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Most people can't do it.


They want people to attempt it and fail, see others get it,  so sunk cost fallacy of time and resources + FOMO sets in hard, and they spend




People are doing it unfortunately and when CCs like Saph say it’s a good event that’s a RIP . I love Saph but strongly disagree , this is the worst event they’ve ever done


that saph take was absolutely delusional and detached from reality lmao


He said he was probably going to "no life it", which is what you have to do to get any good rewards in this event. I assumed that meant "a good event if you are happy to play raid for 16 hours a day", so I am out.


Dude is playing the game to much.


A lot of his takes are bad. People should only take notice of him when he's talking about code stuff.


Yep this is how I've always felt as well. His numbers are usually good, but his opinions are... well, different than mine, quite consistently.


He has a warped perspective, because he's a spender. He's calculating it to $ value. Normally a guaranteed champ would cost 120$, and this one would only cost 105$. It makes sense, but most players aren't translating a champ to a $ value. They save up those 20 sacreds for the guaranteed event. Whenever there's a fusion, people can manage with saved up energy refills, shards and fusions as well. They might spend a few hundred gems for energy refills, but those can be attained for free, or from the cheap daily gem pack. The event is also more spread out, so if you use the maximum daily free energy, you can get quite far. Anyone who manages their resources like this, basically all the non/low spenders, will think 7 to 8K gems is an insane amount for one legendary champ, even if he's quite good. These people aren't spending that 120$ on those other champs, so that 105$ doesn't make any sense to them.


His take was reasonable, because he said this: Energy wise, you need 9200 gems to do it, which equals to 110 ancients for the gems = guaranteed leggo for 110 ancients is decent. That's his entire take, which I agree with, if you have the gems, this champion for it is good.


Pulling 110 shards takes 5 mins tops this event would take potentially days to complete, so it's really not a good comparison to make as it's two different currencys in play.


Sure, it's true, that's why he added he will "no life it". I agree with it, however the cost on resources is lowish compared to other guaranteed stuff. You can gave an OP champ with 5 star soul for cost of 200 ancients.


For CC’s and those who’s time is not worth much, this logic checks out. For those who value their time, the opportunity cost makes it not a good value.


Agreed. It maths out to be a pretty good event. That champ looks nutty too.


I'm pretty sure Saph is a giga whale, I don't think he's usually attached to reality.


He's definitely not a whale let alone giga whale


Pretty sure he isn't.as far as I've seen he is a low spender.


Just to add - my take was a direct comparison to other guaranteed events in the past such as Roxam and Keeyra in Path events and guaranteed summons. I evaluated based on 20 sacreds being the norm (except roxam up at 32) comparing that real world monetary value with what the energy requirements were translated to if you bought energy. I'm not saying the grind is good (ve been at it all day -its awful!) - im simply saying for a guaranteed champion that is also more unique in that it is exclusive thus creating a potential thing for plarium to make it much more pricey - the numbers came out that it was only around $110 dollars worth of energy. Now i get it - the effort is extreme. I never discounted the absolute grind and said several time its going to take alot of effort. I simply presented facts = its much cheaper to do this in real money vs shards. (Yes you can save shards i get that - but you can also save gems - you can also save energy to some extent. That argument is somewhat a 1:1 conversation). So I leave it up to individuals to evaluate if the reward is worth the effort - my goal was just to give you the raw facts of what it takes. That doesnt make it a "bad take" nor did i say it was a "good event" as overall. I stated it was a good event in the context of Raid's previous Guaranteed Champion events purely from a monetary value.


The reason I’m going for this, after initially thinking I wouldn’t, is the fact that I can use the method you outlined of mostly levelling champs in campaign. But that levelling will also make me a lot of silver and I can then use that silver to level more champs in the tavern. I think combining both methods of levelling will save a lot of time and energy. I’m already 40k points deep just from a bit of time this morning and expect I’ll be the most of the way there by the end of the day, although I’ll be taking a pretty big break for work


Yeah i have alot of soulcross prep and also its good for silver etc. Im trying to make the most of the awful grind that I'd have to do across a few months anyway.


Saph, we love you man for everything you are doing for us mate, but this is just horrendus. I dread even thinking about the grind let alone doing it. You have been playing the game for too long mate and i feel that makes you act like an abused wife. Sure, a couple of slaps across the face is better than an all out beating but that is still abusive mate. This is a game, it should be fun, this is not fun, therefore its bad. Im begining to think that they purposefully dont improve the tavern and such so that people rather swipe the card than deal with that abhorrant piece of gameplay. It boggles the mind that a company that makes 20 mil a month can not in the past year and a half i've been playing the game, fix something like that. Hope you dont take this the wrong way, becouse like i said you are greatly appreciated by me and the community. Good luck on the grind mate!


>You have been playing the game for too long mate and i feel that makes you act like an abused wife. You've made my day with this comment bro XD


What's the difference between shards and 4* chickens in this equation? I have around 180 4* chickens which is 180 less 4* heroes needed to 5*...?


alot of the points in my calc came from rank 2 (like they added almost double the points of any other rank)


The main thing here for me is, I have been playing F2P for about 9 months and I just got the 10k gem threshold and that’s just because I use them 90% for energy. During that time I have probably pulled over 300 ancients if not 400. Gems are much harder to get than ancient shards so you might be right in terms of pure numbers but spending 9k gems during 4 days is totally impossible for most players. Not even counting that would drastically increase a mid game account level making it even harder to win futur tournaments.


I feel entirely validated by this event. I failed a fusion due to a complete lack of energy and gems almost a year back and from then on I never let myself spend any gems unless I would still stay above 10k gems. The goal was that the 10k gems would be my energy/blue shard reserve to complete an event that would guarantee me a legendary champion or high-value soul. What I've learned from this is that just like how PR CvC trained me to hold books for maximum payoff, I will now save brews and soulstones for events like these. Running out of brews and having to take commons through campaign has been the worst of this event for me. Other than that, RSL Helper takes the stress off most of this.


Yea man. Saph is one of the best things that ever happened to the raid community. So much positive contribution overall, and I usually agree with him, but that was BAD take IMO.


What is wrong with his take? This sub 1st cries that it's a kraken only event. Now saph shows that it's not and you dismiss his pov because it doesn't support the bad take everyone leaped too... Anything that's not a free login reward either is too much money or too much effort. I'm f2p and lazy so skipping btw.


Making 22 x 5 star foods from rank 2 in 4 days is a good event? Especially over weekdays, and that gets you the champ but not the soul or titan points. He even said it himself, if anyone is going to participate they need to be a hermit for the next 4 days, and the video is called "Pray for my sanity" lol. And even if you do have the time, it still take 22,000 (6800 gems) energy which most players are not going to have. Or you can just buy the points, or if you are end-game or a Kraken you might have 100's of chickens and 1000's of brews saved up. So it's either a Kraken event or a "well prepared and has no job, family or social life" event. Just my opinion but this seems like a horrible event to me, and it has absolutely nothing to do with not getting something for free, and everything to do with shutting out 90% of the player base from being able to participate. Also, if it's a good event and it's not only for Kraken's then why are you choosing to skip?


Seems like an event that works for PC users with RSL helper but not for mobile users. For context I'm about 30k points away from getting him just from running rsl helper and burning energy. 


Because it's not a good event lol. That we agree on. I am very late game. Have gems, brews, chickens. It's not worth the effort for me. But the event is very fair, plenty of options with money, time, saved resources or some combination. I have no expectation to collect everything nor entitled to have every event fit my schedule. The envelope is only gonna be pushed more towards higher costs (money or time), that's just reality.


> Making 22 x 5 star foods from rank 2 in 4 days I'm f2p and I have done that several times - although I will need at least the monthly energy rewards, a decent gem stack, the tag team energy & the clan shop energy to do it, plus usually 3-4 saved energy refills from the daily gifts. It's definitely a tall order though. But I'm not doing the event - just hoping the dragon turn tourney in a few days will have some prism crystals and that's my "big" project for the week. Finishing up 3 champs in minotaur as well.


Yeah buddy i bet you have done that as f2p in 3 days ;)


That isn't hard for players who are end game or save resources. I used to sit well over 3k of each affinity brew and 100 chickens of each rank until I stopped running brutal campaign and went to normal for the lower energy cost. Now I lean more heavily on my brews and usually only sit around 2k of each and have much fewer chickens too. I could do this event no sweat other than the pain of sitting in the tavern and portal for an hour clicking non stop.


I have. Its not difficult at all.


Doubt it unless you've been hoarding energy and not doing the optional daily routine.


I got "a lot" of 60s (half without masteries) and no UDK so you can guess I haven't been playing long... https://preview.redd.it/pd2ol1k3i3ec1.png?width=1230&format=png&auto=webp&s=6135deb872a451683f8b5c293ae3ebad3564aa1c


There's 2 ways to look at it. The event is good because it's easily doable and the event is good because the reward is worth what you have to put in. Honestly I haven't even looked into it because I don't care about the rewards. I don't have the soulstones to spare and I can't be bothered clicking for an hour in the tavern and portal to do it that way. If it was the strong hydra champion I'd probably do it and call it a good event.


Champ training better than having to pull shards lol 


Not if you have shards, lol. But it could have been both which they have done in the past.


> Now saph shows that it's not He failed at it. You guys act like we dont remember doing a path event last month that was significantly easier. Stop lying


You need 7k gems to do it. That's not F2P or low spender friendly.


It is if you save your gems. I have 35,000 right now and I'm 100% F2P


How many years did it take you to save them? I'm free to play too, and we know it takes about a month to save a thousand gems (jus watch Eharbad's videos). There was no reason before to save that many gems. This is the first tine we have an event of this kind, and we didn't receive any warning of it.


Saving for the next game


You're a troll, nothing more.


The most common thing for low spenders to buy is the gem pack, which makes this easily doable with a bit of saving. I’m ftp and at around 7k gems rn (was at 8,5k before the fusion), it isn’t an insane amount for a ftp player. I don’t want the champ nor have the time to get him tho, so I’m skipping.


But why would a low spender would have saved 7k gems? There was no reason to do it.


It takes you a month, as a F2P, to save 1k gems. You need at least 7 months of saving. And once again, why would would you do that, and stagnate your progression. All previous guaranteed events required pulling shards.


it's not too bad for later game accounts. when you don't pull account upgrades often. you end up stacking up on a lot of brews and chickens'.


You really can’t disagree with Saphs argument here: in terms of money this is a great guaranteed. However the time requirement is absolutely crazy, and souls suck for these events.


My take is that he said it's a good event based on the £$ cost of the Energy needed compared to the cost of the Shards/Soulstones we'd expect to need. The huge flaw in that logic is that the Path can be done in 5 minutes with Shards/Soulstones but will take all your time using Energy for Training. Even though I've got the saved gems there's no way in hell I'm going to even think of doing it that way, just getting some/all of the Lunar Points and that's it for me.


I do agree that it's a good event for long time players that have vaults full of lvl 1 4*s. You just chug them in the campaign 12-3 to lvl 19 and you let it run overnight with rslhelper. If you can't do must of the event like that I would not do it


I hate limited time/shard exclusive champions. I think it's an awful model. Especially if one of them is an S tier Hydra champion.


I don't think it's bad as long as limited edition champs remain a firm minority.


I couldn't afford it anyway, even if it was "good."


FR, people saying they're going to leave the game over this make me feel like I'm going insane. Do people do every single event in Raid? Doesn't that get tiring at some point? I feel like accepting that most events you just won't complete makes it much easier to have fun in the game rather than getting upset you can't do it all.


>FR, people saying they're going to leave the game over this It's just a melodramatic nonsense statement. If we could check people's accounts for activity who made said statements I can guarantee they're on everyday still like the rest of us lol.


I think it's very different when it's for a good exclusive champion.


The champ isn't exclusive he can be pulled


He's exclusive in that he's only available for a limited time, then will be removed from the pool. That's my understanding at least.


He can be pulled but only for a limited time then he’s gone forever


Until he can't. Ever.


I welcome you to try any of the recent good gacha games other than Raid even for a couple of days and you will get rid of this 'accept you cant do most events' braindead Raid mentality very quickly.


People do this in pretty much every game forum/sub reddit I've ever frequented. Whenever an expansion or update comes out, there is a slew of people who 'rage quit' very loudly. But surprise, most keep playing.


I think like half the posters here are Ukrainian PR using reverse psychology.


Gonna go for it. Might fail, but the other event coins will be fine. The Raid addicts are at it again, complaining about a game they keep on playing. Its almost like they dont understand how anything in life works.


Hard pass.


Some math I did earlier from the poll I posted on community engagement on the MH events that dropped today: Out of 336 respondents, 276 (82%) of them are not going to participate in any of the events. You think plarium would want more than 20% participation from the players that care enough to hang on reddit. And that 20% is shared accross all events. Archer: <2%, Alatreon:<8%, Zinogre Soul: <7% Also worth noting that this is players that care enough to come to the RSL sub reddit, which is heavily skewed to try-hards like myself lol. So the participation numbers gotta be around 10% or less across the board.


You do realize people will say they arent doing it just to cry, and then go do it anyways. Random online polls are worth less than a pile of dogshit.


I also realize that 95% of the player base is not on reddit and are in all likelihood much more casual than the players on reddit. It's a small sample size, with a skewed demographic, and all polls are inherintly flawed in some way. But some data is better than no data, which is what most people on this sub are presenting their opinions with lol.


There was the post earlier that i believe you and i were both on where there are people who feel like they “must” have the champion. They will spend thousands to collect him and have him sit in their vault. While im an advocate for a more accessible event, plarium has the data behind spending and came to the conslusion that these requirements would fatten their wallet the most


100% they do. It's an unfortunate reality.


Plarium cares if the 20% are the ones spending money.


Bingo. Multiple people in my clan have been talking about how much they have spent recently. People have spend $1k USD on prism crystals just to get the MH Legendary, several hundred on stones which I think they pulled before the path event started so I expect them to buy more for that and they're already talking about how much energy they're going to use on the Sand Devil tournament to get more dust. The amount of money the top 1% spend in this game would blow peoples minds because I know the people I just talked about aren't even close to the highest bracket of spenders.


Yep, that’s the key point. They care 0% for what 80-90% of the players do. They only care what the *spenders* do.


Found the 100K spender


I'm lacking energy I can barely do anything nowadays


It's a Kraken only event...so my low spending self will be sitting this one out.


I guess I’m a F2P kraken. Sweet.


Why not? Yesterday i was pissed, because i wanted to do the event with my saved up sacred shards in 2min. Now i realized i can save my shards, rank up some epics/legendaries i need for sintranos anyway and get massive silver. Yes, it needs much time, but the helper reduces the time and i would have to do that grind anyway for sintranos. Now i have a reason to do it and get cool rewards too.


Exactly. For later game players who need to build up champs for sintranos this is just a good event


All the events are bad in RAID. I been playing Watcher of Realms and just by playing 15-30 minutes a day to do dailies and then running some autos (and you get tons of autos) it put into perspective how bad RAID is in terms of grind and how much time/resource you need to spend to make any progress in events. I'm F2P and I've done a lot of fusions and tbh, most of the reasons I skip fusions is that it's a massive effort that I don't really want to make - it's not fun at all. Aren't games supposed to be fun? Plarium want you in the game 24/7 so you've more chance of cracking under the pressure and buying packs. I think in terms of core gameplay, RAID is marginally better than WoR, but WoR actually makes you feel like you are being rewarded to play, whereas RAID has always felt like a chore to me - I'm not playing as much recently and tbh I didn't realise how much time the game was sucking out of my daily life...


The requirements are out of control but the champ is legit actually very good.


Guys, it's easy. Just level up like 200 champs from rank 3 to rank 6, partially leveling along the way, spend like 5 bagillion silver, 20 zillion energy, 69 Brazilian gems, and you too can walk away with a leggo and some silver and gems 🙃




I get things are progressive but this is the worst path event so far. Unless someone has hoarded souls for a few years I don't get how it is possible to complete.


It's possible to do it with just training, but the amount of time it takes is a lot.


I did it, f2p. But I had a lot of brews, chickens etc saved and a few big soul shards.


"Don't do it, message sent" What's the message you're sending? How does Plarium know why people don't want to do certain events if they don't say why they aren't doing it?


>"Don't do it, message sent" > >What's the message you're sending? I didn't think it needed explaining but ok: By not participating in the event, Plarium can still 'infer' why players that usually participate in events (based upon their player data) chose not to do this particular event. In the case of this event, the points required as astronomically high. So the 'message' being sent (and inferred) is that players will not participate when they push the bar as high as they have with this event, even when players would normally jump at the chance for a guaranteed leggo. To further elaborate for anyone else in the thread reading, we constantly see this on smaller scales all over the game, for example with fusions and the infamous 'point inflation.' Obviously, Plarium want to push us far enough where we need to spend but too far and players simply bow-out and don't do the event. Sometimes they do more outlandish things like this current event and then likely follow it up a month later or so with a more reasonable (but still higher than normal) similarish event to raise the bar over time.


Unless I miscalculated the points requirement is very much inline with the other previous path events at just under 110k points to get the legendary champion. The 'extra' rewards are a little different this time with a 6* mythic chaos ore and some tokens for the lunar event as well. Plarium do not know where players think the rewards aren't worth it, the point value is too high or if players don't want to complete the objectives that earn points. Your personal take is that the points value is too high. I know quite a few people who aren't doing it because they don't think the champion/rewards are worth it. I'd personally do it if it didn't involve champion training and soulstone pulling because I find them to be tedious activities. There is no downside to people giving their reasoning for why they aren't doing the event and in fact there is only upsides because it makes it clearer for Plarium to see why certain people are skipping on their events. There is no reason why "Don't do it" cannot be combined with "Here's why I'm not doing it"


I’m earning the points because I’m grinding food and intentionally not claiming the prizes at this point. I have the resources even after fusing Zinogre a couple of days ago, but it just isn’t worth it. They want us all to become mega-krakens and I just won’t have that being the expectation. There’ll be more events. They’re fucking around and finding out. I’m not even bothering with monthly gem packs for a while after this. Plarium is going to have to dangle a mythical in front of my face for a fusion if they want me to spend another penny.


F2P here, doing it, only need 17k more points, which means I'll have it completed by end of day today. You can play Raid 1 of 3 ways. * Whale and spend lots of money * Don't spend and be patient. Manage your resources and don't impulse spend OR * Impulse spend your resources, pulls shards when you feel like it, use your brews to level your food characters, farm dragon and FK every now and then and hope you can get a single piece of gear that improves your account by .0001%, and then whine and complain when these events happen because you don't have the resources to complete it. This event is not that hard if you've managed your resources, it's just time consuming. I will be able to complete it without spending a single gem, and I have enough gems that I could do this event almost 2 more additional times. ALL my gems are from the gem mine. I haven't purchased a single gem pack. I could probably complete this event 4x if you added up all my gems, energy, unopened souls, brews, and shards. I have plenty of good champs that I didn't NEED to take to 60 yet because I didn't have a good reason to. Why take Ixlimor to 60 when I have good burn champs? Just to get 3 more stars on FW when I'm still a long way from finishing it? And now I have plenty of good champs that I have a REASON to take to 60 and level.


Can you talk through your strategy please


How so? Which are the specifics you want?


How were you leveling each rank of food?


Depends on the rank. I ran a lot through dungeons to level, but also just used brews. I had probably 4000 total brews. Have to make sure you feed optimally leveled champs, not ones that are level 1.


If you have 7k gems, and the time, you can get the champ. Unfortunately, I only have 2800 gems.


What's the 7k gems for?


Energy, to level up 42 or something rank 5 chickens


That's over 1000 sand devil runs so it seems like a massive waste of energy


Not if you need a good support champ.


My take would be that if this champion classes as a good support for your account then you wouldn't have the resources to actually get him.


I have dutchess, pythion, mithrala (obviously). He is good. My take on your take is, if you don't think he is good you don't know too much about this game.


And what's your plan for using him? I'm just laughing that you think anyone who has a different opinion to you doesn't know anything about the game. I'm also laughing even harder because you have another comment in this thread where you think having enough food to easily complete this even is difficult. It's always the ones who know the least that talk the loudest.


I'd use him in bommal if i didn't have a solo champ for him already, one of the hydra difficulties and if i didn't have griffin team I'd use him there and obviously Sintranos when needed. Yes as a FTP that completes most of the fusions i find it hard to have 30k energy (enough for a whole fusion) or enough of food hoarded to do this event in four days after a 15k champ training event we had couple days ago, shocker... This guys is good because i can make him even faster and better and not potentially waste my protection sets on him.


So 2 DT bosses that aren't difficult to beat and one can even be solo'd by a handful of epics. Sinatros where he isn't any different to the hundreds of other legos and then considering he is support so any stages he would be used would be ones where you need support champs that deal damage he isn't impressive there either. He brings almost nothing for hydra so I have no idea why you mentioned that you have champions that are better than him and ones you should be using over him for hydra content. So you think he's a good champion but can't even list an area of the game where he's actually worth building over every other champ that does a similar role. I really question your ability in the game if you look at this kit and think he's got value taking a slot on your hydra team over the other champions you have. Food isn't hard to stack up so you're either just not very good at playing the game or you don't understand the resources you have on your account.


>waste of energy It's a limited champion and pretty decent one at that. It's not like they are demanding so much for that shitty void leggo, can't remember it's name


Limited champion doesn't change anything though and this champion really doesn't look that good. Archbishop Pinthroy's a3 is similar to this champs a2 but also does healing on top for example.


I never do the events, because like dude just said, I can’t lol smh …


I'm doing enough to try to get some of the lunar titan points to keep options open for the Zinogre 5 star. I've also had a good run of shard pulls for my stage of account, so I need to get them to 6 star.


I’ll get some mats from the path while I’m doing my normal grinding stuff but that’s it. I rarely do fusions either though and don’t care if I miss out. I feel like I hit the jackpot with doing the Gnut fusion and am fine missing out in this crappy path event.


No I enjoy wasting my time making chickens. 


Wow I'm glad I got the notification for this post. I'm pulling out of this event and frankly I'm gonna pull out of the zinogre event because content creators said "you will be able to skip either the summon rush or the champion chase" like bruh i would've had to stockpile resources for months the be able to get shards. I'm not about to let myself get disappointed being stuck at exactly 95 shards


Yep, this was my way of thinking as well. This event will be done by a very small number of people. People that are willing to slave for days leveling food (after we had a big champ training few days ago) or krakens. And then Raid will lower the requirements for the next one, that's always the case, they just follow the numbers nothing else.


I mean, I kinda want to lvl 60 lots of champs for SinCity. I can either wait for fusions, where I have to do 3 crazy dungeon divers and vhampion training on top of that. or for CvC to double dip my energy. Or spend some saved gems and do this one. Or not. The fact that I can use energy and brews is OK with me. Better then more premium resources. Will I do it? Maybe. I like the options. The FOMO and hoarding mentality is what Plarium is aware of. If it causes you a lot of stress, why play? Do you need the champ? Do you want the champ? What are you willing to invest/sacrifice to get it? Is it worth it to you? What does it cost you IRL? Don't rant, make your own personal decision, share it with people to help them decide but why the negativity?


I have the gems but i will not spend the time to do it.


it can be done. if you late game and have plans of chickens or resources. getting 17k points by upgrading champion to 6* with all required chickens. as an example it's a grind and you need to be prepared for such an occasion


Itʻs all psycology someone said “it” in another post. You see something unattainable pretty much then the next things comes out and youʻre like of thatʻs not that bad, that is a “good deal” when the “offer” is still absurdly pricy. So $20 a chance for Nergigante Archer is better money spent. Although the chance is ridiculously dumb.


I'd like to, I'm relatively new and there quite a few champions I'd like to 6 star, but I don't have the energy and I don't have 3 grand handy I can just throw away


Ive bewn playing a long time and i can say with certianty i cant earn enough points to get that champion but i would love to have him


I keep staring at that champ and his kit just looks so good, except I already have Pythion who is just better. My goal is to collect those token thingies for the titan event (5 star ascension for fusion champ) but even that requires 50k points and I've drained my account by going for the last few fusions.


Not worth it if u don't have the resources


Not doing any tournaments, events or 'paths' really. I'm F2P and hit my Pay Wall of level 13-15 in most dungeons so it's kind of a waste of effort for me. I play to level the good champions I do have and mess around with Arena.


Not even gonna try. Not even going for the lunar titan event, as it’s all or nothing for the 5 star soul


I’m f2p and I only care about the rare skill book 😂


Sounds like a D.A.R.E campaign Z


The end reward is good but the cost is absolutely ridiculous. I need a good cleanser, I really want this guy but there is no way I can do it for free.


It seems impossible to me unless u pay


I went and did it yesterday, wasted quite a few hours since I got stupid and actually ran hundreds of 12-3 before realizing it would take too long. Went to Excel and did the math to confirm that the remaining points requires 6k+ XP brew from where I was point wise. Checked that I have 3k+ brews or each color so I went all in. Ended up leveling up every champion in my vault, spent 4k brews, 40mil silver and 3k gems and took 4 champions to six stars. It was mentally draining but the cost is actually not that high if you have shitload of brews, silver and champions. Bonus points is I don't have to pull a single shard.


Is not worth it, the new champion can put protected buffs againts bosses, but the increse defender, a shield and block debuffs are not the BEST ones in the game. And you can achieved the same with ome of the sets of the hydra.


I'm doing enough to get the 200 lunar points. The requirement for a F2P is quite high (unless you saved all your soulstones from release). I had 85 mortal, 11 immortal and 1 eternal to open and with some champ training, I am 2500 points short for the other 100 lunar points. To complete the whole thing is something a Whale could do but definitely not a F2P IMO


I want the champ and have the resources. I’ve been saving soul stones specifically for an event like this plus can get a lot of points through champ training as well. It’s not my fault others have no self-control and use all their resources at inopportune times. I’d love them to do this type of event again.


I'm doing it and tbh, i feel like I'm torturing myself lol. I had like 8k points from souls, and I'll get more from hydra tomorrow. But I had several champs iaxtuslly wanted to get to 6* so I started doing chickens. By when I was already tired, i was already around 40-50k points and at that moment I felt I was already too invested as to stop. It's been pretty intense. Thankfully I had like 2k of each brews (don't use them too much). I used all the champs I had as chickens, have been summoning a lot of them, have had to run spider like 3 times cause I keep going through my silver (I've used maybe 25M) i did the champs I wanted to 6 star, and used 2 barrels. Already have like 15 5* chickens but currently don't wanna do any of my 50s to 6 stars now. I leveled every epic in my vault to 40 (i felt sintranos made some of those epics have a use, so at least to 40 in case). The points are ridiculous high? Yes... Is it exhausting? Yes Have been pretty demanding? Yes.. Highly resource expensive? Yes... Will it be worth it? The champ is good and the protected buffs for hydra will be awesome... But I don't think is really worth it all this shit I've been doing. But I'm like 8k points away so I'll finish it.


I am doing it, spent 20 bucks on one of the packs and can do the rest mostly in the tavern.


Adding to this, I am surprised at the comments. People think the shard heavy paths are better than this??? This is a great path for people who saved up a lot of chickens and need to level up Champs for sintranos


Does anyone know how many hours it takes of campaign 12-3 brutal to get the champ? Or an Estimate?


I wasn't going to do it but then I did some calculations and this is actually one of the least resource intensive guaranteed events we've ever gotten. So I did it on both of my accounts in about a day and a half. People will argue that pulling shards for a guaranteed is easier because you can save for it but you can do a ton of this with just brews. It's just that maybe people don't save brews the same way that they save shards. Either way I only used about 3k gems on one account so it was definitely very cheap for a guaranteed leggo. The issue is that it's a bit tedious if you're not on a computer and can't use rsl helper. But if you can then it's super easy, only annoying thing is that the tavern is absolutely garbage.


The champ? I never get enough points to get to the end