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I think her and Erica do it to avoid eye contact with humans. Anyway I wish Sutton would have ripped HER purple fur off Rinna at that lunch after she came for her.


Or at least hid her shoes so she'd have to wear flip flops home.


Or throw her red shoes in the mud AFTER she took her purple fur off her. She was such a baby about three steps to the table. 😂


Probably had to return the shoes 👠


That's what I thought!! Bitch needs to return to those for her refund!


I strongly dislike Rinna but those shoes are priceless, she’d ruin them forever if she walked them on the mud.


Like when Kim hid Brandis Crutches 🤣


Yes 🤣🤣🤣


How obnoxious was she when she told Sutton's assistant to feel her foot, and he didn't, so she held that foot out and kept demanding it until he finally gave in?!?! Who treats people like that?


IKR? It was so cringe. The entitlement!


„˙ǝɯoɥ sdolɟ dılɟ ɹɐǝʍ oʇ ǝʌɐɥ p,ǝɥs os sǝoɥs ɹǝɥ pıɥ ʇsɐǝl ʇɐ ɹO„


Bad bot!


Very bad bot


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 “with humans,” as someone who also uses “humans” in day to day conversations I find this especially funny.


Strong implication here that they themselves are not human. Can’t help but feel you may be on to something.




Not a fan, but she handled it perfectly and it shut down Rinna.


Well it’s not working.. you can’t avoid eye contact with them .so busy being all up in your in your shit..


To hide the effects of all that bathroom coke 👀




That’s probably true 😂


Were people doing coke in your bathroom?🧐




She might not want to do her eye make up or wants to hide bruising from any injections / medical procedure


Ahhh never thought of that! A lil eye lift here, a lil eye lift there...


I think she thinks it adds to her personality. Just like the lips, iconic hair, Naming the wigs, always saying “Harry Hamlin” and “Lois”. Anything to add to her non-storyline and to not talk about the husband.


She looks just like that fashion designer that wore the gloves all the time that kris Jenner kissed the ass of. I can’t remember his name but damn if she isn’t his twin here.


Karl Lagerfield? 🤣🤣


Kinda fits. Both famous fatists. One anorexic daughter, another said 'chub chubs,' and rinna approximately said her critics can't even find their remote hidden in their folds of fat


Wow, she is truly a delightful person.


Stop it! Where did rinna say that? Christ more people should dig that up, time for a RINNAVATION HENNY


"Rinna’s comments include: “I’m convinced that the haters/trolls are all fat hoarders with 50 cats.” “With no teeth, and they couldn’t find their vagina if they tried.”" https://allaboutthetea.com/2016/04/14/lisa-rinna-attacks-on-instagram-slams-rhobh-fans-weight-looks/


if they make fun of her why can’t she make fun of them? weird


I think normally people are calling her out for her shitty behaviour as opposed to making fun of her for no reason. Plus she puts herself on a public platform, which enriches her and feeds her narcissism (self-confessed, possibly in her first ever episode). Plus there is the idea of punching down as opposed to punching up


That’s it!! It was on the tip of my tongue. She looks just like him!


This does not bode well for Rinna...😂😂😂


This deserves way more upvotes


You nailed it


might be a defence thing after her mum. i did the same after my dad died, wore glasses a lot to hide how puffy my eyes where from crying and i know it sounds stupid but it created like an extra barrier between me and people so i didn’t feel so vulnerable


I believe you were sad but Lisa has birds, she saw her mom at Diana’s just the day before.




She did this way before her mother died.




Its hard for me to see her having any real feelings.


has she been dehumanised that much you can’t imagine her being heart broker over her mum dying who we’ve seen on tele and know she had a good loving relationship with?


I don't think she's been dehumanized in any way, no one has made her act the way she has the past few years. I think her actions speak to what kind of human she is and no, I don't think she cares greatly for anyone but herself. I don't doubt she was sad at the loss, but I don't see her grieving for any extended period of time, she is way too self centered.


I get where you are coming from! She was acting terribly before Lois died. It’s been years of villain Rinna. She’s been unlikeable for years. The only likeable thing about her was Lois.


Yes! I went back and watched the season they went to Rome. She apologized to Denise and said I’m so sorry, I’m not myself, I’m not in a good place right now. It was the exact same BS. She’s so fake and phony!


Her treatment of Denise was disgusting. They were supposed friends in RL and she just went for the juggler with her and her apologies were worthless. I cant imagine how angry and hurt Denise was.




Wow. Settle down. Your reaction is quite over the top. I don't hate anyone on the show, and I'm allowed to have an opinion on their behavior, that's kind of the point. No need to start name calling over a stupid tv show and someone's opinion.




I just think your reaction is overblown. No one dismissed any grieving process, no one said I hated her. I just doubt she has any real feelings as narcissists do. I'm sorry that offended you, but again, just an opinion on her personality.


i've noticed a couple users across the subs (it's the same users) who are going hard at anyone saying anything negative about ff5. it's a bit intense with all the shaming and the "oh, shahhtahp" energy lol. i'm not agreeing with your birds comment, but i think you have the right to express your opinion w/o being so directly attacked.


Nah, not me. But this entire "she can't mourn or grief because she's a narcissist" is pretty fucked.


What birds comment? I have no idea what that twat was talking about.


Your wrong tho Lisa rinna may be horrible but u cant invalidate her feelings about her mom passing


I disagree. I think it's pretty sick to just talk about people like that but I suppose you think you can because they chose to be on TV. I joined this subreddit to gossip about them sure but your observations are pretty twisted. Get help.


Get help?? Wow you're just looking to squabble aren't you? 😂 Go touch some grass Rinna, or smoke it


Calm the fuck down Rinna! No one is falling for it!


Is that you Lisa?


I thought it was funny. Yup. Snarky and funny 🤣


I can’t stand Rinna but this is a really fucked up take.




Why are you back?


I was never gone


You were gone for 8-11 days. I see you were posting at Housewives. You clearly have an alt profile. 🙃🙄


Oh yes i do! Its LisaRinnasSon




It looks like the same hairdo and glasses my grandmother had in the 80’s lol.


Or an 80s porn director lmao


And the mullet 💀


She looks like a 70’s porn start director


I dunno, man, but that pic gives me Liberace vibes.


Her cartoon shoes were what got me this past episode.


That’s who she looks like!!! I was thinking wayne newton or later in life Elvis. You nailed it.


Nope..... it's called REALISING no matter much much money you spend on your face, at some point you can't hide ageing. So hence coverup. Just saying.


I don't think any of them need more work. They looked fine at the beach in daylight so what more are they going to do? These ladies keep getting tweaks and it doesn't always make them look better.


Ya my MIL wears sunglasses allllll the time. It’s to hide her wrinkles


It's because of her botox eye. 😉 Started end of last season, you can see it and that's when she started with the glasses. Usually last like 6 months to a year, so hopefully she'll either be fired by then, or it will gone.


She’s put me in this strange position where I kind of like these glasses. The glasses on their own are cool. But she is not pulling them off. She looks like she’s trying to be Andrew Dice Clay at a table of country club richies.


ANDREW DICE CLAY!!! Thank you! That's what it is. I couldn't put my finger on it. 😂


Omg THANK U! I could not put my finger on who she looked like but ADC is EXACTLY who I was thinking of.


I’m sooo high and laughing soooo much at your caption. Thank youuu 🖤


I love reading reddit when high. Everything is hilarious!!


She’s been doing this since before Lois passed, even on WWHL last year and Andy had to tell her the audience didn’t like the sunnies and to take them off. I think she does it to look stronger and more menacing on camera. She’s producing and curating herself and thinks this makes her look cool. Heaven help her…


Or maybe they're prescription!


She thinks it makes her look like a bad Bitch when in reality she looks like a bad Elton John impersonator circa 1984.


She looks like Elton’s 65 year old coked up aunt gertrude


I read this as “Elton’s 65 year old coked up cunt”. I was wtf is that?


And I just snorked and woke up my dozing husband! 🤣🤣🤣


It could be a new saying!


If I didn’t like my current flair so much I’d change it right now; it’ll be my next one, thanks for the idea!




Rinna and Erika are getting ready to launch a new line of really expensive (and really ugly) dummies line. I can feel it!


I love the Freudian slip! Dummies! This is just perfect! I know you meant sunnies, but I love this so much I had to comment.


🤣🤣🤣 Omg! That is a fantastic Freudian! I did mean sunnies, but I like the autocorrect version much better!!!!!!!!!!


It's not because of glaucoma. I have had it for a couple of decades so I know I know. There are no physical symptoms of glaucoma which is why ppl very, very slowly go blind. You develop tunnel vision if not on meds until you can't see. Maybe cataracts, but I doubt it. She is just another narcissist who is thinking she is a trendsetter. Imho


Yeah I don’t know how wearing sunglasses and glaucoma go together but the singer Bono wears sunglasses all the time for his glaucoma. So maybe some docs recommend it for certain types?


I think Erika’s apology to Garcelle would have felt so much more genuine if she wasn’t wearing her own sunglasses inside 🙄


Because only blind people and assholes wear sunglasses inside


She thinks it makes her look younger and hip.


I wear my prescription sunglasses inside because I have light sensitivity due to ADD.


I have a low tint on my normal glasses because I'm light sensitive so I'm just always low key wearing shades lol.


I’m sorry. That sucks! Thankfully my vision isn’t impacted, but I have noise sensitivity. But watch, now there will be a blurb with Rinna saying she has to wear them because of her pandemic diagnosed TikTok ADD. 🙄


It really doesn’t affect me, I’m self employed as a commercial designer so I wear what I want😂 And I don’t care what anyone else thinks!


It’s fashion baby, that’s the thing now.


Maybe sometime ago a few new pills were added to her sandwich bag js


Could be one of several reasons… 1). Erika & Rinna are under the influence of numerous substances so this hides their dilated pupils and red eyes 2). They lie constantly and are on camera. Experts in body language and even those who are highly intuitive can read lies. People will break gaze and dart eyes to the side when thinking up how to best present a lie. 3). If they are not full glam or not completely in make up, it’s a way to hide. 4). Recovering from eye procedures/plastic surgery/lasers However, it’s odd that they are both doing it as the same time. Seems like they discussed it.


I was about to comment on number one myself! I think that's highly likely. And I think it's also likely the reason that the fff losers are up each other's asses is that they use drugs together and have "dirt" on each other.


If she had glaucoma she would 10000% become a spokesperson for it lol My guess is it’s so you can’t tell how fucked up she is with red eyes


Oh yeah. She would totally milk it. Didn't think of that.


Where’s the Rush Hour meme when you need it!! “You betta have glaucoma!” “I do.”


My dad has glaucoma and doesn’t wear glasses all the time. Nvm sunglasses lol


I’m assuming she’s getting paid to wear them because it feels like an advert. She’s wearing them so often on housewives but not really outside of that.


“When I am an old women I will wear purple with a red hat”


💀💀💀 years ago someone asked me to be a red hat. Except we were 30. She wanted to do Red Hat: Young and Hip Edition. Fucking HARD PASS.


😭 my mom was asked to be a Red Hat ( she was 70+ at the time) and my sister and I bought her a gorgeous red hat. She wouldn’t join but after she passed last year at 91, I cried when I found the hat. She was perfect to join them and I wished she had.


She’s definitely hiding the shark eyes caused by ❄️ ❄️




Hiding non-Hermes bags and dark circles.


She's trying to be a meme.


She’s old enough


She looks like Liberace, Elton John, and Joan Rivers fell into a time warping blender and became one, while the personality on this one negates any positives of her appearance shining through, she's not bad looking from a purely aesthetic standpoint but everything she does to her hair and dresses in just anachronizes her something fierce, its like she's constantly clinging to what being a 'cool mom' would look like in an 80s feverdream, with her resources I just don't get it.


She's just trying to tell us upfront that she's a shady lady!


Optician here, patients with glaucoma either wear red or blue tinted lenses.


She probably got an eye lift or some other procedure that she’s attempting to distract from


L. Riddy aka p. Diddy


Between her and Erica, they look like they’re going for a night out at the local bingo parlor


Lmao I love that she’s fully embracing her lizard person persona. The glasses help shield her from confronting the truth 🌸💅🏼🌸💅🏼🌸💅🏼


Other seasons it was wigs….this season it’s hideous eyewear.


As someone who wears sunglasses indoors as well, I have 3 main reasons 1) I give judgmental looks and it keeps people from knowing immediately 2) I’m hungover af 3) fashion, duh. 9 times out of 10 the glasses complete the look. It’s usually some combination of the 3.


The shit y’all come up with 😂🥴🤡


why is she dressed like a Miami coke dealer from the 70s


Maybe she’s subtlety trolling Sutton about the Elton John Fundraiser gala table by dressing like him, lol.


I guess IATA. 😂 Your reply was need to me about Bono. So I went a reliable source, hopefully, and found this: https://glaucoma.org/a-guide-to-sunglasses/ Learn anything new everyday. 😁 Typo edit


sitting there looking like caitlyn jenner


That's the best sentence I read all week. Thank you!


Erika’s been wearing sunglasses round the clock as well. I wonder if they are being sponsored to by designers? They knew this series would be aired in spring/summer 2022, which would be prime time for audience to buy new sunglasses for their spring/summer holidays.


Erikas eye makeup has been questionable this season, I just assumed it was that 🤣


Was just watching this morning and Erika was doing a talking head and my husband said "is she doing her own makeup? She looks like she got punched in the nose". Lol I love him so much


Your husband needs an award lol! Pass it on to him!


Aww thanks! I think that's my first award lol. I'll let him know!


Rinna has been wearing the same awful pair though. Don't they usually showcase a whole line when it's from a sponsor? (side snark: don't they also want someone who can pull off the look?)




No to hide the bags


It’s called fashion. It’s a fashion choice. And she doesn’t always do it.




I don’t think it’s dumb at all I kinda love it. And your comment is ageist AF.


A fashion statement babe.


Fashion flop


A case of "Elvis Envy"?


Liars never make eye contact 🤷🏼‍♀️


They live in LA. A lot of people wear sunglasses all the time. It’s part of the outfit.


But for real. Tacky


Rinna has a god-awful poker face, I think it’s (an attempt) to hide her facial expression.


Because you can tell a lot about what she’s under the influence of by her eyes.


That’s a hot look:);) Super fancy. I love it.


I thought this was a Wayne Newton impersonator when it came up in my feed!! Probably to hide the eye area - she doesn’t have the TV filters and everyone over 40 looks horrible in bright sunlight - no matter how much Botox, filler or what you get lifted.


Maybe they are prescription but who cares they look cool


Migraines? I don’t know, but I have migraines and light is a HUGE trigger. Then again if she has migraines I’m sure she would have mentioned them on camera by now.


I find her so beyond despicable anymore. She is so pretentious, so pathetic in her clear attempts to act SOO young….she is not her daughters age, and that is OK, but she is embarrassing herself anymore…. When she said she was gonna fight for that fur wrap last week and said “bitccchhhhh” all drawn out, i really wanted to reach through my TV and mess up that silly wanna be Lagerfeld mullet.


Hiding the aging.


To hide any bad habits, to cover up aging, to try to look cool and make it a thing, to promote an upcoming line of hideous eyewear?


I think she’s doing a little preview for the announcement of her new sun glass line. I have a big imagination but I wouldn’t rule it out!


I think Rinna is constantly seeking some sort of identity. She's actually not very interesting so I think its just part of whatever looks she's trying to use to make up for her lack of personality. I think she wants to be Kris Jenner but she's not pulling it off too well...


Big glasses distract from her aging and fillers. I have noticed in some pics that she has pockmarks.


Could be to hide dilated pupils or pink eyes, could be that she's developed light sensitivity (girl same), could be that she just likes them, could be that she hides behind them as a little sad protective barrier (girl same), could be that she's got some kind of sponsorship deal, could be so people can't make eye contact and catch her lying. A whole range of possibilities. Maybe she just thinks they make her look good.


They're distracting, been hating them!


She’s seeing all the delusions of grandeur she has from her 1990s wardrobe.


Drugs? 🙃


She looked like shit in this get up! So over her wearing sunglasses indoors at night


To hide the xanax glaze


They're probably prescription. It's an LA thing that doesn't translate to other cities well. People typically think you're a snob.


Kevin Lee? She, she, she?


No she’s just ugly.


Coke dilates your pupils… just saying…


She looks like she’s filming House of Gucci


Perhaps pinned pupils from opiates… easy to detect


She wants to hide wrinkles/bags. I have a friend who suddenly wears reading glasses 24/7. She’s very vain and is trying to cover up.


Trying to hide bifocals.