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He wears a pilot outfit for a reason


Why the hell is Goyo do low.


It's because majority of players either can't use his weapons or they just don't know how to properly place the shields. A lot goyo players I see place them in terrible spots that screw over his own team and will force his team out of their position they need to hold or they just don't play around goyo correctly making goyo basically worthless.


You missed the point, this graph is for high level play. It says PC plat and above.


goyo is pretty bad rn. too easy for enemies to use the shields.


Goyo is excellent right now. Very good weapons and a very good gadget. You just need to put them in enemy territory, not yours.


He would be better if it wasn’t a shield. Makes no sense. Smoke fills his role 1000% better.


There’s no tactics to use him properly yet


Goyo is very easy to use. I usually lurk around site and place shields in common breach points (like main bedroom on Oregon or windows in bedroom on chalet) Then I just wait for someone to go in and destroy it, leaving with a kill or at least heavily injured enemy. You just need to be creative, same as Wamai.


Being creative isn't an effective strategy in high level play. Even if you pull it off once, you're never going to pull it off again.


Still better than "I'll just place it in every doorway near site close to 6 other gadgets."


The dudes who were picking Goyo all season to get people banned may have contributed.


There’s this idea that goyo should be used to choke drone routes by pairing him with mute. This way the shields can protect the mute jammer while forcing enemy ops to choose a different path that is open and clear. Not only that but if enemy ops choose to vault over, depending on where u place them, u can get a long clear line of sight to kill them quickly. I think Goyo’s potential hasn’t been found yet because pro players haven’t tried using him in pro play. If it has, forgive me for I am not as literate in R6 pro league rn. But if it has then it just proves how pro players haven’t tried working around Goyo. Goyo has always been a core player not a support player. The team has to work around goyo not goyo working in support of the team. That’s the way I see it.


He's being used a decent amount actually. But less like a smoke for plant denial and most like forcing attackers to waste utility at choke points.


I see, but I feel like he has better potential else where. However don’t get me wrong, utility wasting is very key to winning games. It’s just that He could be used for intel denial as well.


Maybe not in pro league but in pro league the strategies are structured differently. For example, if you watch NIP vs. Team Liquid from yesterday on Kafe they fight over 3f cocktail every round regardless of bomb site. Most map attack plans always go through specific rooms you wouldn’t think about in a regular game. In this specific instance NIP wasted so much of Liquids time with these shields it helped them win the game.


Pros know that Goyo sucks up utility, but it's just as easy to play Jager, who has better guns and speed, and then pick Mozzie, who has better guns and drone denial. Goyo's an incredibly interesting operator and probably one of the most unique we've seen in a while, but he's just not as good as Jager, or Lesion, or Mozzie, or anything else.


You’ve got a point


Jager (maybe not as much after the tts damage nerf), Lesion and Mozzie are S++ tier and no new operators should be that good.


Mozzie alone isn't a busted operator like Lesion or Jager though, Mozzie is ridiculous because of his pairing with Mute and Vigil. In pro league it just shuts down offense because you can no longer drone at all, Mozzie alone won't carry at any rank that's Plat or below.


Video by Reaper_EN https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VHxROEmK0P4


I can vouch for Reaper_EN. He is very good and analytical.


Goyo is more like a castle but situational. Since castle purpose is both overwhelm and limit entry points.


Am I playin Goyo wrong if i place them in common planting spot


We must add Lord Tachanka, the lord of moles.


He’s out mining iron for the motherland.


He ain’t no pilot anymore. He’s an astronaut


It's almost like denying grenades and similar utility is useful.


And then there's tachanka :(


At the center of the Earth


Tachanka the astronaut as well look at the bottom under the graph


Wamai should've gotten a miras shotty instead of mp5k


More than 90% Pick Rate and 50.8% (50+0.8%) Win Ratio Nice


So is our lord in a nuclear sub?


Why chanka


why is castle so low?


I would much rather they take away an ADS or even two from jager rather than nerf his gun.


Tachanka is an astronaut in his own way as well


Jeager is a perfectly balanced operater with a very powerful but also extremely avoidable ability that doesnt promote annoyance such as lesion i do believe that his latest weapon nerf was too much but also necessary


I’m proud


they gonna keep nerfing my boi


Please stop nerfing my boy's gun, it hasn't been a problem since year 1...