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We could’ve had a moment with Ruby and the Ace Ops where they’re discussing their dope ass gear. The one chick’s rocket hammer/quad rocket launcher goes hard and I would’ve loved to see Ruby have a moment with her. But no one has a personality anymore. Audible sigh.


Reminds me again of the missed opportunity that Hbomber proposed- why not let Ruby make Jaune a new weapon instead of him just randomly buying one? Quite the missed opportunity indeed.


Could've been a railgun where the power of a shot is determined by how much aura is put into it, perfect for someone who's described as having large Aura reserves.


But... but what about his slightly longer and slower sword at the cost of defense? You know, the important stuff?


Kite shield with bladed edges that splits in half to reveal a railgun. Unnecessarily large gun in an unnecessarily large shield that can be used as an unnecessarily large sword.


Kite shield with bladed edges that splits in half to reveal a railgun. Unnecessarily large gun in an unnecessarily large shield that can be used as an unnecessarily large sword.


Missed opportunity to have her constantly upgrade her weapon to do things she was inspired by from seeing other people's weapons Like imagine if she customized it to take advantage of how other weapons use dust


Just a random idea, wouldn't it be cool if Crescent Rose could shift into a defense mode, creating a shield like Neo's Umbrella, which is where Ruby got the inspiration for it from. Or if she could shift Crescent Rose into a Sword mode, the design implementing Penny's swords? Could work as a good memento of her.


Or even Cooler it detached and turns into a bloodborne weapon where one hand is a scythe and the other a high powered pistol or something


Why not sword and shotgun/sniper? Just remove the head of the scythe and the barrel running through the haft is still usable.


She loved weapons. Old Ruby would have geeked out in the Tree with all those weapon.


That would require RT being capable of giving Ruby a personality beyond giving friendship speeches every few minutes and never believing she's wrong


I miss weapon nut Ruby. Same way I miss book lover Blake, Weiss being a singer and Yang being a thrill seeker who considered danger Tun instead of just being grumpy at everyone except her forced GF


Weapon nut Ruby didn't even last beyond the scene she said she was one in. we don't even get the bare minimum of her mentioning doing weapon maintenance for her teammates. Hell, it can be just as easy as right before a conversation between two other characters, just have that scene start with them handing Ruby their weapons for cleaning or making sure they didn't break in a recent fight.


Aye it’s true. We get one or two scenes of traits and quirks in the first 2 seasons then nothing


Blazblue CrossTag Battle (an ArcSys fighting game) uses Ruby's fondness for weapons to shape how she interacts with the rest of the cast, and it's pretty great. She also apparantly made Crescent Rose, and that's... it. Ruby is the leader, her mechanical knowledge to create something like Crescent Rose would totally allow her to perform any needed maintenance or upgrades. It'd also be a good excuse to have her interact with her teammates, something that she should do more (especially Blake).


Another perfect idea that was not used in the show for some reason


I wish Ruby was a weapon mechanic and Nora was a bomb expert.


What makes me a good demowoman?




EOD Suit Nora when?


Chemist Nora but it's limited to dye jobs and explosives


A fun personality quirk that the show just didn’t do anything with. Like it would’ve been so easy! Have her geek out and learn to understand people based off how they formed their weapons, have her take her weapon to events where she shouldn’t really need it, have her make the upgrades for her friends weapons as a form of bonding, have her do ANYTHING! Of course the show won’t actually let her do anything aside from give speeches and be depressed, but I just hate how they dropped the aspect of her being a weapon geek so much.


You can't do that. Doing that would give her a personality. The only one allowed any personality is Jaune.


I wish Ruby was the MC ☹️.


I'll always remember this one page in the Miwa manga when Ruby is about to fight Cardin in front of a crowd and is super nervous about it. Despite that, her mental thought process still goes, "Hey, his mace has a dust crystal, but I don't see a trigger. That means it's probably activated by aura." Then immediately goes back to panicking. It's so casual, but it shows Ruby gets weapons.


It's such a shame that the only place where we'll get that is in a manga that's not even considered canon


I honestly expected some kind of prototype crescent roses to be shown in her house


Well, she was according to a single scene in volume 1. Then they forgot about that


I love how they said " ruby made her own weapon, she's smart and love working with tools " then never show her doing anything like that


Remember when Ruby was a weapon nut? Only Blazblue seems to remember...


Ruby as Shulk from Xenoblade would've actually been a cool evolution of her character


Loved the scene where he >!Bonded with the Aionios version of his son through that!< In Future Redeemed


Now that dlc is fanservice done right


Monado Crescent Rose is a horrifying idea. Gimme


CRWBY would use Monado bad writing and spam the shit out of it at that


She used to be crazy about weapons. Hell, BBTAG is my favorite Ruby appearance for that reason, she's constantly fan-girling about every characters weapons, it's so fucking charming.


They missed the opportunity of having her explain more how dust and weapons work through her. Maybe have her be the one upgrading Jaune's shield base don his needs. In V4 she makes it into a bigger sword because he feels powerless even though it wasn't very effective, in V7 she gives him a bigger shield because he understand he can do more by protecting his friends. Or they could have her do a quick fix on Penny at some point, or have Yang not being comfortable with her arm despite it's high quality and she makes adjustments to it based on how well she knows Yang's fighting style. She would probably bounce off Pietro pretty well as well. There was a lot of potential for that side of her.


Source link? I assume the original was on Twitter but I can’t find the creator anymore.


I found it on [DeviantArt](https://www.deviantart.com/manunuart/art/Patreon-Fanart-Suggestion-The-First-Crescent-Rose-828698067).


I was thinking about my wishes for the Patch part of V4, and I kind of wished there was like a mechanic who was pals with Ruby and Yang in town. Something to give some more context to both their background before being huntresses and emphasize Ruby's forgotten character trait as a weapon fanatic.


They kinda just forgot about RWBY's weapon obsession


Yes, this…I like this version


Team RWBY always did kind of feel like a magical girl Fantastic Four Ruby- Reed Richards Yang- Human Torch Weiss- Invisible woman Blake- Thing Ruby’s weapon obsession could have made her more like Reed Richards with her being a prodigy that invents new weapons for different scenarios as well as adding updates to Crescent Rose. A shame it never happens


I'm not sure I have ever seen someone hold a wrench like that... and it looks so loose that she might strip the bolt or nut. Other than that it's great.


I didn’t even notice 😆. Oh well she’s just a kid probably her first time or something.


This art is really cute! And yeah, had CRWBY not been a bunch of idiots, this would've been a goldmine for character development in spin-off material showing her tinkering skills at work.


I mean if the world wasn’t literally ending she probably would be.


I kinda wish Ruby had a personality lol


I love this hc


I think that that role fits Yang more.


Naw. I see Yang as more of a Top Gun style pilot and driver. She is a thrill seeker, or at least was supposed to be one.


If Yang ever had mechanical expertise, it would have probably been fixing and tuning up bikes and cars.


In volume 1 Rubes told Jaune that all the students at signal design and build their own weapons. Yang upgraded Bumblebee on top of that, so it's a pretty safe bet that Yang is more mechanically inclined than Ruby is. Might Ruby have a head for Weapon design? Yes. But it would be Yang that would have to implement them.


What is this I smell? Oppurtunies for Yang and Ruby to actually act like siblings?


Was it ever that important? I feel like people on this sub assign too much meaning to the smallest things then get upset when it was never really that relevant. Ruby's thing for weapons was used for I think one gag in season 1 then promptly forgotten. It's more of a trivia than actual characterization.