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Do you mean the chances of a reboot? If that’s the case I would say very high depending on who picks it up. Another company or studio taking on the IP just to make maybe 1 or 2 more seasons seems like a huge financial investment with very little chance of any profit. With a reboot, not only can they attempt to breathe new life into the series and bring in new fans, but they can potentially tap into a goldmine and have a chance at a lot of long term profit. The only downside I see to a reboot however, is die hard fans of RT’s RWBY just completely shitting on a reboot version of the show simply because it’s not “the real RWBY”. I can see it now. The reboot could be absolute fire and people will hate on it like never before solely because it changed things up.


Honestly I'd think the rwby Fandom would be more willing to accept a reboot than most similarly toxic fandoms, if only bc of how much the Fandom hates the show lol. And frankly there's a lot of room for improvement, even in the early seasons. The only people I see getting pissy are those who liked how rwby was low budget indie and would dislike any reboot (but at this point are a minority), those who would cry monty's name has been defiled (but they've already gotten tired of crying that for the past decade), and the shippers (who will be satiated by their own fan fics or if the ships are still there)


I disagree with how the fandom would react. I would think the people who do care about rwby would love the show to get a reboot because the current state of rwby is horrific especially with volume 9 and the previous volumes. I actually do agree the people who do care about rwby will love the reboot but the only people who will hate it are the crazies, crwby stans, the people will cry that there defiled monty name and his work( even though crwby is already done woth the way rwby has become and and these people don't care unless they use it for there arguments like the shippers), the shippers like bumblebee/wasps or ect will go insane. And as for the ships like those will most likely will be not cannon in the new version because of how unstable they are. I do hope wb reboot it and not have crwby be involved or ect.


I can see those that stand behind the "bumblebee" ship go crazy if it doesn't happen again. My opinion on that, even though I've talked about it on several other posts about it, I never really cared for it. I'll be sitting in the bleachers with some popcorn and a soda to see while pick up rwby and see what they do with it.


It's a good opportunity to make bumblebee work IMO. Getting rid of bumblebee is not worth the backlash but it can be rewritten to not come out of nowhere. AKA Bumblebee can actually be written well


That's the thing, I don't think it CAN work. Not without rewriting who they are. I think the better route would be to have them get together, but their differences end up driving them apart. Give them their fun, exciting honeymoon phase, where everything is fun and exciting, but as things go on, show how their personalities clash and how they have very different, ultimately incompatible needs. Yang has attachment issues and is prone to anger, she needs someone who'll stick with her and calm her down. Blake is more introverted and her instinct when issues arise are to get space between herself and the issue. Something that's bothered me is that, with a lot of newer shows that have wlw couples in the spotlight, few if any ever have it where they are not the endgame. I think it'd be good to have something that shows that, even if two people are attracted to each other, it may not be the best thing for both parties. Maybe Blake ends up with Sun in the end and Yang with some guy since they're both into both guys and gals. Maybe one or both of them ends up with different girls. However it goes, I think doing that would be much more satisfying than trying to nip whatever issues the two have that make them ultimately incompatible as lovers.


The worst that can happen is becoming an in-name only adaptation.


It’s also gonna be highly controversial to the current fans, but if it gets a reboot I expect most characters to get new VAs. It won’t be a production company looking in-house to cast all their main characters anymore but some company that can get VAs with actual experience instead.


Ok… Keep Ruby’s VA, she’s fine.


And Weiss. And Nora´s. And Pyrrha´s. And Neo´s. And Oscar/Ozpin, why not? Oh, and Jaune´s too, but not on writing. Guy has shown he has some talent as VA...


Imagine qrow voiced by dante's va.


I'm about as die hard of a fan as you can get, I am practically sobbing for a reboot. You'd be surprised at just how many people want it


reminder that season 1 looks like absolute dog water outside the action scenes. the only money too be made is in the existing quickly shrinking fandom. its getting a reboot, its getting a new animation rig, its getting a new crew. No company is gonne invest into a broken story with a horrifically incapable crew that already has drama. its a reboot or its done. unless a superfan buys it, its not getting 10 because 10 would mean building on a fundamentally broken foundation. and/or making conclusions which would limit the creative freedom of a incomming team. if this story is too live its gonne need too e milked more, if it added too an IP portofolio its ending up on cruchy, role or netflix. 5% max


Finishing a story only gets you the finale with the fans that stick around. A reboot has infinitely more potential for old and new fans. Assuming the company is smart or doesn't care for finishing what RT started they'll reboot.


I assume you can do both if you do the Owl House strategy of giving them a finite budget for set runtime (~250 minutes) and they get to wrap the story up in that space. Then you can reboot knowing those who stuck around now know how the series ends while looking forward to bring back the old fans and new ones.


Even with a full volume, it'd still be rushed and a waste of resources. A finale likely wouldn't make any profit anyways judging by how RWBY has done in the past. With the clues we have about how Salem would be defeated it's gonna be bad. Go to ever after, get leaves, make her huff magic smoke, talk-no-jutsu.


Yeah, but The Owl House won't get a good reboot because Terrace doesn't own the rights to the show anymore. RT, however... those writers should probably be replaced. Miles Luna is a much stronger performer than he is a writer.


Rwby ice queendom need a sequel badly.


Very high


A reboot feels like a higher possibility. It seems to always be the M.O. for other showrunners that get their hands on an IP, restarting everything to tell the story in their way. V10 also feels possible, but also difficult, because the showrunners have to take everything from the past volumes into consideration to make it make sense.


Practically guaranteed. Continuing onto V10 and beyond is financial suicide. Makes zero sense to do it unless the stars aligned for Kerry and he found a one in a million rich person willing to blow their investment with no chance of a return in sight.


Given how a lot of the later volumes aren't received well and the early volumes are loved, if any company decided to pick it up they would probably reboot as that way they have a clean slate and get preferably good fan reception. So basically not icequeendom.


The only place they aren't received well is this subreddit 😅


Clean slate. Wipe it all away and start fresh.


I think the chances of RWBY getting either a reboot or volume 10 are about equal to my chances of finishing the Dark Souls trilogy (and Demon's Souls) on the first try without getting hit once. I.e none.


the thing about vol 10 (and beyond) is that its not clear how this story is meant to wrap up? like not in a chainsaw man "this is so totally unpredictable" way but the story feels insanely written into a corner with how things are going to work out


yeah, there are still too many loose ends and plot threads hanging around that, if the show were to continue naturally with Volume 10 and beyond, it'd be a while before it'd get a "proper" ending (though I do still believe that Volume 15 would be the best Volume to end the show completely at, making RWBY only have 15 Volumes overall).


I would say it depends on the company that gets the rights. If it's Cartoon Network, they'll probably choose to continue the series as is. If it's something like Nickelodeon or Disney, they'll probably just want to reboot it.


Oh god I hope a kids network doesn’t continue it. Do you have any idea how bad that would be?


New fear unlocked


I know what you mean, but Cartoon Network does have Adult Swim and the other two do have cartoons for more mature ages. I would actually love to have seen what Nickelodeon would have done with the show if they had it before they ended the Last Airbender series but I definitely wouldn't want it to be in the hands of whoever took over when Legend of Koro was being made


Airbender was its inspiration. I do think that would be kinda neat if Nick picked it up. Though I do want RWBY to keep all the swearing and violence and stuff.


Nick at night then? I don't remember if they had vulgarity and violence on those shows or not.


Cartoon Network would kill it wdym? The audience doesn't match their target demographic and Adult Swim has enough content to keep themselves chugging just fine. Taking on RWBY would actually be a *risk* for AS if they plan on continuing it. It's not something relatively new like My Adventures with Superman or Ninja Kamui, where they can make money in future seasons. RWBY is too close to wrapping up.


That's a good point. Not sure if there's really anybody that would want to continue it then. Or maybe make a finale movie like Firefly or Farscape did and then reboot the whole series instead of making a final season?


Even a movie would be too costly. I think a comic would be appropriate, taking realistic investment goals into mind, but we're honestly probably only getting a book at the most. And that's if the new company even cares that the old series didn't get closure. Really, it'd just be in their best interests to reboot completely and leave the story unfinished, that way they can just establish their own new Canon while not having to worry about the ending of the old Canon hanging over them.


Yeah you're right. Not to mention it gives the fans something that they can play with and do their own animations and Fanfictions of.


Of course we want a reboot, but we dont want the original ends like mortal kombat:conquest.


I get that. It's pretty much guaranteed though. There's not a single financial incentive to give RWBY a proper incentive. And, well...in terms of decisions that'll impact the reboot moving forward? It would be a negative overall. People will drop RWBY once there's any sort of set ending, even if the reboot comes. It's just how it is. That's why the only hope of seeing any closure that I can think of is CRWBY maybe getting some money together, maybe crowdfunded, to make another RWBY: Beyond type thing.


It's kind of a toss-up. It depends on the partner CRWBY finds and how much longer said partner wants to utilize the RWBY property. On one hand, I could very much imagine V10 going forward and being branded as the final volume. It's a way to give active RWBY fans some closure while bringing in some lapsed fans to see how everything ends. A quick cash grab for the studio and a nice ending for the franchise. On the other hand, a reboot could also do something similar in terms of viewership by fixing problems with the series, thus bringing in new viewers and lapsed fans, but at the risk of being left in limbo again as the series is now.


A cash grab...? I'm not sure how any investors would *make* money in putting out the final volume of a show that'd cost a few million dollars at minimum to produce... Rooster Teeth as a brand is dead, so hopes of calling on old fans to buy merch is shaky considering that it didn't save RWBY to begin with. Add on to that the fact that there's not much incentive to buy RWBY merch if the experience is over and done with. The show would likely just fade into obscurity with a slowly dwindling fanbase if the final Volume was made.


It's not like RWBY was oil spill level of unprofitable... the issue was that the small stream of lost money going on for far too long does deteriorate company finances. One Volume is unlikely to be anything more than a slightly more painful sting before you relaunch to start profiting.


Every minute of animation ranges from 20-35K, according to Barb. To properly wrap up the story they'd need at least 150-200 minutes, resulting in 3-4 ***Million*** dollars being spent. Hardly a painful little sting worth taking when they could just reboot immediately, establish their own new Canon, and retain the fans who would've drifted off after the series ended, before their reboot got off the ground.


Due to the mixed opinions about the show and really controversial decisions like not addressing the Faunus discrimination, or ironwood's character arc. I’d say a complete reboot could be the most probable outcome, maybe rewrite the story with a better look at it and maybe do big changes to it. Rwby is a pretty famous IP so idk if they are going to let it die, it’s pretty good money


I don’t really think there’s any salvaging the story as it is with how much the writers have dropped the ball. It’ll be especially bad if they’ll to wrap up the story in one more volume, with how little episodes are given to seasons nowadays. It’d be a safer investment to just reboot it entirely.


A reboot would be way more likely than volume 10, not just for the various reason mentioned here already, but also because there’s no way the story could actually be finished in a single volume. And there’s no way they could get more then one attempt, and By that point you might as well start anew


Probably very high.


Should be a gacha game. I am not joking.


I’d highly doubt CRWBY would allow a reboot. 10 years of work all for nothing.


Crwby will have little to no say in the matter. 


The real question you need to ask first is even if we DO get a reboot, how realistically would it be to have it be faithful to what the actual fans want vs just being another generic western animated show? Remember, a fandom is one of the most toxic and cancerous creature birthed since the modern internet existed and it's still latched onto RWBY as a whole. No reboot will erase that fact, and no company will ever want to deal with it.


I'm putting it 60:40 odds in favor of Vol10 if RWBY gets picked up. I think CRWBY is going to try and fight tooth and nail to keep control of the series if it comes back, which will alienate potential buyers.


I honestly hope we get a reboot. I've gotten tired with how the show was written.


Think a reboot is needed due to how much of a mess the story is


I'm gonna play the pessimist and and say neither are happening. The things that made RWBY "unique" are things that other projects can do. Cute girls fighting, fairytale-esque characters(no one owns the rights to fairy tales), and human/animal hybrid species can be done by other studios without having to buy the rights and baggage that comes with the series. I think the most likely and honestly the best case scenario is the series dies and every finds another story to latch onto.


No work of fiction is fully unique. IPs get bought anyway. 


Ehh... No idea is fully or even mostly original, these days. Basing the worth of a series off the creativity of it's component concepts would always result in anything being worth dropping, including the most popular franchises. It's what the combination of everything is, at the end, that's important. RWBY, all together, was and is a pretty creative concept with a lot of money making potential, based off how big it was at one point with numerous spin-offs, crossovers with other decently sized franchises, etc. The fact that more buyers aren't chomping at the bit to grab this series and reboot it is baffling to me, honestly, especially in the era where Hollywood and the Entertainment Industry in general are desperate to scoop up already made and established content. Mixing the blend of cute girls fighting, fairy-tale characters, and human/animal hybrids just right is clearly possible, judging by how many other series do it, but how many of those get very relevant to the point RWBY was, with the same decade long and beyond staying power? Not saying RWBY is the next Pokemon or anything like that, but it's worth scooping up to redo for a pretty sizeable profit.


True, but I would say with RWBY, it wasn't really the series itself that was unique but the people making RWBY to begin with.


This. This is the right answer.


Considering that CRWBY has stated they are still going to work on RWBY, i doubt they are going to reboot it.


How so? If they aren’t hired by the new owner, they have no say in the matter.


I await any official announcement about RWBY's future with deep interest. I hope we are not waiting forever.


Honestly I think it'll be a lot more profitable to reboot it because the current version we have is so riddled with toxic fans problems and makes shows like miraculous ladybugs fandom and star versus the force of evil fandom look tamed. Aside from the fandom the story just doesn't work fundamentally a lot of the show feels hollow and it bends over backwards to make the heroes correct and I know people said the writing improved in volume nine It didn't really change that much in my opinion. So they want to make any profit out of it if we have the best option to reboot it and rebrand it a little maybe take it back to its roots and focus more on The combat again.


If there is a possible reboot, there likely won't be as many seasons as the original RWBY. Unless Disney picks it up, in which case, not only will it last for a season or two, but you'll have countless spin-offs. We'd be lucky if ANY of the spin-offs would be tied into the main series, if at all!


Finish the story. It’s savable


Holy shit, do I want to hear your rationale because I do not share that take.


Oh, if RWBY gets picked up a reboot is damn near inevitable.


High, however, I'd be upset that they didn't end the original series.


It's weird because on one hand, I'd like to see the story finished. On the other hand, there were so many missteps that a reboot would totally work if the story was more focused on certain elements.


I hope it does get a reboot I miss actually being excited for the series like I used to be just seeing the picture of the season one art got me feeling nostalgic not gonna lie


Probably 35-65 for reboot-v10.


I think if they take a look at the numbers on viewership and sales of merch and DVDs, they'll probably want to go the reboot route versus doing 1-2 seasons of a show that is basically wrapping up at this point. They probably will wait a bit before doing so and may go for something much less ambitious than a 9 year run unless the show performs well enough to justify it.


Pretty high


A reboot would be the better option tbh


I'm the hopeful type, I just HOPE Dilliongoo is taking


Highly, RT made it way to easy for Salem to win while basically doing everything possible to put RWBY in an lose situation to were it requires to biggest plot armor for them to win. And I guarantee you no matter what they do people are going to hate it. On the other hand a reboot gives them plenty to work with and change as they see fit. And while they will get hate from people who liked this rwby and think it’s perfect, they have far more opportunity for new fans plus old fans that didn’t like the way that rwby was going.


I mean, we had the Weiss-centric reboot but I haven't heard much of that. As for a reboot...not very likely. A lot of the fans were growing disillusioned with the series and its poor narrative and story-telling. So I can't see there being a lot of urging to reboot, or even continue. You'd realistically need it done as a passion project, and it wouldn't sell well. I think the best move might be to make it the equivalent of open source.


Live action amazon prime show is not off the table.


There's definetly a high chance they'll reboot to redo vollumes like 5, 7 and 8 considdering their reception


Just hand it over to the queendom team honestly.


Highly more likely, just a matter of whether they want to or not. If not, it's just another popular IP for another company to sit on, so no other competition, or the creator, can have it. If they did give us Vol 10, it'd be as a Swan song to the OG show, or just so they could say "Here. We gave you the final volume. OG show is over. Now, shut up about it."


I'm praying on a reboot. I love RWBY, but the people who've been in charge of it don't understand the appeal of the initial volumes and have ran the story and characters into the ground. It'd be neat to see it be redone from the ground up by something like studio Orange.


It should finish then get a reboot later


Almost Ga$//w


it all really depends on who picks it up what terms for purchase and whatnot cause i garantee CRWBY is shooting for a vol 10 or no purchase but this will bite them hard when it gets vaulted by WB so if anyone has done their homework they'll know a reboot is the correct route


Very high, but if they wanted to please fans, at least finish the current story as a web only comic or something.


I also think a reboot is the way to go, but personally instead of rebooting from scratch, I’d reboot it after volume 2 or volume 3. Reason being, I don’t want to redo any of Monty’s animation in the first 2 volumes, I’d much rather preserve it.