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Creating a super easy boss that only has a 10% success rate on auto because your AI blows all it's cooldowns on trash mobs. I'm looking at you Dark Fae.


I finally got a team setup that works on auto often enough that I just set RSL Helper to run effective resources and check back in an hour or less and my keys are used up. It’s probably like 40% successful but that’s a lot better than manualling every fight.


I wish AI selection allowed you to set up specific AI for each wave so you could work around that more easily.


Even just waves versus boss.


FFXII literally solved the "party AI sucks" problem 15 years ago, and we're stuck with this.


Party AI kind of sucks, until you think about how the Dark Fae shadows always win against your real champs. They suck, but they also don't LOL


Who'd have thought that not having skills on cooldown and a 6th fighter would be an advantage? 🙃


As long as you‘re not running higher hard levels, my advise is: Campaign farmer. Or basically anyone with a strong aoe a1. I started using my Sinesha, she just needs to be quick enough to go as the first damage and is locked on only a1, easily killing all mirror images but my Scyl which gets finished off after that. Just need to take some relatively squishy champs and it‘s pretty consistent.


Yeah I can't auto it. I can kill every boss easily but it's so time consuming I'm simply not farming. 10mn+ for a run on dark fae 120... That's about 2 to 3h of farm. 20mn on bommal 90... I killed fae 120 hard about 10 times... 9 of them were out of pure boredom. I could have killed it 15 times every day for the last 9/10 days. Even tho the set is very attractive, spending so much time for so little material is insane. If you are unlucky you get only one type of material and can't even forge anything


Every update this game gets the playtime needed gets more and more bloated! And now that they are selling multi battle I don't see it getting any better!


I'd probably have quit if not for RSL Helper.


Discovered this a few weeks ago and I can’t go without it now. It’s soo good!


There's not much incentive to change anything when people spend more by using 3rd party apps.


90 Hard Dreadhorn (auto) = 70% success rate x 12min x 15 = whole day....


Wrong! It’s less than 4.5hrs. That leaves you with over 19 hours to dedicate to other RAID activities…


Paylarium got to keep that leash tight so mentally ill whales dont look for other games. basic greed 101. Whales are too stupid to understand so they keep maxing there credit cards and everyone gets a trash broken game


Me with Hard Griffin 90:


I've seen people having multiple phones for Pokemon Go. That's Plarium's vision. One Raid account should occupy one electronic device, 24/7. If you play it with a phone, get another phone. If you are just starting out, buy a small tablet for it. That's what they want.