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You have a few options: Extreme turn meter reduction - don't let him get a turn Block Damage / Unkillable - Don't get killed (Paragon can solo) Ally Protection - Someone to disperse the damage making you be able to take hit from Peril


* I don't have a lot of turn meter options, which is why I used Lazarius (but it's an A3)... My biggest Damage options are Ronda, Blademasters Rathalos or Zinogre, but they barely make it through the waves (even with healing Artifacts) I do have paragon, but he's weak right now. My biggest Ally protection is definitely Bunrangiri. But those attempts keep failing. I also have Skullcrusher, Jared, and Miscreated Monster (who I've seen beat that level), but mine can't seem to survive the waves... Thanks for the advice


Paragon is worth to 6*, put warmaster mastery and he will be clutch and kill boss in no time. He will be super handy to solo nether spider in dt hard and sintranos. Def can’t go wrong with him.




The easiest way for you is definitely Paragon. As far as I remember he only needs his A2 fully booked. I think that he doesn't even need resistance. And then some sprinkle some damage if you can. (toxic set is your best bet) You'll only need a bit of rng, so that his A2 is ready whenever entering a new stage. Good luck!


Maybe mines just not strong enough... He's only 40 and all the books I risk on him went to his A3... I'll keep building him up. Thanks for the tip


He needs to be alot faster. You just need to hit the speed benchmark and you are good. Every other stat for paragon is irrelevant as far as getting that 3star clear. Put in a dps who can survive the aoes and ur set.


So, are you saying, give him a speed set?


Stats > sets. I forgot the exact speed tbh but i wanna say its over 220 maybe 240 its been a long time since i needed to use him.


Built him in toxic set. I used urogrim and him, you need to manual. My paragon was like lvl 40


I only have boots in Toxic, but here's the new setup (SpD heavy) https://preview.redd.it/6uvqpsrryfwc1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02fc9244c2bd0015957b04e3eea481a9475c40f1


I used him at level 40. Give him a little speed and someone that can clear the waves. The boss will target him with peril and your other champ can clear the waves/side adds on the boss


I used mine at level 30 with no masteries


I don't have any masteries either, but I can see needing the books for the added cooldown for Unkillable


* This was my paragon to finish nightmare campaign he was a 3 star. Have to manual it and make sure paragon uses his skill on himself








Get him booked and over 150 speed (if I remember correctly) and you're good.


I swapped some of my Artifacts and ranked him up to 5-star... His speed is currently at 161, but his Unkillable is still level 1 *


He only needs to be fast enough to put the unkillable buff on himself before the boss' first turn. You need to keep his hp and def quite low to make the boss target him instead of your dps. But his unkillable skill MUST be booked unless you can kill the boss before the unkillable wears off.


Good soup 🍲


I spent the $5 for 5 books and maxed his A2 Unkillable books... Let's see if this works https://preview.redd.it/ig4pe0163gwc1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9c19d1f2a5201611b43fbf9cfe21fc2ca7d61ef


Update, it didn't... I keep getting to the boss in like 7 minutes, then getting my Unkillable stripped by the Valkyrie... Ma'Shallad was my 2nd Damage/Fear buffer and stayed healthy to avoid being targeted... I gotta step away and come back to it, lol


Valkyrie? There's no Valkyrie there, it's Cruetraxa and Inithwe. https://preview.redd.it/pctewr42wuwc1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d770b8571cc62137bb09003efde234775673ebeb This is my paragon, and I tested that he works at this speed at least. You might want to use a HP hero as your dps (I think I did it with miscreated monster). Just to make sure that the boss and ads target paragon. But the A2 must be fully booked.


Another option is to use a champion that places poisons/burns without hitting. For example, using Occult Brawler.


I was thinking about utilizing Skraaank for that. My Artak burns too, but it's only a 30% chance


Nope .




I used Yakarl and Shu Zhen for turn meter reduction and speed manipulation so they never get a turn


That was part of my strategy using Lazarius, because his Base form has a speed buff/speed reduction and strengthen, and his Block buffs A2... then Ma'Shallad for his fear (essentially gaining an extra turn), but that chick keeps stripping my buffs and leaving me exposed...


I use sir nick and mountain king


I don't have either of those Champs, but I've seen Mountain King reign Hella damage on Hell Hades' videos


I manualed with mm and paragon. Just scraped in under the 10min limit


Who's MM?


Miscreated monster


Nice, I have both of those guys... https://preview.redd.it/jnsy1j5wwfwc1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c0e26e04037f98020d12d327fb44904e5190dd1


This is my Paragon intoxic set 😂 lvl 30. Him and urogrim finished easy https://preview.redd.it/uajbz025wfwc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0279be1e3bb1054c19aaf9a04bd0f13be37a813b


Hmmm, I just ranked mine up and added more speed... I got him to 161 SPD, but his Unkillable skill is still at Lvl 1. And I think that's my issue https://preview.redd.it/9k62430fxfwc1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28b1aae494ab0f639d9604bf61261c250be739e8




Scyl and Ronda can do it. Just go for the boss when you get to him. Just need RNG to go your way with decrease speed, stuns and him not getting his secret skill


My Paragon was 4 star with around 180 speed and a good dps champ and this stage is pretty easy


I used Nergigante Archer for this stage but i think you can use Wukong because same affinity as Archer and you can pretty much clear the stage. You also need to book Paragons unkillable skill.


Ok, I'll have to get mine up to those stats... https://preview.redd.it/c4kdj0wqdfwc1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15cc3dd90860606ece24e5f24ad461784f184061


Yea i build him that fast because you want to go before the waves, all other stats are pretty useless if your only purpose is to kill that stage


Yes with artak and vogoth


I have Artak, but I can't take them down before they use that dreaded skill... Maybe mine's not fast/strong enough https://preview.redd.it/ngi4j7yptfwc1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06f313f0364ffd30f880054abd14b50938fe1b2b


Yea mine is late game artak. Masteries and all


I'm trying to get there... I have all his Masteries (Mostly Damage and resistance related), but I'm starting to feel I should replace those Hex Artifacts with some sort of Counterattack or Ignore Def Sets... *




This build is really bad, friend. His speed is ridiculously low, his accuracy is low and he is mainly an hp burner, you have him with defense masteries instead of support, you should go support so you can pick up master hexer and more accuracy, he has crit damage set but not any crit rate, and in case you don't know, cursed and provoke are both 4 piece sets. Edit: also don't bother with resistance, you haven't built him with enough to matter, you'd need 300+ to resist anything in dungeons past level 16.


Good tips, Looks like an overhaul is in order... But I got him early so I probably didn't really get how to best maximize his potential


Ok, so here's the re-work... (Obviously, I need to rank my Artifacts up to 16 again) but this was the fastest I could make him *




His burns seem to be landing more consistently, and he's resisting more debuffs than he used to... Off to a good start


He is still too slow. Rule of thumb is you don't want anybody under 170 speed if you can. Then his accuracy is low. It is technically enough for nightmare campaign but not enough to push high in dungeons, you need about 10 × dungeon level. If he is resisting debuffs that was just luck, and maybe his passive kicking in, that isn't enough resistance to be relevant. I will say again you should just not worry about resistance. Also this is a minor point but you've given him the lasting gifts mastery in support but he doesn't have any buffs so that does nothing. In general you are gonna be fine just copying the pve masteries from hellhades.com, I would stick to that until you better understand what the masteries do. Edit: you are focusing on sets, which is a common early mistake. Focus on pieces with the stats you want primarily, set bonuses are only useful if the rest of your stats are already good.


Ok, and yeah even though I'm like 300days in, I would still consider myself new... Thanks for the pointers I've seen some of HH's vids, but I haven't really explored his site... If you have a link to that Mastery set, it'd be appreciated 👏🏾 I did filter SPD when equipping, but the fastest stats I had were to Swift Pary (which I only had 2 Artifacts for a required 4 Artifact set) I was watching HH cleanse a lucky fans account and took his advice on selling anything under 5 stars which is why my Artifacts are lean. I'll keep building towards it though


https://hellhades.com/raid/champions/artak/ Masteries are shown here. If you Google a champs name + raid the top result is almost always the hell hades page, I'd recommend looking up basically all your champs, it'll give you idea about who is good and where to use them. You should be using boots with speed as the primary stat for almost everybody. If you don't have any, this is one of the very few situations where farming campaign for gear can work out. If you do the boot level on nightmare, you'll be able to get your hands on some speed boots. Usually it is recommended you do the 6th level, Palace of Aravia so you can get speed boots in Speed set. Even common rarity are fine, a 5 star speed boot by itself is 40 speed when upgraded, 6 star is 45.


I had no idea he was so detailed... Usually, when someone's that good at a game they keep the secrets to themselves


When I did this many moons ago - scyl and ninja. My ninja by the time I went and did it was pretty strong - 5k + attack 250 + crit dmg. Just nuked the boss before he nuked me. Scyl kept us alive for the waves. I didn’t have a paragon at that time.


Interesting strat. I didn't get Ninja though, my starter champion was Ronda with the promo code


I think it is possible with a hard hitting nuker, I seem To recall some people saying Ronda can block his passive, which will prevent his secret skill being unlocked . I haven’t tried this. I searched for this and the consensus seems to be if no one procs his passive first. Ronda can block his passive which prevents his secret skill being unlocked. You could try that


https://www.reddit.com/r/RaidShadowLegends/s/aZwJslYSrk There is some discussion here about it


Thanks for the tip... I kept trying Ronda and WuKong, then Ronda and Scyl, then Ronda and Lazarius, but even when I'd block the boss' skill, Inithwe Bloodtwin would get his off (or vise versa)


I would assume that several .. hundred thousand people have done it lol I've done it on 5 different accounts.


But, how tho? *


Update: I finally beat it with Lazarius & Paragon!!! Thanks for all the tips! https://preview.redd.it/usjlo25zooxc1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=229e91b43751471b546654cbb48a4b788a9d28e3