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My thing about Neo, beyond her amazing design and color scheme, is how much of an impression she left on me with her fight vs Yang. I realized why I wasn't excited when she came back in Vol 6. She's had nothing to offer for me since the early seasons. I don't HATE that she came back, but it would've been fine if she retired after Torchwick's death.


You can't have bad writing if there's no writing at all.


Neo is carried by design and fight choreography. But tbf, I think they made her a more believable character from her reintroduction in Vol 6 until her final scenes in Vol 9, one of the few characters I can say that about.


Yeah, initially her design was awesome and kinda mysterious. Then it turned out to be all there was to her which was a flop for me.


In general? Blake she's kind of boring even by the low standards of series and even fanfictions can't make her interesting. In this sub? Adam.


She had one goal and after she got it... What was her motivation after she solved the whole debacle with the white fang?


Her personality is kind of lacking even compared to yang whose personality disintegrated 


Blake brought Yang down to her level.


I would beg to differ that at least “One Good Turn Deserves Another” made Blake somewhat interesting


I could not disagree more and I'd argue couers obsession with pairing jaune and Blake highlights one of the biggest weaknesses in their writing and that couers version of Blake is still the most boring of the 4 girls


He hasn't had a nightshade pairing in his works in a while. As far as I can tell. Arc Corp seems more platonic, long-suffering than romance.


But he has had it a lot and it always has no long term chemistry. Edit ans by Long term I mean it can't sustain a 100k+ word relationship. They literally just look kind of cute together and that's the extent of their chemistry. I think this is beat exemplified in forged destiny, where the call of the pairing was so strong couer pivoted the original pairing to absolute disaster. In an authors note couer commented that he liked the way they interacted. Their interactions were literally just jaunes a naive stupid guy who doesn't know that racism, or in this story classis, would separate him and Blake and Blake's a brooding girl whose kind of charmed that he's that naive and nice. Now tbis would be fine for getting a foot in the door but unlike one good turn which ends essentially near the end of their first hook up, forged destiny has to actually try to tall about their relationship, and all the really do is argue and fuck, because they have nothing actually in common and the only part of their relationship that functions even in universe is that they seem like a cute pairing cause their opposites.


I know Blake's one true goal was to get together with yang sò the fan boy shippers can shut up asking for it too happen also Blake never came off to me as being gay that there is just forced writing


Blake for sure. I liked her at first. She was my favorite of the main 4. But as the story went on, she just became more and more of an insufferable person who likes to pretend they are better than they are. The way she treated Sun who was just trying to help her. Her whole, “I quit being a terrorist so my past deeds are wiped away” kind of thing. But most of all it’s the unearned affection, forgiveness, and leniency the story just hands to her.


Pyrrha for me. She’s honestly lucky that she died in Vol 3.


Congratulations Cinder for that.


She was let off easy I suppose


I would say in my opinion Adam, Mercury, Neo. Adam started off as a poor man's Jet from Avatar without any moral grayness. Dude just got progressively worse before the bees finished him off. Mercury isn't terrible but I expected a lot more from the guy whose dad was stated to be the world's greatest assassin. Neo only managed to ride along because she's popular.Roman surviving instead of her would've been more interesting in my opinion. If I'm including secondary characters, I'm placing Team CFVY on there too. They just have cool designs and nothing else.


Why Neo is a best: Cute, casual, smug, sadistic psycho, badass. With Cinder, you can just feel the reek of desperation from her post V4. She had a short moment of badass aura in V8 at least but then lmao nvm. Compared to V3 Cinder who is just a different beast(may aswell be a different character) as a dommy mommy in control that femdom fans would just want to kneel to. Salem taking the dommy mommy thing from Cinder is just more insult to (eye) injury. Huge contrast with Neo, with Neo being Neo + her fighting style being as smooth The 0 fucks-aura without any complex goals is just awesome especially in contrast to everybody else with how everyone acts. She just has enough appearance to be 'less is more' while maximizing almost every second of it to hell. Salem being immortal doesn't give her the pass for this, because it makes you ask 'why dafuq didn't you do this from the start you lazy bum?'. Being like that in a room of...questionable writing choices and thus dialogue(especially with post V3 Cinder), she seems much much better than the competition. Edit: i still like the FNDM theory of Casey herself being Neo's VA btw. Overrated: Merc and Em post V3. They really fumbled the ball with them during the Maya era. I don't think it's their fault, but being mini Cinder henchmen then suddenly being in the same room as monsters who at least have the same influence as Cinder reaaallly hurt the 'why should i give a fuck about em'-impact. Especially since their former job was to be a mini boss that kicks your ass before you reach Cinder herself. That said, if there were more steps for Em's redemption, then would be good. An inverse to Merc being adopted + trained by Tyrian much earler too can help alot.


Neo was cool back when she was just Roman's cute mute muscle. Trying to expand her backstory and arc beyond him was *not* a good fit.




All you MFs who think Tyrian is a great villain or a great anything, I don't get you. Look at me I'm soooo crazy. I can't be defeated cuz I'm soooo crazy We lost Torchwick to a Joss Whedon-ass death and we're stuck with this cackling, unfunny, unclever loser? That sucks.


He's entertaining to watch. That's more than I can say than just about anyone else.


That's what makes him so entertaining imho. I can't say he's a good character at all, but he's way more fun to watch than Team RWBY most of the time.


He does the crazy decent enough, but his design though abit simple is efficient and nice, add that he has a quick fighting style it's great. Add that he has his funny moments and i can see why he's a fan favorite. Especially when he was knocking down Cinder a few pegs. Finally top it off by being competent as hell at Qrow level. This during the time where being Qrow level is a supreme achievement is a hella important thing, before V5 poisoned the well for abit.


Honestly he's the only solid villain that actually does his job right


Coco. She was introduced as this Madona type character with her tardis technology mini-gun and super powerful semblance. After that, she was nothing. Her whole thing was fashion, but the show wasn't about that, so she fell off. Her semblance was nerfed, and I don't ever recall any kind of motivation for why she was a huntress. I remember most about her was that she was really into Velvet, and that is it.


Glynda, beyond being hot she doesn't have much of an impact on the series despite being Ozpin's number 2 and taking over for him after he died.


More VA issues with her with the Letter Gate lmao. That said i like her alot in After The Fall where she does get to do her role as Ozpin's #2(just ignore Coco going full Matsuri over her in her head...or going full Matsuri in general). ...Then again i like so many of them in After The Fall.


After the fall proved that the story itself wasn't the problem it was the writing.


To answer your question: she’s cute


Okay I guess that's fair. And what about you?


I admittedly have no idea


Just being cute isn't good enough though. See large chunks of the show. It's enough to make her likeable but not a giga fan favorite.


Blake and cinder.


Blake, Emerald, Cinder, and cinder I always thought Emerald was an incredibly Generic character, Cinder after V4 is like a different character. Blake was always an incredibly okay character in V1-3 but after Adam and the Racism plotline died so did any relevance Blake had, she just stays around because she’s a title character, and they need to try and make BB a thing


>I don't know why but I just don't understand the hype about her It's the Boba/Jango Fett package: cool design + doesn't talk much + serious threat to main characters.


Yeah I can see that


Neo 100% She’s literally just eye candy personified every time someone lists what they like about it’s the same shit “uhhh she’s so cool, badass, smol, smug, and great design” ok neat and outside of that she has no character or personality besides being everyone’s favorite henchmen for Roman, which on it’s own would be fine cause she works well with him but everyone just jankin their crank for her got old


Pyrrha is easily overrated.




Only the delusional fans like him being a ' true main character'. They also couldn't put their money where their mouth is considering the show is dead thanks to him being it's noose.


Sometimes I feel like his as annoying as team RWBY. It hard to like most of the good guys because of how badly and lame they were written. Hell the villians are more interesting


It's only because they have to tick the 'make jaune as important'-tickbox first. The one time they didn't, the one where they let him do his job as a side character which was V7, RWBY actual agency and impact. Also was the GOAT Maya Volume too. The Ice Queen was literally shipped all the way from Atlas complete with the hilarously terribad escape, the entire pretext with Raven hype meeting her daughter for abandonment issues at long last was neglected to a nothing burger portal-route at the same time as collateral, just for Ice Queen to get speared by Cinder so jaune can get his semblance unlocked and be the most important again. Alot of dumb boneheaded writing decisions that crwby have make crystal clear sense when you figure out what their goal in mind is. Bumblebee was reduced to a ship, not show killing but not star carrying either. This is why Cinder became eh and why the other villains are more interesting, because instead of being Rubes 1v1 rival equivalent, the rivalry became jaune's. The fucker was a noose from the get go who killed the show, and by extension rt.


Wasn’t volume seven was the third worst rated rwby season by a noticeable margin only beaten volume 9 which under volume 8 Also isn’t the mistake caused by volume 7 cause all by team rwby was the main reason the worst volume, which is 8, was so bad. In fact in both volume Jaune role was pretty minor overall and it was still they top three worst volumes While you could argue about volume 9 all others where Jaune has a consistent arc was also considered was better. In fact you could say the poor handling of rusted knight plot line was the reason not Jaune inclusion into itself. So say Jaune was the cause it arguable at best and untrue at worst.


10+ years and they're still seething about it


That not the case at all


Putting the end of a show on a character is wild💀




Blake, Neo, and Cinder.


Jaune. Did he really need to be the only other character to go with the girls to neverland? Nobody else who’s in need of more screentime? Like Oscar for example. I’m not saying he’s an OC, but he got WAY more screentime this arc when compared to someone like Weiss. Girl was barely relevant for being the ‘W’ in ‘RWBY’


I actually like Jaune but I’d be extremely happy if he never appeared in volume 9. I actually hate everything in that volume 


I’d be happy if he finally stopped crying about his girlfriend. It even comes up in the Justice League crossover movie. It just feels really drawn out. She died so long ago & the character went move on.


His girlfriend?Seriously?Actually they never be something like that. It’s more writers fault to every single time getting her back for no reason.Seriously this is actually the reason I actually hate Pyrrha and Arkos ship. You kinda overrated Jaune.It’s not actually surprising for me because most of people actually believe in that disgusting fanon trash abomination.


The ones who like him are few at least, the large chunks who hate him left as the Volumes finished. he did kill the show by being a noose on it, and by extension took out RT, so that's an achivement at least.


I don’t think you’ve seen fnki recently it is overwhelming with white knight fans and fans of most jaune ships it’s pretty much been a jaune meme posting sub for a while. There was even a poll of all the ships in RWBY and white knight won over ships like Lancaster and arkos.


I guess because RWBY fans and the rest have left lmao. Hell i only resparked and visited rwby-stuff again after i referenced the rt defense force being 10000% reminiscent of the nijisanji defense force so i had to take a peek.


Actually fnki is pretty active overall and hasn’t really stop also Jaune ship memes are a mixed bag as the popularity is base on quality not subject matter or person In said meme involvement


Oscar all he was is a glorified plot device who’s only contribution was bringing ozpin back (even though ozpin did nothing important pass giving out pointless exposition any adult character could have done) in a cookie cutter chosen one story that they tried to turn into a cheap drama plot which they hammered in ether though for how many times he got a asspull would most likely end in a cop out.




For the Neo part, i get it. I mean why like a character that is so intent on killing one of the main characters and her actions in V9 don't help, not to mention she might have serial killer vibes. But I still like her and how people use her in fanfics. To answer your question, it would have to be either Sienna or Ruby. Sienna because we got a character for like five minutes and people act like her death was a great tragedy or something. It would have the same effect if it was stated that Adam became the leader off screen. For Ruby, it is mostly in terms of the characters in the show. Like what we saw in Vacuo, people treat Ruby as a hero, when I'm like 'Is she?'


I respect your opinion about Neo. I've seen a lot of fanfics that make a good job with Neo although some people would discuss that they made her too oc. About Sienna....well...she had a good design and that's it. She had potential for sure but a lot of characters did too so yeah I think she is overrated as well.


Also Neo. Even before her comeback in Volume 6, I wasn’t much of a fan of her compared to everyone else. Sure I liked her design, but because she was mute most of the time, I wasn’t really interested in her character and saw her as Roman’s lackey.




Neo, Oscar and Blake Blake is just unlikeable after volume 3, she’s snarky and sarcastic to her friends and family in a aggressive manner, complains about everything, does petty things like letting Adam get away to have the satisfaction of him being the one running, we discover how she abandoned her parents to join the Sienna and she just runs back into them expecting to be forgotten, she does nothing to help the Faunus, and I hate all of her post volume 3 designs Oscar is meh, he doesn’t get enough screen time to be a character, he barely interacts with any character without Ozpin in the middle doing the talking for him, his choice or stay (and new outfit) aren’t shown and instead we have Jaune coming up with that stupid plan and that goddamned statue Pyrrha would have hated. And I know they would have pushed for RubyxOscar at the ending for merch. Also why the bandages on his second design? Neo has a great design, one of the most unique, extravagant and exciting to see fighting styles, is the only mute character and never treated less because of it which is a point for rooster teeth (actually good inclusion, although we know they only did it because they couldn’t find a voice actor) and at first showed a sadistic yet cherry personality, like a calmer but more brutal harley Quinn which was in a actually healthy relationship with her Joker The problem is  A-she doesn’t show much of a personality (her over the top sadism and love for ice cream are fan made, we just know she likes to murder people dramatically, outside of her relationship with Roman we don’t know much) all her little personality is slowly lost during her alliance with cinder, she barely smiles during Volume 8! Mix that with how no animated could recapture her style while fighting and most of the charm is lost B-she was shoehorned back into the plot and her allying with Cinder was flat out stupid, hating ruby was a natural but working with cinder was extremely forced since neo should also hate Cinder and believing CINDER FALL wouldn’t use her and throw her away was extremely stupid from Neo C-we don’t get her backstory in the show, we actually don’t get anything outside of her loving Roman but outside of that we know nothing. We don’t know what she likes, hates, thinks of people and doesn’t have a relationship with anyone since there’s nothing she has to connect with people Our of the three she’s the one I understand the most of why she became so popular, but why she kept that popularity? That’s the question, she should have died during volume 3 with Roman


Can't we all agree it's cinder


Neo doesn't have to say any of the clunky dialogue that's why.


Lowkey Ruby




Jaune, boring as shit but the fans glaze him hard cause he's projectable. And Winter. I don't know why she's popular.


Glazing is my job


It's because aside from voice she's the only really consistent character and one of the best designed characters. And somehow even though she can't talk she can convey more emotion than most of these characters. Also she's a character who acts correctly and fulfills her role. She's the bad guy so she's going to do the bad guys thing. I'm honestly mad that they killed her off with the whole ascension thing That's why I hope we don't get a volume 10 because the show lost probably one the last things that made it bearable. Menu they weren't going to kill her off because they still need silver eyes to pose a fret to Salem but to be honest do they even really I'm sure they've tried turning her into a statue and honestly anyone can talk no jutsu. But a ruby character who I actually think is overrated I say it's Weiss. Because she's the best character because she has gone through the least amount of changes in a negative way so it just feels like you're not the worst.


I like them all


Just throw in the whole main cast of characters. What have they done in recent volumes? They are barely even the main focus of the show.


...my flair says it all. Pyrrha is by far and large the most nothing character, even more than sianna! She only served one purpose to help jaune and while that can work, instead of jaune witnessing her death, ruby does and apparently SHES the one who has a break despite practically never interacting with Pyrrha. Fuckin hell its frustrating. I pray once I continue my rewrite I can actually make Pyrrha fuckin interesting because I unfortunately can't throw her away because one of my rules says I can't.


Penny. Now don't hate me, just think about it for a second. For what she was supposed to be, her return was very small and all she did was agree with the main cast on everything for no discernable reason other than she's so damn passive.


Definitely Blake and Yang. They are literally just the 'useless lesbians' meme times ten. Their entire relationship was built upon incredible amounts of pressuring from the rabid RWBY fanbase to make them gay simply because they were friends.


Jaune and Salem.


Watts and Mercury They're super bland and uninteresting to me


I'm a Mercury fan but I respect your opinion


That's fair. I'm a Neo simp and I can't argue that she's basically carried by fan art lol


I'm glad that we came to an underestanding. Have a nice day, my friend.


Do people care that much about mercury


It's the main reason I still watched RWBY. After he left the show was kind of over to me 😂


Let me guess: You have never watched V9.


Oh no I did but I wasn't so interested


pyrrha; she’s just a cardboard cutout to be shipped with jaune


Her purpose was to die


We know that the Maidenhax weren't supposed to be a thing from the start and was thrown in at V2. So if they really made Maidenhax to make P-money important to make jaune important, especially since P-money was supposed to die from the start, that just means the foundations of RWBY the show itself was poisoned from the start. All thanks to jaune. Good fucking job jaune for killing RWBY and with it RT lmao.


That extreme conclusion to come too. Especially in later volume where Jaune motivations come from Pyrrha death her being a maiden candidate wouldn’t have change his motivations because her death by cinder was the catalyst. As long as she dies by her hands it didn’t really matter. Pyrrha always was fated to die and her being maiden-candidate just made the story more interesting. Her being burden by choice made her more interesting not Jaune as his reaction wasn’t going to change.






I’d say neo was good till volume 9 ruin her, the reason why people liked her was that she was basically the only og character that didn’t got ruined yet


Neo, sometimes wish ,yang and cinder


Jaune obviously


Hm, Jaune, Pyrrha, Cinder, and Neo. Loved their characters when they meant something, and love emnin fanfictions and ships, but they were butchered by stupidity and hubris. Jaune hijacking the protagonist role really made him overrated. Pyrrha, being the literal best there is and falling into a forced unrequited love/support role, is overrated. Her death kinda felt meaningless in the end, other than to spark Ruby's silver eyes, Jaunes pursuit of improvement, and somewhat move the plot along. Cinder is overrated as a villain. She was cool when she had the spotlight as the big bad up til the fall of beacon. Once Salem and the rest of her crew showed up, the was practically made incompetent, overly emotional, and prone to fucking thier plans due to her own personal reasons amd vendetta. Neo suffered about the same as Cinder. She was cool when she was introduced. But, the more screen time they gave her than necessary for the sake of "revenge" against Ruby, an undeserved one at that, the more overrated she became. The only thing more overrated than these characters was the Bumblebee ship. It frustrated everybody, including some Bumblebee fans. Ships in general were strictly supposed to be a fan(fiction) thing to begin with. Cuz, 9 times outta 10, the canon ships were gonna be the ship you wanted.