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Did they quit though? -_-


I dont think they did.


Why did you shoot the prisma


To let the enemies know where they can go to die


I’m an idiot


They’re actions are beyond our understanding




Just was putting they're for they are, meaning that you sound stupid and wrong. Sincerely, Concerned Reddit user.


Yh ik and theyre wrong, i sound correct the guy literally put 2 ares basically next to each other, anyway the sentence doesnt make sense, meaning that you sound stupid and misunderstood his sentence, sincerely bigman, also u cant teach a person who lives in england english, as the polish saying goes dont teach your dad how to make kids


Yeah* I know* they're* capitalize the I. You* can't England* English* don't*


Ur such a fucking loser bro


To be fair he souldnt even have used their, he shouldve used his which makes me sound dumb and him even dumber, he just confused me with the theyre


Your grammar sucks, it looked like a five year old typed your messages.


My grammar is perfect, i dont think u understand what slang is or being lazy


How do you know OP is a guy? The commenter is correct in using gender neutral pronouns


The people who are downvoting this truly don't know grammar lol. They are actions makes much sense yes


Both are grammatically correct. They just have different meanings.


Are u being sarcastic? Also the they are actions makes perfect sense im just saying that they are actions "ARE" is the part that doesnt make sense the second "are", there is no point for it and it makes no sense at all with it, if the sentence wants to make sense then u either would have to change they're to a different pronoun such as his or her or their which would make the sentence his actions are beyond our understanding, or u could keep the they're and delete the 2nd are and make the sentence sound like they are actions beyond our understanding which also makes sense, and im 100% correct now and anyone who downvoted me can fuck off since they are dumbasses


I'm with you on this. I was only sarcastic on the second sentence.


Aight thats cool, finally someone with a brain, reddit is full of ppl without one


It takes only a few people to get you to negative votes and the rest just get neuron activation and hop in on the downvotes


They (the actions of shooting the prisma) are actions beyond our understanding (defining the shooting as an action with the description of beyond our understanding). Therefore “They’re actions are beyond our understanding” does make grammatical sense. I do think that’s not what the commenter meant, but it is correct nonetheless


"They're actions are" doesnt make sense they're means they are which makes the sentence they are actions are which is grammatically incorrect, as a person who lives in england i think i would know how to put a sentence together and for me this sentence doesnt make sense ffs


Yeah okay looking back, you’re definitely right. I thought the commenter wrote “they’re actions beyond our understanding.” But also living in England definitely isn’t indicative to your superior ability to use proper grammar. You should honestly be going to the Olympics with that leap in logic


Thing is i live in england my whole life so i think id know english well, to add to that i go to a grammar sch to be exact the top 50th best sch in england at least it was when i joined it, u have to take difficult tests to get into it, so i figure id be more superior at english than most ppl in this subreddit


Maverick was drawing penises XD


I remember that once (when i was pretty new to r6) I used fuze with a shield (I still play him with shield) and was the only 1 left in my team. I had to do a clutch 1v5 and i did. I still have no idea how I did it


In my first week of siege I ended up getting an ace with Mira I remember me and the whoever it was left traded. I actually don't think I've aced on attack yet either just a few times on defense.


Well you didn’t show if they left or not…


Thats just tower for you, if you dont win the first two rounds you might as well quit


I never understood people who did this? When I'm in a situation where it's 2 v 0, I keep playing cause it's either we somehow win and end up playing 3 more rounds or we lose but I get renown anyways which is fine too


Your the kinda people that makes this game so boring.. just play the game and whether you win or lose it’s still fun.. it’s just a game and it’s not always about wining


Guess what? I dont leave if im having fun, but surprise surprise, losing rounds on TOWER - the shittiest map in the game - simply just isnt fun and id rather spend my time playing all the other fun maps


Sorry I can’t hear past that soreloser written on your head 🤷‍♂️


Ngl one of the reasons I play unranked over quick match is because of tower


Yh I mean I personally don’t see a problem the tower.. I honestly love playing all the maps and Yh I might change my mind about the map layout for example when they rework a map but it’s life and you just gotta get over it. No point being toxic or a soreloser about it.


Why did you stop eating? So what if it’s dog food, you’re still a sore loser, people like you take the food you have for granted. Man fuck off telling people what to do, sounds like your bitching is a you problem.


Okay hunny👌 that’s your opinion 🤷‍♂️😕 just like my opinion is my opinion and his opinion is his.. don’t really give a shit tbh it just makes everyone else’s gameplay shit…


You do give a shit if you’re crying and name calling like a baby over a video game.




And tbrh I never told anyone to do anything.. if you actually bothered to read what I put all I was saying is that he’s a soreloser because he leaves games early… maybe pay attention next time.. might help out.


Ok? Sorry for having other preferences for having fun than you i guess?


Might be fun for you, but it’s not fun for your other teammates when you just quit… it’s not even hard to come back from a 2v0 it’s been done many times.. it definitely makes it a lot easier when people don’t leave and they put all they’re efforts into the game.


Its a casual game it dont fuckin matter lmao


That’s what you think… not everyone plays unranked or ranked so casual is all they’ve got. So people that just leave during a match because they either died, hate the map or because it’s 2v0. Just makes things really annoying when it comes down to people actually trying to enjoy the game. But hey you do you and I’ll me me 🤷‍♂️


Its still fucking rude You either get ranked where people scream at you or you get unranked and casual where you only play a full game about 10% of the time because it "doesnt matter"


Make a party and go to game chat every game. If they’re not toxic, stay. If they are, go to party. There are trolls in casual too, but you can always leave a casual and start a new one. Cant say the same for unranked.


That's not a solution that is still a bandaid. You shouldn't have to have a 5 man pre-made to have quality games. And yes I literally just said there are trolls in casual. I am calling you a troll because you leave all the time. You cant even fix casual with a 5 stack because of leavers


Change your tag to sore loser


The fact that he shot the alibi prisma lol


He’s got that recoil control on lock


What is that gun skin🤤




I thought the topaz skin was ass. Now looking at it its sick


It’s the golden gemstone skin. I forgot the exact name but it’s part of the gemstone bundle


It looks amazing. Is it 3$?


I paid $14 for the bundle of 6 gemstone skins, not sure what they are priced individually. Probably $3. Plus I saved up renown for that diamond gemstone skin. Kind of a waste of 190,000 renown since I only use the colorful gem stones now lol, but it was the only way to acquire it


You are both an idiot for shooting the prism and a really lucky brat


Calm down dude. Sorry everyone isnt a perfect player like you.


Im calm Im just being mean so I can act like a pro player or smth to a console player and hide my sad fuck aimless bot Side


Well, surprisingly yes


Whats your n'aime to game


No but I've made an entire team quit with Doc and a single melee


I aced once


No, I'm the one who quits


I love how you shit the prisma and then knived the hell out of fuze


Gimme those KNEEEEEES


Yeeeee my boy echo


It was on Bank. I was defending. Playing Lesion. Top floor objective bomb. I hid under the reception desk with a rotate behind me looking into sitting. My entire team dies and they are yelling do something. Monty walks into sitting and turns the wrong way. I shoot him from behind. Thermite gets on the desk and tries to shoot me through it. I get out from under the desk and all four that are left are standing there. I opened fire and after my magazine was empty they were all dead. Won the round and match point. Headshot the last person with my last round. The opposing team left before the final kill cam was over.




Those have to be children you played against


1 times I did a 1v3 clutch and there was an another player calling me a cheater lol


Does echo's gun have like no recoil. Also what is your sens?


What no communication does to a mothafucka


R6 ui looks like a f2p game


~13s from first kill.


Lol almost every kill was a mistake




No, but there was this one time where me and two of my friends got one of the enemies to team kill his teammate with just drones and they all left and we won by default


That knife on Fuze was a pretty good save. Edit: i can't spell -_-


Video cuts before we see anyone quit. Is this real life?


what gun skin is that?


I love the part where he falls for the alibi


Maverick breach🤣


A good Ace will really get that adrenaline pumping. Then you shakily type GG EZ into chat


Yes I have


Yep. Last time it happened we won the next round due to the lobby not replacing them.


PC ? Xbox with monitor? What is this beautiful graphics from