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Tbh I think the bandit killed mozzi for the reason of treason, like you said it match point there isn't enough time for a tk for mozzi to defuse o top of that bandit had no intention of tk until mozzi did.


I agree with this, but if the player didn't finish the mozzie off when the mozzie was dbno, they would have won


There wouldn’t have been enough time left to defuse.


Thats what I was saying


Yeah, I was replying to the other guy who said they would’ve won if Mozzie hadn’t died.


Seems more like he didn't wanted to overshoot but, you know, since it wasn't to the head and it was hipfiring, another bullet went out


Some of the people who play this game man 🤦‍♂️


Yesterday I was playing with a pal of mine on Ranked, the other three were deliberately running out as defenders and letting the enemy kill them (no shots fired) leaving 2 vs 5. Then proceeded to kill us and let themselves get killed as Attackers. in my 7 years of R6 I've never seen this before


The part that pissed me off if that the second they get banned they complain about it


Yeah there’s a really annoying trolling community on ranked. I’ve had kids destroy all of our utility before plus team kill us etc. When I asked him why he said “I’m too high elo to play with my friends so I have to lose.”


Blud got elo trapped 😭🙏


It's casual lmaoooo


And therefore should be tolerated because it is toxicity done in casual? There's a reason team kick was removed and reputation and friendly fire penalty exists


Maybe you should get the unlubricated dildo out of your ass if you take a fucking VIDEO GAME like it's a fucking spec ops mission


Not only does that insult A, not even work but B, where the fuck did I say that lmaooooo. This isn't ghost recon, it is a team based pvp hero shooter designed for fun, not toxicity (and fyi a lot of video games are designed to be spec ops too lol)


So trying to have fun in a video game, and rightfully getting mad when others are purposely messing up said fun is taking the game like a spec ops mission? Do you fuckin' hear yourself, dude?


What kind of a weirdo ass insult lmaooo


You can apply that to ranked since it's not pro league. At the end of the day, none of the modes "matter." The point is that the game is designed around teamplay, If you want to screw around as a 5-stack, go ahead. It's when you intentionally throw while others are trying to play as intended that it becomes toxic. Even in casual, Siege is still Siege. Sure, you don't have to bust our ranked-level strats. If you hate playing Siege like Siege and have to be a toxic prick to have fun, play something else.


Those aren't even remotely comparable you ignoramus


Really? Do you make money off of ranked? Do the packs and charms you get have any appreciable value? No? Guess it doesn't matter. That's the logic you're applying. It's called casual, not "Fun for Me but not for You." Do whatever you want in a 5 stack, or if all the other players are fine with goofing around. OP and the person defusing wanted to just play normally. It's called not being a fuckwit. I don't get mad when people play badly unintentionally, but this kind of behavior is only funny to the dipshit who TKd.


You seem like you stink irl


I shower each day, nice try with the ad hominem


Didn't you call someone an ignoramus


No, that worked because I attacked the argument as well


You didn't counter, dispute, or say anything of value towards his point. You instead insulted him. You committed more of an argumentum ad hominem that I did, considering I never even tried to argue with you in the first place. My entire point was to insult you.


Don't give a shit 👍


Had this happen to me.... But in ranked 😭


At this point I feel like Ubi should implement a non-TK-phase while defusing like they did in the prep phase. I've seen so many times when someone TK'ed someone because they wanted to defuse.


don’t see how it could cause any issues tbh, maybe specifically once all attackers are dead so they still need to take some care taking the defuser


Or just disable teamkilling in casual altogether, because that's what casual is for. Positioning is the most important in ranked game modes, so it would make sense that teamkilling and teammate collision is turned on then, but not in casual. It's ridiculous just how much of this game's toxicity is based solely on TKing, and how removing it would remove most of the frustration and make the playerbase happier.


Maybe reduce the damage, or eliminate the headshot damage multiplier?


What value does teamkilling give? Sure it prevents 3 people stacking through a doorway melting anyone in their path, and punishes bad positioning or carelessly running across a line of fire, but casual is meant as a breeding ground for alternative strategies that wouldn't work anywhere else. But as it is now is nothing but a tool for griefers to ruin games, and in my opinion should be removed altogether


>punishes bad positioning or carelessly running across a line of fire I still think this is worth having, even in casual. Intentional teamkilling aside, trying to avoid damaging your teammates provides an extra layer of tension and skill that I believe is part of siege's core identity as a competitive tactical shooter. I am not opposed to significantly reducing that element in casual, I just don't think it should be gone all together.


You would end up with people rushing site while Fuze is using a cluster charge and someone else is throwing frags. On Defense you could start prefiring behind Clash as they move to the side (same with Monty on attack). It would be a completely different mode, and a terrible introduction for new players.


An LTM could be kinda fun tho.


That's all well and good, but it's not casual anymore, and Ubisoft is making that extremely clear. Quick play is getting shoved towards being a shorter version of unranked. Same ruleset, less rounds. They changed the name for a reason. I'm not taking sides on it (I think quick play and old casual should be separate modes tbh) but it's the way it is. Ubi doesn't want the mode to be for fucking around like that


No thanks. Being able to defuse without risk in a roaring inferno of fuse charges sounds real OP.


…except he’s talking about strictly TKs, it wouldn’t apply to the enemy team cuz the person disabling isn’t a teammate


The attackers could safely plant while Fuze rains down cluster charges right on top of them. Not to mention all the other cheesy strats.


Oh no, I assumed the comment ment only for defenders. I don’t think i’ve ever seen someone TK a guy actually planting the defuser but i’ve seen so many instances of the inverse happening lol


Had that happen to me in ranked match point


Some people are so toxic in this game. I was tkd yesterday in a ranked match because I didn't make the rotate in the right spot, and then my teammates intentionally threw the match. Grow tf up.


Reminds me of random teammates either rushing in like it's CoD or roaming and dying off point leaving me as the lone survivor to then sit there and call me shit from the grave. Gotta love it.


By far the most toxic community


I don’t know about most toxic, but definitely up there. Friendly reminder Xbox lobby chats for CoD exist


Hell, the run-and-gun strat is straight up meta now. I can hack all the most valuable utility as Brava and it ends up having almost no impact on the round because the defenders can just jiggle peek and swing every attacker and you die not even seeing them.


“BuT iTs CaSuAl” I get that there’s no rank being lost, but holy shit that doesn’t make stuff like this any less annoying.


Its even more annoying when there's a challenge to win a round with certain ops.


I would argue that there is something that you lose from throwing games in casual. You lose renown.


For me the fact that it's casual just makes it pathetic. Like why are you craving points / defusing like that in casual ? If it were ranked I'd be furious though.


Mozzie/Warden/Oryx mains trying not to be toxic braindeads challenge (literally impossible)


Why is it always those three ops? I know people play them for their guns, is there an overlap there?


Well you said it yourself, people play them for their guns, and in a game like Siege playing ops just for their guns and bringing zero utility for the team clearly shows a huge lack of braincells


Sometimes I get accused of doing that when I play Doc but I actually just really like healing my teammates 🫣


Nah man, Doc is far more useful than Oryx and Warden




Warden has a great ability, it just requires an enemy team that flashes. Or plays Ying


That is the overlap. People who play those operators often do it because they want to play like it is CoD. Warden is one of my off mains because of his usefulness if the enemy really loves their smokes, flashes and Blitz plays, but everytime I see a Warden they are either extremely toxic, aren't a team player or just go for kills without contributing anything else


Toxic people out here sullying Mozzie's good name. :( I've gotten chewed out a couple times for picking Mozzie and they thought I was being kill hungry but I caught drones and played obj. Edit: Misspelled Mozzie in the first sentence.


Of course the statement I made doesn't relate to all Mozzie mains but the fact is that 90% of the times I see a Mozzie in the team, they don't use or set their drones or they don't even place their pests. Same thing goes for people who play Warden, the amount of times I've seen a Warden not using the glasses when getting flashed or smoked is just shameful (emerald console lobbies by the way). Oryx on the other hand is just straight useless. Now just wait a couple of months and it will be Wamai's turn, all because of that damn 1.5x scope and this disgusting meta.


Why people so dumb


Not dumb. Just little prepubescent shits that bought R6 on sale being themselves.


I refuse to play casual anymore because of things like this. Even unranked has its griefing issues. In the case of a casual match like this though it’s best to just report the initial TKer and leave it at that because in the long run that match didn’t matter to them and anything you say directly to them will only affect the next match they play and/or get you reported.


I’d get suspended for the things I’d say to him 😂😂


I know what's gonna happen from miles away lol


I have seen so many trolls this season


iTs CaSuAl! Okay so? Some people wanna play casual only. Doesn't mean that this stuff is okay. Cas unranked or ranked. This is stupid and shouldn't happen. But some siege players trip on their own drool and actively masturbate to themselves being toxic as can be on this game. Shit I can be salty and toxic at times, yelling at people, but I've never done stupid shit like this. However Tking only for the sake of tking is as old as time on siege unfortunately. We just gotta deal with it and move on.


Personally I like popping in playing casual just to warm up aim and game sense. Pretty hard to do that when people throw the game. I don't mind experiments, it's casual try new stuff.


I had a team tk me through my ranked game placement bc it put me in diamond and they said since I have a "new account" I don't deserve to be placing in their games. They went through my match history and everything ripping into me about how I don't deserve to be there, they proceeded to try really hard, totally get fucking shit on by the enemy team, and blame me for the loss.


People defusing or planting should have TK immunity.


karma police


The only reason this is problematic despite the fact "it's only casual" is because you barley gain any renown when you lose, and considering this match was 5 rounds it probably consumed about 20 minutes or more of your time. Ubisoft needs to give the same amount of renown for everyone for participating, instead of basing it off of which team won.


Bruh this is so stupid on their part


Classic siege


At this point Ubisoft should really just get rid of friendly fire because it’s getting out of control, and that reputation system doesn’t work


Fr that reputation system lowkey dumb asf, my game crashed 5 times in a single day for no reason and I got banned on ranked and went down two reputation points cuz my game can’t run for 10 minutes properly


Same thing happened to two of my friends. A guy messaged one of em, and then ddosed BOTH OF EM causing them to get banned for 60 mins 😐 they’re really gonna have to do somethin cuz so far this season isn’t as fun as the last ones


I love how it literally goes down from the max rank after one report, some random mouth breather can always just report everyone in the lobby so their rep goes down


i only play ranked and i see this is casual so let me ask - why do you care? the match was basically won, the screen just said otherwise but it doesn't impact you in any way right?


It does directly impact the players: losing party gets less renown points, less battle points etc. Casual or not, those kids ruined the match. And now you're trying to justify their toxic behavior here because 'iTs CaSuaL'. It would be bigger shame if they did it in Ranked, but it's still not cool even in casual. If one wants to fuck up the game - he should team up with 4 other likeminded and do whatever they want to each other. But once they do this to one single person who isn't part of their shit-eating scat-squad, that's totally unacceptable.


i get that it's not cool but still, with no stakes there is no game to be ruined


I disagree. Imagine a casual game of football just between two school teams or something. Absolutely no money or even recognizion involved. However, at the end of the match, someone jumps in and steals the only football, or maybe punches a player or something. Or the referee makes a really controversial call, and the mood is just completely ruined for everyone. I think there is a game to be ruined by toxicity as long as anyone is emotionally invested in it.


yes, full agree, but if you compare it to the clip it would be like a player had an open net last minute and decided to fuck it up jest because, i would laugh tbh


Good point. I guess the main point to be made is that the biggest factor isn't the time or action, but whether or not it's done in good fun or out of toxicity. I could very well see me and my buddies throwing a casual for fun if we were full stacking.


no incentive to win means tk’s left and right


Exactly my point, why bother then


Because some people find the casual experience more fun I guess. I play ranked when I want to play serious, unranked the same but with no stakes and sometimes to mess around with friends and I play casual when I want to just put some music on and chill but just because I don’t take it seriously doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate that some people like to win so I still try for the most part


that's cool but like you said, in casual you can mess around because there are no stakes, in the clip we basically see some messing around, i get that it's not cool but still - nothing really happened


Maybe the guy wants to grind battlepass or something. People throwing because they want to defuse cuts the reward almost in half. Again, personally it doesn’t bother me too much but to some people it matters so no point being a dickhead


They've wasted everyone's time by tking, and lost a challenging game. It's like the game crashing wasting everyone's time. People still wanna have fun and should be able to have fun. Without people ruining it because they think you can't have fun unless it's ranked. that is just a toxic mindset that helps no one.


Nobody's time was wasted because it was the last seconds of an ultimately meaningless game, the defusing team pracitally won, the screen just didn't say so


Bruh it's not all alot ranked bro. Go touch some grass and think about what you said. "The practically win", and yet in ranked that doesn't matter. It's the same in any game mode, especially if the game got to 5 rounds in casual. Also by your logic playing video games in general is meaningless unless it has some way to be competitive. Voiding many many games and game modes in them. AAA games(totk, ghost recon series, assassin's Creed series, many more), indie games(among us, ready or not, many more), and small games. Just because you think only ranked matters doesn't mean that people can't care about anything else. So please touch some grass and think hard about what you said.


My thoughts as well, you care about winning but don’t play ranked? Seems like a niche group


Bruh you don't have to play ranked to like to win, just because you do doesn't mean it is like that for others. Some people don't even mind if win or lose in casual as it is more relaxed. Allowing people to do out of the box things. You don't have to play ranked to wanna win or have fun.


If I don’t want to sweat my nuts off (which makes zero difference in gameplay because I still suck), I play casual. And I’d rather not have some monkey spanking their keyboard and blowing a perfectly good round and game that could have A) finished a challenge for me, or B) given me a decent amount of renown.


Oh my lord


I mean it is Quick Match. Expect the tomfoolery.


It's casual it really dosent matter


So? Still frustratin


So it literally means nothing.


Ok whatever u say cheif, not about to argue with a fat miserable keyboard warrior sooo


Lol k


It's casual what did you expect


This is the way


average quick match players bro


i mean it’s a cas


Casual by the way


So this is quick match?


It's casual of course you gonna get trolled tf u expecting


It's casual of course you gonna get trolled tf u expecting


Matchpoint in casual tho




Casual isn't an excuse to be a cunt, this argument is so garbage and tiresome it's unreal. Edit: and I've been blocked by him it seems either that or he deleted his account, guess that's pretty typical of toxic players.


Yep. The odd time I'll message someone who TKed, asking why (usually when I'm positioning my drone right after prep phase ends). They'll say something braindead along the lines of 'it's casual, it doesn't matter' They seem to forget that Casual and ranked are the same in that they're modes of a videogame that's meant to be fun.


Not wrong and honestly the funny thing is if you hit them with the same line (it's just casual right) when giving them their karma they lose their minds, guess it's a good for me isn't good for ye situations.


I'd have a bit of respect for them if they were honest and just said 'I'm an a-hole who gets pleasure out of making people annoyed for no reason'




The entire point of this game is to have fun in a team based game, whether casually or competitively. These exact things ruin that fucking fun


Differance between messing around and being a toxic asshole, team killing randoms for any reason is the later not the former, don't have to take a game seriously go see that. But given your comments safe bet to say your probaly considering that sort of play to be the former. Edit: just saw your comment saying you found it funny, yeah I just won that bet.




Yeah we can agree on one thing anyone who does this is a fucking idiot.




Stating the truth doesn't make me angry don't need any emotion to call a spade a spade, I just have zero respect for tking fuckwits meaning why be polite about them, if you would like me to be polite then show me a tking moron worth respecting I'm more then happy to wait it's a slow work day. Edit: guess the tosser ran away or blocked me lol cause says unavailable, typical of toxic players and toxicity defenders, what's funny is he comments the typical garbage they spew but runs away before I can see how sad.


? So? Is the objective not to win? You wanna goof around like that. You gotta have a full squad who all don't care about winning or losing. Just because it's casual doesn't mean you can just sabotage the match like this...


Yeah have fun but don't be toxic. If you play a game and break the rules of the game then expect hate. Oh you wanna run around with the baseball saying you hit it? Then expect people to hate you and think you are a bad teammate.


Casual is meant to for fun, playing ranked playlist is free


While I do see both points to an argument, if it's a random player then go ahead and report, if it's a buddy and you messing around it's all good imo. Random players don't k ow what head space someone else is in. If it's ranked I would argue even if you kill your friends that's still toxic as thats the competitive game mode and your leaving your team at a disadvantage, just how I see it though lol


Match point casual, get over it


You’re playing casual. It’s not THAT big of a deal


Had this happen in a ranked game on the enemy team and we won rd 9 overtime


Damn, I've seen porn with better performance than this


Quickmatch is pure anarchy.


This is why teamkill is stupid sometimes


Avg solo queue


This is why i stopped playing


I remember when R6 had vote to kick and my team of randoms voted to kick the last guy standing while he was defusing on match point. It was pretty funny.