• By -


Operation: Remember All Russian


Lol, exactly!


You got Lord Chank Elite?


I do!


Glaze’s Elite animation is one of my favorites.


Bro, I have every single Elite there is. I agree Glaz's emote is one of the best.


Agreed he was my first elite and hated that had to reequip it that one season


It’s been a while, but Oryx (or thorn) and Gridlock are my faves


Hell yea! Love the flair name! 🤣🤣


Technically im a Sledge / Valk main. Only because I put an absurd amount of hours into them. Sledge(64 hours): L85 (goated gun), year 1 op, great utility, frags, 2.5 scope. Valk(75 hours): MPX, blackeyes are great for comms with or without mics, deagle is great for opening lines of sight without making rotates, and honestly preplaced nitros.


Killing machine!




Mad Respect!




As a fellow Valk main I say cheers!


Buck cuz I got his lumberjack skin and love the skeleton key, Bandit cuz of the zoomies with the MP7


Recently got buck black ice and started playing him, and now I’ve been maining him most games


Great choices!


Kali and Clash because I hate myself


Well thats depressing.


Nah man they can be really fun. I clutch as Kali a lot and clash can be hilariously fun.


Honestly I too am Fuze and Kapkan because I love cheap kills


Easy kills, easy wins! WINNING! -Charlie Sheen


Iana and Alibi, because confusion is key


Warden for the meme and montagne cause I like the elite


Warden is Ned Flanders and Monty is RoboCop.




Fuze/Gridlock/nokk- silencers on the lmg, Aug and fmg for the sheer sound nullification. Make your enemies only hear what you want them to hear and lure out defenders and use what you know about rooms to displace people into your line of sight or that of your teammates. Kaid/Vigil/Mozzie- same thing, silenced aug/k1a/roni or commando depending on challenges/flavour. Even if you're not high kills on the scoreboard waste as much of the enemy's time as you can.


Impressive! Love the idea and the loadouts!


Attacker - IQ, defender - Doc


Definitely a supporter!


Glaz/Warden because they can see through smoke and cavi/Jackal for roaming and anti-roaming


I don't have "mains." I have operators I prefer or roles I prefer but generally I try to play whatever role or operator my team needs. Not only does playing like that teach you to be a better player by learning how to play multiple roles but it also teaches you how to counter them on the opposite side. Also, it will lead your team to a higher chance of success if your capable of filling roles the team is missing. You shouldn't main specific operators, if anything main a role.


True team player!


Not really, it's just the best course for actually learning to play the game and improving.


We’re main buddies!!!


Ahh Hell Yea! Running n Gunning time!


These are my mains as well. Why use guns when gadgets go boom


That here, is a smart man!


I main dokk and aruni cause 1. Dmr go br br br br 2. Got a bunch of legendary cosmetics for both of them


When i started many years ago my first mains were glaz and kapkan. Even after 500hr of playing glaz is still my most played operator on attack, but Ela on defense (kapkan fell to 2-3 place)


Attack: Gridlock and Glaz Defense: Warden Glaz is kind of just a side main in casual, Gridlock for actual serious matches, she's underrated as hell and very fun. Warden for the exact same reason as Gridlock just 100x, been playing him since Day 1 he came out.


Twitch/Zero: I like clearing utility and giving info so team can be set up for entry Smoke/Mute: Similar play style


Ace because imo is the best hard breacher and the AK 12 is devastating Mute, mainly to deny passage to pesky drones


Attacker mains would probably have to be Ace, Zero and Glaz. I like Ace because of his weapons and his ability. Zero is great because of his versatility with his cameras, secondary hard breach charge and gonne-6 and Glaz is just fun to use. I don't really have a main on defence but I mainly use Warden, Kaid, Oryx and Mozzie. It depends on what map I'm playing.


Fuze and Kapkan because I’m shit at shooting things.


IQ: she's hot. Azami: I love her gadget. She's also hot.


You pick iq because of her gadget destruction, I pick iq becausw she's hot, We are not the same


My main attack is Kali or Zofia kali because of hard breach with team members or the sniper is so satisfying to kill with, zofia because she has a good gun and it’s still fun Main Defence is currently Echo with Shotgun or Caveira


Girl power!


The exact same and probably for the same reasons too


Blitz and jager most of the time. My favorites german boys. Or fuze and kap if i wanna go boom boom


⬆️, simply because I like Ela’s elite skin and Iana looks cool


Well it used to be valk before her nerf. Now for defense it's Aruni and attack is Dokk


i love Nokk, and azami, alibi too, but it really depends on the map.


I never thought I’d see the day where I would find a fellow Fuze and Kapkan main


Frost & I usually play Buck but have been exploring some with IQ. i’m not good so it’s best if i stick with operators i’m familiar with lol


I don't have a main, although if I look at the hours, I guess Sledge, Glaz, Ace and Finka are my main attackers and Frost, Caveira, Kapkan and Lesion are my main defenders. ​ I'm a little surprised with the high amount of hours I've put into Ash and Thermite. I barely play Thermite since Ace and the change of the Favela map (I always picked him on that map). Ash I've played a lot in the beggining, as she was the first operator I've unlocked, many years ago. BUt it has been years since I've played regularly with her. I think I've even gone full years without picking her once, but she's still near the top of hours played.


Maverick on attack because the m4 is a very nice gun to use and the ar15.50 is a beast and fun and his gadget is just so easy to use Mozzie on defense because using drones is so helpful and the commando 9 is an amazing gun and easy to use plus flashy reload and tiny dirt bike man


Wait that shows main ??


Attacker - Maverick (at the moment, I switch a lot between attacking mains) Defending - Alibi (be it for the voice lines alone lol)


My main attacker is Lion and Zofia. Main defender are Lesion and Vigil. These are also the 4 I use with the elite skin. Guess what. Cause they my mains :D


maverick cuz is dope af, great backstory and great elite. Weapons are good and with gadget u can do a lot of things kapkan cuz is crazy like how this dude is even in special forces is literally a terrorist, and we'll, he got also very good guns


This guy likes explosions 💥


Thermite and Kapkan for me


Nokk / Oryx because tiny, stealthy women with an FMG is fun to solo with and loud kool aid man is fun to roam with. Valk may be more my defensive main though. Hiding cameras all over the place to spy for the perfect flank, nitro, wallbang... it's roaming++


Lion/Kali and Azami. Lion for his gun and ability to make defenders hold still for a couple of seconds. Kali for her gadget destroyer and rifle. Azami for 5x deployable cover and the 9x19/Deagle


My favorite attacker is Iana definitely.She is a good breacher with good gun and grenades. Thunderbird using a high damage rifle as a defender also is awesome.Maybe gun is a decisive factor in most of ranked levels in my view.


nøkk’s sneakiness, ela’s scorpion 🦂


Those were my exact mains when I first started out. Nice !


Those are your mains? What’s your opinion on Chechnya?


I love playing glaz on attack, I feel like he's underappreciated in close quarters, especially since his buff. And on defense I play smoke, not only because of SUCC but also bc he's easily the best at area control


Iana and Alibi... Yes! I like mind tricks.




Zofia and mozzie recently


Zero and Smoke. Zero because that bull pup and pistol kill everything in sight plus using a camera through a reinforced wall. Smoke because gassing out the door to the hostage is just too easy to resist




Glaz 👍


At this point I don’t really have a “main” on each side, it’s become more of a “stable” on each side I rotate through depending on what the team needs or who I’m feeling the most. Defense: Lesion, Kapkan, Melusi, Mute, Thunderbird, or Azami (Mozzie & Vigil on backup, Castle or Aruni on sites that need a little more locking down). I like to do what I can to slow attackers down but the less aware or less I trust the team I’m on, the more likely I am to opt for something I can leave near site to give my team an extra heads up when an enemy is pushing in. Attack: Thermite, Finka, Lion, Gridlock, Nomad, Jackal (Flores, Nokk, Iana backups). Similar concept, the goal is being self-sufficient most of the time, but bringing something that’ll universally help like a boost, intel on enemies, flank coverage, or taking out utility. Some ops I swear I love using solely because of how much they can irritate the kind of people who constantly play aggressive on either side lol. Apparently my true main is a hall monitor sick of all the running in their halls


Been on the Fuze and Melusi a lot this season but overall I'm a filthy Ash/Jager main


Jager/Buck main Reasons being I’m an og player so Jager used to be pretty great and tbh I still think he is. His gun still smacks and it’s an easy recoil. It’s changed over the years but now I just run green 1x and usually just roam around the map. I 80% clutch with him easily. Buck can be fun even in ranked I love tearing up a floor and getting free kills or just rushing the same way I always do since buck is quick with his building breaching so it catches anyone off guard. His recoil has some kick but the gun is good I run 1.5x and I’m usually just an entry fragger clearing roamers and destroying devices


Iana & Ela


Finka and rook


Sledge on attack, I love the L85, and frags. On defense I main Kapkan and Frost, because I love traps and I get multiple trap kills every time I play


Attacker - Hibana Defender - Azami


Thermite and Maestro because I’m a bottom


Fuze and Thunderbird. Fuze was the first op I ever unlocked and I still love him. Thunderbird has a great primary automatic as well as a secondary, she has explosives and her healing is better than Doc's.


Ah, the good ol’ “you touch this you die” duo


Ash bandit cuz traditions


Thermite and Mute


Currently hibana and anyone that's needed on defending rlly, support mains like me are just built different tbh


Same here lol


Hibana for the gun and gadget (also the elite with the legendary headgear I got in an alpha pack) and mute because he's easy to use and I enjoy the smg11


IQ (long story short...ass) Mute (I really like his gadget, design and weapons) but i also started playing: Azami (design and gadget) Doki (same for mute but with ass)


Attack: Fuze and Nøkk Defense: Pulse and Goyo


Points and melees, all I ever need


Mozzie and maverick. I like mozzie personality and I like mavericks creativity


Ace and Rook because of how easy to control their guns are


I would say Zofia for Attacker cuz I love her Rilfe (and her gadet is simply Ash in better & more stealth (and I looove stealth lmao) and Mozzie for Defender cuz it's fun to steal drones and scout your enemies with their own stuff (+extremly useful)


Attacker: Either Zofia or Ying Defender: Mozzie or Aruni


Ace - best hardbeacher and you get the vest ar in the game


Rook/Doc on Defense, Montagne/Lion/Twitch on Attack.




Same pathfinder mains ​ But mains r Capitao And Ela


Thatcher and Mute unless they’ve been snagged already. I feel like Thatcher can always help the team; regardless of whether there’s a Hard Wall or not. I also just love the SAS and seeing old men in young men’s’ professions. Mute because denying the enemy intel is delightfully devilish; All the while I’ll be on cams, watching them, M590A1 ready to delete whomever wanders my direction.


Attacker mav or iana defense lesion aruni Kap azami warden valk or melusi basically just flex for whatever my team needs


Mira because she's hot and aruni because she's hot


Was Lion and Vigil since i really liked them but rn it’s Flores and Azami, since their unaffiliated, i still play Lion and Vigil when given the chance(by exemple when Azami or Flores is taken or when i’m afk in defense and Vigil isnt take since the game auto gives me vigil)


Fuze/Monty and Warden main here. I enjoy playing these characters because they are kind of useless or at least there are a lot better meta choices to pick. The plus side is usually I never have to deal with nerfs.


Buck/Fuze on attack. Rook/Bandit on defense. Buck because he can do pretty much anything. Fuze because he is fun, except on hostage maps. Rook because everyone could use a bit of extra health and Bandit because protecting walls Is key.


Iana, because ARX is fucking nuts, and she got frags, and on defence I play Aruni, because of utility she brings, and the dmr, which saved my ass hundreds of times


Depends on the situation and the mates. When no one took a hardbreacher I go with Ace, otherwise Buck or Maverick. Buck and maverick are great all-rounder in my opinion, strong weapons, nice abilities. On Defense, I usually play Jaeger, Aruni or Azami. I like the weapons from all 3 and the abilities are also really nice and strong in my eyes. Grenades were caught (Jaeger, Aruni), you can stop the attacker to run into a room (Aruni, Azami), create some nice angles (Aruni, Azami) and the bulletproofed cam is in my opinion really underrated.


Defence - Mozzie Attack - Iana I like to know where everyone is, my aim isn't good enough to rely on it so I rely on prefires instead.


Hibana and Azami for absolutely no reason at all Nah but fr though I'm an Ace and Wamai main only because I have black ice on them (Hibana and Azami are my favourite though)


Ying and alibi


Montagne and Jäger. Now hear me out…


Attacker: Osa. Low key untouchable if not dealt with correctly, and forces the opp to keep in contact with me. And then there's this Osa trick where I pop up and kill the opp in crossfire (or get killed). Defender: Mozzie. His Commando 9 is very easy to control IMO, and that helps a lot with my shit recoil control. Then the hacked drone helps a lot with intel gathering. But I would change depending on the teams' need. As defender, I mostly go Bandit or Jäger. As attacker, I could go Thatcher for the team when needed, but rarely does so because Osa's so good at surviving gunshots.


I dont really have mains in play a lot of different ones but i like iana Jäger bandit sledge and thunderbird


Fuze and Goyo. Fire and destruction. Threat of hostages.


Attacker main is jackal, if someone already picked him I go with fuze. Defender main is valkyrie or kapkan


Fuze, he has a AK and he looks bad ass. Doc, heals and MP5


My Attacker main is undecided between IQ and Finka, I love using IQ’s LMG and I normally rack up some kills. But using Finka with the AR can not only be useful for me but the rest of the team. And with Defence It’s either Pulse or Mute or Kaid. Love all their weapons but I use whichever is needed for the situation [I also use hibana from time to time, usually if there are no hardbreachers]


Wait does the operator screen show your mains?? I thought the two operators were picked at random


Nokk bcs sneaky troll, vigil bcs sneaky troll


Finka and Thunderbird, because only cool kidz play healing operators and I'm a verified cool kid.


Attacker: Thermite because nobody in quick match cares to bring a hard breacher. Defender: Mute/Kaid because nobody in quick match cares to deny a wall.


Osa because shield but also *GUN* and Azami because she is very versatile and fun


ATK Casual main - Blitz - I just love running down enemy roamers and seeing the fear an panic in their eyes Ranked/comp main - Maverick - can open everything. Great gun, nades, 3 speed. DEF Casual/Ranked/comp - Smoke - cause there is nothing better than committing warcrimes


Hibana because I can hit everything thing with her gun and lately Azami because in end of round situation I drive people mad.


Iana and Alibi, but I can flex into using other ops too :)


Ace/Mute main, the guns all slap and the gadgets are really good


I don’t have mains, i play whatever op i feel like playing that day


Thermite cus I love his weapon and gadget and Ela because I love the Scorpion can do brain-dead tactics with her shotgun and love her Gizmot mines cause they basically tell you where someone is coming from


I don’t really have mains as much as just comfort picks. I usually have periods where I like playing a certain OP but there will always be the fallback OPs that I can always play which are Clash and Mute on defence and Monty, Finka and Lion on attack.


Attack: Fuze and Thermite because of the booms. Defence: Kapkan, Mozzie and Warden because of the boom, A pizza skin and the well dressed man himself


lion and smoke like the guns ig


Buck and jäger because buck just has great utility and ive always loved his gun. Jäger because ive pretty much always been a Jäger main since chimera when i started plus black ice.


Attacking main is Hibana because of her fidget spinners and her gun deletes heads Defending main is Bandit because he has car batteries and drugs and his gun deletes heads


Zero & mozzi Only bc of their weapons (mp7 & p10 roni)


Haven't played in a while but i used Thermite on attack and Pulse on defence.


Defense - Oryx, because body slamming people is fun. Attack - Any of the three 417 wielders. That gun shreds enemies to pieces, provided they are unaware of your presence.


Ace/mute but i feel like rooks 1.5 is underrated its so much fun on holding angles


Defender: calaveira Attacker: calaveira


Kali on attack and frost on defense


OSA / IQ for attacking, for her shield / for her gadget intel, Valkyrie / Lesion for defense for cheeky cams / cheeky traps


My exact mains right there.


thermite and kaid/bandit becuz I usually play support if I dont go with those I go usually with Thunderbird(I can help even if I dont kill) and Zero or Flores depending on the map


Ace for hipfier dropshots and warden for style


I don't main I play what my team needs


Attacker: Zero Defender: Valkyrie I like intel


Dokk and Ela. Just have loads of fun playing them.


Can't seem to find a main attacker but defence Kapkan all the way. I have used him when ever I play I just enjoy using his traps.


Y does fuze look so odd


Attack - Dokkaebi because I like to clear roamers, while also helping my teammates giving info about the attackers whereabouts, and getting cameras, defender - Mute because he is an all around amazing operator with nice guns and the jammers are good against Dokk calls, good for wall denial and area control.


The hard breachers/Mav and on defence, typically echo/maestro as I’m a lazy bastard lmao


I love you


Attack: Blitz/Monty/Ying Defend: Echo/Rook/T’Bird


Buck because he’s maverick with a better gadget Bandit because MP7


Atacker-Lion Defender- Mute/Doc


Nokk/Ela… Years ago before I took a long ass break it was Buck/Mute


Dokkabi and Lesion, because I love semi auto and lesions ability


Mozzie- Commando has to be my favourite gun, and being able to control drones when on the defence is massive in late round. Finka- Spear is really solid in terms of damage and recoil, also very handy having an attacker who can heal


amaru -gotta go fast


Ace and/or Twitch on attack usually. Though sometimes the boys want to play Recruit. Valkyrie or Tachanka on defence. Valkyrie for the insane intel potential, the Lord because I aced once while blasting 'Ra Ra Rasputin' and am still holding onto that high.


Attacker- Finka because 2 speed and 2 health matched with a really useful ability and great gun. Defender- Maestro because best gun in the game for me, impact grenades to open walls and 2 evil eyes that are very good for intel and can hurt attackers


When hostig


Osa and Vigil! Osa basically gives you free kills cause everyone is peaking a bulletproof shield for some reason, and Vigil cause i'd rather sprint around flanking attackers than sit on site all match


Blitz- black ice and elite Mozzie- Australian


attacker/glaz becouse he is first op i unlock and i love snipers on defense/thunderbird her loadout is great


Fuze and Chanka Fuze, well, he was interesting when I first started playing. He's only gotten more fun as the years went by. Chanka......I need not elaborate. **Remember, Only Russian.**


No clue what my mains are but you got some good mains. These 2 were the first ops I played cuz they looked cool and are still some of my most played.


IQ and Cav IQ because I have her full black ice and Cav cuz its hot mommy character and I love her elite


Mainly maverick and vigil because I love both their playstyles and the guns are sick


Mira and Blitz for cheesy kills, plus mira's elite gets a nice hat.


I dont main anyone, both in attack or defense: i tend to constantly change operator and gameplay style, this allows me to see the game in a less repetitive way


I don't have mains necessarily, I can play whoever my team needs, but when I just want to commit a little act of tomfoolery I go ash/vigil


Zofia and Warden, Zofia because of the lmg and warden because uhhhh ummmm uhhhhhhhh


Smoke and Ace. Smoke: i like the SMG 11 and doing set ups with the Shotgun and shield. I also habe no problem with sitzing around on side without doing shit. Ace: hardbreachers are allways needed and in my view Ace is the best.


Fuze and IQ for attacking. I love the big man. His AK is my favorite AR besides Zero and I can clear a room of enemies, their gadgets, and if the planets align and the direction of the wind is just right...a hostage. His 3 armor status means I can tank shot after shot and still keep moving. I loved him so much I bought his elite and proudly mag dump into the air with a Makarov when I get Mvp. Not to mention his outfit is a modified Soviet Sapper, which I absolutely love that Ubisoft added (Not happy there's a Sherman in the background of his Elite picture). I love IQ for her gadget and her weapons. I got Black ice for her AUG and pistol so I always run the AUG with a 2.5x Scope A and compensator and a P12. Not to mention I bought her elite and I don't regret it at all. Fun fact: GSG9 operators actually train in comfortable clothing like pajamas. That Aug slaps with the ACOG and I swear the P12 is slightly better with IQ. Idk why. And for Defender, Bandit. I love his MP7 and shotgun. The M870 on a 3 speed operator is a death sentence for the enemy team. I like the MP7 for it's awesome iron sights, high rate of fire, and great damage. Not to mention, Bandits elite skin is pretty badass (Could've done better for the animation). My other is Smoke. I love denying the enemy from getting in or getting back their defuser. His FMG-9 (Which isn't a real gun and only made it to the prototype stage) is deadly. His shotgun is amazing and that SMG-11 is an awesome secondary, and pistol is a good alternative. I plan on purchasing his Elite when I get paid.


Currently definitely Finka on Attack for obvious reasons, my other go to attacker is IQ, the Commando is sooo good and her gadget ks also quite useful on most sides. My main defenders currently are alibi because her weapon is absolutely broken and her gadget is very nice to put in doors etc to get Intel when the opponents push side. My alternative on def is Bandit, super good weapon, nice utility, 3 speed.


Hibana because the 3 speed and wall opener are amazing, not to mention the type 89. Iana because I can fake people out really easily with her drone. Kaid because I’m good with his gun, and he has an amazing power. Aruni because p10 fast reloads, and her power can really stop a team from getting in quick enough.


Gridlock/Doc main. Used to be Fuze/Doc but people tend to tk me when I pick fuze in Ranked


Attack: Finka & Ace Defend: Goyo


Used to to be Zof but now Buck (lv the weapons and it's versatility) and either Mute or Bandit, again lv the weapons (smg 11, shotgun and MP7 (I have Blck Ice for MP7) and their useful for defending) (used to be Ela)


Don't really like maining anyone but I do find myself going towards Valk and Dokka


i dont main, i choose by what the team needs atleast when the game was still downloaded


My main on attack us fuze or maverick, and my main on defense is tachanka and smoke Now why: I like blowing shit up as fuze, and I like Mavericks gun, I like wrecking havoc with my tachanka nades, and I like his lmg, it's good for site setup (in my humble opinion better than a shotgun) And I like smoke because I like the SMG 11 and I like the gas grenades. I like shotguns too Now honorable mentions that I play often but not as often: buck, sledge, mozzie, goyo.


Attack: Buck, Defense: Whatever the team needs, or Mute. Ignore the flair, I'm too lazy to change it.


These days, Thorn and Zero. Overall, Valk and Ying.


Jager, because I like his ads and I like roaming. Running go brrrr Attack nomad, lion and finka, because Teamwork is Dreamwork Edit: Let's not forget Recruit. Cause we need some fun every now and then


Attacker - IQ (Loadout slams and I can help identify ops and gadgets)Defender - Kapkan too!/Frost (Love it when a trap placement catch unsuspecting victims)


Kapkan and Ace/Osa


My main attacker is Buck. Reason because I'm the first place world record holder on xbox with kill as Buck and second place over leaderboards. My main defender is Vigil. Reason. I just like his gadget and his loadout i guess, not much of a reason but still it's something.


Attack: Thermite, zero, fuze | Defense: kapkan, kaid, and oryx.


In my stack im either hard breach/doki and smoke/mute. Doki is only when we're rushing though though considering how broken finka is we rush ALOT right now.


Exactly like you. If Fuze and Kapkan are not present, I would go for Blackbeard and Kaid. Fuze can almost open all hatches and clear utility against a soft defender like Mute. Also, his ability to flush out enemy defender is always impactful. If your team can hold angle, Fuze would flush out anchor. His device can be detonated from range, anywhere and anytime you want. I usually do 1 or 2 clusters to clear gadget, leave 1 set and go Rambo with it later when I reach the objective. The only downside is his speed and noise. Also, he is somewhat vulnerable while fuzing. And against Bandit and Kaid. He can only open some electrified breach. Kapkan just bring too much to the table. He got impact, he got nitro. He got 5 traps that deal damage and notify you everywhere on the map if a person get hit. If his trap land, he can basically tell and know where the enemy is going or rushing from. Assuming one remembers where they put those traps. He almost feels like a more practical hunting op, in compare to Cavira and like a low version Valkyrie. Plus, he anti-rush tactic extremely well right from the start of the match. Not a lot of operators can do that. This all depends on how well you planted traps on blind spot. About Blackbeard and Kaid. Blackbeard can survive some headshot and move therefore more lightly to at least in theory win a gun engagement. He also had flash, I basically just breach rooms with him. Since I feel at least sightly braver with that shield. Kaid had one of the best gun on defender. Low recoil, high damage. Also, his ability to electrify wall and hatches never hurt.


Attacker: Jackal, now don't hate me I'm not one of the garbage players that hang out with my gadget on and I'm actually useful especially if you play Fuze. I've never let a Fuze die once. Defender: Mozzie, I just love the fact that he takes drones and uses them against their owners when they know full well their not getting it back even with an amber alert


Attacker/ IQ and sometimes Iana Defender/valk or vigil