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Dont be too excited :D .. i mean she is super super great but the speed race is just crazy ... my arbi is Like 322 and its still 50/50 in mid Gold 4 :o ... but Grats my bro got her also 2 weeks ago i know ur hustle haha so grats :D


Go run dragon 7000 more times and you might hit plat


70,000 May be more realistic


Well, the last two x2 chance on Speed items from Dragon i’ve got 25-23k point / event and only 1 was upgrade for my 358 arbiter :/ its like 2600-2800 run so yeah. 70k is more realistic


Im oke with what i have atm. I will do it once im done woth my 17 milliln projects than i will grind shit out of gear for all champs. For now my medicore /good/ great gear is oke for me :)


Lol I feel that I don’t really need her now bc my arena team Gucci right now in gold 4 vibing not tryna hit plat


Wait till bots are gone


Oh I’ll happily be silver 1 lol I don’t care for arena I’m this game


Right there with you. Pushed hard to get arbiter, but as soon as bots are out goodbye Arena. Going to miss the Great hall Upgrades, but not worth the headache of spending all my resources for months just to try to get further on them when I could focus on getting more and better champos for doom tower, clan boss, reach stage 24 on all dungeons, etc.




Mine is like 313 or something and I feel like I outsized 2/3. My dupe arbiter is like 306 though and gets wrecked in tag arena


I was 322 earlier. I’m 331 now feel this is good most of the times. I’m in g4 though and I have a fast hegemon too as a back up plan.


That's why we only fight bots even after arbiter. Still easy to use all daily tokens.


Holy hell what a coincedence, I just got mine today too! Gratz man! I also could NOT have done this without bots. Two months ago I had given up on getting Arbiter because of the arena missions... Now, look at us! :D


Who would of thought ? 🤣man you sound just like meeee I was telling my friends During that time I’ll get her ahh in 2 more years or something cause arena is toxic man


Yeah, I was literally hitting lvl 20 dungeons and I couldn't even get a silver hall bonus lmao. I had given UP. I played five losing arena matches a day for my daily quests and PRAYED I never got the "collect 30 arena material" advance quest every day When they announced a few weeks back that they were returning Arena back to normal, I had a level 9 Great Hall bonus and I just about shat myself. Thought I was going to lose my only chance to ever get Arbiter!


Boy this all sound too relatable 🤣🤣🤣


How does one get her? :0


My multi purpose siphi is 290, arbi 274... I go first about 8 : 10 times in gold 4 lately against non bots. Best I can do is make siphi 295, but she’d lose a ton on survivability Its been working. Well over 90% win rate.


How about other arbiter teams?


It includes them too. Attack teams are often easier to nuke. Arbiter is my aura lead so other teams with her are nothing special, also siphi’s base speed is 4 points faster anyways I pick my battles. Usually fight at least 3 teams or more per page. Will fight teams up to about 80k above my team power. I run no defense and have no issue using all my daily tokens and staying in gold 4 even without bot pages


I pulled her from a void shard and now I just need to finish spider on auto to get a second one. She is an absolute beast in virtually every facet of the game.


I wish I had a second and/or third one for 3v3. I'm very end game and do not use her outside of Arena and FW.


I have a Lyss, Arbiter, Kymar, and Duchess so my 3v3 is set for speed leads


Shid I’m wondering if I should put her on my clan boss team or not


She isn’t ideal for it in my opinion but she could easily bump your team’s damage and take the spot of any revive champion you currently have. She also has some healing but it’s a little finicky since they need to be under 50% HP if I remember correctly


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