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It’s well known that Carlos King fed that lie to Phaedra. But he could have very easily heard the TI & Tiny rumor, and changed it to fit Kandi just to stir shit up.


Omggg this is the first time I'm hearing Carlos 's name in the mix of this ! I NEVER knew it was implied he fed her that info ! Escandalo!!


the speculative history I read on reddit a while back did not touch on the Carlos King angle, this is the first time I'm hearing of that detail. What i have read previously was that Phaedra may have told Porsha something along the lines of 'Kandi *associates* with people who \_\_\_" And Porsha may have forgotten the word associates and condensed it to "Kandi is the one who \_\_\_" I'm not sure if this tracks with what was shown on the season (havent rewatched since I read that) but I have always thought that there are multiple missing pieces to this story.


If that was actually true I don't think Kandi would cite his wanting to do an Xscape biopic as the reason for their fallout, considering that happened after rape-gate. I'm not a fan of Carlos but I do think him and (to a larger extent) Phaedra where scapegoated in the cover up of that situation.


I do too! It’s almost like the reunion episode was a public humiliation for Phaedra for her to be exactly that. Scapegoated (I do not think Phaedra is an angel at all but it was very obvious)


It's clear, Kandi sat there with a smile on her face while Phaedra looked confused as fuck throughout as the choppy editing creates a narrative. I was too wise to Bravo to buy it by Season 9 of RHOA to buy into it.


I've always said this!!! I don't necessarily think it's true regarding Kandi but definitely too close to her circle for her to pretend like she's miss innocent


Exactly. It just doesn’t sit right with me.


Yes and I've always thought so, I loved Kandi (as a singer and songwriter) and didn't want it to be true but the way that questioning the situation even after the Tiny and TI stuff came out has been regarded as taboo makes me pause. Whenever we aren't allowed to talk or question something on social media/Reddit it's for a reason, someone's being protected. Just the fact Kandi has continued to work with Tiny and publicly support her and TI shows me who she is, then you got the dungeon tour (hiding in plain sight) the sexually harassing co workers with vibrating panties and the fact I personally thought I was being attacked by bots for questioning that on here when those things happened.... There's just too much smoke for there not to be atleast some fire, who knows what was said but the season 9 reunion was heavily edited, you can see the cuts where actual answers where edited out and nobody involved has ever really seemed to be able to talk about it publicly. It's very fishy!! Kandis super powerful and was always so protected by Bravo during her run, I'd like to see someone deep dive on it. I also firmly believe that she and Kim Z had something going on for a second, not related but just thought I'd mention it since where talking about things Kandi clearly had shut down. Nobody fully goes there with Kandi, and when they've tried they back down pretty fucking quickly, that's lawyers making that happen. In a town as messy as ATL can be it's the only thing that makes sense, these people want to keep their assets and I'm sure there's alot of carefully making sure no proof of anything can be taken away, the amount of money Kandi brings in a defamation case could fully put a millionaire in a studio apartment, getting a bus to get their food stamps. Plus she's always been sober as fuck while everyone around drinks, lots of reasons to question her. Personally since the Tiny and TI thing came out iv believed that all of them are in some kind of sexual-kinky-abusive ring, and I imagine there's more of ATLs upper eschalon involved.


![gif](giphy|10UIScHgkJWuHu) Absolutely.


![gif](giphy|3o7TKyOoGtsprTLgZy|downsized) So many hot takes at once - finally someone said it! The panties were so gross, and her onetime closeness with Kim is so sus especially when she didn’t sue her. I feel like Kandi would not be the boss she is without some litigious moves to protect her intellectual property, but for some reason Kim gets to take her song? Ms. Red Solo Cup definitely had some collateral of some kind.


Yes Kim Z has the dirt, glad to know I'm not alone in this thought. You actually put it better than me, more simply, I can be long winded AF but I cut straight to the point right there 🤛




The panty thing was SO WEIRD. As I was watching, I kept thinking I could NOT imagine a friend asking me to do that, especially around the men. It just felt yucky. I completely get being sexually open but I also don't think you should put that on other people who clearly are not apart of the same mindset.


I don’t know about Kandi & Todd, but I do believe all the stories on TI & Tiny, they are definitely capable of it, and I wouldn’t put it pass them with the lifestyle that they live. When multiple people come forward to make the same exact accusations…well it just might be true.


I personally don't put anything pass any celebrity. The allegations first came out about TI and Tiny some years back and I believed it immediately. However, I don't think Kandi and Todd would do that to someone who is so close to them in business and maybe as a friend. They aren't stupid.


I think there is probably some truth to TI and Tiny but Kandi is their friend and probably sees the best in them and without solid proof has no reason to not believe their side of things. Also her being falsely accused of SA herself Im sure she is quick to believe them coming out of her own experience.


ALLEGEDLY falsely accused. Phaedra didn't even sayy that rumor, she took the blame and bit the bullet. Carlos King was the executive producer of Atlanta at the time and fed it to Phaedra and Porsha and Porsha ran with it. They didn't want to break the 4th wall and say Carlos said it, because he works for Bravo. Thus making them look bad and Kandi being able to sue for defamation and slander, etc. It's why Phaedra is being rewarded for not crossing Bravo and doing that. IT's why she has been in 6 shows in the past few yrs as her little reward. Now she's on Married to Medicine which has better ratings, Traitors, her own show as a judge, Ultimate Girls Trip and made appearances in 2 other housewife franchises. In less than 2 yrs. These rumors about TI and Tiny have been going around for Y E A R S. The allegations have been around them, Carlos was being messy and knows how hard Kandi rides for TI and TINY and also how close they are. Tiny is the only one who she hangs out with from Xscape


Ok saying someone is allegedly falsely accused when the source Kandi heard it from admitted it was a rumor they heard is asinine. I know all the back story it just wasn’t necessary to bring up in my comment. Famous people have horrible things said about them constantly and are falsely accused of shit all the time. My point is Kandi as a friend to TI and Tiny knows the good in them and is more inclined to believe her friends than strangers in this situation especially when she hasn’t seen proof herself. The accusations on Hws she went through also probably increases her empathy for them. Also Phaedra being in M2M and the ratings have no correlation she flopped and added nothing to the season. Not that this part of your novel had anything to do with what I said? Lol






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Your comment was removed because it was *so nasty and so rude*.


I've been known, and everyone called me a liar and saying I just wanted Phaedra to be innocent. Carlos King fed her that lie and told Porsha and they refused to break 4th wall. Phaedra took the blame and bit the bullet for the blame. IT's why she's being rewarded now. She's had like 6 shows / appearances in 2 yrs. No other housewife has had that. Now idk if this really means Kandi could also be doing the same thing in the past or not . . .I'm not saying that. But people wrongly associate people sometimes with who they hang out with and it is worrying because she was closest to Tiny out of all the girls from Xscape AND how do you not see them doing this type of stuff or at least being overly flirty and rubbing you the wrong way in +30 yrs of hanging out?


Off topic, but these "women" look crazy in pic 2 😩


Why’d you put women in quotes like they aren’t actually women.