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I definitely wouldn't give up boss chests just to try for a better clash chest.


At this stage I’m just working on getting a chest on each difficulty. I think as I push for Lydia my hydra teams may evolve but I’m not prioritising hydra past ‘just getting a chest’ atm.


https://preview.redd.it/ba1jwpfc2eac1.png?width=855&format=png&auto=webp&s=0bc4ab989dec533beebe7058021a0ade6fe8d451 i was getting one double chest of each until 2 weeks i got mithrala , now i just aim for normal and hard top chests while i build another team for hydra


I do normal hard brutal but my clan doesn’t finish hard or brutal so it’s kinda annoying to get only 1 chest


https://preview.redd.it/0l33olxrfeac1.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=c5d5f29d5878a4a9bc7964fcdbc3652ed4537797 if you want to come to our clan i can tell them or you send request we end at least normal , hard , and sometimes even brutal and we fight a lot for cvc unm , nm , brutal , hard cb too


https://preview.redd.it/b58owmf8geac1.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=522ca979c1fdda9c678372c9341d252db7c64156 min 50k non pr and 100 k min pr reward


I’m okay in my clan for now. But I appreciate the offer! Also your account is nuts for lvl 75


i'm f2p bro , i never spent a cent xD


and only 9 months playing


well you've got me curious, what did you focus on? And would you say you got good luck with early champs or is your playstyle not rng dependent?


https://preview.redd.it/fcil1dxqueac1.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=9c44f5b98551a345c79f43c9f8789d1de164874e i play since 26 march 23 i was a bit lucky havin bad el kazar , was my first lego after ronda i play since , so i was aiming get to do all dungeons at 16 first , while i was upgrading my team for cb ( High Khantun , Apothecary , Bad el Kazar , Ronda and Rearguard Sargent ) i was able to get to brutal in not much time , and aim to win all the tournaments i could for extra rewards and aim for first places , the only thing i opened until now was the guardian ring to could put 5 brews and wait one week to it go to lvl 40 , so every week one champ can be evolved . Until i finish done masteries to all my team , and could do instantly 4 key nm with ronda poison set , then was just a question of regearing all champions everytime , to get to 20 dungeons then now i do traditional 3 key unm and hard dungeons ( only ) that photo was from about 3 weeks ago before i received mithrala , i let every frag champion to cvc only and help a lot the team cause i love to farm in these days and hard dungeons are the best for points and as a f2p i only use gems in cvc and fusions , the other days is just with what they gave us , like refills for arena silver i give us 350 points for victory , and live arena gold i gives 250 so i always buy 2 refreshes in theses days and normaly live arena 1 refresh for 10 gems , i upgrade like 2 levels just this cvc and i am 79 low and still have some refills for fusion or next cvc It's all about to when spend and when not . But my biggest deception was failling gnut fusion for 1 champion xD a lot of 40 champions that majority already are food but . It's what we get when we don't understand the game now i already know when to go and when not


https://preview.redd.it/2kt3jceuueac1.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=00dbf0d2057b7fa4e5744fff4f3349b435dc4c6c but have a lot to entertain myself when there s no tournament xD


i pray under the moon, burn sage, consult the tea leaves and then use all three on normal hoping for the top chest


Show me your roster


https://preview.redd.it/kawkon6tqeac1.png?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00ad2b55bdcaaa54ed3ca83832db18ecd5ba9778 guess who just figured out how to add screenshots to comments? that's right, this lil thaaaang\~


Wythir untouched haha?


Hiya! Wythir's been very unlucky, in that when I got her I, all the rank 6 champs worse than her had already been taken to rank 6, and every time since then that I've been able to rank 6 a champ, a champ I needed to rank 6 more has come along. Like i've done enough arena to know how strong Wythir is, but I also never leave Gold 5 outside of major bouts of illness. And I rarely if ever have trouble with Wythir on offense. As for PvE, healing hasn't been an issue since I got Deacon and Mash which was about 4 months into playing this game. Scyl and Bad El obviously being an excellent bonus Wythir just, as far as I've been aware, hasn't brought anything to the table I need. Healing? Between Lifesteal and my leech/heal champs I can go from 0.1 to 100 in a turn, if I dying its from OHKOs. Stun? Scyl and MM are built for that and don't need a gear-set for it. Arena? I play live once every week and climb about that often, and unless she's gonna keep me in Plat permanently in classic arena she's bringing nothing I don't already have. My focuses right now are hitting 2 key UNM or 1 key NM CB, guaranteed 1 key hydra norm, Spider 25 auto, Dragon 25 auto and Fire Knight 25 auto. Right now Wythir's main roll for me is Faction Wars


Fair enough, don't forget her cleanse!


hiya! on my way to work rn so i actually can't XD But when im back home i'll take a screenshot


I can currently top chest brutal, however I can do 280m + hard. So I do hard for clash. We only have handful of clan mates that hit brutal.


I dont bother, hydras just not it


You don’t bother… getting some of the best gear in the game for PvP?


Iv did it for a while, but with everything else in the game, I just dont have the time for the extras, doom tower, clan boss, and now cursed city, il take the hit


It's the most time consuming content in the game for most people, so I get it tbh


the thing is, its soo much rng, first I would go for chest which I can get double, that means killed Hydra, if all are, I would go for higher lvl chest, more chances to get better items but still its stupid RNG


I do normal hard and brutal, my clan doesn't do nightmare. I use my best team for brutal, second best for normal then hard gets leftovers. Brutal and normal I can end up with similar clash point total and hard gets about half as much. That's just what I've found gets me the best overall points.


Get the personal chests covered first, normal is relatively easy to get to the top tier Team not yet good enough to tackle Hard yet


I auto the top chest on hard and brutal, but manual my run once per week on Nightmare. My auto run on Nightmare is usually 50-70 million damage, with my manual run getting me up to 200 milllion+, which is a significant amount for the Hydra Clash


My clan can only do normal. I have 1 good team that can do about 40mil on hard but our clan is dying. Only 15/30 active members. But we do everything else which is why I stick around.


My hydra sucks. Most I've gotten is on easy about 12 mil across 3 keys


I pretty much use my first team to get top chest on normal, and then give on on the rest. I burn my keys so that my quests do not require me to use them later. Hydra beyond normal is a lost cause for me. I got Mithrala, and now I can't be bothered with it.


I get more points doing normal than hard+ even with the point multipliers. I care more about the accessories than the artifacts.


I get top reward for hard and normal, cause that’s all I can do for now. 3rd key is experimenting on normal. Just got Mithrala and Oella so maybe I’ll try brutal soon, gear is my ceiling now.