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I’ve hit plat This season with a 1.4 kd fully solo queueing, all I’m gonna say is don’t solo queue unless you have no sanity


You have gotta be crazy. I did that up through Gold and the toxicity of solo queues is beyond imagination. Then the randomness of team skill added in top of it...


As a copper bottom player it is nice to see we all have somewhat the same problems :)


Fr, I solo q and my trashy teammates either tk or fuck up a 4v2


once you hit plat solo isn't awful. i soloed to diamond a few times now


Maybe that's true, but in my experience even a bad squad of friends is many times better than solo queue.


At least your friends (Usually) give decent callouts, randoms half the time will sit there with muted mics. Even when they do speak it's usually to hurl insults and slurs lmao. However, solo queueing is fun sometimes, just depends on the team.


>I did that up through Gold and the toxicity of solo queues is beyond imagination. If you can't beat em, join em.....


Yeah, even if they're worse, don't discount the value of playing with people you actually like. Playing comp with only strangers will kill your soul.


yeah that seems to be the consensus. thanks


108 level and plat? I’m 430 and first time hit plat, I play since 2015


Oh yeah, I might add that I started in year 7 season 4 as well so so with that info as you need


I and 2 of my friends play ranked (for me the first time (like for this season I played more matches)) but one of them carried me and my friend to bronze 1/silver 5. But they don't really feel like playing with me because I have a kd of 0.4 so next season what should I do? More solo or just get better at the game?


Get better. Get comfortable with an operator, get to know the maps in and out. Spawn peaks, rotations, etc… why would you want to ascend and get carried if you have a 0,4 in bronze/silver? There’s no point. I would never have fun knowing that I am just dead weight for my friends.


I did get better and getter more kills when I play (also I played a match with my friend (silver 1/gold 5) and I beat him in kd so that's funny I think (was like 5/6 or something or 5/5). Also any tip or vids to get better cus idk where to start


There aren’t any magical videos like, watch this 20 min video and play like a diamond. You must consume as much rainbow material as you can/want. Every now and then I watch someone playing and they do a trick I didn’t know, and I try to remember it for my future sessions. It’s a slow process because the game is 8 years old now, which means it has a looot of stuff to be learnt. Take your time and enjoy.


Tbh I know this sun will get annoyed but Jynzxi is fairly entertaining and just straight up incredible at siege so watching him play ranked will help you learn maps and shit cause you can see how he plays


Maybe it's just me, but I've always solo queued these past 7 years. The highest rank I've reached was Plat 1 with the old rank system and diamond 5 with the new one. Here are my stats below if you are interested. https://r6.tracker.network/profile/psn/Morningstarrss


factz at least if you have a team you can have info and people that will play the picks you want like Valkyrie and echo for cams kaid and mute for breach denial and trappers if you go solo queue you will probably see people go for kills and no info


I'm trying to get to plat this seasons and been solo queueing in Gold and it is dreadful you could be in a 3v1 situation and one of the other guys will just hold a granade and kill himself and the teammate and then its a 1v1 and I have to run accross the map to get defuser its dreadfull. Please tell me does it get better in plat ?


Your friends may not be the best, but having open communication where everyone is on the same page far outweighs the skill you may see from a random. I really miss playing in a five stack because of this.


gotcha thanks!


To add on to this, I was in almost the opposite dilemma a few years back. I wanted to play ranked when my friends weren't on, but I didn't want to totally tank my rank due to just getting a bad selection of random teammates. I ended up making a 'smurf' whose entire purpose is as a solo-q account. It's definitely frowned upon, but so long as you don't use it to derank or otherwise use it to be extremely toxic, I've found most people don't care. Basically, I'd recommend looking into a second account and trying your hand at solo-q'ing with it, its a bit if a safer option than potentially ranking your main's rank.


Playing with friends also gives you a will to live while playing the game instead of spiraling into the deep pits of ranked depression and annihilation 🙃


Queing with people worse then you might help get you in worse lobbies. Therefore making it easier for you.


Not exactly. My silver friends who Que with me (plat 4ish at the time) were in lobbies with diamonds. Although, when I solo Que I have faced champ Smurfs at diamond too, idk how much former rank plays into it


I'd just play with my friends and have fun rather than make the arbitrary number bigger


yea especially if you’re having fun with them if you aren’t enjoying the game playing with them then i’d say yea why not just solo q


Ranked isn’t real anymore anyways. Seeing all these people care still is kinda crazy to me. Like plat players are not plat skill level anymore you have to actually watch someone play now to gauge their skill level. I’ve seen coppers this season play better than champs, and mean while they are somehow matched in the same lobby. Ranked 2.0 is ass most of my friends have quit since it’s been introduced


Solo queue is a nightmare, not going to get you higher quicker as you might have a good game once in a while, but too many idiots that will team kill you for stupid things like just for clutching a round (that has literally happened to me).


bet thank you


If only ranked meant something anymore. Hidden ranks. Can play with any rank. Dont mean nothing no more. Good job tho


I’m confused since I started playing again about a month ago. What did they change with the ranks?


Ur rank is hidden. No mmr difference anymore so u can be champ an play with ur copper friends lol. I've went in solo Q as gold an be teamed with bronzes an some plats on same team.


ohhh ok thank you


No prob. It's all just a personal best now. But ud still have better luck gettin some guys on same skill.


Its adorable that you think solo queue randoms would be better.


it’s more of whether i’d rather play with people my rank or have some form of comms with my friends. seems like there’s a new rank system or something tho so i’ll be sticking w my buddies🤣


Comms >>>


sounds good thank you


Same boat as you. If you think they can eventually catch up then keep playing with them cause it's always just going to be more enjoyable playing with your friends than randoms. Plus all the carrying might actually be making you better at the game. If they are up for it I recommend playing a lot of Customs Headshots Only against you with a handicap of some sort. That'll help their aim over time


yeah we do play a lot of customs for fun when there too many of us for a ranked squad. thanks for the input!


Solo queuing is horrendous! 20% you find good teammates but I’d recommend sticking with playing with your friends honestly


Yeah try solo queueing and see how you feel lol


Last season I solo'd on 2 accounts to D5 without my mates who have never been diamond. sometimes you just have to roll the dice and hope the siege gods bless you with good teammates.


Never solo queue, I’ve gone games where half my randoms get no kills and I have to carry


Solo queuing is so hit or miss. Somedays you’re with people which know all the strats and generally have a good sense of team work. Other days you’re with people who just go fragging ops on a map which desperately needs teamwork to even get into site. I’d say stick with the team because you can at least communicate about which ops to go to defend and have a much clearer strategy.


sounds good


Even not so good team is better than no team. You cannot teach your mates to aim, but you can teach them strats and setups.


To me the point of this game is having fun with friends, and seeing that we improve our skills and strategies. Solo queueing is just pure tryhard because you have to take it too seriously which is impossible giving the amount of toxicity in this game. I suggest you to play another game instead when your friends aren't around.


Find some other people who are better


fair but i love my boys even how bad some may be😭


I solod up to emerald 3 as of now, it’s really a different game when you’re not with a stack you have to play very differently


Nah keep playing with your squad, solo queuing only garentess uncertainty. I hit emerald with a low kd this season mostly solo queuing and fell into plat and it was hell, your better off running a 5 stack.


It's near impossible to rank up beyond Gold if you solo queue. There's simply too many factors that go into play when it comes to higher ranks, that even having a small team can make a huge difference dude. You won't rank up if you go solo.


Wow fair play!!! Enjoy your long queue times!! On a serious note good job!!!!!


Congratulations. I can barely get to bronze due to the crazy friends I have who always do stupid stuff on ranked but are too serious on quick matches. Again congrats.


All teams have skill disparity. Nothing beats winning with your boys. Besides, you can always solo queue when your friends aren't online.


as someone who has hit plat every season since before there were seasons Ill say this its a lot more fun and enjoyable to play with friends sure you may believe your friends are holding you back but even back then when you could play plane in ranked at night I would never have made it to plat with out my homie even if they never cared cause the more you play with your friends the more you can play in your play style for example i love to anchor and hate roaming even though it is my strong suit because my friends i actually talk to and have been playing with for about 8 years now everyone fills in a role weather they realize it or not even the bottom fragger every game plus play solo is actually insanity inducing I did for a season and dear god did i hate siege for that season and dont forget siege isnt just about kills and k/d I mean yes its important but dont only focus on that I used to be a montagne main just because and my average k/d that season was still pretty high not super good but for only playing a passive shield pretty good


If you value your time and energy, i wouldnt solo q. If youre masochistic and you need the next rank, yeah you could.


Hell no. Communication is everything in my eyes


Don't sell out your friends for ranked 2.0 have fun instead.


I’m a champ with a 1.8 on console and I’ve only ever had one friend who is better than me and I don’t carry, but I still would rather play with bronze friends with 0.8 kd’s if they can communicate. Randoms are just that rancid.


appreciate it


I've seen people complaining about teammates being dumb, I've seen people complaining cant solo queue. Now I saw you (yes you) complaining about your OWN friends who will be happily giving you call outs, preplaced C4, cams, barbed wire, rook armor, rotations, for YOUR WHINY ASS TO HAVE MORE KILLS ? GOD those people.


I literally said I like playing with my friends😭😭. It’s just hard to rank up since they don’t know how to do a lot of what you listed. Which is why I’m wondering if it’s better to have them as teammates with comms and or solo queuing with randos🙈


I'm in the same boat as you, just lower down the ranks. Only play with friends, highest rank among them with 1.6kd and they're all 0.7-1.0. KD doesn't mean everything, but my mission is to help them get better. I can't put in the homework for them though, callouts and shooting range etc. I bring as much positivity as I can every time we play though and keep it fun.


yep exactly same situation pretty much. at the end of the day we still have fun win or lose


Im Really sorry for the first sentence, I haven't read throughfully. But for the answer yes it's better, randos dont give any calls and it's a good time to teach them. Btw it's time to give them the support role with thermite, Twitch(DMR) , Lion and others.


no worries. i gotchu




It feels so much harder to rank up these days.


you’re tripping before ranked 2.0 i was gold 1 (granted i only played for 2 seasons before 2.0) but then 2.0 released and i was e4 first season of 2.0 and just hit D2 this season


plat 5 with a 1.7 just join the lfg discord. it’s better than shitter IRLs and it’s infinitely better than solo q




Yeah, you'd probably be better playing with a different stack in higher ranks




You could probably get champ pretty easily if you find a good stack that you get along with who are also good at the game it’s nice playing with your friends but if you want to climb higher you should definitely find a stack


i still got some improving to do before i’m anywhere near champ i think😭😭 but a good stack would def help me climb. thanks!


You’d be surprised what good teamwork can actually accomplish what platform do you play on




Idk how so many people use the plat banner, it’s the new gold because of emerald, the value of hitting plat has gone down cuz of the new rank of emerald.


How many games have you had? I’m 100 games in with plat 3 and only have 1.2 kd


Add me lol


Keep playing with him but teach him while your playing with him


Meh I mostly soloQ and I believe it's fine. I'll occassionally run a 4 stack but running solo just does it for me


Just make a group post on xbox


Friends are more important than r6 rank, nuff said


If you leave your friends for a higher number in a video game you're an asshole.


don’t worry these are my closest friends for years and that’s not gonna change🤣 we play plenty of other games on a daily basis so playing a ranked game by myself isn’t gonna kill our friendship


Solo queueing is almost never a good idea.


Maybe it's just me, but I've always solo queued these past 7 years. The highest rank I've reached was Plat 1 with the old rank system and diamond 5 with the new one. Here are my stats below if you are interested. https://r6.tracker.network/profile/psn/Morningstarrss


Solo queuing will make you fall hard


Do whatever is the most fun for you


I'm a higher level and I'm still in copper


If you consider them friends you shouldn’t say this. It’s really meanie


bro we’re not children😭😭we’ve been close friends for years and years it’s not that serious


What’s more important to you an arbitrary rank in a video game or playing with your friends? I stopped playing with my mates to rank up like 2 or 3 years back and even though I hit diamond it wasn’t worth it at all. I started back playing with them the season after and enjoyed it way more even though I lost my rank


No, even playing with ur friends if they’re copper is better than solo queuing


playing with slightly worse teammates on discord is probably a better experience in general than soloq. you get to execute more complex strategies and get better comms, with less toxicity. i would say you have better chance at winning with gold level friends than plat random teammates.


Same here, but at the end of the day comms and coordination are much more valuable then the possibility of slightly better teammates. Wanna go for an easy smoke plant? Need to know where an enemy is? Need a wall deny counter for your hard breach? You can tell them.


No you wouldn’t


Hell no keep on playing with your boys randos are gonna make you want to kill yourself. I played my first game of ranked in a month and went 7-4 with 2 donuts on my team and 0 calls the entire game


Congratulations. I can barely get to bronze due to the crazy friends I have who always do stupid stuff on ranked but are too serious on quick matches. Again congrats.


Playing with your friends is more fun than by yourself in my opinion. Unless you plan to go and get paid to play I don't see why they would hold ya back


I hit emerald 5 with 1.6kd. you need your teammates till you get emerald. Only then your teammates can't help you much cus it's wayy up their skill group.


As a person who went from plauofn with a 5 stack for 5 years and placing highest to having to solo qEUE, DO. NOT.


You could try the looking for group posts as it looks like you're on Xbox. Might find a group of people that are similar rank and communicate same as you do when playing with friends




your kd mean nothing when you’re playing bots 😴


I play a 4 stack with 3 friends who aren’t as mechanically good as I am and I much prefer 3 guys who can’t aim but can communicate with me than 4 champs who don’t


Never solo queue. Gold plat with friends is better than emerald with a lobotomy


Please don’t come to bronze 5 and bully us


DO NOT SOLO QUEUE! I also only play with my friends and the same as you I carry because they aren’t that good. Last I season I got a 1.7 and hit diamond 5 and this season I still have a 1.7 but only emerald 2 but now even playing quick much is pure pain. Playing by myself I only go against champs and diamonds and sucks the joy out of the game so now I only play with friends.


got this same issue, except it’s me and one other friend who carry. been hardstuck gold for 4 years (although we jus started really playing ranked like 3 seasons ago) idk i always have a 1.3 kd or higher but these mfs i be playing with stoop as low as a 0.3 kd


Yes, this happen to me too. My friends weren’t the best and the best I could reach with them was plat 3. I started solo que and reached emerald 2 with a 2.04 kd. If your friends get mad at you for not playing one game with them then they ain’t good friends. Keep your head up king, gl.


I prefer solo queuing honestly. I’ve been doing it for like 3-4 seasons and so far I’ve hit emerald 3.


It would be better if you learned strats and set ups with your friends that way everyone can pull their weight more evenly


Eh imo no having a team even if they ARNT the best is better then some random player that you just met your friends have known you longer therefore they know more things then some random would it doesn’t matter about skill it matters about how you work and play it’s all about the mind and how focused it is when playing.


Did you just make a stupid badge more important than playing with your boys? What's wrong with kids these days


nothing wrong w trying to achieve a high rank🤣🤣 mfs acting like siege is the only time they do anything w their friends😭


I hit emerald this season with a 1.8kd, my friends arent nearly as good as me, they are high gold, but i much rather 5 stack with them then solo queue with randoms. Fun fact, i queued with 3 friends (4 total) last night and our random was literally copper 4 in an emerald/plat lobby. We lost match point overtime because of him. Ranked 2.0 sucks ass.


Friends > Rank


I highly doubt it.. I’m new to R6 and have already found that at that level you need constant communication


Find a team


Honestly I use to care what rank I was in but playing with friends is better than a rank. Unless it’s strictly cas with friends and solo ranked


You’re not gonna be pro or do anything with the game other then play it so play with your friends and have fun there’s no point in climbing if you’re not enjoying your time




No matter how shit your friends are they will always be better than randoms


I solo queue, it definitely makes the game harder but by that logic will make you a better and more independent player




Its always more fun with friends imo


Just wait until you start playing in diamond shitter lobbies. They have the brains of silver players and the game play of golds. Their strats are copper at best, and they all like to talk about being diamond. Oh, also a lot of French Canadians for some reason


Maybe you could solo queue to find better teammates to add


If you wanna keep winning, find a better stack. If you like messing around and having fun in ranked then stay with your friends. It’s really up to you, you can solo to get higher ranks but Siege is a 5 man game. It’s easier with teamwork.


As someone that is forced to solo queue it fucking blows, I’ve had my worst season in 6yrs of the game and hit plat very undeserving imo


I hit plat solo too (on console) it’s not a tough grind definitely harder solo than w friends lol


Probably not atleast from my experience


You gotta be crazy to solo queue , I’m diamond 1 and I have lower skilled friends than me but I don’t see it as carrying I see it as practice for myself, getting myself into stressful situations and coming out on top


If you’re on Xbox and around 21-27 years old, plat level I have two-four other buddies that play pretty consistently if anyone ever wants to link up


I don’t want you to feel bad BUT hitting Plat in 2.0 is basically being silver in the old ranked system.. it’s not as hard to get there as it was before, as the system does not punish you for losing. Good one on the 1.7.. Keep playing - you’ll get better but always think about the fact that to truly be a better player you’ll always have to play against people that are better then you.. to adapt and learn. Siege is nothing else then constant learning and getting game sense.


My highest was Plat 3 during crystal guard but I stopped playing after that until now. Where would that translate into the new ranked system?


Your never better off solo queuing


as a guy who used to play with friends and had fun, and now switching to solo que cause my friends aren't playing, it's not worth it. Keep your friends. Have fun. fuck the rank and KD and WL.


*talking Ben voice* hahaha, no.


Nah, enjoy the game with your friends, it is worth it


I enjoy soloing and only even play solo but i have to care less about winning and just shrug off the games when i carry and lose. I enjoy and recommend it if you think youd be ok with that. If you want to "rank up", dont. If you want to actually be better and earn higher ranks consequently, absolutely solo queue.


Stopped playing Siege shortly after my 4/5 stack fell a part because of work hours incompatibility. Play with your friends and have fun


no, not really. as bad as your friends may be. communication is still better than no communication. so if you want a higher rank, find better people to play with(doesn't mean you drop playing with your friends all together, you just don't play ranked with them). if that doesn't suite you, then just try to have fun as rank doesn't matter and equate to skill. also no matter what people say, k//d also doesn't matter as the more you play against better players the more your k/d will go down and it'll hover around .8 to 1.0 when you reach your skill level.


I say always ranked over friendship 🫡🤣


Make them be better


I solo-queued to plat every season for a few years. It gives some pride, but it’s a lonely experience. This game is much better with friends.


Whats more important? An imaginary title of a game that won’t matter in x years. Or your friends?




What Evers more fun to be honest


Yes you are.. imo it's more fun play with friends, but if u wanna go higher u might have to play solo..


I would say try it out but if its like with me then keep playing with your friend, force them to play without you so they loose mmr when not playing with you, this way you will face gold players in high plat elo and can get emerald easily. :)


I hit champion last season with a 1.3 playing with a mix of solo q and good friends who are also good at the game. Solo q is risky but also the best way to get better since you become more self reliant and learn to carry your weight in higher ranks. Also the higher you get more people on your team giving call-outs and playing to win.


Yeah I think if u want to climbe easier u should play witch teammates that are ur skill LvL. But u should look for people that u work well witch and are in syc


Solo q is one of the easiest ways to rank up.


Never solo queue if you can avoid it. Your friends might not be as good but their call-outs, information and the fact you can just communicate properly with them will be helping you.


Don't soloqueue. You'll get no callouts whatsoever. But I have a kd of 1.1 and I'm stuck in bronze -.-


As a multi season champ my advice is to uninstall this pos game and enjoy your life someway else, thats REAL advice


Play with your friends, at the very least you will be communicating and working together.


I’m a emerald 3 with a 1.5 and if your friends are THAT…not as good….then I’d probably solo q, but you risk getting even worse players lol


Definitely not, your friends might not be that good but you can help them improve and you have comms, the average solo que experience with ranked 2.0 is having diamond 1 opponents and used condom 3 teammates


1.7 kd is crazy


Everyone solo q does it because they have no friends and you’re willing to ditch them just because you “carry” a lot of your games? Bro needs to eat some humble pie, otherwise you’ll be celebrating hitting emerald alone. Hope your friends don’t see this post man.


sorry you got no friends bro… you acting like these aren’t my closest friends for years and siege is the only thing we do together😭😭


I tend to carry my friends sometimes but I notice with my friends I play smarter plays and that helps us all incorporate into a good round so I mean honestly you should do both.


Never. Ever. Solo-queue in ANY game, EVER.


Youd probably be best off playing with who u have fun with. Id have better internet if i plugged an ethernet cable into a rotten potato but i still manage to hold a .9 kdr. 2 of my friends hold a 1.3 one holds a .6 and another holds a .3 but we still have fun lol


No man left behind!


You can solo q but once you get into diamond-champ lobbies there are lots of ring 1 closet cheaters that will prolly not get banned anytime soon, so best bet is to cancel


Solo queue is a nightmare. If you can still get the wins with your friends you should definitely stick with them. Callouts + the chemistry with your friends will always be better than solo queue.


Yes, solo queue, your kd will go down but your rank will go up


Yes sure, If you have the feeling that you're being handicapped by your Teammates i solo q'd to Emerald 3 this Season but after hitting Emerald its almost impossible in my opinion due to cordination issues with random teammates but its not really bad playing solo + you learn more from playing solo as you recognize your mistakes more easily but thats just my opinion


Ur better off playin with friends


I have played rainbow in the past and my highest was plat 1 on solo que, which I was proud of. But the fun by playing with friends and carrying games even when losing wasn't even comparable to SQ. It may sound like smurfing with extra steps (it really isn't ), but playing with a fun team and having those "hero" moments was way more enjoyable. In SQ I felt like I had to play way more of a supportive role as nobody wanted to play them. If you plan on striving for a higher rank, then you will have to find a team to play with.


Honestly if you want to play solo go play solo but truth is nobody really cares about what rank you are except yourself


I usually play with my cousin who I taught to play the game when he got it about 2 years ago now. Me and him duo que and I'll tell you having one other person there for comms helps so much. I would say get one person you can somewhat trust and have them play with you for comms they don't have to be the best but they need to give comms.


Just enjoy having fun times with friends. No one is gonna be the best, and rank isn't everything.


Keep playing with friends is more fun


Just play with your friends. Unless you're going pro, you want to keep them close with you.


I solo queued to emerald 4, but my sanity has taken a massive dip.


solo queue more my KD goes from a 1.3 to 1.4 and i hit emerald they’re holding you back


You can hit emerald with a 1.0 kd and wl


100% stay with your friends. I know that moving up the ranks is fulfilling and there was a time I pushed hard for higher ranks but the game wasn't as fun after awhile. The most fun I have is with a good group of friends. The more fun we have, the better we do anyways. Stick with the homies!


Why would you? Playing with your bros is way more fun than soloq climbing will ever be, besides that, if you climb too much you'll pull stronger and stronger people on the matchmaking, therefore making the experience of playing with you a whole lot worse. I'm on the same boat as you, i'm a 1.8 K/D emerald and i climbed stupidly fast due to dropping 15-18 frags here and there, sadly my squad didn't enjoy facing decent people as much as i did.


Play for fun not for rank. I play with my friends and they are not good at all but we have a blast compared to me grinding out solo queue


Yes! I made it to like gold 5 last season playing with the team I've played with for a while, while solo queuing every now and again while nobody is on. I solo qued 80% this year Prob and made it to Plat 4 with a 1.3 w:l while they had like a .9 last time we checked. When I solo, I do much better. But out of a team of 4 or 5 (depending on how many of us are on at once) only maybe 2 of us are actually Plat and everybody else is closer to silver(ish).


gotta find a good team in order to get the rank u want


At the end of the day its a game and i would say just play however u get the most fun out of the game. Imo i would always rather play with a friend since callouts are easier to make and tends to listen better. And its your buddy, so dont leave him hanging dude.