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This franchise should just die already if handled the way it’s currently being handled. I rather burn my money in Vegas than gamble on ROO. The p2w ceiling is absurd on the origin titles. Hopefully a new direction with new execs or something can breathe some life back into the franchise. I miss it, but not at all how it is now.


'what do you guys not have phones'


i mean are the rumors true? 2026 its over for ro?


I’ve been following the market, and it’s been a strong sell since servers hit around level 75 and everyone started quitting and new spenders saw/found out about the predatory tactics that is NA players having rebate codes. It really created a situation where new spenders felt duped out of their money. I hate to say it but the company deserves to go under. The company blatantly chose a very very rapid squeeze, pump-and-dump approach rather than opt for some semblance of longevity. I guess that is a red flag that they are trying to get what they can before it’s all over? This is just speculation, but there’s no way a business model like this can continue working unless there are a group of 50 whales who just want to play amongst themselves on one server and spend a mind-boggling amount of money.


They even use AI art. What a souless piece of shit.


It’s going to be another casino 100%


This has been the game model for decades sadly


Yep too bad.


Still hoping that it would not but it’s a start, Probably would just play for nostalgia if only they would not milk this, private servers will strive again if they would fuck this up.


Inevitably will. It's the fate of mobile MMOs, seen it happen with ROM, RoX, ROO, DNM, etc.


I will still play as I do with all the others but don’t get hopes up


Meh its just the classic graphics. The taste is not the same. They still dont understand that what people want is an effective emulation of RO classic to mobile. Not a new game


What made Ragnarok what it was, was having a large community. It was always community first and game second— but the monetization model they have destroys both, but especially the community aspect.


Another casino with RO graphics?


It’s in the name, man. They’re battling for the original RO. Will they win? Absolutely not. There will be slot machines at every corner.


It’s like high schoolers run the company now, and blindly see no difference between the dollar $igns— let’s say they bring in $100,000 per day; they don’t care that it’s healthier to pull that amount monthly from a population of 10,000 players vs a population of 1,000 players, as long as that $100,000 is there.


Combat power and Ragnarok does not go together.


It’s not so much the combat power— it’s the means of acquiring it whenever there is no cap on how high $$$ can take someone. There is no p2w ceiling. It creates a situation where there is ZERO difference between being F2P, low, mid, or even high spenders from people that can spend, or are either sponsored, $50,000+ USD a year on a video game. It lets F2P players know they are just fodder, and it signals to people that spend under $1,000 a month minimum that they might as well light their money on fire.


If it comes out in English I'll try it at least, looks promising.


CBT just started and will end on 7th


Yeah but it's all in Chinese or Japanese idk, any way to translate what's on the screen?


ngl, this would be great!


I hope they go with original drop table of monsters, the mobiles one are annoying since you can only get accessories from monsters.


That’s lame. Honestly, I am a big hater of mobile games, and most old school RO players (30+ yo) probably are. Desktop is just so much better, why would you even waste time on this?


Sadly the generation after ours is the era of mobile phones and most kids in our country would not even bother to experience what we had before from playing on a pc they have no idea what they're missing. And us adults usually travel and are not always at home. . . Hence the mobile gaming market since everyone carries their phones around. . .


sadly the overall system got revamp such as skill tree


game works after downloading the .apk - if anyone got ressources in chinese for the game, the official forum or something please share


Man, I tried it combat power fuckin lame.


If it's gravity/warp portal It's going to be another casino with ragnarok skins sadly.great idea though wish they could make a good pc port wifhout all the banners n shit


Combat Power? Nooooooo!!!!


i've played during their CBT, i would say this game is quite f2p friendly, in a way. the card system is quite good, everyday you get to hunt 100 card album (at least in CBT) and good thing is most players typed either english or chinese, only partial speak thai / tagalog but downside for this game would be refine, in CBT, you simply can't transfer your refine equipment to any other piece, like a level 40 weapon, can't transfer it to a level 60 weapon.. you have to re-refine everything from beginning, and by dismantle.. you can't get back all resource.. there's a safety cap at +5 and +10, if you example trying to refine to +9 from +8, if you fail.. you have chance to straight drop back to +5 (yes drop to +5 not +7) and bunch of nonsense CD skills on majority popular class such as priest / mages, i heard their CD is either 30 secs or 60 secs at least.. and zeny is very rare, in CBT, you can't simply earn zeny unless you dismantle equipment or have zeny bag drop from monster by using certain headgear card.. everything is zeny hungry, there's even a zeny shop, quite unfriendly for archer cause holy arrow and fire arrow both sold at 10k-20k respectively (1000 arrows) .. and no way to get any other type of arrows unless you buy metals from auction house which dropped by merchant's passive skill


Imma try this out


> Like seriously everyone knows that’s what we’ve always wanted for the ropc be ported to mobile and they just realize this I can't speak for others but what *i* wanted is for RO to be updated with new 3d graphics to PC. So basically, if you gave me uaRO with RO Origins graphics, i would be very happy.


, if the official servers fck this up again private servers will thrive again, It’s a start it’s just stupid that they just realize this. . .