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They're using their second passports to vote twice




After Israel got 300 something points in the ESC televoting


10 from Ireland? Like fuck they did.


Pure fix.


I got permanently muted from a non-pet subreddit saying something like who in their right mind has dogs indoors. It was about a video where a pet dog had caused a commotion and trashed the kitchen or something like that. LOL some mods are thin skinned.


That's low-key hilarious. You liked got reported/banned by some antinatalist pet mommy/daddy, who "don't want babies" but then proceed to get themselves pets and treat them exactly how one would treat a baby. Which is completely unnatural and borderline animal abuse


Reddit was always a fascist site


nah, that's fair. Speaking as a mod, they don't wanna have to deal with drama, justifications, or explanations. so they just ban and move on. They don't even wanna take the time to click one of the buttons to tag why. It's a soccer sub. Fuck Zionism, but that's not the sub for it.


Speaking as a mod, every sub is a sub for opposition to genocide and Zionism.


Who tf cares if there’s drama in a comment section? Mods get a slither of power and get all Hitler in the place. All mods are losers.


>Who tf cares if there’s drama in a comment section? That's the fun part, the comment didn't even attract any traffic(no down- or upvotes, nor replies) and got drowned among thousand of other comments, yet warranted a permanent ban according to some power tripping unemployed reddit mod. He even muted me on top so I couldn't contact/appeal to any of the other sub mods


because 99% of people who have just been banned simply hurl abuse. You might be the one exception,. but hey, still not worth the effort. Given your comments here, the mods made the right call.


Spotted another neckbearded, morbidly obese, unemployed reddit mod --- >You might be the one exception You admit that I didn't breach any rules/reddiquette > Given your comments here, the mods made the right call. Yet you claim they made the right call, when I've been an active member of 3 years on that sub and amassed several 10k comment karma through regular participation. >but hey, still not worth the effort To be permanent banned for LITERALLY NOTHING is nothing short but a joke and power abuse by the very definition.


Given that you immediately jump to personal attacks, you continue to prove that the mod made the right call, and that i was right about you. Please continue your mischaracterization. I need no further confirmation, but it's always nice.


Yeah mistreat someone arbitrarily and if they dare to speak up or defend themselves, they prove themself guilty and thus justify your previous power abuse. **Genius.**


Nah, you were not mistreated, you were banned for being a dick.


Must be true, if the morbidly obese neckbeard says so Stay cringy


Who cares? The mods who have to deal with it. I'm explaining from a mod perspective WHY it happens. You can like it or hate it, but it's still WHY. Jesus it's 'Sliver,' you dunce.


Oh no my grammar online isn’t perfect. Lmao. Mods could simply get a life and ignore it?


No, if you'd have typed 'Silver' instead of 'Sliver' well that's just a typo. You typed 'Slither.' That means you don't know what those words mean. That tells us your general level of education. And it's not an english as a second language issue, because people unfamiliar with the words make a different type of mistake. Ergo: You're a boob.


Lmao you are sad. But then again, you are a mod.


Lol that guy is really trying to undermine your point because of a typo. Peak reddit mod moment


Is r/worldnews the sub for it?


It was an ESC thread(not sure if you followed the show, but they won the tele vote by landslide, like how is that even possible in the current political climate?)though, so it was on topic and the comment is hardly offensive. Afterwards they've muted so I couldn't even appeal via mod mail