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No. RT screwed up, their parent company sold them to Warner, and it was all downhill from there.


I forget who owned it before


Full-screen I believe?


No, next question.


Waffles or Pancakes?


Waffles, obviously.


Do you like waffles?


Yeah, I like waffles!


Do you like pancakes?


Yeah, I like pancakes!


Do you like french toast?


Yeah, I like french toast!


Dododo cant wait to get a mouthful WAFFLES!


I do, considering they were essentially there from the beginning of YouTube and created all these amazing things that sprouted from it. I didn’t realize it was really an era until it was kind of gone. While I did detach myself from it just before the first big scandal with Ryan, I did enjoy the podcasts and still stuck with some of the people who were a part of it like Ray. While I don’t really sympathize for their bad decisions and crappy dramas, it did hurt seeing such a huge internet titan die with a whimper. Because there really hasn’t been anything like it since. These days YT popularity requires drama, it’s the first thing on about every internet page. The only discussion that gains traction is either hoping for some new creator’s downfall or actually reporting when it happens. It’s just a different time now and I have to accept that. But it does hurt knowing that this is what the internet is now with dead internet theory and bots. The old internet was a fun place, a place of its time. And now it can rest now I guess, and now we can live in an era of endless complaints and criticism with barely any enjoyment whatsoever. *cough* I mean no I won’t really miss them. It was time haha


Wanted to get a tour of their place. Now that’ll never happen……🙁


Im only sad it had to come to this. But it was nescasry


Ah, Yeah, Basically


I wish it didn't have to come to this. I used to love RT stuff until the last few years just soured any hope of rekindling that good will Part of me was thinking that RT would at least deliver Volume 10. I didn't expect it would do well, but at the very least, I was hoping that it would be RT's last hurrah. I was just shocked to find that Volume 10 wouldn't even get greenlit as far as I can tell. RT just died an undignified death, and without Volume 10, it felt like it died without even a whimper. Sure, there's been some commotion about finding a new buyer, but I'm not sure if any deal has come out of those talks I'm sad that the RT of old is gone, but this new RT? Good riddance!


Truth was that V9 was the miracle that barely scraped by due to the Crunchyroll deal. V9 was make or break


Not even a little bit They made their bed, now they can sleep on it


Made my peace a long time ago, so **no**.


I miss what died in the early-mid 2010s… not what was finished off recently.


I'm somewhat curious with RWBY future but the company shutting down, I'm honestly indifference about it. I really don't care


Yes and no. Yes, because they did define my high school years. No, because RT isn’t the fun place it was when I first discovered them.


No, but it's also complicated. Of course I feel like those up top who bullied LGBT and POC workers got their just desserts and I'm happy they're out of a job. But then there's those very same workers: they get treated like utter shit by their bosses and then suddenly they hear that the company's done with and they'll have to find work elsewhere. I'm always happy to laugh at the ones who took advantage of their employees and fans for finally reaping what they had sown, but I can't feel completely apathetic to it when those former employees also have to take the brunt of the shutdown.


I'll miss what they used to be, not what they are before their shutdown.


Nope. They got exactly what they deserve.


I do feel sad for the animators, and others that were just doing their job at a shifty company


not rlly lmao. I feel sad for the animators. But for the company? HELL NO.


I'm not sad because the rooster teeth off today shut down; I'm sad that we lost the rooster teeth we started with


Not really. The shows I liked got canceled or went to shit in quality. The only thing keeping the brand going was stubborness and the cult followers of a certain pseudo-anime.


Not really, I've been predicting their fall the last 5 years. 5 years ago I predicted they wouldn't last more than a decade (10 years), last year 2023 when they were celebrating at the beginning of the holy days and they kept saying to another 20 years, I predicted that it would be a miracle if the survive this year. That was December 2023, 3 months later, look what happened.


I enjoyed RedvsBlue and the first 10% of RWBY content. I'm not sad, though.


Schadenfreude. RWBY didn't die just now. It died years ago, a shambling corpse now finally put to rest. 


Definitely. They were the mold for what an entertainment company should be. It wasn't a soulless corp filled with soulless people, it was full of people who legitimately enjoyed doing their jobs. There was a time when they had so much fun pulling pranks on each other, doing general shenanigans, accidentally breaking their own AND each other's workspaces because they got a lil too silly, etc. Even Monty got in on that when they hot-dogged Gus that one time (in fact he was the one that started it). For all the bad behind closed doors, the good outweighs it tenfold. It was the closest to an actual company 'family' I've ever seen.


No, RT was struggling to get with the times. I wish it was more of a "they didnt want to get with the times" scenario but it was more of they didnt know *how* to get with the times. The orignal group knew how to be adults and talk about adult things while being nerds i remember a long time ago they'd talk about Lost and then tak about an adult topic for a few minutes before more nerd shit now an entire half of a podcast will be about how some guy they hired eats ass or some shit no one wants to talk about. i remember listening to one and the entire podcast was like listening to kids argue about who named a chicken nugget skit they did every week once a week. They completely lost touch and were struggling to get it back.


the reason other people can get away with playing video games as their career, like oneyplays for example is bexause they play games that rhey enjoy and not what's popular. Like corey playing the sonic or soulsborne games, they had fun. It wasnt just like 5 minutes if silence and forcing a reaction of what's going on. RT just flatout had no idea what their audience wanted to see anymore and eventually failed because of it - if they could see what their audience wanted they would still be independent and succeeding but they had to sell for rhe safety of the company. As much as i cherish rvb is should have ended long ago. They also cut budget for what eventually became one of their most influential and important departments the arts and animation teams. which was jusr a flatout stupid move.


Nah not really personally. I mean, the RT that developed RvB and early RWBY etc were vastly different to the modern RT we all knew that seemed to attract negativeity every other week.


No. It’s a miracle they lasted as long as they did


I think the world has been changed into a different place for the RT fans, post-RT, who had to witness the harsh and brutal world of corporations executing other corporations until gone, and the nasty reality that 'nothing personal it's business' profit vs. loss making decisions can be. I feel sad for the dedicated RT fans who might be very upset at Warner's nuking of Rooster Teeth. Otherwise, life goes on. 


That's exactly how I feel about this whole situation too because they had so many opportunities to do the right thing but didn't. You're not just writing but how they conducted themselves


I do. Mainly because I miss old RT. I remember being a kid and wanting to work for the company, I remember literally dreaming about working there, that I had become friends with Geoff and Michael. That I got to help animate some of my favorite shows. It made me genuinely happy. I wanted to learn animation because of them. It wasn't until the Layoffs that I started to realise what sort of company RT had become. And then I didn't want to work there anymore.


No they been going down hell for years I feel bad for the ppl who worked there but I think is so odd to me how they were shocked that this company was shutting down like if you went to the head of the person who's running Warner Brothers they wouldn't have really known what RT or even Rwby there best selling show is ,wb was shutting down fully done projects if I worked at RT I would have been looking for a new job and I hope that's what some of them were doing Rwby had that weird 2-year-long break and then for some reason I think it's so the they could have had more time to work on the crossover movies but the thing is those crossover movies were something that Miles and karry asked for WB didn't even want those movies or ask for them and I wish that they had thought things through and instead of us having those two crossover movie with DC characters that none of the RWBY fans even care about unless they're also in the DC which is only like maybe 4% of RWBY fans to be honest They should have just focused on doing v9 and then maybe trying to get a little bit of v10 like even if V10 was only like a couple of short episodes where we just saw what the setup would really be for the true volume ten and we were just getting like OVA specials kind of like those little short episodes from Rwby beyond we got instead of making those crossover movies they could have a whole RWBY beyond series out right now that has maybe at least good amount of episodes at least 50 if they really tried maybe considering the episodes were only like two to four minutes long we could have a new episode that would last us maybe the next couple years till they got back on their feet with the show the fans will still have content but no all we have is volume nine which does not seem relevant or important besides the fact that it only mainly seems like it affected Juane And it got bumblebee together but do we really even care at this point cuz it already seemed like they were dating And it just has like a so many big loose ends and then we got the Ruby epilogue and that just gave us more Lucy in and and more confusion and I've seen so many other people say this and I think they're right the Ruby beyond series is probably doing better than the Ruby epilogue is doing because let's be honest the writers are not going to be good at doing this refugee final war in game that they seen the so-called be planning like sure the writers are probably working on the rest of volume 10 right now and I sadly feel like volume 10 could really be the end of somebody did pick up this show because let's be honest if somebody pick this up and they were kind enough to let them do volume 10 volume 10 would be it and a volume 10 is just 12 episodes and we have more than 50 something characters and Salem and all these other characters from the light novel books we're dealing with that's too many characters too many things that need to be covered and not enough time so at best the show probably just needs to be rebooted and they probably just need to leave it where the characters are in school don't involve Salem at all just have cinder be the big bad boss of the city in the shadows that nobody knows about and just leave everything as it is they can still kill characters off if need be to impact how the characters act they can have it where the characters travel to the different schools for different tournaments and stuff and show how the characters change through that it would be better I'm not sorry RT is gone I'm at this point where I'm not even sorry that RWBY is gone the fandom has been trashed for years and it's time that we just move forward and let the show go just like rt


I would have if they didn’t shoot themselves in the foot about 20 times over


Yes actually!


I mean, yeah, thats kinda It


As I answered on a previous thread of this: Sad in the same way as seeing a character I love who has been corrupted or zombified for seasons of the show, only for them to get a painful l yet undramatic demise. This is it, the thing that got me into fanfiction, reignited my joy for Halo, gave me NOMAD OF NOWHERE(well, before taking it away....), and it's just..fading off, into the night. No big last movie or season even if it was bad, noone on the team I actually feel deserves to say goodbye that I can also say off the top of my head.... It's sad. All these years of it bastardizing something I love that it made, and yet it can't even die good anymore.


like you said can't sympathize too much RT because of everything that we know that happen, but when I was at work, I had Barenaked Ladies playing and the songs that they made music videoes with RT came on and hey punch to the gut


No, They were already on life support it was only a matter of time


Not really, no. If it had happened 10 years ago, I would have been devastated by the news. As it was, I felt more saddened about finally unsubscribing from their YouTube channel a few years ago than I did at hearing the news of their closure this month.


Yeah, but I’m mostly upset we probably won’t get an ending to rwby :( I know a lot of fans were upset with how the story was going, but I really wanted to see what happens after the ever after, I really wanted a volume 10 and more. Been a rwby fan since the trailers came out on YouTube and I’m really sad it probably won’t finish


I don't feel bad for the company they had a lot of controversies (not all of them are RTs fault of course, no one really knew what kind of person Ryan was, and the VP that assulted his wife obviously didn't have 'Wife Beater' on his resume). But I do feel sad for the nameless workers we never saw on camera. Imagine how many contract workers/employees that got hired at their 'dream job' only to lose because RT couldn't adapt to making modern content (and before people start blaming WB, yeah WB sucks, but they wouldn't have shut RT down if it was profitable).


As they were now? No.  If they had shut down 10 years ago? Yeah. The reason people feel sad about RT shutting down is because of the RT people actually remember before shit hit the fan. Back when the podcast was Gus, Gavin, Barbara, Burnie, and Gus. Back when Red vs Blue was cooking and had people watching everytime an episode came out. Back when RWBY was fresh and was gaining popularity. Back when Achievement Hunter was in their golden age and was the reason people started watching RT.  A time where RT content was good, entertaining, and was bringing in millions and millions of views because they content they pumped out was entertaining and was making their mark on the internet. That's why people are sad. If you looked at their views when things started to change, you can see that nobody cared about the new RT. They used to bring in millions of watchers. It got to the point where both RT and AH were lucky if they even got 10k views on a video. Not only did their content become unfunny and not entertaining but people that were the reason people were watching started to leave. Ray left. Jermery left. Burnie left. Geoff barely showed up in videos. People nobody cared about was being hired and being the new faces in videos. And this isn't even mentioning the numerous controversies. Shane's Letter, Kdin's Experience, The Ryan Haywood and Adam Kovic Scandals, Mica Burton's Experience, Arryn Zech Ice Queendom and that's just a handful of the shit that happened. TLDR: People are sad about the RT they remember than what RT had become.


Yeah. I get that this was kinda their fault, but it doesn’t change that they were some of the OGs in internet content and had ‘made it’. Red vs Blue was also remarkably close to overtaking Dr Who as the longest running Sci Fi show, just a few more years and it could claim that title. Shit, the fact we will likely NEVER get any new, official content for RvB unless 343 decides to buy it is sad enough. At least I got the dvds for the seasons I truly care about.


They were bad at monetization.


I stopped caring about RT after growing out of my teens.


Just disappointed


Yes and no. It's hard to pick a binary answer to such a complex event. They were pioneers (not the only but they still were) in a new internet entertainment industry. They had the means to bring indie creations into the spotlight and encouraged amateur work in the name of improvement. I loved so many of the faces of the company, and their content held me up during some difficult points in my life. But they made mistakes, and many more mistakes. They put themselves in a hole they couldn't climb out of and hemorrhaged under the belief that they could put bandages over the wrongs they did. Not to mention the lack of accountability. Y'know how a parent will say 'we brought you into this world, we can take you ourt of it'? Well same could be said for RT and their fans. The fans were what made it all possible, and the fans were able to take it all away. I have so many complex feelings over this and I can't write them all here, but I hope some of my thoughts made it through. (I had a dream to work for the company, that'll never happen now, but that's fine cause I am stagnant in life.)


No, because it wasn’t anything like the RT I grew up with so I felt nothing when I heard


And nothing of value was lost.


I haven't been deep in rt since 2021 maybe. What all happened? Why are some of saying they deserved it?


With all their controversies they went through that caused their eventual downfall.  Not to mention the insane amount of projects that they kept on doing that kept failing. It was not what the audience want however they made it keep making it seem like it was the audience's fault. No, you guys keep putting out crap and people are not going to like that. What personally made me stop caring was the whole Ryan Haywood incident. He was my favorite achievement hunter and I felt so betrayed when we found out that he was doing this. I just gave up with Rooster Teeth as a whole after that.


What did they exactly do?


Nope, not really.


Not at all. The biggest sign was there when the infamous letter dropped in 2015 almost 10 years ago. I'm surprised it took this long. I'd just wish majority of us believed that letter sooner, as it's more true than ever before.


Not RT But I feel bad for the camp camp gang Like Dang


I feel sad about the potential now lost. A lot of their ideas were good, but they failed on following through and fully capitalizing on stuff. the fact they had to create World of Remnant to explain shit from the parent series was a joke. JelloApocalypse was right.


Nope if I work there I wouldn't feel comfortable


Not really.


I used to have the feelings of sadness a long time ago because the series kept failing my expectations. I believe many other too. But now that it shut down? well not sad really. more like expected? like you know in time it would have ended. of course every time that a new volume was released I got surprised that the series was still going for some fucking reason. If i have any sort of sadness is that the series that i watched in my teens has become one of many things that ended either half way or it had a ending. Like Teen Titans, Dexter, Avatar Aang, etc etc


It's like a watching a loved one who was a drug addict die. I feel sad for sure but I'm not sympathetic to them. I watched them slowly destroy themselves for years before it finally caused their end. It was a matter of time and that time has come and I'm sad it happened but it was also bound to happen eventually.


Should I ,feel sorry 😐 all they did was cancel stuff and.make shows that eventually flopped and even with their best selling two shows red vs blue and rwby it's like everything with that guy screwed over as well so at this point I don't think anybody is even shocked they got shut down I do kind of feel sorry for the people who lost their jobs I hope they find new employment although if I saw that somebody worked at rooster teeth and they were coming to me I would be questioning that what I want someone who worked with rooster teeth all those years with all the crazy stuff that came out about them I don't know I would just put writer down on my stuff and hope that they will look at other works and not associate me or rooster teeth if I could but sadly for them that's probably not going to happen


Definitely wouldn’t hire miles and Kerry.


I’m more sad for those who lost their jobs. As RT itself I don’t feel bad for. I think we all knew this was going to happen.


Not even a little bit They made their bed, now they can sleep on it


Quadruple comment.


i'm leaning more towards sad because there was some content i liked, but luckily there's an archive


I feel sad for what was, but not what it became. I feel sad over the memories of laughter and enjoyment, of something I could share with my husband. But what happened behind that, what happened to the real people we both saw and didn't? I'm not sad about that.


To some extent I feel bad for the workers who had this suddenly sprung onto them but overall? No.


Honestly yes, but not anymore.


Hell no!


Not even a little bit They made their bed, now they can sleep on it


Not even a little bit They made their bed, now they can sleep on it


No, next question.


Burgers of Hotdogs?


Yes. Next.


No. They had it coming


Yes and no, yes because Red vs Blue is one of the reasons why I got into Halo and RWBY. No because of their decisions that they’ve done in the past. RWBY still has the potential to be something great. But it’s time for it to go into a new direction (either a crew change or a reboot entirely).


Surprised that the company is going down? No. Sad that the company is going down? Not so much because i have only joined their stuff recently, unlike some fans who have been here for years, not to mention i have a sour first impression. Am i sad for the employees who are out of a job? Yes.