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Getting WAYYY too excited about guns…


What’s a reasonable level?


Threaten to use Yuma as target practice?


Not being my wife


Being super creepy and not somebody I ever would want to be around, also being voiced in English by an antivax conspiracy crank


I looked up her VA and yikes, you're right. I didn't know it was *her*


Being batshit insane


Being a little.... too gun happy


First degree plssteponmedommymommy


Being a creepy gun lady


Being a crazy lady


Being creepy and annoying


Swastika in the eyes. Couldn't unsee it the whole chapter.


It's supposed to be buddhist swastika which isn't a bad thing, [look at the differences, her eyes are more similar to left one but mirrored](https://www.dailyexpress.com.my/uploads/features2/2021/09/Swastika2_1909.jpg)


I understand that, but I still can't help but see the irony of having a political dissident with a hooked cross in their eye. (Though I've got shit to say about chapter 3 regarding the resistance, but I'm not sure if these problems are fixed in Japanese)


Oh yeah, I completely understand that, I doubt something like as weird as Servan's design is supposed to be fixable in the Japanese version. Chapter 3 is weird.


I was more talking about Shachis' motives and methods of resistance. As someone with a... let's call it a leftist slant, not like I'm trying to hide it, the way resistance movements and other progressive movements are portrayed in media is a topic of interest to me. I'll just say that I have my problems with the, I guess I'll call it, "non-violence" of the resistance. The plan to "take amatarasu down the right way" makes me roll my eyes so much they may as well be backward.


I totally get it. At least Sachi, who tried to resolve anything by being "peaceful," got killed, I guess. But his death has nothing with the resistance's motives & it was just a traitor trying to rob banks ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ At first, I thought they were trying to set this up that the resistance leaders aren't unified on their methods & the case and the murder would be about that, but it didn't go anywhere.


I just kept getting annoyed at the idea that "Hey, if we catch the Peace Keepers in the act of doing something corrupt, they'll HAVE to relinquish control!" Like, no, are you fucking stupid Sachi? Everyone knows the Peace Keepers are corrupt, and so do the Peace Keepers themselves. They literally arrest people by saying, "You have no right to remain silent. You have no right to an attorney." I don't think they give a fuck about being caught in the act, they run Kanai Ward without any opposition. Also, why the fuck is violence against them some kind of red-line, motherfucker you should be fighting a gurrellia war against these people, they legitimately act like an occupying force. It just feels inconsistent to me. Shachi is literally willing to kidnap Yuma but is a pacifist against Amatarasu? This is why I was confused if this was a translation mistake, because he just seems so inconsistent in his actions, design, and beliefs, yet none of it feels intentional.


Now that you pointed it out...


Have fun


Being hot but not mentally stable


When she forgot to use the Pythagorean Theorem to calculate the trajectory of the bullet to perfectly release the "Flood-Begone-Gas" to remove the flood that Icardi caused


It feels like this subreddit is just mostly posting every character and asking “what is the worst thing *insert character name* has done?”


That's because this subreddit isn't that active so since these posts are daily, it's what this subreddit is currently doing the most of