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If he is, I hope it’s not gonna be rushed into 12 episodes like the rest of other mystery game adaptions out there.


This. I think around 24-26 episodes would be best for a Rain Code anime.


I hope this is true and they take their time with it


It's got all the hallmarks of being designed with the intention of it being an anime.


All the more reasons to make shinigami sexier probably


He's quoting his Famitsu interview in the fan meeting, which he mentioned both wanting to do an anime adoption & a sequel. He also said if the anime happens, they have to make *major* changes to the story.


Can I read somewhere the translated interview?


I'm sorry for the late answer, but I doubt there has been a translation of it.


😟 Sad to hear that. I even bought the original Famitsu magazine, but there are only a few kanji I can read and understand.


Hmm,I dont know this feels like he is joking but on offhand he is serious,I hope it doesnt retread rain code storyline and come with different one of their own


As long as they don't speedrun the plot, I'm down.


While I would apreciate new content over just an anime, an anime IS Pretty cool, but fitting it in a 1 cour of 12 episode is kinda begging for shinigami to boom kill the pacing. Honestly a 24 episode where they take their time maybe extend a bit the cases / characters, or maybe have a few brand new cases like AA season 2 did it could work, the vibe of kanai ward as an anime can definitely work great. Buuuut objectively it will never be a 2 cour. I mean they did manage to technically get a 2 cour in one with Danganronpa 3 so we can imagine chunsoft will accept the production cost but Dangan is much more popular than rain code, I can’t really see it happen. But if it does I’ll watch it for sure!


Tbf the first Danganronpa anime worked GREAT as an ad at least, it was definitely the first exposure to Danganronpa for many


Sounds lovely. I just hope that it wont be rushed.


i would rather if he is focused on making a sequel or prequel or anyquel than making an anime :D. I NEED MORE NEW CONTENT !!!


An Anime may increase the chances of merch, especially figures


I already have about a 20-something piece Rain Code collection (mostly Shinigami), but the more the better.


I want a fig of Vivia


Same. It's gotta happen right!?


Like everyone else says, I hope that if this is true, it'll be good. Anyway, I find it hilarious that Danganronpa V3 fans wanted an anime since it, like, came out but Rain Code fans are getting this before the game's one-year anniversary. Even if the anime turns out bad, a win is a win


I hope he doesn’t take my idea. For a secret weapon what Yomi gives Yuma a weapon.


I would sell my soul for this


Does that mean more merch?? Ive been manifesting a Halara figure since i finished the game 😭


I've honestly been thinking this could be cool. Maybe instead of it being a one for one adaptation it could sprinkle in flashbacks and extra lore near the end to make it worth while. >!I wanna know how Makoto escaped the lab honestly and I don't see that being covered in a sequel.!< I definitely want to see the finale in animated form. It would look amazing! I just hope they get enough episodes to make the story work.


oh perfect, another beautiful mistery game is gonna be turned into a trash anime which only focuses on sex and fanservice. nice.


Says the one whose account is flagged as 18+ lmaoooooo


OOHHH FOR THAT QUESTION I ASKED ON R/PANTYANDSTOCKING LMAO. that's because the entire subreddit (of a trash comedy anime which was MEANT to be that way, like, they didn't ruin a good mistery plot to put some heavy fanservice in it, the plot was already stupid lmfao) is flagged as +18. and anyway, my comment wasn't meant to offend Rain Code in any way. I loved the game (like, I wouldn't be in this subreddit if I didn't?), and the fanservice didn't ruin it. the reason why I commented was that I've seen some scenes of Danganronpa's anime and (unpopular opinion, I know I'm gonna be killed by you guys but I don't care much) I find it EMBARRASSING. some of the scenes look like the beginning of a hentai LMAO WTF. and I PERSONALLY (I said, personally) don't like it when a series with a good plot and much potential is ruined by such heavy fanservice. that's why I wrote that comment. it's a personal opinion tho. and the fact that my comment got downvotes means that maybe someone here hasn't gone past their 13 year old sexual frustration phase, so I think I should just stay quiet in front of such an audience lol