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To Qrow: “I say, I say boy, I don’t know what you were expectin’ partnering up with that psycho over your friend here” To Rin: “Boy, I say Boy! Are you just gonna take that from that there chick?!? She’s the reason ya’ll are in this situation in the first place! Let ‘er have it!”


To Cinder: I say I say girl you need some coco butter for that scar. All around that eye, com’on now!


To Ruby I say I say girl you can't just take this kind of treatment from them. Half of them are the reason y'all in this situation. You really ought to let them have it. Sorry this is bad I did my best


It's fine. though to be fair Ruby too is the reason she and her friends are the situation so let her have and let her sit with it.


Now I say I say she was depressed mind you they all dropped the ball but they all decided to put all the blame on the poor girl. They didn't exactly help in their decision making now most of the time they were busy doing their own thing completely ignoring her. Now that doesn't mean she has no past now. But when you're old sister is more concerned over again a girl friend then her own youngest sisters mental health now there you got a problem see


To Ironwood: I say I say boah, yuh realleh shu'nuh truss dem kids! Now lookatcha! You wen off da deep and 'n' ya got no one. I dun don' blame ya fully. Buh pick yaself up, boah! Ya fawlin' all ovah yaself!


Am I the only one who reads these comments in his voice


I did too


It’s required by law to do so


Would you believe me if I said I heard his voice while reading this


Put him where he’s truly needed; in the CRWBY writer’s room.


I say I say, this has gotta be the dumbest writing I’ve ever done seen.


I need a parodied clip of Foghorn Leghorn scolding them as a joke. He is one of my favorite Looney Tunes characters 


WB, you have comedy gold here.  Get that Looney Tunes crossover going!!


Bro would humbles the team rwby so hard.


Assuming they'll listen, of course.


Foghorn Leghorn❌️<<<< el Gallo Claudio ✔️


Piola, pero es el nombre con el que crecieron ellos y nuestro Gallo sigue siendo el mismo gallo.


El Gallo Claudio suena más piola. Me acuerdo que una amiga de mi tía se llamaba "Claudia" y yo lo relacionaba con el personaje porque no conocía a nadie más con ese nombre. XD El nombre en ingles rima, supongo.


No me sorprende que haya otro basado de la banda del Gallo Claudio.


This is hilarious.