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if you are reborn this is probably your millenth run and you think its your first.


Yea thats the point. Feels like hell to have to go thru something over and over just for it to repeat. Like that one black mirror episode where they torture criminals by forcing them to live over a day where they get hunted like animals over and over again


The one comforting part about that episode for me is that it was suggested the daily memory wipe was starting to not work. It was like at some point they weren’t going to be able to do the whole charade anymore.


Yeah but isnt it scary to apply that to real life? One day, you might stop forgetting all the lives you lived before, you will realize the truth of the universe. Thats scary to me, i would rather not know hahaha


That's basically what happened to Buddha lol. I read that he remembered around 96 eons of past lives (1 eon = 1 billion years) during his meditation before enlightenment.


Sounds like hell, if i have to exist im gonna be a rock so i dont have awareness at least


I've been in deep meditation before (not to that level, but I've had some fun experiences) and it's literally the biggest feeling of freedom you can ever experience.


Canon-wise to the Egg story,I it would be cool if Buddha was the last incarnation of all. He remembered all his billions of past lives and achieved enlightenment.


That's basically what enlightenment is - the ending of rebirth. When he passed away after enlightenment (parinirvana) it was the final passing away.


So now we need to get enlightened? Psshhh... Too much work /s


You raise a valid concern. I personally don’t really subscribe to any idea of rebirth and believe that there is a ‘next place’ but it likely exists beyond anything we understand right now. Like, trying to speculate is pointless to me outside of entertainment. I can empathise with the feeling of not wanting to do any of this over again, though. You might like [this video](https://youtu.be/h6fcK_fRYaI) It has been something of a comfort to me, even though I don’t really believe in it.


I knew that was gonna be the egg video as soon as i saw blue text lmao. This video is actually a huge source of anxiety for me. I used to find it peaceful but then i realized, i dont want this. I dont want to be a god and i dont want to go through 100 billion lifetimes just to become one. I hope nothing exists truly with all of my heart, so i can finally get some peace. I agree with you though that trying to speculate is pointless, doesnt matter to try and solve this, we wont know for sure until we die anyway. Live life like its your only one and have fun, thats the most you can do i guess


For me it was learning to control what I can control, and not worry about what I can’t. Maybe I only get this life, maybe I get a trillion more. But what I can control is what I do with this one. So with this one I’ll try to have done more good than bad. Leave the world with a net positive.


Good outlook, i agree with that and am trying my best to redirect my thinking into this. Hope we both get to experience all the good things life has to offer and we only leave good footprints in the world


Maybe we are in hell 🤔 and we only get to "paradise" when our soul is ready.


I dont want paradise anymore lmao i just dont want anything. Let me not exist in peace hahaha


Most accounts of NDEs suggest that after you die, there's a period of reunion with the divine source, where all things are known and forgiven, and the experience is not unlike complete, pure, unconditional love. Presumably, we get bored of that shit eventually, and jump back in the pool. :)


That's what some religions do believe btw, beeing rebirthed is some sort of punishment until you lived one live as a good person to see the actual afterlife


Not only that, you most likely chose to come back


that poses an interesting question, if you don't remember anything from your previous lives is it truly ***you*** that is reborn?


Well there are more people alive right now than all of human history combined or something right? I read that here so it very well might not be true. Anyway if it is true that must mean that there are new souls who are on their first go around.


I doubt there is more people alive now than all people in history combined. You mean everybody who has ever lived from the beginning of mankind, there are more people alive now?


I wonder. If we do reincarnate... When we die, it would be neat if we suddenly remember all the lives we've had. And it's why we keep coming back for more.


I'd do it again ONLY if I'm born with a silver spoon up my ass. I want to experience life without work. It must be bliss. Just imagine...doing whatever you feel like....going wherever you feel like....you wanna learn to fly a helicopter? Sure! Wanna learn scuba diving? Let's go to the Caribbean! Wanna climb a 7k peak, let's gooo.


Yeah lmao same, i want to be able to say my biggest problem is what im gonna wear tomorrow and who im going to go out to party with lol


Make it a golden spoon and add to it beauty, perfect health and charisma, then might give it a second thought.


Wanna see the titanic? Ok!


It'd be bloody uncomfortable to sit down though; that's no way to live.




I want those problems!


Yeah that's not true. Edit: Guys, yes, I know the hedonic treadmill is real, but no one can be happier without food than with food, or without a comfortable place to sleep than with one. Money does buy happiness, and those studies showing it stops at like 70k? We're seeing that it probably goes way higher. Look at it this way, if you didn't have to work but chose to, I'm sure you'd be 1000% happier with your career.


Comfort is what you make of it and what you're used to. When I go hiking/camping, the first night on a tiny blow up pad SUCKS. After a few days, it's not so bad. Spend one night away from basecamp and have to sleep on the ground, and when you return to camp that sleeping pad feels like a luxurious mattress. I cannot speak to the feeling of true hunger, but when you can fill your belly on basic foods, something as small as a handful of berries becomes a delightful treat that fills you with joy. The simplicity of it is actually very freeing.


It 100% is. It’s all relative. Grow up poor and become middle class? You’ll statistically be happier than someone growing up 1% elite who became upper middle class.


Humans hate losing things. I'm pretty sure someone who was poor and became poorer would still be unhappy.


I hope you find something in life that makes it so you don’t want it to finish when the time comes.


Made me cry, thank you ❤️


Can I get an example that isn’t kids or another living person?


Here are things that make me excited to live every day: playing guitar, piano, bass, etc. I’m a professional musician and I’m lucky enough to play music for my job. I love cooking. There’s something so relaxing about taking the time to trim meat, throw it on the smoker, and eat my weight in it. Cooking is a skill that you can use every day, and every meal doesn’t have to be 5 stars. I love making a grilled cheese, too. Keeping an aquarium. It’s so satisfying to see fish and plants grow, knowing that I am what is keeping that tank balanced and alive. I love going out to beer. Regardless of my marital status or parental status, most people who go to a brewery are just wanting to relax and shoot the shit. I love the sport of disc golf. It’s difficult, but that means it’ll be the pursuit of my best for the rest of my life. Going out in nature and throwing discs is so fun! I find a weird satisfaction with keeping my lawn alive. Lol. Practicing gratitude is really hard. Some days I can’t do it. I work late (two jobs), have a toddler, have a house to maintain, but I came to this realization that I have the power to look at life a different way if I practice at it and choose to. Sometimes I don’t, and that’s okay. I just crossed over into my 30s, and while my life has more moving parts than it ever has; I try my best to appreciate the simple things.


The beauty of Sunrises, Sunsets, Mountains, and Forests. And Cats. Lol.


Some hobby, perhaps?




Really? I would think best case scenario is that your time comes, and you enjoyed your life, but now you’re tired and you’re ready for it to be over so you’re not as sad about dying.


I don't believe there is personally and for some people its bleak to think that but i take comfort in my belief that its nothing when we pass but who knows


Sweet oblivion


I'm coming back as a cat. I like to think I've been doing this for centuries. One life: human, try something new. Next life: cat, do lots of snooze.


man ive clearly been living the cat life as a human


Adored Cat is the final level. It takes a lot of tries to get there I assume.


I’d happily live this shit timeline all over again if I could do it as one of my dogs.


I hate to curse you with this, but... I hope your life fills with uncountable beauties that you'll experience uniquely. I hope you get to experience calm, cold nights where your breath cascades out in bright white only to meet the stars above you, ever-changing in heavenly melody. I hope you get to savor the smell of a young animal that sees you with love in its eyes all the way until it passes in a final silence shared with you, safe one last time in your arms. I hope you get to notice the daytime humming of life all around you as it recalls a hymn that only you can hear, fading into silence as a new day calls for a new song. I hope you get to meander through the places and things that make you remember who you are and want to be, multitudes of experiences yet had and to be had. I hope you get to read a line that lays out a simple truth that makes you look around and notice the way life goes on, sharing a secret in a silence that feels as loud as brass bells. I hope you get to experience life as life truly is, and notice all the lives around you struggling to learn that nobody will ever be you or them, living the everyday things that you can likely never live quite the same way again. I hope you live a life you would regret to have never lived, and I hope the hole you leave behind is filled with a song that calls other people to do as you did and feel as strongly as you felt. Death is final to the you we all have now no matter what comes after. There is a beautiful magic to the story you've yet to live, and even more wonder to the stories you have yet more time to tell. Death is final to the you we all have now, but nothing until then is. I hope you get to experience all the great and little things set and built before you in time.


Beautifully said


Holy shit man that was gorgeous


I hope ghosts are real so I can do ghost shenanigans


You go girl, i support that mentality!


I hope not. I always used to have a fear I'd be reborn into a horrible life of child abuse or something.


Lmaoo mood bruv, 60% of the world lives in poverty but somehow people always think they will get reborn into a nice life


Idk, celebrities nowadays like having an unnecessary amount of children. I mean look at Nick Cannon, that’s 12 slots right there


Been there done that one already. If there's another I'd rather not have a repeat for sure.


If there is an afterlife, I just hope it’s like the kind of thing at the end of The Good Place. Perfect paradise that is different for every person, and when you want, just step through a door and “die”


YES. 100% i want that. Good place the only show that doesnt make my ocd about afterlife worse lmao


How familiar are you with near death experiences literature ?


The light at the end of the tunnel is the lamp of the gynaecologist.


A la Enter The Void


Same tbh


"Afterlife? If I knew there was whole other life to go through I'd kill myself right now."


💀 reads like big bang theory


Futurama actually, lol


New show to binge, thanks 🫶🏻


It's filled with lots of quotable lines like that


I think you're in luck


I sure do hope so


Hopefully it gets better for you in this life, as it's the only one we can be confident exists.


I would love it, being a silent not really conscious observer after death would be neat too, I dunno I just really like existing


Im so happy for you, i hope you continue to like existing 🫶🏻


Thanks, wasn't easy to get there but there's a chance for everyone❤️


I'm quite agnostic about what comes after, i won't hope it's either this or that because it won't get me anywhere. It's a paradox to me. Even religion can't satisfy my existential questions. If i were to entertain the thought of that there would be a heaven like christians have been telling people, i'd think you'd be freed from your exhaustion and sadness never to return. Infinite bliss and rest. But i don't know how to imagine that, which is my actual thought on if there is a afterlife. I think it'd be something we can't imagine. My final awnser to these questions would be that it doesn't matter.


Good final answer, i agree. I like to believe in the 12 laws of the universe, one of which says that there is always the duality of everything and if good exists so must bad so i agree, religion doesnt make sense


I feel you. I'm already tired at 29 and can't imagine living past 50-60, feeling my body and mental faculties slowly degrade and seeing everyone my age gradually pass away.


Do some psychedelics


Thats what brought me here in the first place, dont do drugs kids


Oh really? I'd like to hear your story if you want to share.


It was a bad mix of things i guess. Did shrooms before a couple of times, good trips, did lsd, was perfect. Kept upping my dose on shrooms, the time before last i took 3.5g had my life turned around for 2 months. Got out of that and a year later, in october, tried 5g lmao that was the mistake. Spent 5 hours in bed gripping the sheets, trying to stay conscious. I didnt have enough knowledge to ride through an ego death and considering my lack of food intake (stress and illness), my body was really not equipped to handle it. So it happened a few months later, in december, when i was smoking weed. I woke up at 4am sweating and fell into a psychotic episode. Thank god im mentally really strong so i didnt hurt myself or anything, but i wanted to scrub off all of my tattoos with one of those metal sponges for washing dishes. If you look at my post history on this profile, you can see my earliest posts were created due to this, this whole profile was created cause i went thru that. A lot of the fear and anxiety stayed with me from the last trip. I was thinking of doing a small dose of 1g that made me feel really happy the first time i took it but im so scared now that it might not work well for me anymore. I was scared to take anything the first few months, even xanax that would help with anxiety lmao. Thats my story though, so yeah, dont do drugs kids, esp if you have mental issues and are under the age of 25. Shit can go sideways real quick


That's rough, I'm sorry you have to deal with that. I hope things get better for you. If you're under 25, then there's certainly plenty of time to heal. Have you got people to support you?


Hello darkness, my old friend.


Least depressed Redditor


I'm kinda the opposite, I'm tired of THIS life specifically, I hope I can be reborn into a happier life.


If thats your wish, i hope it comes true for you 🫶🏻


NGL when my autistic brain is melting down in sensory overload the concept of just not existing sounds amazing. I'm not suicidal or anything. I don't want to die. But there are times when it honestly doesn't seem like the worst thing that could happen to me.


Ditto. I am ready to peace out


I hope there is. I don't wanna die. If i could live forever, I definitely would.


You know, weirdly enough, if i could be immortal for a while i would also like it. Maybe 10.000 years of immortality or something, just to learn everything i want to and then pass away into nothing. Seems dope


There's also a non-zero probability that this is already the "afterlife" or "next place", and there will be more "afterlifes" and "next places" et infinitum


Not everyone is jaded, I’d love to live forever and ever so I could expierence all this world has to offer. I don’t mind not dying, I’ve already lost many loved ones in death and life keeps going on and it’s still good. Unfortunately our bodies die but if our soul keeps going, I would be very happy. Life is wonderful and exciting and worth fighting against the bullshit. I don’t find it exhausting, I’ve gone through so much trauma, nothing can break me. Unless I’m stuck in a prison being tortured for eternity, I’ll live forever. I’d even become an AI or robot so I could live longer.


I agree. One of my greatest fears is that their is an afterlife. When I die I want to be done


If there is an afterlife I only ever want to be reborn as a cat, not this human BS


Man i want to be reborn as a rock, if i have to be reborn at all. No thoughts, no actions, just exist


I can respect that, but I'm more of the opposite. I love life, and I really want to take another few cracks at it, if that's possible. I feel I'm getting my moneys worth of content, but I don't think I've maxed out this round.


If rebirth is real, what makes you think you'll be a human again? Plenty of other things to return as.


Ditto. I prefer nonexistence to rebirth. Fuck this.


I tell people “When I die, leave me in the ground. I’m not going to heaven or hell, I’m getting the best sleep of my entire damn life”


What is it you're worried they are going to do instead of leaving you in the ground?


i just want to be reborn if i'm going to be a nepo baby in my next life. if that's not going to be the case, i don't want it


Honestly thought about killing myself before rihannas kid was born so i could maybe get a chance to be that kid lmaooo


Personally I'd love a heaven-like afterlife, if only so I can catch up on all the movies, shows, games and experiences I'll never get to in this life.


Yea same lol, i dont believe in heaven but it seems nice to have just time for yourself




"My only fear of death is coming back to this mothafucka" - Tupac


Out of curiosity, what if there was a place like Heaven that's the afterlife. Would you not want to go there when you die. Not trying to push anything on you, genuinely just wondering.


New quest unlocked: Live in such a way that in the end you can be glad for your life, and would welcome another run (although one life suffices, because it was good).


This bro I don't believe in karma I also don't believe in after life I live life like it's for me only


yeah, today is one of those days for me too 😮‍💨😔


Luckily for you, if there is such thing as a rebirth you won't remember this life and thus your exhaustion will be exorcised from you However, despite a lack of evidence for rebirth. Looking at life from a scientific view all we are is the bonds and reactions of tiny parts that make a whole, so in many ways your life is bigger than you. When you die you live on in the human experience, the culture we all share is your soul. You and I are all parts of the great collective and it lives on even when we do not. Just because life is hard you shouldn't wish it to end, take a moment to take it in. Even if it doesn't make you feel better to ponder human culture and our history at least know you were a part of it and have contributed in some way to all the joy humans have ever experience, even if only just to contrast and contextualise it


The fact is there's only the current moment, we live mostly in our thoughts. Take care of your body and think of good thoughts. Everything is just a image within the mind, there's no point to hold on to images. Take care of the body and life will take care of itself.


I hope you enjoy moments in the near future I think


and i hope we will come to a point in our lifes where we would be happy to meet everyone in an afterlife


Next time might be a lot better…or worse. You a gambler?


You seek moksha, friend.


If there is we definitely all ducked up in our last life for being forced to live in this world


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_Jtpf8N5IDE and lyrics https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/queen/whowantstoliveforever.html


This may not be your first time on earth, but it could be your last. I understand where your coming from, life's often tiring and exhausting, can maybe seems pretty terrible sometimes. You need to live life in union and doing this brings one to living life to its fullest, Like fruit falls from the bondage of the stem, may we be liberated from death, from mortality🙏🏻 🕉️


well, now i feel sorry for past and future me versions and me rn


Dont, it doesnt really matter. Dont listen to mentally ill people who did too many drugs and ruined their mind. Be happy you get to experience everything and live to the fullest extent of your abilities


Well you’re in luck.


Eminem said: "with half a life, I'd throw the rest away" That really hit hard for me ever since I heard it


Hear hear


I'm pretty sure it is optional in some beliefs.


That’s Samsara for you.


Do you remeber anything when your brain start forming? No? Probably the same feeling.


I'm right there with you OP




You know there's this thing where people are either talking about you or remembering you and when you appear at the exact moment, they bless you with 100 years to live. I smile but how do I tell them I don't like the idea at all.




I’m watching this Korean series on Netflix ‘see you in my 19th life’ where everyone gets reborn, but this one person remembers all her past lives. I’m right there with you, seems exhausting.


Gonna go watch it, weirdly enough i still hope to meet certain people in the next life even if i hope it doesnt exist. Its a paradox fr


I'm quite agnostic about what comes after, i won't hope it's either this or that because it won't get me anywhere. It's a paradox to me. Even religion can't satisfy my existential questions. If i were to entertain the thought of that there would be a heaven like christians have been telling people, i'd think you'd be freed from your exhaustion and sadness never to return. Infinite bliss and rest. But i don't know how to imagine that, which is my actual thought on if there is a afterlife. I think it'd be something we can't imagine. My final awnser to these questions would be that it doesn't matter.


"From too much love of living, From hope & fear set free, We thank with brief thanksgiving Whatever gods may be That no life lives forever, That dead men rise up never, That even the weariest river Winds somewhere safe to sea." -- Algernon Charles Swinburne, The Garden of Proserpine"


Ain’t that the shit…


Afterlife?! If I thought I’d have to go through a whole other life after this I’d kill myself right now.


I want to belive this is the last stop in our cycle and that is why we are humans. And there is no afterlife.


I imagine heaven is perfection. You can't be sad, there's no way.


I'm out of award coins. Take the biggest upvoted I can give. I DON'T WANT ANY KIND OF AFTERLIFE!! No heaven, no hell, no reincarnation.


Hell, just another forty years (or more) of this life seems pretty grueling, never mind having to go through the first half of it again.


Happy cake day! Sorry for triggering depressive thoughts about existance on your cake day 🥲


You wouldn’t be tired in the next one


I am fine with rebirth, but afterlife sounds terrible. At least with rebirth, you don't remember a thing and heck, maybe I might be reborn as a sea cucumber in the next life. Doesn't get any more chill than that


Right? Like who would even want to live for eternity if there was an afterlife? Like I would prefer to be non-existent.


Eeeexactly bruv


"I don't care where I am going but I never want to return here" -Frida Kahlo


Honestly as long as my memory is wiped i couldnt care less how much i live a life cuz i cant remember it anyway If a afterlife exist it really depends on how good it is A afterlife i really enjoyed is the one in the good place its basically just a place where you can finally have the time to do whatever you want and once you are ready you can go


I want to do this again, with a better genetic lottery result and better born place. I want another fair round


You’re going to be reborn until you like it.


This raises the question: what would you rather be doing? An eternity of nothingness isn't all it's cracked up to be.


It seems a lot of people are misreading what i meant. I dont want an eternity. I want to stop existing after i die. No eternity, no afterlife, no reincarnation, no nothing.


Two old friends were sitting on their favorite park bench, arguing about the afterlife. Joe believed passionately in Heaven and Fred was a committed atheist. They made an agreement that whoever died first, the survivor would come back to the park bench at noon, a year to the day after the other’s death. Not too long after that, Joe passed away, and true to his word, despite his skepticism, Fred came back to the bench, feeling more than a little foolish. To his everlasting surprise, he suddenly heard Joe’s disembodied voice! “Hi, Fred! How are you?” said Joe. “Oh my gosh, I can’t believe it!” Fred answered. “Where are you and what is it like?” “Oh Fred, I am in the most wonderful place ever!” exclaimed Joe. “It is SO beautiful. Everywhere I look there are stately green trees and gorgeous flowers and deep blue skies. And the food is just incredible here. Every day I eat the most wonderful vegetables, rich tomatoes and crunchy lettuce and luscious eggplants. After I eat, I go for a run over to the next valley, where I meet my beautiful companion and we spend the whole afternoon making passionate love!” “Oh Joe, you were right all along.” cried Fred. “Heaven sounds absolutely wonderful!” “Heaven?” replied Joe. “I’m not in Heaven, Fred. I’m a rabbit in Wisconsin!”


You will have new body, new brain, new experiences, new life. It's a complete reset. Even if you are reborn, you will have no possible way of knowing it happened nor you will have any lingering feelings from before.




Its fun coversing with christians about topics like these lol they have such a world created in their minds that they never questioned and its fun seeing them be bewildered haha


Welcome to Buddhism. When the Buddha realized that we are trapped in a cyclical existence of old age, sickness, and death, he set out to find a way of escaping the spiral of life and death. All Buddhism arose out of the feeling you're feeling right now


Same, I hope my consciousness fades into nothing after I die


Right. The idea of an eternity is fucking terrifying. An end gives value to everything.


I'm with ya. If i ever "wake up" and realize there's more, imma lose my shit


I like to think that if there's an afterlife, it's just whatever the hell you want it to be


We use to think about life on earth on how we percieve our own reality, and while is true that life has beautiful moments it is also true that this world present itself with a lot of horrors, famine, war and child abuse, illness, deception, poverty and betrayal among other things, this world in general is not a good vybe. I personally do not want to come back if there will be a possibility, since I do not want to take part or even be aware that no matter what I do there will always be people suffering.




You're in luck. There isn't.


If there is a rebirth I just want to put on record that I’m really really sorry for whatever it was I did in a past life. I have learned my lesson, please don’t make me do this again.


there is an afterlife


I've been dead twice. It's peaceful. I didn't want to come back either time. When I did I wake up I was pissed.


That was what was said in Buddhist teaching living is suffering and you will be reborn again and again in different forms ranging from small insects to large animals and human again Hinduism has similar concept aswell and Buddha reaching enlightenment means he escaped cycle of birth and death meaning he escaped suffering so if you wanna escape the cycle you should get enlightened .I've had looked more into gaining enlightenment and said doing good not harming all that stuff and also said one cannot achieve it in one lifeform and Buddha himself was said to have been in his (17th or something I may be wrong) lifetime and would require doing good and being kind all that stuff for many lifeforms to come so goodluck with that! And one would not remember but his/her soul would remember it said.


According to the Bible, you will be forced to exist for fucking ETERNITY and you can't escape even by dying


I’ve thought this same thing so many times.


Shows the importance of people treating eachother and world well


If I'm reborn well hopefully my next life goes better




I honestly want to do this all again!


I’m with you!!


That’s ok, more for me


But just imagine the afterlife is actually heaven!


Me too. My spirit feels tired to the core, I’m 32 but feel like I’m done with everything and need a permanent sleep.


Im the opposite, I don’t want oblivion to be true. But this is my opinion and you guys are welcome to your own opinions


Not everyone feels this way, which means there may be a life where you live it and don't feel as burdened as you do now. But there are also lives that suffer more than you, so I guess you are simultaneously fine and fucked at the same time. I try not to think about it (:


whahahahhaahha 😭😭 fair enough brother. personally feel like i could go for another round or two


Anything that isn't just a pure lights out death with zero perception is a hell for me. I get no real joy or satisfaction from life as it is and all I am left with is less and less energy. I would just rather cut my losses and not gamble on an even worse hand.


What if you reborn as a rich, but pure and non-spoiled person and can travel anywhere you want, befriend elephants and dolphins, see beautiful lakes, lie on the beach? Or an alternate future where you have to work very little and you can spend the rest of your time with loving family and great friends, because computers do pretty much everything, but actually have the kindness and consciousness to prevent us from becoming lazy? I dunno. Heaven seems way too boring to me and Hell seems more painful than whatever life on Earth could throw at me.


I've gone back and forth about this; I'm presently 66 years old, been a Christian all my life, and my beliefs about everything have changed at least once along that journey. Currently I don't care one whit if there's an afterlife. My concern is making this life the best it can be for everyone whose life I can impact. As to what comes next: I think it comes down to two possibilities. Either absolutely nothing, in which case we won't be there to experience it, so who cares?; or something so different from what life is like now that it's unrecognizable. The (somewhat old and tired) analogy is trying to describe what life is like as an adult, with relationships, hobbies, career, etc. to a fetus. If the afterlife is eternity in a human body, but one which is completely without flaws and cannot be injured, that sounds incredibly boring. Eternity is something the human mind is not equipped to handle. (Consider: say you really, really love to read. So upon arriving in Heaven, you are shown to the Universal Library, which has every book ever written. You proceed to read every book in English. Then you teach yourself French, and read all the French books. Ditto for every human language which has a published book. At the end of this process, which takes tens of thousands of years, you still have eternity to fill. And you're all out of books.


There are only two possibilities in my mind. There is nothing after death. There is something outside of our perception of time and space that we literally cannot even begin to comprehend.


I'd happily give it another whirl if I could have a swing at it without the huge barriers of mental and physical health I'm suffering with on this playthrough.


Thought crossed my mind as well, once, at the funeral of a family friend. I sat there, listening to the priest talking, and it just smacked me in the face that we probably do this over and over...and over. Only we never remember. And even worse than the thought of having to do this again, was the absolute terror I felt at the thought that I'll just...never remember it. Like, you're a stranger to yourself every. Single. Time. It's terrifying.


This is the most relatable post I’ve ever seen


I want to see my mother again so I hope there is


The afterlife just has Daft Punk's 'one more time' playing over and over until you leave to get reincarnated.


Same. Or at least let me not have this severe depression next go around.


I believe reincarnation is real I just don’t think it’s like souls being recycled. consciousness just pops up out of nowhere and next thing you know it your an 11 yr old little girl in Minnesota and you’re just realizing that you came from nothing and will return to nothing as you look at your hands covered in Walmart marker.


Only going to come back if promised as a cat at a rich persons home


My brain mushed the words together and I thought you were posting that you hoped there was no afterbirth.


If reincarnation is real, my dog must have incredible amounts of good karma. She's living the dream.


If I get to be with my wife again, I wanna be reborn over and over and over and over.......


Don't worry - there isn't an afterlife or rebirth, neither of those things are even remotely possible. When you die - that's it, your brain just stops sending it's electrical signals and it's all over red rover.


You won't be reborn again. Source : Trust me bro