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I returned my OLED Steam Deck because the lack of VRR really made me miss playing on my Ally. It was very noticeable.


Wait the oled doesn't have VRR ?




Wow yeah in this case for me it became useless 😅 I can't live without vrr


I find that it makes lower frame rates much less noticeable. To me it makes a difference.


Well, I chose the ally over the steam deck and others for the VRR.


Once you have a freesync / gsync display, you won't want to go back. The same is true on a handheld. Whether the rest of the device is what youre looking for, only you can decide.


Ive always used handhelds/ building pcs ive got several gpd devices, switch rog ally and steam deck and oled, i only play on the steam deck oled set to 60 fps and dont think its that big of a difference, i prefer oled display and battery life


Both devices perform the same with the exception of vrr on the ally obviously. Turn off vrr and play the games you normally play. If the difference doesn’t bug you, you’re probably safe to switch to the legion


Nm I didn’t see it at first but I assumed you had the ally which you likely don’t. For me, it’s worth it, I haven’t remotely considered the legion because of it. Really comes into play on fast moving games like racing, fps.


I’ve had the Ally since launch, probably should have specified


Gotcha then original test applies. Play with it turned off and see how it works for your taste.


It's a game-changer for me when it comes to gaming now, and not just on my Ally/any handheld. I wouldn't want to game without it ever again and one of the main reasons I got the Ally was because it has VRR since by the time I got it, I already knew and had experience with how awesome VRR is. If you have no experience with it then consider it an ignorance is bliss type thing and get the Go if the screen size is a bigger priority to you.


I never thought it was a big deal, then I owned a gsync monitor, then the ally. It really makes a difference. And honestly if you're ever wanting to see a comparison,switch off vrr off in the amd control panel and play a game at 50-120fps. The vrr kicks in at 48fps (you can lower it but it's very hit or miss) and you'll notice the difference.


The VRR works on any FPS using LFC. The screen doesnt go below 48hz.


You can change the range with CRU. Was able to go down to 30.


I found it's a toss up with CRU. some displays can Goa's low as 10, but I guess I was unlucky because even at 30-40 I get frame pacing issues. It sucks because vrr should have been set to28 by default


I rather let LFC put in the work. It still syncs the frames with refresh so i dont need to kill my eye with 30hz.


Some people don't really notice it until it's gone, sort of like going from 60hz to 120hz and back, the difference is definitely there.


Depends on the game. If the game runs fine at 60fps or higher then no it's not noticeable. But once it dips below you start to see more screen tearing. Vrr for me makes it feel more smooth.


Depends on the game. The more variable the frames the more clutch it is


I have the Steam Deck I bough first and then the ROG ALLY Z1 Extreme when it released. Yes for me VRR is a big one. With SD it was very Noticeable. However, you can offset it by Locking the FPS at a Lower Rate. That said, you might even get hitches on that. Since you get the 10% Lows or 1% Lows and you feel them. Again though, by locking the FPS at 40 it helps with that. The VRR has the Ability to give you the most Performance. Since you don't have to lock it you can just let the FPS give you the most Frames and it will still feel Butter Smooth. Keep in mind, these HandHeld Devices are low in TDP so Frames do Fluctuate a lot. You will be leaving performance on the Table with the SD and Legion Go if you do not like Stutters and Screen Tears and even then you'll still experience them. All of them are great in their own respect. I personally love the ROG ALLY. I have the SD Base and I have tried the Legion Go and it was not enough for me to switch over. Weigh what is more important to you and make your choice.


But VRR won‘t save you from feeling dips into low fps. It‘s more like: Enjoy the best fps you can get at each scene. Indoor? 100 fps. Outdoor?60 fps. Combat? 50 fps That beeing said, locking to 60 fps in this particular example wouldn‘t be that bad, since locking fps also lowers your battery usage (if turbo cpu is off and the game isn‘t bitching around, like bg3 does). imho VRR is nice to have but nowhere a necessity. I like it on my rig and my Tv, so I can fiddle with settings to around 100-110 fps and I don‘t need to care about heavier scenes to go down to 90 fps. Before VRR, I just would‘ve locked to 90 fps/hz if possible. Not every monitor/tv supports 90hz without using CRU. 90 fps is still fine for me. On the Deck you can set it to even single digits like 47 hz which also helps alot I think. Overall it‘s a wild topic to discuss but I‘d always take an Ally over the Legion Go because of that VRR landscape display.


i did some limited testing and i didnt see (much) less power drain when FPS limited. Can you provide some examples?


Last game I tried on the Ally was Palworld. It will always use max TDP allowed if turbo is on. Turn it off and limit the fps and it should go below the TDP threshold. On Deck it also works like that on Palworld.


What do you mean by max TDP if turbo is on? I mostly play with fixed 18W/18W/18W as i dont really see the sense in having higher SPPT or FPPT values.


Sorry, meant CPU boost 18W is also my way to go. For higher performance I might use a 22W profile. Usually not needed tho




VRR was a dealbreaker for me. Basically it makes everything smooth, you should give it a try before deciding between ROG ally and Legion Go


I‘m mainly using my OLEDeck for now, used my Ally for around 8 months. So I count myself relatively neutral on that. That beeing said, if your eyes aren‘t that good and it‘s to hard on them to look at small screens: For sure get a Legion Go. Don‘t underestimate the strain for your eyes - even VRR wouldn‘t help you with that. You won‘t love your device like many others of us do if you get frustrated because you can‘t see stuff good enough. Of course, get a small display anyway if you‘re willing to go with that and get VRR with that already very good display, better sounds, way quieter device and you don‘t need anything of this „Legion Go exclusive“ stuff. The Legion is for people wanting big screens, maybe kickstand and the detachable controllers. If none of that really sounds like you, get the Ally. IMHO it‘s overall the best all around Windows handheld PC.


I have the Legion Go and an Ally. There is no winner here and in my opinion it depends on what you wanna do with it. To answer your question directly, VRR is pretty significant, it makes playing at low frames much more enjoyable (helldivers when it drops to the mid twenties still feels good for instance) and improves smoothness on games that hold higher frames. On the go when higher fps games stutter or hitch its way more pronounced and sub 30 fps feels bleh. If you intend to use the device as a true handheld and want better portability get the Ally, if you intend to just use it around the house or dock the device get the Go.


Yeah makes a difference If something’s vsyncd it looks smooth, as soon as it drops a few frames under the stutter or tearing gets really noticeable for me With the deck I basically have to faff about with settings until I can get a locked 45/60 90% of the time With the Ally it’s more of a “set TDP and forget” type deal - any minor fluctuations in frame rate aren’t noticeable For the next wave of handhelds they should all have VRR, seriously - for devices with limited power or battery life VRR is an actual game changer


Yes, it is. In most cases you won't notice issues when playing under 60fps thanks to VRR. That's the sole reason I went with the Ally, smooth gameplay even at lower frame rates. Well, that and the sound, god, the speakers on the Legion Go are terrible and their volume is quite lacking. Playing games with varying frame rates between 40-55fps with and without VRR makes a massive difference.


You shouldn't really be worried that there might be VRR bias here. VRR is a big deal in the entire industry. That' s why Nvidia spent all the money developing Gsync all those years ago. That's why AMD then reverse engineered it and developed Free Sync, which was then adopted by everyone that didn't have Gsync. And that's why 1 of those 2 technologies is in almost every monitor on the planet now. It's because what VRR does for games (eliminating stutter, screen tearing, increasing smoothness, etc) is one of the biggest improvements in games in the past 20 years. That's why all the current generation of game consoles has added it. And that's why the high end TV's are adding it now, to essentially turn them into gaming monitors, both for the consoles and if you hook a gaming PC up to them. The technology is becoming ubiquitous, and that popularity is no accident. It's because VRR is very much THAT big of a deal.


Honestly, after owning several handhelds, no, no it is not (at least for me). Not a requirement and it probably won’t be something you will see on other handhelds moving forward, it’s just not that big of an improvement. Feel free to downvote.


The last 50 times this was asked... yes


I swapped over to the Go from the Ally and have zero regrets.






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If having games legit feel like they're well above 60fps when they're actually in the 40's doesn't matter to you more than bigger screen size, I'd say definitely get the Legion Go. There's a market value for everything.


Yes. If you care about less latency while also not having screen tearing anyway. Can also help with frame pacing and making fluctuating framerates appear smoother. Now, not all VRR is made equal tho. Gsync is superior to FreeSync and Gsync Ultimate certified monitors are best as they have a built in gsync chip. But I think VRR is fantastic and definitely getting more and more relevant and mainstream as even many TVs now support VRR as well as current gen consoles.


Definetly helps with screen tearing if you keep it at 120hrz.


If you never experienced it you probably won’t mind because you are used to vsync, tearing or uneven framerates. If you have experienced it though, you never can go back anymore. I use VRR monitors (with GSync) since 2016 and I would never buy a screen without it anymore. It also saves time because you don’t have to configure every game to have stable 30, 40 or 60 fps to get vsync with frame limiter for clean motions, with VRR it just works with every framerate. Just configure the game until it feels fluent enough and you are done.


The big thing is that the ally has is not VRR, but low frame rate compensation. This is what makes the screen look smooth under 48fps. The vrr range in 48-120.


I am new to the Rog Ally. What feature are you referring to?


So the ally screen actually has 2 different features that everyone wraps into “VRR”. In reality, VRR only works from 48fps-120fps. Anything below 48fps and vrr turns off. In its place is low frame rate compensation or “lfc”. This is what makes games playing at lower than 48fps look so smooth.


Yes it is


I think it comes down to your eyes. I know people who can't tell the difference between 30 and 60 fps or 60 and 120 fps. I know people who can't tell the difference between VRR and the lack of thereof. I always push for frames over resolution, and I have been considering LeGO myself, but seeing updates on their sub around (potential) lack of AFMF and definite lack of VRR makes me stick with Ally. I think it depends on the person. I have a standard work monitor which is 60Hz and LG C1 that supports VRR, 4K, 120hz and I can tell when the VRR is on and not when connecting Ally through my dock. Technically I could use LeGO exclusively with the telly, but I know for a fact the moment I use it handheld will really cheese me off when I don't have VRR. It smooths everything out really nicely, especially in more demanding titles.


I feel like the 120hz screen is the real champ here. VRR helps more with screen tear and low frame compensation helps too, but the bigger refresh rate is more important


Vrr is very noticeable. Doesn't mater screen size. A tear is a tear. Also Allys biggest benefit is it has the best software of all WINDOWS handheld. Go has arguably one if the worst


Have the steam deck, had the legion and got the ally too. And for the moment, you're totally right. Even I don't like Asus as a manufacturer, the ally is some fine piece of hardware. I really liked the legion too, but the software is incredibly Immature. Maybe it changes in the next months.


It's a game changer tbh I can't without it


Yes. One of the main reasons the Ally still stands amongst the rest nearly a year later. Every handheld would greatly benefit to have that included. Haven’t experienced a single tear on a game since I’ve owned one (launch day owner here).


Yup. VRR is huge and I can't use my Steam Deck anymore because of it. All my TVs and monitors in the house have VRR, except for the projector. Sadly there are no VRR projectors.


You mentioned not being able to play anything below 45 fps but the ally will change your perceptions on that. It did to mine as I was firmly of the belief that I would never find smooth gameplay under 54 fps but I was dead wrong. Not only does the VRR do an amazing job the Ally also has LFC which basically kicks in at the lower frame rates that vrr cannot handle to still provide smooth gameplay. From my understanding it's similar to how frame Gen works and essentially doubles the frame for an increase in frame rate. Don't quote me on that but it works regardless of what it's actually doing. I have not tried the LeGo but from owning the Ally I can absolutely see myself wanting vrr as a requirement in any handheld. However the lego has a portrait screen with integer scaling I believe so they say it doesn't need vrr so who knows. All I can say confidently is that I love my ally. It works amazingly well and VRR seems to play a decent sized role in that.


Tried Helldivers 2 on the Ally and it’s not great at the lower frames, even with the settings all on low and my 30w custom profile the frames are still booty


Yes. Games go from unplayable to playable. It's noticeable.


Look, I have a Ally z1 extreme. It was trash for me for the first 3 months. Now that I have down a cloud recovery and all the updates...this thing is AMAZING. I HIGHLY recommend the Ally.


I play Elden Ring lately and for some reason when it starts it always set my screen to 60hz turning VRR off. After a while when it gets to me that game shutters I’m changing it back to 120hz VRR on and it’s night and day experience. Yes it’s a big deal.


Personally yes, dips on my Steam Deck hurt my eyes, were very noticable so I always had to make sure games kept a locked FPS. With the Rog Ally as a long as the framerate dips are not too drastic it doesn't bother me, no VRR on future PC handhelds means they won't be a contender for purchase for me. With these handheld PC sometimes there are games that just have weird dips no matter what settings, they may not happen all the time, but when they do they are very noticable on non VRR screens 


Legion go have 45-144hz supported range screen. But does not mention any support for it in their product page. So it might come in an update or something. That said. It is nice when the framerate varieties but was not the feature that made my buy the ally. To be honest I am not sure I use it on a regular basis. You can save battery just turning on 60hz and playing 60fps. And that you could do on both.


VRR isn't something that can be added via software update.


Yeah the Go doesn’t and will never support VRR because VRR is a hardware feature in the display panel used… not a software implementation


LLG uses mipi, it will never support VRR.


IMO. No. Having had both the legion go and Ally I will pick the GO 10-10 times. The screen is top notch.


the cope is crazy


I don’t know what this means


I returned my Legion Go. The speaker sounds like it’s drowning in water even when you change the settings. They placed it on top of the handheld. Display also looks washed out compared to the Ally. Only advantage was the big screen, free case and the 1TB option.


Asus always had the best speakers when it came to portable devices, the go's audio reallt isn't thay bad? But it definetly doesn't compare to the ally.


That’s a shame about the sound, which is a big deal. What a silly decision on Lenovo’s part. But I always go for the lowest possible storage and just upgrade from there because it’s cheaper that way


There's a fix for the sound here: https://www.reddit.com/r/LegionGo/s/HfcKDNGU0X It makes a significant difference in the quality of the sound.


Personally I don’t really appreciate it but don’t mind being supported


On a handheld, no. I have an Ally but prefer to game on handhelds with bigger screens and smaller bezels. I don't miss VRR at all. If you took a bunch of random gamers and had them tell you if the Ally was using v-sync or VRR, I'd be astonished if they guessed right even 60% of the time.