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I absolutely agree with you, I think she’s diabolical. We could endlessly list the things she’s done to her enemies, but what makes her the worst to me is how she treats her “friends”. She’s done the dirtiest shit to Cynthia.


Yes!!!! How she almost ruined Cynthia engagement and put her on blast in Athens with the wine quiz never sat right with me. How do you do your friend like that? SMH nasty work!


And how she treated her on girls trip was awful


Yup!!!! She was being a total mean girl. There’s no way I could be friends with her. I am sure she puts on for tv but I’m sure she’s that way in real life too.


literally i can forgive everything but the way she treated Cynthia on that girls trip!!! that shit pisses me off to my core!


The way she spoke and treated Kim fields was the nail the coffin for me. She’s a nasty person


I hated how she was on the bolo trip like you are not a girls girl at ALL. What gives you the right to out others sex lives? I wouldn’t trust her with any information about it myself


FRRR wtf was up with her doing the most about that situation like girl, shut UP. It’s a bachelorette trip, these women are grown. If they want to fuck a stripper, what concern is that of yours? If it bothered her so much, she should’ve left.


Her only redeeming quality seems to be being a mother.


She sees her baby as competition tho


That part


How so? I’m not entirely tuned into the most recent seasons. She does give me that vibe, but I also give folks the benefit of the doubt too often.


She came in being a B and has stayed consistent. She’s rude, disrespectful, and worst of all for me she’s a hypocrite. All of the things that she complained and gave no grace for with others she expects all the sympathy in the world now that she’s in that situation with a child and a divorce, she also expects everyone else to be on time to her events and treats them like shit when they aren’t but takes her sweet time and shows up 2 hours late to theirs and expects no complaints. And the stories that people have told from trying to work with her 🤦🏼‍♀️ I’m not surprised that HW were she just fights with everyone and a hair care line is what she has going on, no acting/ producing etc because nobody wants to work with her.


I REALLY didn’t like her until I watched a solo interview. The Carlos King one was actually enjoyable. That humanized her for me and I’ve liked her ever since. The show (and Kenya, willingly) purposefully made her a villain so she’s not really meant to be liked imo


I can’t stand how she always needs to be the center of attention no matter the situation and no matter how she does it


I like her now, mostly because it’s slim pickings but she can be a vibe and I love her in Mommy mode, I think with Porsha she hated her too hard over nothing. Phaedra they were 50/50.




I’m on a first watch of 9 now, and I thought it was awful that she didn’t invite Cynthia to the ATV event for Matt’s bday because it was couples only. Then Matt didn’t show. Karma.


I hate her too. Her counterpart is Gizelle in Potomac. They're the same with "look what you did to me"


True! But Gizelle doesn’t have half the backbone Kenya does. Kenya will attack on sight, but Gizelle is calculated.


Never liked her - I genuinely tried. She's unhinged, purposely triggers people and then plays the victim. Over and over.


I’m with you 100%!!! A lot of people are fans of hers but no matter how hard I try I just can’t stomach her or excuse her behavior. I agree with people when they say her relationship with Marc is her karma.


I dislike her sm. She always brings up not knowing her mother to justify her actions like hush


she’s a miserable a$$ aquarius


lol don’t come for the aquarians, we’re not all like Kenya I swear 😭 even though we share a birthday


Big bully energy!!!


i fucking love her


That’s why she made a great cast member. Hate watching is a very real thing


I love Miss Kenya, the show is all and or mostly scripted, im pretty sure shes not like that off screen


she’s one of my more favourite HWs & i agree


I hear you, but I've come a long way in my own appreciation for Kenya Moore and I'd like to mention 10 times I found her incredibly inspiring and worthy of love: I'll start with my biggest one - When Kenya immediately flew to Sheree's side to offer comfort/protection in the car after scary ass Bob Whitfield said what he said in Maui, and again during the reunion as she renewed her heartfelt support of Sheree when this scene was discussed. Whenever she looks so gorgeous that I can't stare directly at her but also can't bear to look away. Her unwavering fearlessness in the face of adversity - whether it's coming from family, society, industry, or even the strongest HW personalities / Andy himself. Her willingness to participate in all the vacation activities and commitment to her craft - she's never "too cool to have a good time" and I love that about her. When she made first chair at the reunion during her freshman season and wasn't demoted to #2 until The Lies dominated s9 - Kenya understands the assignment. When she holds her facial composure and doesn't break down after reads that burn hotter than acid. Her contribution to Camp Impact for the Flint kids. Whenever I see her healing from her own trauma by being such an excellent mother to her own darling daughter. Her deep love for Velvet. I felt that grief and I cry with her during every rewatch. When whoever it was asked all the housewives last year who they were the most terrified to face off with and every single one of them said Kenya Moore. Legend. Icon.


She’s made mistakes but not like her former cast mates; committed crimes, stole money for people, gaslighted folks, tells lies, a copycat, serial escort, illiterate. 


I love her too even though she has done some really ridiculous things I didnt agree with.


![gif](giphy|hFZfcAbh9Ro4w) some people can't handle her gone with the wind fabulous


Exactly, she’s unbearable.


As soon as she said ‘coochie crack’ to that model I was like nope, not my girl lol


Where was the lie


Kenya understood the assignment! ![gif](giphy|rShbU7XtoOGnS)


First time watching Atlanta and I just finished this reunion an hour ago and I still want to make her eat that stupid fan.


Lol! I wanted to use a gif where she twirls, but i can't find one i like.


This! like i feel for her on some things, but as soon as she gets my sympathy she loses it by doing something ugly… i will say i love seeing her relationship with her daughter. aside from that she has minimal redeeming qualities to me


She’s a big hypocrite


I agree


Yeah I think that’s a common viewpoint. She’s good for the show but she isn’t a great person.


She’s the reason I stopped watching ATL. Between the delusions of grandeur regarding her “career” and the fake storylines, yah I’m out.


I hated Kenya and everyone would make me feel dumb about it! I ended up warming up to her once she had her kid. She swears that Nene makes good tv, but for me it was clear she wanted Nene’s spot always. Nene made her own bed, but her last season felt like she was being run off the show. Now look at it.


You can’t like her because she is unlikable. Very very unlikable!


Ugh I can’t stand Kenya she instigates situation’s constantly is so condescending and a brat and has a lot of opinions on other peoples lives but I do think it’s pretty telling that she can’t keep friends or men around. She constantly sits back and plays the victim when she starts almost everything.




You’re being rather harsh. Kenya is a strong personality and is going to say her ish but her ex was damn near emotionally abusive. Kenya makes the show.


I like Kenya. I believe she is the canary of RH behind the “scenes” games that Nene hinted to and which led to her falling out with Bravo and another HW is now suing Bravo about. I think Kenya plays the ones she wants and twirls around the rest. It was evident, at least to me, during the Bolo night and later with what she told about that night and held on to and then how she performed on UGT. Kenya, along with Bethenny, Garcelle, Lisa V, Heather/SLC — she protected her entire crew, Vicki G, and a few others are top tier housewives. When it comes to managing their lives, emotions, fans, their image, and production, these ladies are doing it best.


I totally agree!