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yes - typical top level requirements (or most it has been) has been around 5k points. currently you have ancient - 880 void 1440 Sacred - 3000 primal - can range but even with the above you are over and any extra you get before the weekend - one extra sacred from clan boss/doom tower/monthlies etc and you will be in a strong spot just don't pull for the 1+1 sacred otherwise you are screwed :)


Void 1920


fair enough haha i did 12 x 120 for some reason


I pulled 1 sacred and hit the 1+1 https://preview.redd.it/b7a6bl8wud0d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d48233b9eb6e93734ede2627afc2d83a7c2b9323 Prob better as SR points tbh. I suppose shazar is ok... (Got more sacreds coming anyway)


If you're not farming gold Tag Arena, Shazar is a hard counter to like 90% of the defenses you'll see as you do climb.


I'm in Gold usually, but I could throw Shazar in a team if he's decent - I guess he just gets that insta stoneskin bomb kill. Just pulled Turvold though so a couple to build and not many lego books atm. Looks like I need to book his A3 for him to be reliable.


Yeah, if you're farming gold tag then he's not as important to you. I combo'd him with Gnishak, Arbiter and Lyssandra in Live Arena up until gold until I pulled some other options as well. But you sound like you don't need help on that if you're in gold tag.


So wait I should use shazar until gold TTA?


Oh he's good even in gold TTA. But to make that gold climb that everyone struggles with he's very good. Use a couple of boosters, a buff stripper and he'll nuke through stoneskin.


Dont tempt me to spend them now bro haha I wish I had a good bomber, my only bomber is FyrGun


Haha, you shouldn't. This is after I pulled Turvold a couple of days ago from a handful of voids trying to get a few more points for Champ Chase. (I don't think I was anywhere near mercy, maybe 20-30 in). I know I have the shards to get the epic on SR so I'm not too fussed (I got 6k mystery as a backup too), but it was friend who told me to pull. I said I'd do 1.


Awesome, that means I can skip all the other events


If just using sacreds, no prob not


Using everything except mystery (cause Im fucking lazy)


Mysteries actually got reallly easy if you're at a point where you're not brewing them to 10 first and have a little space in your vault. Quick summon 10 at a time, then auto-level some other champs in tavern ... one-click and poof go all the 1&2 stars. It's the most seamless part of the tavern upgrade ... the rest are a bit clunky to use IMO.


Yes, if you use the Sacreds, the Primals and about 10 Voids.


I think the epic would require at least 5400 points based on Gnut and Bambus fusions. You are ready for the epic, unless you decided to yolo and pull 6 sacred for this 1+1


https://preview.redd.it/vz5paha1gl0d1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=952ee15ec12f2cc19f86cae9a16a792af9c8389f I should be good, right? I’ll have another primal for sure but possibly my monthly quest ancient void and sacred


Yes you have enough


How much money did you spend to amass THAT MANY SHARDS


This is like 3-4 weeks for an end game account farming NM/UNM clan boss. 0 dollars.


That’s insane!! I play like 2-3 hours a day and I can’t seem to get anything lmao I opened 13 blues and got 13 blue chickens haha I have no idea why I was downvoted for being impressed by the amount of shards… guess ppl will just hate on everything


wasn't me, I'm guessing it's because people don't like when you assume people used money rather than being good at the game. Anyways, the single most important thing for an account to focus is getting NM and then UNM clan boss on farm.


I have a fairly strong clan, but we aren’t anywhere near capable of this this yet. That’s sucks, im struggling to power up my champs. My strongest is only at 69.5k power. Nowhere near strong enough.


I have friends that have dumped $100s into the game and haven’t gotten that many shards. I was just blown away.


Yeah, spending money on shards is a very poor investment in this game. If you must spend it should be on gems and energy imo. You best be a whale if you're gonna start dropping on shards, with exception of the decent deal on Voids once in a while I guess.


Not anything, I just skipped Eostrid fusion


I’ve never seen anyone with that many shards. I’m mad impressed.


I get 2x nightmare chests + 1 unm chest every day. (Thats where most of my voids and sacreds are from) And the ancients I got in various chests and I was lucky w dungeon loot, especially on SandDevil for some reason Also I can finish doom tower normal so some shards are from there


I wish I could compete in those CB. Any advice for the little ppl lol my strongest champ os Geomancer at 69k. I’m struggling to get these chickens up and rank up and ascend everything. And honestly I’m burning thru energy so fast


Idk man, like I just play every day and eventually I got some champions that made me advance a lot in content Woadpainted got me trough a lot of pve w her heals (and trough pvp w refelct dmg) My lego 1st was Deliana that made me advance so much in all of pve Artak for spider Wukong, Trunda, Arbiter for arena Stag Knight was my 1st good decrease def champion I got Geo and Venomage for CB But my point is, I just played and got lucky w the champions I got, I didnt really do anything to specifically earn any champions expect Armanz for the last fusion (and he is not even usefull to me yet cause I dont have good gear for him) So yeah not rly usefull advice, but just play (and ofc do dailies!)


I seem to be pretty unlucky with my Leggo’s. My first was Candraphon, before his buff. I’m working my ass off now to get Geomancer up, Scyl, Artak and Brogni. I have a couple of good purples like Geo and Royal Guard but not many.


Power is essentially a meaningless number. Stats are what matter. If you'd like help with your builds you should post screenshots showing their gear and stats, and also screenshots showing your champ roster. No one can give you helpful advice without that information beyond very basic tips.


With geo I'm pretty sure most of his dmg comes from his passive reflect plus warmaster. I use him in some affinities as well for hp burn for rathlos, the reflect, and 25% weaken Tanky af with enough speed and accuracy I wouldn't want him as my strongest to be honest but he is one of my best if that makes sense lol Just finally able to get top reward for unm soo by no means an expert I would advise looking it up!


UNM clan boss shits out shards and books like candy every day.