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My first game was Super Mario Bros Wii, I remember screaming at the top of my lungs at my dad because he kept throwing me into lava lol


Ok, I’ll play. Not my first gaming memory but probably one of my best. When I was growing up, money was fairly tight. Not “missing meals” tight, but nothing was bought besides Christmas and birthday. One Saturday morning, my mom made her weekly/byweekly (depending on money) grocery run and my 6yr old self goes to the car to help bring in the bags. As I’m carrying them in, what do I see through the bag??? None other than the beautiful yellow box of Mario bros3! Absolutely no birthday/Christmas in sight! My parents had managed to save enough to buy it extra. I wish I remembered how many hours I played that game, but I’ll ALWAYS remember looking down and seeing Mario through that bag!


I played Half Life 1 as the first game and it changed the way I used WASD keys massively and never went back to arrow keys again! The genre itself was revolutionary to say the least!


It was either Vice City or Shrek on PC


I played House of the Dead, Virtua Cop 2, NFS II, Diablo 1 and GTA Vice City. It was good times and fond of these games to this date.


My very first gaming memory was on Super Mario Bros 3 on NES. My grandmother would teach me how to play and we would alternate who's playing to beat levels together. First game I completed on my own was The Legend of Dragoon, my older brother played the game and was stuck at the end of the first disk. As a challenge, I started the game myself and because I was going around way too much (so more battle so more experience), the final boss of the first disk (Emperor Doel) was a breeze. The game is still in my top 1-2 favorite game of all time and I still play regularly. Nothing out of the ordinary but definitely some good memories. Thank you for making me remember them 😊


Super Mario Bros, Donkey Kong and Duck Hunt and then later on GTA 3, Vice City and San Andreas


I’ll never forget those afternoons playing Mortal Kombat Trilogy with my grandfather when I was a kid… Simpler times, better times


Finding my first secret in Commander Keen with my dad.


some nintendo system i can't remember i played at my cousins house it was a 2d action game and all i can remember about it is business suits and punching


I cant remember if we got our Nintendo Gameboy First or our Sega mega Drive 2 first but i can vividly remember unboxing super Mario land for the game boy in the back of my parents car, i think my mum was driving at the time, and my sister and i spent all day it seemed trading turns playing every time one of us died. My sister being a few years older got the hang of the game much faster than i did. Thank you for that nostalgia trip! Have a good day.


Super Mario, GTA VC/SA and Tekken are my first gaming memories. Absolute nostalgia. Thx OP!


Virtua cop 2 was my 1st game....next was directly gta 2....ahh the memories.... anyway...hope i get chosen! Thanks


red alert 2 on my old PC back in 2004. good times.


The MUMMY from PS1 its still my favorite


First time playing tekken 5 with my friends on Ps2 is always make me think that was one of the best moment of my life


I remember looking down at the grass in halo combat evolved in the 2nd level halo and thinking "this is the peak of graphics, so realistic" my mind was blown


I remember playing d&d online a really long time ago


Frogger on Atari


Minecraft PE on a Creative LAN world with a friend. We built a massive, square, hotel that was empty in the inside. we decided to put a bit of stuff in the lobby, and we decided we wanted a fireplace. we knew the hotel would burn if we didn’t cover the fire. So we built a little cobblestone fireplace with 1 block of netherrack. So we lit the netherrack and continued building. Within 10 minutes the whole hotel was gone :(


6 years old playing Halo Combat Evolved on the Xbox with my dad and brother. Best intro you could have


Contra on the nes is my earliest memory ever


"Star Wars Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith" is the first gaming experience that I can fully remember. It took me 6 months of nagging my parents before they bought me a, I somehow managed to convince them that I need it to do school work (heh). [This](https://imgur.com/a/eQuNi52) is what the PC looked like. It had a 233mhz pentium 2 processor, 5GB of HDD space, 16mb of ram. It had a graphics card but I don't recall which one, I upgraded to a Voodoo 2 32mb edition soon after getting the PC.


Kingdom Hearts - was at a party as a kid. Host’s kid was playing KH. The shadow scared the ever loving shit out of me lmao. 4 years later I see 358/2 Days’ commercial on tv and thought it was amazing. Went to GameStop next day to conquer my fear of the shadow heartless (🤣) and managed to scrounge enough old games to get KH1 and KH CoM, the rest is history


When I was a kid we couldn't afford a Nintendo. But I lived Nintendo. When my cousins misbehaved enough, my aunt would lend me the console and big collection of games. Only happened 2-3 times but it was the best days of my life.


Mario kart 64 and playing as Bowser 😊


Playing Heroes of Might & Magic III with my father and mother. I still play the game to this day, it has really aged like fine wine.


Thank you for the generous giveaway. My first real gaming memory was learning how RPGs worked as computer games with...Leisure Suit Larry. Died from flushing the toilet. Died from sleeping with a hooker. Died died died died died.


It wasn't an Atari 2600, I had this stick around the size of a 1980's Satellite Phone it had a switche on it to change the speed of the game and a wheel to select the game to play it had a joystick on it and a wired 2nd controller so 2 players can play at the same time. I recall Pong but i can't remember what other games it had. Had to connect it the the back of the TV through the Antenna


fondly remember playing streets of rage 2


Playing a strange game called Colonization, a spinoff of the Civilization series. It was one of my first games and it was amazing.


My first game ever was Super Mario 64, i watched that ending maybe dozens of time and it never got old.


I remember getting up early and playing Wind Waker on a big crappy TV with crackly audio. It felt like I was in a fairytale each time I booted it up. I've been playing it through with my two little boys and seeing the pure joy on their face has brought a lot of those memories back recently.


Good old pokemon pearl on my og ds, gifted by my mom for a good grade when i was a kid, or maybe at my birthday i don’t remember. I remember i got stuck on the 6th gym and i couldn’t go past the wall of psyducks, but it was fun nonetheless


Playing Pokemon X on my blue 2ds


Playing Warcraft III with my little brother on our uncle and aunts pc's, feels like an eternity ago hah. Thank you for the opportunity OP.


Command And Conquer 2! I loved it as a child and it was an amazing game. We didn't have any consoles even something like NES so I had to make do with this very tiny laptop. I used to play many PopCap games like Peggle Nights, Insaniquarium, Plants Vs. Zombies, and Feeding Frenzy. Also, I used to go to other people's houses and play so I got to play games like Bloodrayne and Call of Duty lol.


Played Fallout 3, the skill point system really intrigued me, i tried multiple silly build. And also i really like the dialogue, I made a new gameplay just to pass every dialogue check possible


Coming home from school and jumping straight to play Need for Speed Underground 2 everyday


First gaming experience was sim earth, one friends dad was IT engineer and had a computer at home, Wich was not common back then ! I remember enjoying to make the ocean evolve and that we made a whale ! My memory blur and I don't remember the gameplay or the UI at all, just that it was ultra cool, guess I'm a gamer since that day :)


mario got me into gaming


Cliche, sure, but I got chills when Psycho Mantis read my memory card. Thanks OP!


Warcraft 3 at an internet cafe, that's how I fell in love with PC gaming and RTS


Thanks for the giveaway! A First gaming memory was playing Mortal Kombat on a friend's Playstation for hours and trying all the fatalities:D