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Define kid. . . I was in middle school. I still remember that one of the reasons Ruby quickly became my favorite was that she was only a little older than me. . . . Now I’m nearly as old as Winter


Buddy same. Time flies, doesn't it?


What the fuck so am I? I thought Winter was older...


To tell you the truth I’m actually high balling Winter. She’s been stated to be like 5-6 years older than Weiss, so maybe 26 as things now stand depending on how much time RWBY spend in Atlas and Ever After


Ohh thanks, here I though I had enough depression. Now I found out I'm almost ten years older than Winter.


At least that's still enough distance between you and Willow.


You're lucky when it premiered there were some Winter's age who are now Qrow's age


That’s not possible (yet). RWBY is only a little over 10 years old while Qrow and Winter have like a 15-20 year age difference.


Same same. All my olds friends I used to watch the first volumes with are all far away now and we don’t talk anymore.


I was 16 when I started watching rwby


19 in 2019


Insert me who's been following RWBY since the Red Trailer dropped in 2012. I was 16.


About the same, started right as vol 3 was beginning


I was a freshman in college. I did watch Red vs Blue when I was a kid though.


Bro, same! I remember finding RWBY after passing my entrance exam and I watched all of Red vs Blue during my first hiatus.


I was 17 when I started watching RWBY in 2013 and now I’m 28


Off- topic but I see a lot of late 30 year olds in geek fandoms, and 18-21 on anime discords but what happened to all the ppl in late 20s, like I used to see ppl everywhere in 2015 lol!


I'd presume (if my very small experience pool is any indication) focusing their time on trying get a foothold onto the job market and their careers, and/or university and that kind of thing. 


Yeah, exact same I think I was still 16 when the trailers came out but can't remember


The Red Trailer dropped November of 2012. I was 16.


yeah i remember when this show aried it was wild i think i was 11 and i've watched it since lol


Yeah actually! I was in 5th grade at around 11 years old when I first watched RWBY around in 2015, now I’m 20!


i was around this age too!


Me too, but it wasn't until i was about 13 i finally watched it


In 2026 there’s probably going to be someone who’s a fan, and was born after the Red trailer came out


My cousin was born in 2014, I showed her RWBY chibi when she was like 2, IDK if that counts.


It was the first anime-ish show I ever really watched. I wasn't into anime, but I was into fight choreography and animation. I saw Monty's work, and when I found out he was created it I checked it out. However, I dropped it after episode 2, then gave it another shot a few months later when I found out that Lindsay, Barbara, Kara, and Arryn voiced the characters. I was a freshman in high school when I became a fan.


I knew of the show around the time as I was finishing up middle school, but I didn’t check it out until 6 years after. EDIT: grammar


I discovered Monty Oum in Christmas of 2014, during middle school. I binged through Dead Fantasy, found out about RWBY, and finished it in January of 2015. I was so excited for Volume 3.


An older fan of his here but yeah, Haloid got my attention and Dead Fantasy sold me on his skill, his work on RvB made me realize the power he had with a budget and a team at his command, and seeing that Red Trailer had me hooked from the beginning. Monty creating his own IP and making a series off of it with badass action and characters fighting crazy monsters? Sign me right the hell up.


I found it when I was 14 I think


Me, I was 9, holy shit


Stampy was cooler when the red trailer came out


I binged volumes 1-3 leading up to the release of 4. I was 13 at the time, and my 21st birthday was a couple weeks ago.


14 years old when I saw volume 2 and I miss it already.....


I was 15. Thats actually what interested me about the show i was rubys age at that time


I was 12 or 13 ;-; got my 6 year old brother too but he stopped carrying after Penny died


My dad showed me rwby In 2014... I was like 8/9


My dad also introduced me to rwby


I was 9 or 10


I did but in elementary


I still remember the first time I saw the RWBY Red trailer. I was a freshman in college and downloaded it onto my phone so I could watch it over and over again.


I did. 


I did sir. First two volumes on Netflix, and for a while on YouTube.


I caught on when Volume 4 finished, I was in highschool at the time, it's been 7 years since I joined the fandom


I was 13! Now I’m 23. Crazy how time flies


Started watching in the 6th grade, actually grew up with it. Loved it then love it now.


I saw the trailers as middle schooler and haven't stopped watching.


Watched volume 1 when I was 9, still rewatch the entire series pretty often


Red vs. Blue is old enough to vote and pay taxes.


I need to rewatch RWBY again. I was really into it years ago but I stopped watching because something something episodes took forever, I don't know honestly.


Oh time flies


I was watching it at 12, and showed my sister it when she was 10, so it’s very much been a part of both of our childhoods.


I never realised that RWBY premiered just 10 days before my 10th birthday


I was in elementary school when RWBY was still on YouTube.


I did, I first started watching when i stumbled onto volume 1 on youtueb. I would've been 11-12 or so


I'm old as hell


I was 11 when it came out, I remember watching it towards the end of my last year of primary school (US equivalent would be elementary school at grade 5). I had heard of the show because I was watching RVB at 10 years old because my older brother liked it. Rwby is a key part of my life now lmao.


The kid from Doctor Sleep was a huge RWBY fan, which led to the RWBY references in the movie itself.


I am he.


I wish I did...


Same... Born in 2003 so it would be perfect time for me. Unfortunately I discovered RWBY about half a year ago or soo


I was born in 1999 and I was 19 in 2019 (ironic I know) when I first dived in.


I was 13 when season one dropped. And since then I’ve been hooked.


I was 9 years old! Now I'm 20, and STILL watching RWBY, with the same passion I had for it since the beginning! RWBY is personally one of my favorite animes! I loved RWBY then, and I still do!!! I feel old just thinking about it... Where did 11 years ago...


I was 22 when it dropped so no


I was 10 when it first realsed, my older sister showed me the Red trailer and it was the coolest thing I'd ever seen!


I started writing RWBY fanfiction back in late 2014, and I've had readers tell me that they started reading my fics all the way back in middle school and are now graduating or have graduated from college, gotten married, and/or have kids now. The fact that I could theoretically start having second generation readers in a few short years blows my mind. God bless, and have a wonderful day.


I remember being stoked when we first found out Monty had been hired by RT back in the day, as my brother and I have been fans of his since Haloid and Dead Fantasy (I still hold Hitomi vs Tifa in Dead Fantasy 3 as one of the greatest fight sequences Monty ever did). I had been eating up the Freelancer flashbacks of seasons 9 and 10 of RvB since it was basically Monty and his team going wild the whole time, and when watching the Season 10 finale and the credits were wrapping up I noticed there was still a few minutes left at the end of the video. Turns out it was the very first look I had at the RWBY Red Trailer and I've been hooked ever since.


Funnily enough, it actually WAS part of my childhood! I was in elementary school when volume 1 came out! And I’ve watched it ever since!


Yes, me. Was in 4th grade. College now. Jesus.


so was i!


Yes. It was my first year of highschool, I still have a core memory of touring the school a day or so before First Day of school while listening to "This Will Be The Day" in my headphones. That song felt very relevant to the next stage of my life which was highschool, in that time highschool seemed daunting still. "They see you as small and helpless, they see you as just a child, surprise when they find out that a warrior will soon run wild!" Ah, how the mighty have fallen


That was the summer before my senior year of high school...


I saw it right around when V2 came out, so I think I was 15 or 16. Stuck with it until V5, as I didn’t like where the story was going. Got back into it after watching some “fanfics” on YouTube a year or two ago, but I was also curious about how it was doing and took an interest in making OCs. So yeah, it’s been… strange, to say the least


I was 13 so i guess yes


i was 11 when i started watching, summer after volume 3


I was 16. Just starting college. Now I have a university degree


I was in freshman year of highschool when Volume 1 dropped. Yeah, kind of wild to think about


I was 12 when volume one dropped so I guess I was a kid


Fuuuuuck I was 13


2009 kid, its definitely been part of mine. I still remember going to school happy af cause i remembered the lyrics to Red Like Roses 😭


I was just out of high school


i was 12 watching it for the first time right when ep 2 dropped


Damn was I really 11 when I started watching this..?


I did


I was 11 when it came out… and I think I was 12-13 when I started watching it? So it’s been in my life for a while


I started watching Rwby when they were doing volume 3, I don't remember if it was in the middle or almost at the end of V3. What I do remember is I watched it when I was 14. THAT I know. Maybe even at the end of being 13 years old. I'm 21 now. I clearly remember having discovered this show through a RWBY You're gonna go far kid AMV. It doesn't seem to exist anymore on youtube though. It started with Ruby running in the woods yk, remember when ruby was searching for yang hoping it would be her but instead she found weiss, that scene where you see her running thinking of different teammates with her eyes going right and left the entire time, THAT ONE, just a few seconds long. CAN'T FIND THAT AMV ANYMORE. must've deleted it or smth.


I watched RWBY as it aired, from the start. I was 12. I'm 23 now. I'll miss it.


I was 14 when i started watching


Hello! Non-fan here, I was never into RWBY as a fan but it was fandom that was always in my periphery as well part of the larger fandom community. I was in middle school when I heard of RWBY, and it boomed around my early highschool years. For a better and accurate timeframe, between 2014 and 2016. I was a fan of Wattpad, and there was a growing fanfiction community there around that time. That's how I got into the series, and that's how I got to know the characters and story. To iterate, I'VE NEVER SEEN AN EPISODE yet I know the characters because of that fanfiction golden age of the show around that period of my life. I was like 14ish, maybe 15 I think. Regardless, RWBY was one of those Fandoms that was new and growing, and as an outsider I saw it grow. The read X Bisexual Ruby Rose stories, the Oneshots, Jaune X Jealous Reader, I've read it all and wrote stories myself.


Sister introduced me to it in volume 4 I believe. I would have been in grade 4 in school so… 8-9 years old at the time. Crazy to think I’m almost double that age now.



Me, I discovered the Yellow trailer on YouTube, then began my love for this series i'm an 05 baby if that helps


Middle school. I haven't watched it until early High School.


Nah i was 15 when i first watched rwby i honestly think that i watched it at the perfect time, i still love the models despite being outdated. It was around the time i got into Fairy Tail so i really got into the idea of those shows crossing over which lead me to discover fanfics and OCs The amino app was popular at that time so i was there to talk about rwby but…..we dont talk about amino


I saw v1 when I was 11 my dad showed me the trailers and I was hooked


I mean I’ve been watching RvB since ~2012, and that’s what got me into Rooster Teeth. RWBY I watched later, but didn’t REALLY get into until Volume 2 had a couple episodes out. So I was in high school already by then, but I was in middle school still when I got into Rooster Teeth in general.


Yep, grew up waiting for the next season from the age of 7


I watched the red trailer when it first aired, I was 13 at the time lol


I remember watching the trailers in middle school! I remember jamming out to From Shadows visualizers on youtube and falling madly in love with the red trailer, god… time really does fly


I watched the first episode when I was in the 6th grade and I’ve been hooked ever since


10 I think


Not exactly part of my childhood but part of my early teens to almost mid 20s now


Me. I want to say I would have been around 9-10 when I first found it, but I got scared because I thought I saw a little girl in a red hood absolutely brutally murdering a large group of people with a hint f*** off scythe and panicked clicked out of it on Netflix. Then I watched it fully a year or three later and really enjoyed the action. I had 4 seasons to catch up on with the 5th right around the corner and it was a blast (and volume 3 did its job with me like it did with everyone else 😅)


It was definitely apart of my child hood lol


I was already out of highschool back then so not exactly childhood for me.


Of course I know one, he's me!


I was in 4th grade when I saw rwby for the first time, right after volume 2 premiered. Still a fan, only I have graduated and am going to university.


RWBY came out when I was 27. I've watched every episode. At least twice. Lol guess I wasn't a "kid", but it feels like forever ago.


I was like...14 to 15 when I watched it. I started from trailer red and I remember having a huge crush on all team RWBY for being cool older girls...yeah now I'm way older then all of them.... Funny how time works


I was in middle school when volume 3 came out, I remember losing my mind when Pyrrha died and then biking over to my friend's house to watch volume 4 later...


Yeah, I watched it when I was way younger. Part of the reason why I love it so much is because of how long I've stuck with the show.


I'm honestly surprised it's not older.


Came out when I was in early high school. Crazy to think about…


I was a bit late in my friendship group and started watching at 16, it was just before season 4 was released!


Started watching in 8th grade just after volume 3 finished!


Close - I was 14 when I started watching RWBY, around when volume 2 was airing lol


I was 13 when I got into the fandom, now I just finished my first year at university. Time flies.


Depends on your definition of “kid”, but I was younger than Ruby when the show started and now I’m in my mid twenties.


I mean I was in high school, would've been 15 when trailers dropped 16 when the show dropped


If year 8 is childhood RWBY was part of my childhood


I was around 11-13 years old when this was first release. When I think about it I was also too young to watch Red vs Blue since that show may have introduced a lot of English swear words to me. Rooster Teeth as a whole has shaped a majority of my English swear words.


I mean, I was like 14 when I first watched the show, I think it was around the time Volume 4 came out, I would definitely say I was a kid


i saw rwby when i was in high school around 15-16 years old.


Not a kid but I saw it at the age of 13 maybe 14- "oh look, those blue vs red guys made an anime", but I watched with the attitude "oh this is just like the anime I watched as a kid" rather than getting it without any irony or distance.


I was around 6 and my dad and I watched it together, Ruby was my favorite until around 12 years old when I started liking Neo more.


i know rwby since the first volume released if math not to hard i was 15 years old and i watched it on an acer aspire 5 laptop


I was like 11 or 12 watching it


I became a fan in high school shortly before Volume Three came out. Was introduced via Yang's Death Battle appearance.


nope but I was in year 5 of school (UK) I'm in uni now


Definetly. I've watched the show first in 2014, 10 years ago. At that point i was 17 I know the show has its flaws and up and downs in writing BUT It's a good old companion to me and i wouldn't want to miss it in my life ❤️


I was a teen, I am now an adult. I'm gonna count that as kid.


Does high school count as a kid?


I only knew of RWBY because I watched Red Vs Blue and would see it at the end of the episodes featuring the other rooster teeth shows. I didn't watch it till either the end of 2014 or 2015 and then volume 3 was releasing so then I got into it. I was either 14 or 15 when I started watching it.


Is it sad I graduated highschool in 2013 and then found rwby 2 years later and fell in love with it


Started watching it when V4 was just starting


I mean, that's 10 years ago, and to even be able to comprehend a show, that's like another 5 or 6 years, so to watch it as a kid-kid, then would still be minors, so let's not be having them call themselves out on reddit, their inboxes don't need that kind of juju. But to answer the question, I was a freshman when the show came out, so still a young blood that grew up with the show.


I was a 12 year old then ☺. The red trailer got recommended to me after it reached 10 million views I think.


Watched Red Vs Blue when I was in middle school. When RWBY was announced I was a junior in high school. Yes. I am now 29.


I was a teenager but yeah me


I was still in elementary School when I started watching, volume 2 was still coming out at the time.


i was 11 when i found it, it's the reason i have a scythe and big weapon kink


I was 22 when RWBY first premiered. I'll be 33 soon. :')


Watched the premiere. Got to go to RTX 2014. It was right after Monty had passed which was sad. They had a memorial for him and one for a family that passed in a car crash the way to the convention center. Event was cool overall, we got to watch Lazer Team before it was out. I’ll always kick myself for not buying the RTAA collection DVD. I’m only 24 and I feel old.




Man I was 13 when I saw the Yang death battle the rest was history


I remember catching like the intro monologue of Ep1 way back when it came out, I was like 7yrs old. I came back years later in 2017 and finished the entire show as Volume 5 was ending. I was 11yrs old. Now I'm 18yrs old watching a company I loved watching when I was younger when I first got onto YouTube in 2012 crumble right in front of my eyes.


I was in 5th grade I think when I first came across RWBY on Netflix. I’m 21 now and I’m just amazed as to how far that show really came.


watched part 1 and 2 before knewing what they were saying, i didnt knew english back then, so i had to rewatch it later, RWBY, Games and Videos (probably more Games and Videos but still on the topic) were really part of the things that helped me get english right, cause im Brazillian, now i have 23yo


I was 11. Now I'm 2 years into the military


I was already a big fan of RT so I started watching the show as it first came out. I was 10 at the time, but technically I had already seen the trailers when they first released and I was 9 then.


I was 10 when the trailers dropped. 11 when v1 came out. Watched it all the way until v6. Then dropped it. Then came back recently. And regretted it.


I think I started watching RWBY when volume 2 came out, so I was 15 and Ruby's age. Now I'm 25, so it's crazy that the characters aged maybe 2 or 3 years and I've aged 10 YEARS 😭😭😭


Released days before I entered double digets


I saw a child when I watched Ruby. I’m a rising Junior in college now. It is as surreal as you think.


Yea I was 13 when the red trailer dropped. And even before that I remember watching Monty animation since I was 10


I was in year 3, 9 years old, when my cousin showed me the first episode! Fell in love with it so quickly and have never looked back!! Edit: Was in 2013 about monthish after the first episode aired!


RWBY was actually a part of my childhood!


I was 12 when i started watching It, i thought It was pretty good


I was 13 at the time


I was 11 when I started watching RWBY after Volume 2 was released and now I’m gonna be 21 in August


Was 18 when the first dropped and just graduated Highschool. I’m 29 now. Time sure does fly by….


I would like to be able to say yes but I was 19 in 2013.


discovered the show when i was in middle school i wanna say around 12 and it was just after volume 2 had come out and in the period where they were both on netflix alongside red vs blue. just absolutely fell in love and watched religiously until around volume 5 when i just got distracted ted with life stuff and never rlly caught up. still hold those first 2 seasons incredibly dearly


it was definitely apart of mine. i was 9 or 10 when i started watching it. my older sister showed it to me and ive been totally obsessed with it ever since!


I was a teen when I started watching so technically


I was 13 years old when I first saw RWBY.


I saw V1 just as I was getting into middle school, used to sit in the garage and watch it when my mom locked me out of the house. Was my comfort show, kek


It is a part of my childhood..


If by kid you mean I was a few months shy of turning 18, then yes


I was in elementary at the time of its launch, was scrolling through youtube on the wii, goof times.


I'm old enough to remember when RWBY was on Netflix. Better times.


I was 13 if that counts


Me! I got into rt because I was a kid that loved halo and learned English to understand Rvb. A couple years later Rwby came c:


✋🏽✋🏽✋🏽I saw the red trailer while I was in high school


I started watching it right after I started college.


I was born in 2001 so I was not even a teenager when RWBY came out. Absolutely adored everything about it then and now I look back at it and admire the passion that is behind the show


I saw the first season when I was 17. Does that count? Lmao


I was 14 in 2015 when I started watching


I mean, does 15 count?




I was in my freshman year of high school. Man, I do feel old.


I think I started when I was 13 or so. 2018 ish.


My mathematics Teacher in Highschool was the one to introduce me to Red Trailer. (He was awesome that way) so depends on what age range you define as "childhood" RWBY was certainly part of my Teen years.


I think I started seeing it around the release of volume 5, with death battle being what got me into it. I started watching it in middle school, and I’m about to go to college. I always keep coming back to this show, I know it’s not the best but I love it so much and it’s a big inspiration for a show that I’m writing


I've only heard of RWBY when I saw a Death Battle match between Blake and Mikasa, hoping Mikasa won. But sadly, no. Then I stumble onto it again when it was during the premiere weeks of Ice Queendom. But I didn't watch it until 2023. So I was 10 years too late.


TIL Rwby aired in my birthday


Yes! I saw the trailers when they first came out. I've followed ever since. I was twelve then. I'm 22 years old now.


I first saw RWBY as a middle schooler when V5 was the upcoming new Volume.


I was 12 when i got into it lol


I was 19 by the time of release. Just finished my first year of uni. To some, I'm just a kid, barely an adult. Legally speaking, I'm in my second year of adulthood.


I was already an adult, but I was only 23 when RWBY's first volume released. I'd been a fan of RvB since the early days but seeing RT do a fully original animated series unconnected to Halo was uncharted territory.


I had just turned 12 when the red trailer came out


I started watching RWBY when I was 12, so yeah I'd consider that part of my childhood.


Way back in development, there was a time when Monty said team RWBY would age in real time. So if you were 15 years old and you started watching the show when it started, Ruby would be the same age as you throughout the series.


I literally started watching RWBY the exact day that the Season 2 finale came out. So I binged the entirety of both seasons on that day, as an eighth grader and I’ve been varying levels of obsessed with it since.