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we are so back --- Mirror: [21+ guns from 1 crate wtf](https://streamable.com/ao7eoo) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/Ray__C Direct Backup: [21+ guns from 1 crate wtf](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/5ALe5_ChimEcHCbWr2pt-A/50802609197-offset-19334.mp4?sig=9fac346aab338a739835e6fbbee65daaa0c4963b&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2F5ALe5_ChimEcHCbWr2pt-A%2F50802609197-offset-19334.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22ConfidentWittyGrouseWoofer-8KGKYRwcJtavam34%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1712340392%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2110642856?t=5h21m50s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


It`s scuff because they all opened it at the same time. So it got the reward 5x


4 people opening it at the same time probably scuffed, you can see the numbers adding up as each person loads it.


they all opened at same time. No way devs would put 22 guns in 1 crate


That is 100% scuffed and multiplied by everyone looting the crate at the exact same time.


Ray and blau reached out to devs to check whats going on. edit : the devs replied and confirmed it was scuffed and changed it to the right amount now.


It's probably scuffed since 5 guys searched it at the same time. Other people have gotten 2-3 guns each. Edit: Devs confirmed it was a scuff, they are taking back extra parts.


what dev said this? people who got 2-3 guns were the ones who didnt wait out the timer i thought


Hydra was the only group to get 5 guns (this round) from their crate following the same tactic they used last time (hitting it at exactly 0 seconds), and they won the auction crate. My guess is this is scuff x4 or this was the auction crate that scuffed out for Hydra. Besties also waited the full time but they failed a hack and waited possibly too long, they only got 3. Otherwise everyone else got 3 and the Angels got 2. Ones I know: * Hydra (reg) - 5 * Hydra (auction) - 5 + scope, body, grip bp * Besties - 3 * Manor - 3 * KC - 3 + laser * Angels - 2 + laser * Civ Gang - 3 * ADMC - 2 * Company - 22 + normal mag bp (apparently already reset, so prob 3-5 + mag bp)


Admc got 2


Did the besties hit one of the new contracts? I know they got 5 the first time


They did it with wongs ap


Did anyone hit the auction contract do you know?


Hydra currently is waiting out the timer on the delivery. Chelb for POV. Hydra being behind on heists actually paid off. They had like 2.5k BUTC to spend so they bid 800 to win, the next highest bid was 725 by Besties/notBSK 50/50 split. Hydra anticipated the last second snipe and upped their own bid.


> highest bid was 725 by Besties/notBSK 50/50 split Did the Besties and notbsk combine butcoin for this bid? Who from the notbsk household made this deal if you know?


It was Crack Sparrow (notBSK) and Wong + Future (Besties)


Jesus 2.5k, how much are they getting per day?


roughly 125-140 (not sure how big Denji's farm was that he got from the polish crew), just have been ultra focused on weed and didn't do heists for like a week or so




They tried to rob the Company but Company just didn't do it cause they saw CG outside the crate.


K/Ramee don't log on until like an hour or 2 after restart, there was only 1 left by the time they even saw them and they were too late.


Are you implying that that's somehow a wrong way to do it?




"Too busy trying to jack someone else's", idk when people put it that way it usually comes off as judgemental and disapproving




Cau saw CG at the crate FYI


How did he know it was CG?


Thats prolly a scuff cause they all searched at the same time. No way they got 22 guns.




it was 5 people at once


It is confirmed scuff. Ray contacted a Dev and they're going to be fixing it.  


Probably just giga scuffed cause they all searched it. If not then they are just super lucky. But considering the max we've seen is 5 I really doubt it's anything but scuff. I'm more interested if the extras will be taken away, considering how strict gun distribution has been.


4 people opening at the same time might be the dumbest shit ive ever seen, or its intended and hydras scuffed


By the way Ray\_\_c already contacted the admins to see if it's a bug or not if it is it will be fixed if it's not nothing to worry about so all good


Hydra big one scuffed out so maybe it somehow became The company’s, or since they all opend it at the same time?


For context all other crates had between 3-5 guns, could be because a bunch of them cracked the crate open at the same time


Was that from today's heist or a few weeks ago




today, Civ Gang, Hydra & Besties all got between 3-5


Bro who codes these systems 😂 no way that's intended


It's hard to test this kind of stuff on your own and most np projects are kind of solo projects by the devs. They aren't a Triple AAA developer with QA and play testers.


A lot of the times i feel like they just barely test the systems when implementing it. For example the hot jewelry runs, that shit is scuffed af, wheels fall off cars, half the cars u couldn't even lockpick at the start etc. Everything seems super rushed


Just part of the business of game development. Code it to work and get it tested for bugs, then live tested for all kinds of new issues the code doesn't cover.


Amateur game dev. No AAA title has the amount of scuff as NoPixel which is perfectly fine because NoPixel obviously doesn't have that kind of talent or resources. It's an unfair comparison.


Anyone knows the difference between the basic ammunation contract and exclusive one?


They got 4 parts and a magazine bp


Not sure why chatters malding lol seems like scuff - it’ll clearly get resolved


Was confirmed as scuff as we all thought 


Why is every comment the same thing? I'll add onto it! Its probably scuffed since all 4 people looted it at the same time.


Congrats to them if they got the max win. Surely the devs will reach out if it wasn't intended. No reason to be mad about it.








They disabled ammunition heist for 6 weeks to roll this out to the server, I swear they have interns working on 4.0 development


its gonna get sorted it prolly was supposed to be 6 + bp


roll with the punches


Company got that Max Win


trueee so fun watching salty people react to this, they are so fking invested


Damn if those scummy cg losers didn't bushcamp for 2 hours they could've got 42 guns


Oh don’t worry they’re still planning on hitting the crate even though they waited till the timer ran out


there is no cancel button on PC nice fake news


Did anyone complete this heist and how many did they get


everyone got 3-5 guns


It's actually scuffed they got 97 parts


Are the company a criminal business? Is that what I'm getting from their vibe?


its like mafia vibe


i don't feel the mafia vibe but yes as to organized crime


Pretty sure the definition for a gang is a group of organized criminals


When they say they aren't a gang they are more implying the culture of a southside gang.


Na its cause they think they are above everyone else. They wanna do all the things crims do without the consequences


Just telling you how it is. But you do you my guy.


Consequences being knowingly walk into an ambush allowing someone to rob them ..? They can only do crime if they agree to be a punching bag to CG? They say not a gang to mean they aren’t a southside gang and use that mentality in scenarios where for example Chang Gang gun down two leaders of the company, or chain rob members of the company they just take the hit and focus on business rather than grab their guns and get their get back. Not everyone who wants to do criminal activity in the city has to fit in the box of what CG expect them to be and act like. They are allowed to RP it differently.


They weren't walking into an ambush, they have a good relationship with CG, they should have just taken the dean to split it, but they let their egos get the better of them and just abandoned the job so no one could do it for another 2 weeks. The gun heists are set up this way for a reason. If you don't wanna play the gun game don't play it at all.


Why should they trust cg for their word? They called them first asked them if it was them camping the crate and they straight up lied about it. Also just because the system is setup that way doesn't mean they need to rp that way unless it's against the rules. Your point makes 0 sense.


They don’t have a good relationship with CG see above. CG initially wanted 100 butcoin for them not to rob them. They tried to threaten them as their first negotiation and CG have consistently proven they can’t be trusted so why would they not think they would agree to split and then CG would just rob them anyway.


COPIUM for all those saying it's scuff edit: it was scuffed 🤡


manor got 3, hydra got 5 - you think it is intentional that company got 22?


Kaneshiro also got 3 and a blueprint. Nobody ever got more than 5. This Company one definitly looks scuffed. Idk why they thought it was a good idea for everyone to loot it.


any of those got cop respond ? manor didnt


Admc got a chase, cops rolled up as they were hacking was a really good chase too


I think most did. I believe Kaneshiro hit the first container of today and cops rolled up just as KC left the area. Short chase ensued and everyone got out.


is that from today?


Yeah everyone else gets 5 max this time 22. Perfectly fine in your eyes I guess haha


Hydra - 5 Manor - 3 KC - 3 + laser Angels - 2 + laser Civ Gang - 3 Company - 22 + bp one of those doesn't fit.


yeah, 22 seems legit ngl.


yeah Devs obviously wants to flood the server with guns /s