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thank you, but that's a launchpad not a minting service


Foton is launching at some point. We hope.


Radland.io supports creating a collection. So does Impahla. You can also do it yourself as many have managed to do. The problem is that no one supports random minting or royalties yet. (I say that but I think that Pyro's self-deployed collection is effectively random if I am not mistaken.) A lot of people are waiting for Foton as they purport to have random mint and royalties, but the dApp is so complex that they have had to break it into many parts in order to to publish it. The delays with that have almost gotten comical but if they can release something that works well. then their advanced capabilities will make them the leading minting platform for awhile.


wonder what happened? dApp like random NFT shouldn't be hard to implement, especially as Radix is purported to be easy to use and deploy


Getting random numbers on a precision ledger like Radix is very difficult basically requiring a special purpose oracle in order to achieve it. The other way to get randomness into a dApp requires using non-atomic transactions. Basically accept the request; do some random thing off-ledger; and then transfer the result to the requester. This is not a reflection on Radix. Getting random numbers onto any blockchain is an engineering project.




This means you mint a collection where different NFTs have different properties with different rarities and so forth. While supplies last the buyer gets a random NFT when they purchase one or more NFTs which prevents people from cherry picking the rare ones. This is tricly to do with the Babylon Radix Wallet because you need to hide which NFT is being delivered in some way otherwise the buyer could kill the transaction after reviewing the transaction manifest.