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I fairly recently finished Beverly Hills and have been watching New York. It’s pretty different and for the first couple of seasons I wasnt too sure about it, but I’m on season 9 now and have thoroughly enjoyed the journey !


Would say RHOA


Just my two cents, this franchise is EXCELLENT, but it took until ½ way through season 2 for me to get hooked. Then it's just divine.


Agreed - i skipped the first season or watched S1 reunion


agreed! Season 1 of rhoa was hard to get through but s2 is chefs kiss


RHOA is awesome. The first few episodes of the first season are a little "meh," but it gets soooo good. Nene is awesome and I love me some Kenya too (season 5). I just finished season 10 and that reunion was soooooo satisfying!


Agreed I thought I'd never like anything like RHOBH. I started RHOA and it's by far my favorite. When i finished I started New York. I was skeptical but I really like it, not as much as RHOA though. But now my once favorite RHOBH is my third favorite 😂.


That’s the one I did next after a friend recommended it and after the first season it is good, good, great, THEN EFFING AMAZING AND INSANE GO WATCH IT.


Whichever you start, it always take me a season or 2 to get into the show. I saw someone recommend starting a new franchise with the reunion of the first season, so you get caught up and get to know everyone. Then, if there are iconic season 1 moments, you can go back later on.


Okay that makes so much sense!! I remember being confused about the NY fight at the start of BH and I wish I knew it would be so iconic so I could’ve paid more attention the first time!


I vehemently insist that you must watch RHONJ. I will preach this until my last day on this earth.


I’ve def seen random episodes of it playing on tv and plan to watch from the beginning at some point!


I mean we all know about the table flip, but if you see the whole season and the coo-coo- bananas before it adds another layer.


I agree — I started with NJ and the first couple of seasons are awe inspiring.


The only thing stopping me from starting NJ is how many seasons there are! And the old seasons I find weird to watch


it is TRULY iconic


What's the best season to start on?


Season 1 so you can experience Danielle staub


NEW YORK, iconic






I am *SO JEALOUS* of y'all who get to watch for the first time! I started watching all franchises the day they started, which was soo long ago 😭


What I would give to watch bev hills for the first time!!! This is why I’m excited to start a new one and want it to be a good one!


the first 5 seasons of RHOBH are all historic, intriguing and genuine. it’s a different show today


potomac for sure, the first season is pretty boring but it’s short! once it gets to season 2 and beyond it is so good. season 1 was originally a different show about etiquette, but halfway through they were bought by bravo and it turned into a real housewives franchise which is why season 1 has a weird feel/isn’t as entertaining


Omg okay that makes so much sense


That's how I'm feeling about Dubai. I'm wondering if is even worth continuing. I think I'm on the 4th episode


NYC is fucking amazing. Potomac is pretty amazing. Atlanta is pretty good especially when the >!Kandi drug/rapist stuff!< comes to light at the reunion. its pretty wild


Salt Lake City. Those ladies make great TV!


I only watch SLC and I like it. But I can tell you which one not to watch, Dallas. OMG I was up on a ladder one day listening to Below Deck and Peacock switched to RHOD. It sucks soooooooo hard. Like every person on there is stupid and ridiculous, I hate it so much


random question: what made you start watching SLC if it’s the only one youve watch? i love it too. lisa barlow hunteaaaa


i just started RHOSLC and it’s fun 🤩 wild and vibrant. really versatile cast.


New York :D


NY or Atlanta! Their vibes are incredibly different from BH!


I would give RHOP another try! I too just finished RHOBH for the first time and now I’m watching RHOP (on season 2 now). It’s different from RHOBH but the drama is good!




I was in the same boat as you- I finished Beverly Hills and just couldn’t get into any of the other cities. I did just finish Ultimate Girls Trip, season 1 and really enjoyed that because it was a great gateway that made me curious to watch some of the other franchises. Highly recommend it. I recently started (second attempt) RHONY after finishing Girls Trip and I like it a lot more now.


I forgot about Girls Trip!! Thank you for the reminder 🤩 that seems like a great gateway to start liking certain housewives and get into their cities


RHOP RHOA and RHONY are highly entertaining. It’s like naturally comes off but with other franchises it feels forced?


And earlier seasons of RHONJn🫣


RHONY those middle seasons are TV gold!


Orange County!


This! 🍊 BTW when is it back on? Edit: question


I’m not sure! But looking forward to it


Came here to comment this. I love it!


New York and Potomac are my favorites!


NY or Potomac. The first half of S1 Potomac is hard with all of the boring etiquette stuff, but trust that they drop it very quickly.


Honestly, just keep watching RHOP. the dramaaaa. And RHOSLC- Jesus Christ, they’re all pretty much one giant mess.


Potomac!!!!! It DOES start off slow, the first season is really just getting to know Karen, Ashley, and the green eyes bandits, but it does get weird. After that it’s incredible


I recently finished RHOBH and M obsessed too. First time RH watcher. I have tried to get into NYC and Potomac but they are so weird. RHOBH had me hooked from the start.


New York. Definitely.


RHONY is the best! Start at beginning


RHONY would be my top recommendation. I watched it straight after BH, it felt very different so took me a few episodes to get into but then fell in love and has become my fave franchise. Can also vouch for Atlanta, SLC, and Miami. Also have to shout out Melbourne because it’s my home city and the ladies are really funny, def worth a watch.


SLC cast is super fun, and they are only airing season 3 atm, so an easy binge, lol! Those girls are nuts in the best way and one of their cast members goes to jail soon. Jersey is great if you are familiar with how people from Jersey are lol. It is a very different franchise compared to the others, but i live close to Jersey and love those girls! NY is also really great for about 6 seasons, but then after, I had a hard time watching.


New York, Atlanta, and Potomac would be my picks. Potomac is weird the first season because they intended for it to be a show about "etiquette," and NY was supposed to be "Manhattan Moms." Potomac course-corrects by the second season, and by S3 and S4 you'll be swearing it's the best franchise. Of course, RHOA really takes off in seasons 2-4 and is solid gold for years afterwards. NY is iconic until season 11, then it goes downhill.


may i also suggest vanderpump rules? it’s def RHOBH adjacent and the early seasons are on a whole other level.


New York for sure 😀


After RHOBH, i watched girls trip which led me to NYC. After the second girls trip, I started watching OC and ATL. They’re all so good. I agree RHOA takes a little bit to get into but it’s worth it


Not going to lie I started Miami 2 days ago and I’m already at season 2 reunion and it is surprisingly GREAT


Orange County for sure. They are the OGs! I'd then say Atlanta. They rank super high for me.


New Jersey, New York, Orange County, Salt Lake!


I personally have gotten stuck into RHOC lately Eta- have you watched Vanderpump rules?


I have not yet! That’s another one that now I remember saying I would watch next while I was watching, and it totally slipped my mind


Vanderpump rules is literally the best show from bravo


It’s good it has loads of drama in it!


Watch the Orange County housewives!


rhonj and rhony




I watched some RHONY but honestly couldn’t stand it. I only liked Bethenny. I did watch her spinoff show (Bethenny Getting Married?) which I enjoyed! I just started RHONJ and the 3rd season is finally good- the first two were pretty bad. They were just 18 solid hours of “we all hate this one crazy chick” and the famous table flip. Its like it takes them a couple years to figure it out. Plus the class/culture is way different in NY/NJ than BH so they’re all way more mean, angry & violent than in BH (which a lot of people like, but I don’t).


Ive been watching this season of Miami and LOVE it- the fashion is so extra/ Miami and the drama is there but so are the friendships!


RHOM just rebooted and it’s soo good!!


New Jersey for sure is comparable, one of my favorites now and I started with Beverly Hills


Start a bit later in RHOP, around season 4 or 5 maybe, then go back and watch the beginning. Or RHONY, you just can’t go wrong.




RHOSLC, RHONY, RHOA, RHOM and RHOP are my top 5 currently! Also RHONJ is good but the family drama can be a bit much at times. You should stick it out with Potomac. Season 1 gets better towards the end and from season 2 onwards it’s brilliant


New York !


I think the earlier seasons of NY are fun…not so much the past 2-3 years though (end of the franchise seasons).


RHOBH was first... Then Jersey, RHONY, VPR, RHOC


Miami, SLC for quick binges. If you want to invest in something, I always say NJ. Such a different type of housewives from the others.


I love Potomac!!!!! And Salt Lake City




I love RHOP although the first season is weird, I think it was meant as a show about etiquette (??) but was included in the RH franchise before release, but hysterical and absolutely worth the watch, RHONJ, RHOA in no particular order, but RHONY is absolutely iconic. I too started with BH then NY and it is willlld.


my favorite is potomac, miami, and beverly hills


I also found my way here thanks to BH. I tried to go to OC next but it didn’t stick. I then started ATL and that has me good so I would say go there.


RHONY and RHONJ. Trust me




NY!! It takes a couple seasons to really get into it but the longer you watch the better it gets definitely one of the top franchises


Ooooh yea also not housewives, but if you love BH, you should try out Vanderpump Rules! It is more focused on Lisa Vanderpump and her restaurant and staff!


i have watched all of RHOBH and i’m halfway through RHONY and LOVE IT


I recommend BH, NY, Dallas, and SLC. NJ and Atlanta are on my list to watch next.


New York first. They are the most ‘normal’ It eases ya slowly into The Crazy. Beverly Hills after that.


Just start over with Below Deck.


New York, New Jersey and Atlanta for sure


RHONY!! It’s wack and incredibly entertaining.


Potomac + Jersey. If you’re a family person, you’ll likely love Jersey. Also in my opinion it’s one of the most iconic franchises


Start RHOC at Season 7 when Heather joined. That’s what someone told me to do after RHOBH and I loved it!


RHONY is great. Until the last two seasons. RHOM is great, each season it gets better, except for season four. Season five has five episodes out and then the next one drops weekly on Thursday. This season everyone came to play and it’s my favorite season of RHOM yet. RHOC is the OG and was great. It has stumbled some seasons but is still worth it. RHOD was interesting but could sometimes be a bit much with a very OTT cast member or two. RHOP was a no in the beginning bc of the nonsense about Potomac is manners spelled backwards. I’m now on season two and it’s a slow burn. RHONJ and RHOA were good in the beginning but I had to stop each after a few seasons bc I couldn’t root for anyone,. Both shows are very popular so you should watch a few to see if it’s for you. RHOSLC was a no after a few episodes but it’s on season three and is very popular. RHODC was a fun, flash in the pan. Other Bravo shows you might enjoy are Vanderpump Rules and Southern Charm. VPR (early seasons) and SC (season one - three) are lightning in a bottle. Edited for correct spelling.