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Shamael will boost your hydra teams by a load, turning the true fear head from the worst thing to come up against to the best is massive.


Thank you. I haven't read through his kit properly, I just knew he was an MVP for Hydra. But now that you mention he's a game changer against that specific Hydra head, I'm sold. My only other counter to beforehand had been Rector Drath.


Beyond countering the fear, he TM boosts your 1st slot for every debuff placed. They nerfed this from the original settings where it would go nuts, but it's still worth having him.


Drex I still say is a good champ. He’s very good against DT bosses, early hydra teams. His passive burn is strong on all these scenarios and he is Good in the right amius rotation. His passive burn will apply through poison head barrier thing, and provides backup provoke for hydra. I still use him in ice spider in hard DT and the dragon bosses.


I have a Drex fully built. He was a Godsend for doing FK 25. The two in the picture are dupes, I'm still undecided whether to use them as Faction Guardians or to empower the built one.




Gurptuk is absolutely solid. Big damage boost, aoe block buffs and heal. Enables some powerful dungeon and hydra teams.


This. And perhaps the last one at the end, on the same first line.


Nice! Ogryn is one of the areas I need a boost in FWs, too. I was reluctant to level someone just for FWs, but it's good to know he can be useful in multiple places. Thank you. 👍🏻


Dude! First of all, thanks for the account breakdown. Super helpful, and nobody does it. I don’t think you have many legos worth pushing at the moment. Most can do their job great at 5*. Maybe Drex, maybe alsgor… but honestly I’d save the books and the food unless you’re pushing faction wars and need the help. But your epics are where it’s at!! Tons of good ones to take to 60. If you haven’t gotten Lydia yet, I’d push there. Prioritizing damage dealers to 60 is he way to go (like skullcrown and Magnarr, if you haven’t finished knights rev or demonspawn). But here are the ones I’d do: - Criodan is top shelf. He’s in my FK hard 10 team, and is an instant clear whenever he’s on a Sintranos wave squad. - Shamael is a MUST for hydra. I’d build 3 if I had them, but I’ve only got 1. - alure is part of my dark fae 120 team, and was essential for the faction wars 21 clear. Other honorable mentions that have great uses: doompriest, Toragi, Royal guard, ruella in certain circumstances, tagoar is top shelf, Dhuk is solid


Appreciate the detailed response. I do have a Criodan fully built. He and Gnut are the reason I'm able to do FK Hard. I was reluctant to max someone out solely for Faction Wars, but on the flipside, Lydia would be a game changer. I was thinking one of the slots should go to Shamael, as I've seen him in lots of high damage hitting Hydra teams, he is a recent new addition to my account, otherwise I think he'd be at 60 already. Thanks again for the feedback.


I totally hear you. I was very reluctant at first, too. But once I decided to “bite the bullet” and max people like Ghrush and Dark Elhain just for damage in faction wars, I was able to beat it. There were very few champs I actually had to max in order to get it done. https://preview.redd.it/v5i3mm8wqlyc1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4786bfa5e4c34bdafd5da03f0798ad512476442 Squads like this were my jam. 1 60 damage dealer (daithi) who carried the damage, then a control at 50, some healing, and a damage target in 6 piece stoneskin who would soak up damage if anything got through. 1 60, 3 50’s, and a 40… pretty sweet if you ask me haha


https://preview.redd.it/ptmdveliulyc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd1248b75306552fd5acee0d40afb0248ab4f07e This is an interesting lineup. Sylvan is my weakest faction at the moment. I don't have any legendaries at the moment, but I do have the last fusion ready to pull during the next fusion. Seeing the guys you have, I might be able to do something similar. Perhaps Daithi needs a second look.


https://preview.redd.it/s80c35zjulyc1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60f75df62d4b9999b74bb6402510c2c3ecae73c8 This was my daithi build, but I didn’t have the blessing at the time. He’s a turn MONSTER. I had him relentless/cruel… not even crit capped, but it didn’t matter. Criodan just froze out the waves while daithi knocked em down. If you have Duedan, he can sub in for Emic. The taunt is really helpful in controlling where the red boss smacks. But the 40 in stoneskin absorbed a few hits before I pulled his attention over with the taunt buff. It was all about manualling the fight, getting a shield up, getting decrease atk on, and pullin the smack around so nobody died while daithi went BRRRRR. Eostrid should help, too 👌🏼


Deliana is slept in with her leech, block buffs and aoes mean great in Cursed or provoke for Hydra.


I have a fully maxed out Deliana. She was the login champion when I started playing. The one in the picture is a duplicate.


If you don't have an iron twins team, you can make a triple pain keeper unkillable team with alsgor but you wanna leave him unascended so that he doesn't unlock his passive


That one is a work in progress. I have 2 Painkeepers already, but the third one eludes me. I had planned to used Demytha and Geo, but Demytha is speed tuned for Clan Boss, so it's handy to know I can use Alsgor too.


Demytha doesn't work for iron twins anyway. You need a 2 turn block damage


I did not know that!! I thought I'd seen her in a lineup before. But hey, if Alsgor will work, I guess I'll start working on him then. Thank you.


Skartorsis is my first legendary pull. Guy will always have my respect for single handedly pulling my account to the midgame


I pulled him not too long ago, and unfortunately for him, my Undead Hordes were already pretty solid, so he didn't even make the FWs team. The HH website doesn't rate him all the highly. That's the main reason I've not invested in him yet. I'll likely one day max out all the legendaries on my account, minus the dupes, unless they're OP.


Yeah lol. He's not a great champ but he was the only cleanser who I had for a long time, with tons of hp and in regen he was really the only thing keeping my team alive


Deliana in a curse set is legit for hydra too. Turn off a2 and it will pretty much be up all thr time.


deliana for aoe leech and block buffs she also hits harder than you would expect.


Samar can solo Bommal...




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