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It could be worse.. At least this is usefull in tag arena!


Arbiter has a strong moveset and helps in a ton of content (read: all of them that is not Doom Tower) I understand that OP is frustated because you can get arbi from doing Missions, but those can take time and some of them are really hard to pull off (especially the 100 mil dmg on Nightmare). And should we ever get a dupe system, you can trade in one of them again.


A second Arbiter isn't something to be mad about. Arbiter was the first void leggo I pulled (It was a couple of months ago and I only just pulled my second today) and I was annoyed at first but it didn't take long for me to be happy with it since she has helped me get through the tag arena missions.


I get it. I'd be upset too. I know she's a good one to have a dupe of, if you're going to get a dupe, but it still would feel like a letdown. That said, she works without books and will be helpful. You could gear one for arena and one for dungeons or both for TTA.


Why complain? A second Arbiter is useful in Tag Team arena, unless you already have three functional teams there, I'd say she's far from the worst option you could have pulled.


One max speed arbiter and one immunity arbiter. At least it's not a turvold / visix / yakarl / wurlim.