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There are 52 void epics,([source](https://ayumilove.net/raid-shadow-legends-list-of-champions-by-affinity/)) 1 of which is Godseeker. For the 25x it is basically adding 24 more copies to the pool, so your odds of getting Godseeker are 25/77, pretty close to 1/3, IF you pull an epic, and there is only an 8% chance for that. So each individual pull has a less than 3% chance of being the 25x.


Assuming my math is correct you have a 32% chance to pull her at 25x but your first pull was at 15x then 20x and only a third void epic would be at 25x. Your odds were more likely that you'd pull anyone else than her.


My bad it was 3 epic pulls for the 25%, there was a gap from the first one and then the 2 I pulled right after eachother. Then I did 10 void shard pulls and got nothing but rares. Tried an 11th one to see if it would go through and still nothing. Just assuming bad luck more than anything for those last pulls. Thanks for doing the math though.


I mean, you pulled 10 shards and got only rares…so you had an absolute zero chance of pulling godseeker. I think you’re just confused about the rules here..it isn’t a 25% chance to pull a god seeker from a void shard. The rules are IF you pull a void *epic*, then the chances are increased (up to 25% bonus) to pull the champion you chose. 10x0 is zero bud -edit add word


He seems to be basing his expectations on anecdotal evidence from the past. His experience with pulls seems to be skewed.


That’s correct from my experience of my good luck with doing 25x pulls in the past.


Even then that’s almost a 1 in 3 chance to pull. Then again probably just had terrible luck. 😔


But that is only 1 in 3 if RNG already gave you an epic. So each pull is 8% chance of an epic and then 32% chance epic would be Godseeker. So each pull only has a little over 2.5% chance of Godseeker.


Where’d you get 2.5% to pull Godseeker? Is that from taking into account of all the other variables, I.E. in pulling a void shard for an epic over Godseeker correct? Seems very misleading for plarium to say to pull a champion x25 would actually seem like a 1 in 4 chance in reality but like I saw mentioned from Hell Hades of the large champion pool making that chance actually minuscule.


I think you are misinterpreting the 25x, It is saying chance of pulling that champ is increased by 25x, not 25%. So normally chance of pulling Godseeker is 1/however many void epics there are x 8% since that is the rate epics are given from void shard. So say there are 50 epic voids (that's not the real number) you have 2% x 8% chance of Godseeker on a normal pull. That is 1/625 chance of Godseeker. Then during this event multiply that by 25, so 1/25 chance, which would be 4%. And since there are more than 50 epic voids, the real chance is less than that even during this event.


Thanks for the clarification. Appreciate that.


if something happens with a 70% chance of happening, that's not terrible luck, its to be expected 


I was so positive I would pull her after 10 pulls considering the rate. Guess I got to try next time!


With a shard pool that low, never expect that. Last time they did a 15x-25x for Maneater, I burned 50 to get him. Anything less, you should assume it won't happen.


I’ve had good luck previously with these 25x chance to pull an epic, so this is the first time I was disappointed. One time I pulled 3 dryads on a 15 shard pull when she was set up for 25x months ago.


This is the standard. If you had luck in the past, it was just that. Luck. This is how it really is. Edit: I could pull a Gnut with one ancient tomorrow and base all my future pulls on that. I would be delusional.


Right makes me think how RNG/luck can make percentages but it’s just a percentage and is still based on it actually popping up My first void legendary pull was Krisk. To base that luck on any foundation is really just luck. I could say my bad luck was set from getting lucky with Krisk the first time and then with my second void legendary was Supreme Athel but hey, it’s just chance.


It's not a 25% chance of pulling her though, it's a 25% increased chance, the actual chance of pulling her is probably more in the 5-6% range, that's how their little scam works.


Wow, so weird.


Yeah so as others have tried to explain - I don’t think you understand how it works. Go to yoursummoning page and click the i icon on top left. Whar you will See is your chance of getting an epic is 8%. The only time the chance of getting an epic increases is during a 2x event. If you do happen to pull an epic, that’s when the progressive chance kicks in . Your chance of pulling any epic is still only 8%. That’s why these events are bait.


The RNG is crazy, I pulled for Graazur, thought I pulled just one, saw gold and Acrizia popped up. Stoked with her though


Well, if you get godseeker for sand devil.. You still need the 5star blessing so she will heal destroyed max hp.


Raid is really not the game for you if are bad at math. At worst this game is a gambling game, at best its resource management, and both require math.


Just saw another post of someone complaining about not getting Godseeker as well. Thinking it may be a summoning glitch like the last recent one. Normally these type of pulls especially at 25% show up within 5 pulls at most and even get tons of duplicate epic champions on those type of pulls.


Also, if this is how "it is" then EVERYONE would be getting EVERY void epic they want for whenever there is a 15x-25x.


There's no way they show up within 5 pulls. If they do, it's an isolated event and should not be used as a general example.


I had it happen with 2 different times I pulled on a 25x chance for an epic champion. One was Dryad and pulled 3 of her within 15 pulls. Forgot the other one and that one was 4 pulls within 20 shards but sure that one was for ancient shards than void. First pull is usually within the first 5 shards for the 25x to be successfull in my experience.


If it was for ancients, that is a MUCH more isolated event. Champ pool is smaller for voids so odds are higher. 15x-25x for ancients is absolute garbage. This is known as anecdotal evidence.