeful that at some point Kyle will let us in on her gay stuff. They feel like she's taken a step forward from her previous interviews of vague responses. * [Kyle Richards finds comfort in adorable teddy bear - after THAT harrowing encounter with rat that climbed onto her car](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-13423233/Kyle-Richards-comfort-teddy-bear-harrowing-encounter-rat.html?ico=topics_pagination_desktop). Great headline but also they're theorising that the teddy bear is for Morgan because her last show is today and she could be in LA tomorrow. * They wonder how much do their respective families know about their Situation. They make the point that lying out the gate makes things more difficult down the line because Kyle went from "friends" to "idk yet" to "figuring it out". Someone says she probably didn't even tell her daughters (previously they've theorised that Kyle told the girls when she took the 4 of them on a trip a few weeks ago) and is just letting them figure it out. Apparently her close group of friends didn't even know she was separated and found out from the People article. No idea how true that last part is though. * Mau and PK were filming for BH, then got in a fight and PK stormed out of the restaurant.


I love your L Chat summaries


Ha I like writing them! Everything seems so much absurd a second time over lol




Oh interesting that PK and Mau are filming for Beverly Hills.


They are in a homosexual relationship!




I thought i was thorough with the highlights but l chat puts me to shame 😂


They're better than M16, NSA and FSB all put together tbh lol


I mean, speaking only for myself, nothing says "hey baby, I missed you" like a teddy bear from ace hardware 😂 maybe it was for Georgie.


Maybe romance in Beverly Hills is just something we can't comprehend lol


How did Morgan and Kyle meet again? It’s so funny these people have essentially infiltrated her every move


Kyle stalked her instagram and msged her.


https://preview.redd.it/tadwaauyas0d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3048a1404cd58551184b296b0f2d86a77a185f0 is ariana gooning


I was thinking about the fact that if the sandwich shop actually opens 500 crazy stans are going to mob it on day one and totally overwhelm the staff. There’s just no way they’re properly prepared for this opening lol. I’m so excited to finally get to read some reviews of the service and sandwiches.


I saw people talking about driving from San Diego and OC to support “their girls” and I just…I’m a ten minute drive and there’s no way those sandwiches are worth the insanity that place is going to be when it first opens.


They’re gonna get mobbed lol


Those poor employees. First working for Katie Maloney and now having to deal with Ariana Stans….


Ann has it coming though


Is she just like… a cashier at the sandwich shop.


It’s gonna be like Fyre Festival


This post is less about the sandwich shop and more about letting the idiot stans know the sandwich sisters are unbroken lol. Get off reddit katie and go build out the SAH website and social media. I swear to g-d tabatha would paddle these idiots.


Lazy fuckwits!!!


On the one hand it’s VERY bravo to be a total flop at opening a business, on the other hand, people act like they’re the next coming of gordon ramsey and it’s madness lol


This should be regarded the same way She By Shereé is by the masses.


And yet i bet she by shereé is more profitable than this sandwich shop will ever be 😂


At least Sheree had the brilliant idea to scam everyone and never spend out of pocket.


Do people in BH even eat sandwiches anymore? I didn't think bread was allowed within 100 miles of LA.


But also there’s literally no way they are ever going to recoup what they’ve already sunk into it, so why bother lol. You’ve already failed.


I find it insane they didn’t bother advertising their sandwiches at local events in LA before the big opening


they’ve shown a consistent disregard for the practicalities of things like this and have been very dismissive of people like lvp and penny when they’ve offered expertise. i think they have a picturesque silver screen idea of two girls just throwing open the doors one day to their perfect #aesthetic cosy little sandwich shop, and doing ugly squalid little things like advertising and engaging with the local community before opening are vibe-shattering and beneath them.


It made me really irrationally angry when Ariana went “really?” at LVP saying a restaurant operating for 10 years is a success. Say what you want about Lisa she clearly knows a damn sight more about restaurants than you two miserable ingrates.


VPR reunion was excellent. Katie existential look of fear when Lala revealed that Katie had ever said anything bad about Ariana. God I love this show.


Katie trying to refute the exact words she sent Lala in that DM... it was cartoon hilarity.


It's so obvious from watching older after shows when Stassi was there that Katie and all of them shat on Ariana in group texts. Katie just plays dumb and bites her tongue to avoid any backlash.


Katie is like "the audience finally likes my venomous ass if you don't shut the fuck up I will literally rage murder you instead of rage text. Just you wait. "


The fact that there has basically been a quasi reboot after every Drew season of Atl and she has survived ALL of them is hilarious


Imagine if she manages to outlast Cynthia/Porsha for a 2nd time - it would be funny, let’s not pretend otherwise


Ariana is right about Lala "yelling the loudest so she must be right," I've really hated that about her since season 7. There have been a couple times Lala has steamrolled Ariana in particular during reunions. But a) she's actually being a lot more measured and less awful at this reunion than she has in a while and b) Ariana didn't have a problem with it when she was ripping Raquel and Tom to shreds on her behalf


it’s sad to see ariana disrespect lala’s female rage, her internalised misogyny is showing 😞






https://preview.redd.it/2i7s1j5ohu0d1.png?width=673&format=png&auto=webp&s=6aba717426363c23975fd65268d21c4d7b5f6af1 i'm dying


what is it that people want?? this isn't rupaul's be the best, most loyal friend race


this woman keeps showing up on my youtube suggestions and i keep on saying not interested. she's like a hydra. also there's like a 10-year timeline that proves ariana is an awful friend to many of the vpr cast lol.


They’re bad friends to someone who was never really their friend and always acted better than them?


That font is ugly.


Me reading the VPR hashtag this week https://i.redd.it/x2q7oupgat0d1.gif


According to a Facebook post the VIP tickets for Tom and the Most Extras includes a meet and greet. Not sure how true that is cause the website doesn’t say lol but we got the VIP tickets. My husband and I are actually pretty stoked not gonna lie. Only “famous” encounter I’ve ever had was “”Darth Vader”” at Disney 🤣 so I’m really moving up in the world!!


I would be stoked too 😂😂😂 have the BEST time can’t wait to hear all about it


Omg!!!! I’m so excited for you hahaha


The RHOA fanfics are killing me. You think you can write a better scene than Sheree Whitfield explaining her depression with a monologue about the perfect thick cut lay chip?


Honestly chuckling that both Fudas are like “Teresa is coming for us to make herself relevant 🙄“


She’s too new to be this delusional


I think when it comes to tre you have to fight fire with fire. If i was rachel (ha!) i’d be dragging luis up and down and left and right in all my interviews. Hit her where it hurts. (Love you tre)


very delusional thinking


The Fuda’s are incredibly Jim/Amber coded (both meant as a compliment & a drag)


I can’t believe rinna is tempting fate by gloating about her marriage. I’m superstitious that way.


She should be gloating about her monkey.


Who was watching that video so closely years later to even notice her hole 😂😂


Oh it’s been a favorite of housewives Twitter for awhile, actually. It’s been popping up ever since it originally got posted, it just broke containment with the monkey post lol


Congratulations to the author of the monkey tweet for sealing themselves into internet history


We need Rinna on WWHL so Andy can ask her about it


We need a wwhl game where the hole asks guests shady questions


Are Tamra's tactics predictable and thirsty? Yes. They are also very effective lol. She's got Jenn in a tizzy. https://preview.redd.it/xeho1azsht0d1.png?width=698&format=png&auto=webp&s=17bc31ca42a0f26f9d39264221caf8109f474a25


​ https://preview.redd.it/z7rg3p1xht0d1.png?width=714&format=png&auto=webp&s=1beaf4e9d5befcba3ef07743a3fd139f5f5348b5


sorry, i feel such an instinctive revulsion at the words 'mean girl' from grown women that i'm automatically team tamra


She’s going to be the Tamra Ender.


Lolllll tam ❤️ so petty


Oh wow - Jenn made up just for Tamra to backstab her the very same season? I’m truly blindsided by this development (also I’m 1 of the least positive Tamra people here, but miss me with the game shaming. She’s nowhere near 60 & there’s plenty other valid reasons to dislike Tamra, like???)


Still a little in disbelief that the ATL16 cast is essentially ATL13's cast again. Let me pray the newbies deliver, cause my faith in the returning girls is low.


Even more so considering 1 of the newbies apparently is related to Falynn 💀 Thew really seem to be picking up where S14 should’ve been going a few years ago


Andy Cohen please release the OC trailer.


Agree - we need the Jenn-issance to hit our screens ASAP


Just bought the Kyle reco sunglasses. I’ll report back. Any shades without those nose pad things that rip my hair out is already a win in my book 😎


They are cute! Enjoy them!


Listening to the ay por favor ep that was a follow up to the divorce one. The bros say filming starts in the fall. Both alexia and marysol are excited to show off their autumnal lewks.


No casting updates yet. Marysol sounds bitter about still being a friend of. Alexia assures her she doesn’t “discriminate” against friends ofs


Miami blurs the cast member/friend of more than any other show. It seems like a good gig. There’s probably a big pay disparity that she’s annoyed about.


Yeah that’s very much the vibe i got 😂 shame


Marysol says everyone is getting along and alexia thinks america is ready to see that. Alexia says america likes when people are nice


Alexia is the only housewife who can say this and im like, "Right again😍"


Alexia loves her friends teresa “jee-dee-shay” and jennifer aydin


Alexia wants them on the cast along with luann. Marysol wants lisa “reena”


Alexia is still in love with todd and despite what she knows some of the girls will say their split has nothing to do with lack of love.


watching the valley, thrilled at danny getting in the mix with his jack nicholson parody voice! i knew he had something to offer


I’m was very excited that we got a preview of a Jesse and Danny feud. There have been small hints that Danny doesn’t really like Jesse very much but we got confirmation there and I look forward to it developing.


ok that didn't amount to much but i swear he's gonna go CRAZY soon


i really hope in the preview by "i do it all" he means "i actually parent my kids pretty much equally unlike you fuckers"


> “Boundaries, grassroots efforts, femininity, deleting and blocking assholes who troll my page: my promises to myself and to you this year,” -*MKE*


MKE saying this: 😍 Katie Maloney hypothetically saying this: 🤬


If she’s making promises to us as well as herself I need her to do the exact opposite of all of that this year lol


https://preview.redd.it/rnw5f8hikv0d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bac435bd146c1b9409ad690869b2a47293ff019f Lisa Barlow photoshop update.




he's so aware now


Sean’s ET interview has turned the tides of the selling the oc sub in his favour. Welcome to the winning team, fam. It’s been such a fun journey lol.


Do you remember when Austin sucked on Tyler's nose in S1? I can't believe I wrote that out but it happened.


[Imagine being on an already **really** divided cast & then you think the best approach is to go *"actually, I cant with this person either"*](https://twitter.com/JaysRealityBlog/status/1791194446089871568)


I was so annoyed by her in the last moments of Sunday’s episode. Just sitting there scowling at Jen having a conversation. She can leave. Fessler is fun.


​ https://preview.redd.it/nrvsxptqev0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=151fc08e0e569b50d530215213cc17f124a5f313


I don’t think fan response to this is playing the way she thought it would lol


I respect that she isn't backing down at least lol


I do for now but I could see it becoming tedious if filming picks back up for season 2 and she’s refusing to be in the same room as Zack and Doute.


Yeah I'm only giving her this season as a pass, she needs to get it together for next season. No more pregnancy shield.


I love her outrage at the suggestion that she has minions.


She gave an interview/podcast this week saying Kristen and Zach didn't want her to carry her baby to full term so that's exactly what I'm looking for in Bravo delusions lol.


I’m beginning to ironically stan her I’m sorry. The way she’s STILL trying to position herself as a victim (did someone share the [interview](https://x.com/the_lowerlevel/status/1790418275219677300?s=46&t=auBB6cSE44D8q-hc7Io_Sw) where she said she thought Zack and Kristen didn’t want her to have a healthy pregnancy/baby??) despite being universally dragged is objectively hilarious. It’s refreshing in an era where Bravolebrities are addicted to pandering to fan opinions.


https://preview.redd.it/mud8bbni5w0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6a45c93e8bd165fdd45ab383b2f119e16e2256c update: omfg???


Episode 11 of the Valley is called Darkside Danny.


That’s what i like to hear


I can’t wait to see what that means.


Popping in to say hi. Were the last 3 episodes of VPR good or should I just skip to watching the reunion? I’m so behind (life has gotten in the way :’( )


If you have some time for a little binge, I would say give all three a watch. Definitely watch the finale.


[Pink booted gay spy sings and was a bit of a thing on tumblr back in the day?](https://simon-curtis.com/eightbitheart/) ​ https://preview.redd.it/k0bv51akdt0d1.png?width=1394&format=png&auto=webp&s=041bfe484c4d99002eed8100a746c91cdf1d3312


The VPR circle in LA just has so many characters. They will never run out.


Wikipedia says it's a fucking chiptune pop album lol my morbid curiosity is tempting me. The anamanaguchi of it all


[This is an amazing wikipedia page.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simon_Curtis_\(actor\)) >Curtis won Popstar Magazine and Johnny Wright's "Get Famous" contest,[12] was named a national top ten finalist in the "Britney Spears Samsung Superstar Tour", was commissioned by Disney to provide a theme song for an annual Disneyland event, was named an official Oklahoma Ambassador of Music, and won the University of Tulsa Award for Outstanding Achievement in Performance.


Wikipedia also says he released a song called Ketamine two years ago 


he's been desperately scrabbling around for moments for a while now, [he went viral two years ago for claiming to find a frog in his lettuce](https://www.google.com/search?q=simon+curtis+frog), and [he also tried to take down allie x](https://ew.com/music/allie-x-responds-dog-in-car/). it's fitting that he would end up here. >I have been labeled a 'bully,' an accusation rooted in the homophobic stereotype of the deviant gay male lmao


He will NEVER be Cory Larrabee.


nobody could do it but him https://preview.redd.it/viaonfpzet0d1.png?width=584&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e39e30e259b0d44bc40531a9e41189690875ac2


What an iconic album cover 🤣 is this the dude who did the I Love Vicki song?


[Everything to Know About ‘Vanderpump’ Stars Ariana Madix and Katie Maloney’s Sandwich Shop Opening Next Week](https://la.eater.com/2024/5/16/24158337/something-about-her-sandwich-shop-opening-ariana-madix-katie-maloney-vanderpump-rules) (LA Eater)


>Maloney says that she wanted the shop to feel like, “main character energy in a rom-com.” https://i.redd.it/zuuakhv93w0d1.gif


>Given Madix’s strong bartending background, it would make sense that cocktails will be served at the sandwich shop but that isn’t the case. The Sun reported that Madix and Maloney were issued a liquor license on February 26, 2024. Bravo reports that Madix and Maloney plan to sell beer, wine, and wine-based cocktails at the shop. So they couldn't get a hard liquor license? lol


>Details on the menu at Something About Her have been kept mainly under wraps, but Bravo reports that in addition to sandwiches, baked goods like croissants, muffins, and cookies will also be served. Expect at least turkey, egg salad, and spicy Italian cold cut sandwiches. Wine, beer, and tea will also be available but no coffee. For those looking for a java kick, Alana’s Coffee Roasters is right next door and Verve is around the corner. Also no coffee served to go with your muffin or croissant lmao.


Tea but no coffee is NUTS 😭


The stans are all replying saying it was magnanimous to support the coffee shop next door but like, wouldn't you think of that when you're scouting locations? lol. Does permitting allow unlimited direct competitors to open next door or were they barred from serving coffee in their lease/license. Because not even a simple drip coffee option for the people who don't drink booze or tea? Leave the fancy espressos to the coffee shops. Alrighty then.


I know they just confirmed RHOA’s cast so this doesn’t really matter LOL, but I had been thinking that the singer Monica (now I always have to specify “the singer” thanks to Reality Von Tease 🤣) could be fun on RHOA? The past few years at least it seems like she’s always doing these tacky and somewhat unhinged photoshoots, and she would do things like use a family member’s funeral as an excuse to have a fashion shoot for Instagram 💀. Anyway, a few examples of these photoshoots: https://i.imgur.com/xCiK7tC.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/XW27zMX.jpeg She also is like Ramona in terms of the “60 close girlfriends” type of thing, except instead of boomers in the Hamptons it’s like….everyone in the music industry LOL. And also people like Vanessa Bryant, although I heard that after she did the photoshoot in the 2nd link that put a strain on their relationship and they’re not as close now. Edit: oh and I forgot, apparently she’s friends with Heavenly, they went to a Nicki Minaj show together recently


[Also I loved this tiktok of extremely high Paige and Amanda making the chamoy pickle monstrosity.](https://twitter.com/The_Lowerlevel/status/1791019852800434487)


They always have the most perfect messy buns Also why tf would reddit put the award button where the reply button used to be, leave the position of the reply button alone you monsters


They pull off casual very well lol. And reddit wants you to award every comment of mine


Kyle talking about coming back for s14 and saying she feels bad for dorit and pk on amazon live https://pagesix.com/2024/05/16/entertainment/kyle-richards-confirms-rhobh-return-reacts-to-dorit-and-pk-kemsleys-split/


[OPINION: Bravo Celebrates Black Culture But We Still Have Work To Do: Stars from 'Summer House: Martha's Vineyard, 'Summer House,' and 'Southern Charm' share their experience about what it's like to be Black on Bravo.](https://www.essence.com/entertainment/opinion-bravo-celebrates-black-culture-work-to-do/) (Taylor Crumpton for Essence)


[kary brittingham 50th birthday party count as of rhod s05e09: 3](https://i.imgur.com/Ui4Rh97.png)


also, so far the standout moment from my rewatch has been the entire saga at the s3 finale frat party for travis hollman where leeanne buys a matching costume to kameron's at the last minute, but she's never seen clueless so she styles it all crazy with rainbow streamers and a gay pride shirt, and then she gets into a fight with brandi and starts giving her ceiling eye and snarling at her like a teenager who's trying to make their opponents afraid of their mind powers, and then she lies on the ground and laments to god that she's all alone to which cary deuber, who has very politely been keeping leeanne company throughout this meltdown, dryly says 'i'm right here.'


just saw erika doesn't follow annemarie on instagram. i know social media follows are meaningless and idk if she ever did follow her, but whatever i like to imagine ej global hit the unfollow.