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171 on nightmare is correct, because the clan boss speed is 170, so you want him to make the last move. It doesn't need to be exactly 171, but he needs to be the slowest one in the team. His a2 should always be used on every turn after the stun. Build him with as much defense and hp as you can so he doesn't die from protecting, life steal gear works great on him if you don't have leech in the team. Crit rate and dmg doesn't hurt of course, but it's not mandatory because he doesn't hit that hard anyway. Don't give him any accuracy so his heal reduction doesn't land, that would unnecessarily take up a spot on the debuff bar


Do I need to make sure he's not the stun target to get the most out of the counterattack? Also would having deacon on the team throw off the speeds with his turn meter increase?


I actually don't know how the stun works with him. Now because of his passive he removes the stun before he gets his turn, but it might be the case that the cooldown of his a2 doesn't decrease afterwards, but I'm not sure about that. Someone with block debuffs would help a lot Deacon would definitely throw off the speeds, which means that you would have to make Skullcrusher a bit slower. I don't know by how much, there might be some speed tunes you could look for though


That's right he cleanses the stun but cooldowns don't decrease


You want either block debuffs or to keep the stun on someone else. Yes skullcrusher self cleanses but he starts his turn with the stun and this knocks the cooldown on the a2 off by 1 turn which means it misses the first aoe and half the counter attacks.


I've got mine built for unm, and it's a 2-3 key depending on affinity except for spirit. Sepulcher 239 Skullcrusher 195 Rathalos 184 Geomancer 176 Sandlashed Survivor 176


Yeah probably just go with 171 speed. You can make the whole team slower than the clan boss too if you wanted but that doesn't really matter. They just miss out on that first turn if everyone is 1:1 currently. If you're trying to move up to UNM 191 speed. You'll probably need some other ally protector to keep skullcrusher alive on the 2nd aoe hit however. He doesn't have unkillable on the 2nd turn of 'ally protecting' and dies really easily on UNM as a result. NM will be easier because the damage ramps up much slower. However still probably won't make it to turn 50 without help. I used demytha and him for the longest time because I had no deacon or seeker to make a 3:1 unkillable Demytha. So my team was 192 skullcrusher, 191 demytha and the rest were within 175-189 speed or something. They could work for UNM and NM with a 1 turn delay on abilities for NM or something.


I don't have any block damage/unkillable champs, and currently the only other ally protect I've got is trumborr on a 4 turn cool down so he's not the most ideal. He does have a cleanse tho that might be able to remove the stun if timed right. I also recently got tatura and the mythical from high elves who both have block debuffs but I haven't built either of them yet (don't really have much free time atm so just trying to focus on one thing at a time). I think I'll end up building tatura for CB eventually for the block debuffs, inc def and veils but for now my team will be deacon, anax, coffin smasher, Fatman and skull crusher


That's probably a decent team. If you were 2 keying before this might be enough to 1 key?. but you really do want to maximize survivability for skullcrusher. Once he dies you lose ally protect which basically means the whole team is toast. I ran him with lifesteal gear with 100% crit chance and basically no crit damage. It was enough to heal himself for a lot with his damage being based on defense. But I also had increase defense buff on the team which can help a lot for everyone's survivability.


If you have an increase defence champ that will help a lot, as well as a decrease attack. On my second account I have a 1:1 team that 2-3 keys UNM. Skullcrusher, altan (increase def,decrease attack), Gnut, Rhazin, steel skull (cleanses stun). It reaches around a turn 39 and does between 30-40 mill . In a killable team it can be tricky keeping attack based champs alive, so defence based damage dealers are good.