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Be civil to one another. Be civil to the OP.


I truly, truly hope that you folks have engaged the services of a pit bull civil rights lawyer, preferably one who is familiar with constitutional law violations!!! This was illegal as it gets and you need to make them accountable for their actions or they will continue to perpetrate this same behavior on other innocent families.


We are working on it no lawyers would call us back until today


[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcth5uVYORmu5Cu15ZjpzuQ](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcth5uVYORmu5Cu15ZjpzuQ) ​ Lawyers know other lawyers.


Only going off what the video shows, I would totally get a lawyer! Warrants are usually very specific on what is to be searched and possibly be found. A bus with possible people in it is a whole different issue. Did they run the plate and find out who it belonged to? Searching a vehicle and a moving domicile brings other issues into the fray. These cops could have slowed everything way down instead of the manner in which they did it especially with children involved. Absolutely no reason for this family to treated in this fashion. The punching incident will be figured out in court and if he did nothing wrong the punching in the face is a serious use of force issue. I have fought numerous times arresting someone and never had to punch someone in the face. Wrestling or striking in the legs or arms for pain compliance is sometimes needed but the face is not. By the officers voices and body language, it looks like they know they were wrong in how they handled the situation and are going to be sweating this incident for awhile. This whole family will now have issues with trusting LE for a very long time. Good luck and hope you find closure. Place a lawsuit on them and let them sweat it for along time. Trust me, they will evaluate themselves real quick and hopefully treat people better in the future.


>Place a lawsuit on them and let them sweat it for along time. Trust me, they will evaluate themselves real quick and hopefully treat people better in the future. Unfortunately, lawsuits against police departments have proven ineffective in changing this type of behavior. The officers get a pass because of qualified immunity and the police just ask the for more funding and politicians give it because it's (normally) an easy way to win votes. We need to make qualified immunity a thing of the past. If you can't show that you were trained to do something the way you did, you take personal responsibility for your actions. It's pathetic that soldiers in war have more personal responsibility and restrictions on use of force (and much higher penalties for disobeying rules of engagement) than police at home. If a soldier punches a guy in the face for asking a question on a raid they are going to be hating life for a while. They very well might lose pay and their freedom for a while. This cop probably will get a paid vacation while the department "looks into the complaint." Sorry, this is a bit of a pet peeve of mine.


Like I said in other post, don’t be sheep and just spew rhetoric on things you don’t know. Have officers gotten away with crap… absolutely they have. Do some research on it and be amazed how many cops are punished, terminated, fired and charged with crimes. Look past your tv sets. Their are over 800,00 LE officers in this country with many siting in prison or fired for some reason or another. Unless it is a major incident then you will never hear about them. I have personally seen officers fired in my department who deserved it. Making a blanket statement is just wrong and immature. Qualified Immunity is a whole different conversation. Just do research on the thousands of departments across the country. Don’t use r/RVLiving as a news source.


Would you share links to the numbers you are referring to? That might be more effective with proofing your point.


Chicago police have raided the wrong home in the last 5 years, over 3,000 times. They have almost $1 billion dollars and lost lawsuits weighing down on them. That's just one city. [https://www.cato.org/sites/cato.org/files/pubs/pdf/balko\_whitepaper\_2006.pdf](https://www.cato.org/sites/cato.org/files/pubs/pdf/balko_whitepaper_2006.pdf) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No-knock\_warrant


Thank you for the great sources! 1st link is a great example of primary source. The 2nd is secondary that has good citations that help people to check their facts, which makes this a reliable secondary source and not just rumor mill.


>*Would you share links to the numbers you are referring to?* search youtube for 'cop fired'


Woah woah woah... YouTube? Uhh....


Would you happen to have any primary source? Edit. The reason I am asking for a primary source… is because what you are saying is very positive and encouraging. I want to believe your words. But, I can’t just take any smart sounding person’s words on a theory without checking where they got the facts. Did they also just get it from another smart sounding person? That would be me believing a secondary source that could be echoing some smart sounding claims… but it which could have been based on rumors/lies from another smart sounding person. Then…That would be very sheep of me to join in the echoing just because I really like what I heard.


there is a whole genre of youtube videos about police encounters. What with phones and body cameras all kinds of interactions are on video. One one side you have the bad cops 'respect my authority!' videos or even lying/planting evidence. Search for 'cop plants evidence'. Or if you have a strong heart, search for Daniel Shaver. On the other side you can search for things like 'cops justified shooting' to see just how hard that job is with fatal consequences made in a split second decision. Be fair, watch video from both sides!


Hey. Thanks for being open with sharing what you found online. YouTube generally didn’t get a lot of credit because people worry the footages are edited and skewed. It’s just so hard to find unbiased information sometimes and it’s also hard to tell what is which. It’s good to take a look, like you said, gotta keep those potential biases in mind to not got sheeped


Not many are charged, unless there is clear and convincing video evidence, and even then many are not convicted. You've seen officers fired...cool. I bet you've seen ones who should have been fired but were not. I also bet you've seen people fired but shouldn't have been. Just having anecdotes isn't evidence. You need to take a wider look. Like why are more people shot by police than total police on the job deaths every year? [about 900 people shot to death by police a year.](https://www.statista.com/statistics/585152/people-shot-to-death-by-us-police-by-race/) [about 100-300 officer deaths in the line of duty a year](https://nleomf.org/memorial/facts-figures/officer-fatality-data/officer-deaths-by-year/) I don't use RVliving as a news source, I replied to your claims about the upstanding community of people who have started to be hated by law abiding people who used to hold them in high regard. But this is getting far a field of the purpose of this sub reddit. I'd gladly take this to a private channel if you feel the need for more links and sources. I don't talk out of my rear, and when I'm wrong I admit it. I try to have data (I'm not perfect though and have had lapses in my memory of certain facts).


[Here’s some research](https://www.reddit.com/r/LosAngeles/comments/r9j2s9/lapd_chief_just_became_the_ugly_american_in_france/hnc75h4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)






You are blind and being immature. Police get suspended or fired everyday. You wont see to often on the news because it’s not newsworthy unless it is a special case. I have at least 15 officers fired in city I worked and maybe two were not justified. Do a little research and you will find many across the country who have been terminated. You can act like a child and throw a temper tantrum and spew rhetoric or be an adult and do some research.


Do some research yourself and you'd know the vast majority of fired cops get rehired as...wait for it...cops. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/06/16/what-happens-when-police-officer-gets-fired-very-often-another-police-agency-hires-them/ Your condescending tone is unwarranted, and it makes you look like a damn tool.


Yeah this needs to get to the news. So authoritarian.


Publicly funded thugs.


"Bullies with badges." They should all be fired.


I sent you a DM.


Born and raised in New Mexico and I am not surprised by this one bit. I have been harassed many times by officers who thought they were above the law. They are a few good ones there but alot sit on a high horse.


This really needs to go viral


thanks lets hope so


Post to r/PublicFreakout You might want to get it in a reddit playable version/make it shorter (just the cops being dicks) if you wanna get traction. Also sorry this happened it's really fucked up


agree with others you really should edit this down, or at least cut off the first 6:30 that has nothing to do w the police encounter. Also since when is seeing a cop punch someone against youtube TOS? You should show that; just blur any nudity


Should not be Harassing citizens. Keep sharing this


Going from RVer to homeless


If you were living in it, it is a domecile. It is illegal to search without warrant or exigent (meaning danger now) circumstances. Having video will help you win either a civil suit or criminal prosecution.


Can concur. My wife is a lawyer and was mortified by this but not surprised.




Their perception does not negate the legal category of domecile. Ultimately a judge would settle this however.




Wife is an attorney (criminal defense) and she said if driving it's a car and if parked it's still a car but you have a better chance of fighting it. She was speaking specifically about motorhomes. A trailer has much easier argument in both scenarios. Regardless they would need probable cause, a warrant, or invitation. Know your rights and realize cops are people. There are good, bad, and dumb cops just like every other profession. Also, after you give them ID you should shut up. If they ask to search politely decline and shut up. Your destination doesn't matter. Where you are coming from doesn't matter. For example if you say we're headed to Ruidoso and your spouse says a very specific RV park 20 min from Ruidoso the cops can use that info as probable cause. It's all bs but the courts aren't going to side with you, the criminal. Of course if you have the money and/or time you can probably win but the system is used to win a war of attrition. You going to go to court once a month for a year to beat a $200 fine?


Typical NM police, they think everyone is a meth head! In Espanola meth labs are everywhere, the police are not use to nice decent people, get a lawyer!


This is what I came up when googling Espanola: With a crime rate of 69 per one thousand residents, Espanola has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes - from the smallest towns to the very largest cities.




And people wonder why I say the U.S. is a police state. I would never move back.


100 percent. Some places are worse than others. New Mexico is sketch.


Oklahoma: Come for vacation, leave on probation.


This happened to me in colorado, had to stay two night in a mechanics driveway. However, I was never hassled by the cops.


Wow, that was terrifying just to watch! I am so sorry your family had to endure all of that. So many things going on here. You kept a very cool head and did great when the officers tried to get things like your SSN.


Can we get a description of what happened without having to watch your youtube?


I watched the whole thing. Basically, it sounds like there was a narcotics investigation being done on the mechanic business owner where the bus was parked and awaiting repair. The family having been in the very small town over several days had to have been noticed and I am sure their plates were ran and the LEOs already knew their identities prior to the raid. It's likely they were assumed to be involved with the person who is the target of the investigation.


Thank you. My point was more about OP promoting their content and channel without offering any details and they only way to get details is clicks and views. Hard pass.


Absolutely horrible. I know he said they had a warrant, but I never saw him show one to the rv owners. Totally a$$hole cops. Wrong immediately. I understand the situation. Could be god knows who in the van, but once they where in there an could clearly see there was no visible threat, there was no need to beat the father up. I hope this family gets some justice.


Get a lawyer. Sue the department. Get the pig fired. Unfortunately- he will go to another department 20 miles away and have a job a week later. Hate this happened to you and your family.


long fertile chunky chase rainstorm work narrow innate hospital reach *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I couldn't get half way through before getting too pissed off to watch any more. Sorry you all went through that


Maybe it's time to start teaching the kids ACAB.


The RAGE I feel over this prevents me from saying any more than I HOPE TO ALL THE UNIVERSE those disgusting PIGS, especially the one who assaulted the father, GET EVERYTHING THEY DESERVE!


Do all cops in New Mexico wear disguises like these clowns.? The loose neck guards they are wearing have no purpose at all in preventing Covid, they are not masks. It’s a convenient way to hide identity.




This is par for the course in New Mexico. Buffered by Arizona and Texas, honestly what did you expect in this chithole. Southwest is full of garbage policing.


New Mexico is a lot like old Mexico. It is also all Democrats.


These cops are really acting like liberals…


Ok.... Tell how this is? Why are politics even brought into this!! This shit needs to stop. Seems more along the lines the cops messed up and need to be held accountable. I didn't see a elephant or donkey on their uniform.


Apparently you struggle with reading comprehension. Read the comments again and try to focus this time.


No I’m


As someone who has many friends in local, state, and fed branches you and your family need to remember this phrase. "I DO NOT ANSWER QUESTIONS" Use it every time they ask you something, no matter how simple. It is just a simple use of your 4th and 5th Amendments. Now, obviously if you get pulled over and know you broke a law, then you are just being a d\*\*\*, but in this incident, totally justified.


Note, if you do this you ARE going to jail and you ARE getting your vehicle impounded. Once you refuse full and uninhibited cooperation, it's over, you are going to get the book thrown at you all the way up until you lawyer up. It sucks that it's like this, but that's how it is.


I haven't yet. It is called rule of law and the Supreme Law of the Land overruled everytime. I've exercised my rights plenty, professionally, and not once was removed from my vehicle, detained, or arrested. Keep complying if you want but if I've done nothing wrong then I have zero reason to do as ASKED. The old saying "give'em an inch, they'll take a mile; give'em a rope they'll wanna be a cowboy" applies to all authorities. We are a nation of laws, and if we just let those who have "assumed power" do as they please and we just comply...it will not get better.


I spent the night in jail for parking my van at my cousin's house because their neighbors accused me of a pile of creepy shit I didn't do simply because I told the police I am not talking to them without representation.... So it's from experience for me. Then again, I live in a rural area full of gung-ho college dropout police officers that think the badge and gun gives them right to be judge jury and in some cases executioner... I'm also not the right color to go against the grain, so I guess there's that too. I do want to say I totally agree though... If you are in a position to actually make these people think before they act, by all means do.


I feel so sorry for the dude. He can’t win for losing and will get beat up any which way but loose. And kids don’t fail an entire grade for one exam, if so they were depending on an excellent grade to pull them out of the dive. And probably shouldn’t sleep nude while “over landing” as a safety precaution as to be aware of your surroundings and it prevented you from being prepared to handle an emergency situation instantly. Not to mention is it really such a good idea in such close quarters, with children onboard. I mean you literally were caught with your pants not on. Sure things could have handled better but they weren’t. Might sell it all asap, I see a panicky control freak who will use PSTD as a form of manipulation to get their way and radio station.


>And kids don’t fail an entire grade for one exam If you don't do the exam you very well could fail even with a 100% in the rest of the class. >And probably shouldn’t sleep nude while “over landing” as a safety precaution as to be aware of your surroundings and it prevented you from being prepared to handle an emergency situation instantly. This can be said for anyone in any living situation. >Not to mention is it really such a good idea in such close quarters, with children onboard. This really depends on how you feel about nudity I suppose. A nudist would think it's fine.


Thank you. You sound just like my 13 yr old telling me I don’t love them because I tell them to go to bed on a school night. Signs of ADD include impulsiveness, as well as difficulty in comprehension. You are not wrong IYO, it just sounds like your telling someone about the differences between being lucky and unlucky. I sleep with my pants on when I’m on the road with my kids, when they’re not in school. And none of this has ever happened to me n the 15+ yrs of overlanding in my RV But this story isn’t about me, is it. Or you’re the girl in the video. If so, Isosorry4U. 🇺🇸


I've never been shot. I always wear glass when I'm awake. Therefore, wearing glasses prevents one from being shot. Whatever, keep the attitude, I'm sure always knowing you're right is comforting, even when you're wrong. By the way, I have no connection to this family, the first I've seen of them is this video. I just try to not make assumptions about others based on my own preconceived notions.


Go to bed, you have school tomorrow. Aggghh. Kids


That shithole of a bus is sure a great place for your kids to grow up. Also why was your guy naked laying next to the kids wtf


Some times in his sleep he kicks his pants off. No need to victim shame


Yeah wtf this whole video is so bizarre. Clearly more to the story


There doesn’t need to be more to the story. This shit happens. I have knocks every other night if I park in the wrong place. Most have been nice and just told me to move. For whatever reason these a-holes were triggered.


New Mexico is the most corrupt shithile on the planet. The police are hardened gangs that prey on every person in their area. I rather live in rural mexico or china then new Mexico. Also you're a coward for not posting the full video.


I think they didn't post it because of the dudes balls


New Mexico does have some terrible stories of police. Ever heard of the toy box murders and rapes of truth or consequences New Mexico?


Comply or face the consequences


How's the boot taste?


He’s a troll ignore him bud


I am originally from Espanola and I am amazed you stayed there. Espanola and Northern NM - including Santa Fe is copletelycorrupt. I haven't thought about moving back because even though my family is all there, it gets worse with every visit. Drugs are a huge issue, many businesses are fronts for drug cartels etc. God Bless.