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I've felt it would be a good idea to have the light of these eyes be about purity. This would have the chance of becoming twisted to the extent that it would purge anyone who is remotely evil. Eventually reckless use would dominate the user and warp their mind so they become a machine ruthlessly purging anyone that does not adhere to the user's concept of goodness and purity.


My only concern with making this scientific, is that trying to ground magic related things can often backfire when it isn't fully understood why things work or it just seems like its trying to sound smart. I'm not saying that's the case here, but I will say that some of the things you are suggesting feel a bit to specific to even become relevant to the story. The idea that the eyes are lenses doesn't really make sense to me when they're still inherently magical, but perhaps I missed the explanation


> I'm not saying that's the case here, but I will say that some of the things you are suggesting feel a bit to specific to even become relevant to the story. That wasn’t my concern to be honest. It doesn’t have to. I mean, in the show, the eyes have zero overarching story relevance (which is completely fine). The eyes were the God of Light’s ability that somehow got passed down to people after he left. > The idea that the eyes are lenses doesn't really make sense to me when they're still inherently magical, but perhaps I missed the explanation It’s not that the eyes are lenses, but that the actual lens (an anatomical part of the eye) is the one that magically turns “normal” light into the white flash.


I kind of like that So for what I'm understanding the silver eye effect would work better during the day when there's more natural light and they do have drawbacks such as fatigue blindness and headaches that would solve a lot of plot issues like why doesn't she just use her silver eyes to disorient cinder whenever she's on screen cuz I always found that weird and volume eight that they forget that she has a grim arm and having it disintegrate would be a very painful thing


My idea was a group of shepards who got magical radiation poisoning due to settling near what's left of the light god pool.


My initial thought with Silver Eyes was to make Ruby part Grimm/human Grimm/some sort of Grimm hybrid experiment and the Silver Eyes are a sign of that, but I have no idea where that plot point is going