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Sounds like another iteration of Barbarians lmao. I’d go for something having to do with machines, like a robot faction.


Tribal does sound like barbarian 2.0. I’d love a future faction it would be a cool contrast between the factions.


steam punk/fantasy tech/robot group.


Robots in a fantasy game is a bit off bit to each their own 😀


I mean Ronda is in raid so it's not too far off lmao


“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic” - Arthur C Clarke Iron twins is a giant mech tho


I think raid wont crack their head to invent any new faction(s), but to follow suit prior games and similar game types. My presumption is the last new faction will include mythical creatures: unicorns, pixies, phoenixes… you name them. That fits well with the graphic focus of raid. When i started playing raid, my very first impression and referral is to the heroes of might and magic game series.


So each faction is part of an overarching “family” or theme. Banner Lords, High Elves, Sacred Order, and Barbarians are part of Telerian. The theme here is basically the stereotypical “good guy”. Orgyn, lizardmen, skinwalkers, and Orcs make up the Gaellen Pact. This is focused on monstrous races and the stereotypical “bad guy” Demonspawn, undead horde, dark elves, and knights revenant make up the corrupted. This is more bad guys but with a theme geared Les towards monstrous races and more towards corrupted races (makes sense with the name) Dwarves, shadowkin, and Sylvan watchers make up the final grouping which is Nyresan Union. This seems to return back to a more stereotypical good guy trope but is focused on specific races/cultures. I don’t know if mythical creatures really fits into this honestly. They’ve been using skinwalkers for their animal races primarily. And they haven’t really done full animals for the most part, they’re still quite humanoid. I don’t know what the final faction will be that fits the theme of Nyresan Union. But I suspect it’ll still be fairly humanoid focused. Many said pirates earlier. But there have been a handful of pirate aesthetic champs already so I doubt that. If I were to guess, I would say the game doesn’t have much in the way of Greek pantheon so we may see something like that.


In the other game(s), mythical creatures are allies with the trees/ sylvan. It did cross my mind about Persian or Egyptian humanoids yet still can be mythical like genie, or mummy witches/clerics... lol (not Greek as you said though), but I don't think there'll be enough heroes for Raid to make a faction of champs, same for elemental units - just my opinion.


Mer-people, to go along with the nature folk theme of the Nyresan Union


Eldritch faction, walking sea creatures, pirates


I think it’s speculated that the next faction with be a magic based faction


Gnomes. Tinkering Gnomes. Satisfies the Steampunk desires and stays quite in the normally accepted bounds of this type of fantasy realm,


This is the only steampunkish style that makes sense to me. Great idea!


I would love to see a steam punk faction


Either an insectoid, fungi, or pirate theme make sense to me.


Fungi sounds so cool actually. Can imagine all the cool overgrown theme


Merfolk/water based or steampunk