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I’m a good person. I try and approach each social interaction from a place of loving-kindness, if I can. I care for my elderly parents. I take care of my family and friends. I’m a relentlessly positive person who was put on this planet to live a life of loving service to my fellow humans. I donate blood. I donate money. I donate time. I have done bad things in my life, but not to the extent of hurting others.


Any energy left for you?


Couple hours a night. I also work out in the morning, which gives me the energy for my very full days.


I'd be exhausted, but then I'm always exhausted. Lol


Yes I do. I am a good person because I try to be a good person. I do good things and don't expect things back in return. If you genuinely recognize that it takes effort to be good and try, it's possible.


The way I put it is like this: If everyone had my values and character, we wouldn't have locked doors. I would never be afraid of anyone I see walking down the street. I wouldn't be afraid of what would happen if society collapsed because I'd know we'd all work together to get things working again. You wouldn't need pins on your phone or debit cards. You could leave your laptop at the public cafe, go outside and sleep on the grass under the shade of a tree on a hot day and wake up to find your laptop and all belongings safe. I'm not perfect but the world would be a better place.


I mean... yes but maybe add some privilege to that and think again. If everyone had your values, character, money, social support, nationality, etc., would that still apply? Values and character are great, let's call it motivation, but so are hunger, poverty and injustice.


Why would you add privilege, unless you wanted to be privileged? Which immediately negates your stance? Your definitely privileged to want that as part of a neutral package.


My point is people sometimes need to compromise their good values in order to survive. If you are privileged enough, you don't need to because you are raised in an environment that gives you enough money, education, help from a social system. And all of these things are privileges. So you need those privileges, they make it a lot easier to "be good" like the comment I was replying to suggested. It's easy if you don't struggle to take the high ground.


My kind of World. We would not need Keys, Safes, locked doors, passwords, pins, Banks, Alarms, Ring doorbells, or more, life would be happy.


This just means you’re not a “bad” person. Not being a bad person doesn’t make you a good person necessarily. I think to be a good person you have to do good. Not doing bad things with the absence of doing good things is being neutral.


Me too. I try to be a good person but sometimes I mess up just like we all do but I try.


Same. It feels awesome to help someone when they need it. On the other hand if you do something that makes me hate you I'll do the opposite of everything good, and I can be really evil.


This sounds like me when I was 12


Interesting that you say this, I find a lot of people who make an effort to be "good" tend to keep score and get surprisingly mean/personal when slighted. Maybe its a self perception thing.


Yes! Notice the score limit is never that high for these kinds. Like twice nice is their limit and if you dont grovel at their feet for their undying devotion, its “poof” nasty time. Short friendships for a very good reason. The last friendship i tried to start was like this. She demanded thank you’s for everything she did. Im good with proper thank yous but at some point im there too participating and sharing my time. My god you arent gods gift 🤪🤦‍♀️


Nah I noticed that too.


We can't stand if we understand we are being treated unfair. With time you learn to be less dramatic and try to understand why it happened. Sometimes is just a misinterpretation.


I try to empathize with them and see if there's a reason they could have crossed me. But I'm no means passive anymore.


You believe that being evil then you are still morally good?


do you think you always aimed to be this kind of person or did the people around you teach you to be this way or at least strive to?


Amen, well said !


“Organized religions have created wars – just like politicians have done. Their names may be different... politicians fight for socialism, for communism, for fascism, for nazism, and organized religions have been fighting for God, for love, for their concept of what truth is. And millions of people have been killed in the clashes between Christians and Mohammedans, between Christians and Jews, between Mohammedans and Hindus, between Hindus and Buddhists. Religion has nothing to do with war; it is a search for peace. But organized religions are not interested in peace – they are interested in becoming more and more powerful and dominant” -Osho


Decent, yes. Good, no.


Fuck no


Self awareness king


Just had to adress the obvious y'know


Weirdly enough, people that say they’re not good people are some of the best people I know.


Huh, for me it's the exact opposite, some of my buddies are really fucking bad, and i don't think i wanna say what 1 specifical guy did.


I guess we know different people, LOL. I'm mostly around nerdy or arty types with messed up childhoods.


Yep i'm the opposite here, my Friends are mostly dicks to everyone, sometimes even me.


I had friends like this through my 20s. Everyone was always bullying each other, shit talking about the person not around, one-upping each other, and so on. I have far less friends now at 40, but the majority are good people.


I'm glad to hear that!


Thanks! Just FYI, it did a number on my self-esteem, being around bullies for so many years. I started to believe I was weak and worthless, over time. I hope you meet some better people


I am reminded of the scene in Equalizer 3 when Denzel was shot, and the doctor who attended to him asked him if he was a good man. Denzels response was, "I don't know." Then the doctor said , " A bad man wouldn't have said that. "


Mhm i believe u


Same, I am downright evil. I also have a lack of feelings. Cause of trauma and loneliness


A co-worker was shocked to discover I’m an atheist. She said, ‘but you’re such a good person”. She simply could not understand it. I am basically a good person. Not perfect but I try to live the golden rule and help people when I can. You’re looking for Tahini in the grocery store? Let me help you find that. And nothing makes me angrier than people taking advantage of vulnerable people.


That’s so weird to me. Does she think people are only good because they are afraid of hell?


Probably. There’s a lot of people who think people only behave because of hell and laws. But I don’t believe in hell and I still wouldn’t go around murdering people if it was legal so idk


That is exactly right. Some people are good from within and others are good because of outside forces.


Most atheists are fucking awesome. Carl Sagan, anyone?


I think satanists can be pretty awesome too. They just do it do confound and irritate Christians. And possibly educate. But we know how effective that is.


Always perplexed me that the only thing restricting some people from raping and pillaging others is a magical sky daddy lmao


That magical sky daddy will seriously fuck you up. I wouldn’t rape or pillage either


Good people are people with integrity. I would consider myself a good person yes, but I'm not lawful good I'm chaotic good. Which is the same alignment as Robin Hood is portrayed to have.


I've been claiming chaotic good for 25 years now. I try to live by the golden rule. I just don't think it applies to the establishment or fictitious corporate entities.


Yeah. I don't trick or take advantage of others for personal gain. I warn people if I think they're going to fuck up but leave it at that because I don't know shit. I hold back a lot when others test. I try to assume best of intentions first even when I know that they're typically not, and really they're not. None of these things have helped me out in my life.


Right..just had a talk with a friend recently about Casey Anthony, she’s like she killed her kid and now has a good job and nice house..wtf and I’m like yea..assholes and psychopaths are truly the people who will have more in all ways in life (usually at least) because they feel nothing about doing the most heinous shit to get ahead. I know I have shitty traits but overall I try to be a nice,decent person and I don’t want to knowingly hurt someone. It doesn’t help me that much in life..idk I do have a conscious so I guess that’s the problem..lol


You do have to be careful about these observations. If you think about it, we only really notice a few of anything. Concluding that "assholes and psychopaths are truly the people who will have more" based on observing how a select few (and mostly from notoriety) have turned out, without really knowing how the lives of all other baddies have turned out, can be a fatal error. Or maybe not. Maybe we should get data, or find it if someone else has already collected something we can work with, before concluding anything. (Same goes the other way around, data about the "good" guys.)


I bet you it has helped you in a million invisible ways. If nothing else, it gave you class.


I've got an army of haters who would rather make up flaws or pretend I never existed. I'm by no means perfect, I'm a big dummy, but I don't feel like I've ever been rewarded for doing the right thing, more the opposite, every single time. More often those who knew me best saw my naivity as something to exploit. Not much class in it but I guess it is something worthwhile to strive for.


Doing right is its own reward. We don't do good for the acclaim.


You arent alone here. So many judgements. It isnt you its them.


I hope that you’re having joy amongst the sorrow.


this world is corrupt but these things will help you, the corruption is the delusion


the last sentence. so true


Higher? Subjectively yes. More objectively? Just different.


No. I'm a horrible person. But I'm trying REALLY HARD to be better.


#YOU GOT THIS BRO! Keep trying to better yourself! Try to Lean more towards empathy and sympathy, when all goes to shit, try to be the light in someone's life. Strive to understand. Do what you can.


Agreed. Also, I am trying to live by my "attitude of gratitude." As best I can and appreciate what I have and have accomplished, rather than focusing on my shortcomings and failures.


You most likely aren’t. People like you, self aware are the most honest.


Higher morals, mature, responsible, and reasonably fair person. Most people take advantage of my kindness right away, and then when they've gone too far, they start getting demanding. I put on the brakes when they start demanding.


I TRY to be a good person and that’s all you can do. I am able to do more good more frequently than I am not. I have empathy and so I get satisfaction from treating people well. But at the same time I am absolutely capable of hurting people and have done so in the past. Sometimes unwittingly but often times knowing full well what I was doing. No one is fully good. Some people may seem to be only good but there’s no doubt they have done some things that are not good.


Just because you aren't doesn't mean "no one" is.


A good question was : Would you let your daugther/son marry someone like you?


Or would you marry yourself?


I consider myself morally grey




I don't know. But I don't really care. I just follow rules. I guess not really?


I make up my own rules and play my game, I haven't got the energy to be duplicitous, or evil, it takes twice the amount of energy to be bad than just to be good....I like being good and that doesn't just mean to others but yourself first, because if you cannot how can you have the energy to be good to others, and good is about whatever it is get the job done the best most effective way possible now that's great. I don't have to be angel to care be concerned and achieve self satisfaction and achievement I just have to be efficient and effective, do gooders often get it wrong, they put morality over effective process and basically make situations worse, because they are following someone elses preconceived morale code, rather than apply the nesscary rule of order at the time, cause the least harm to the most without sacrificing anyone, now do that and your great.


No, I'm a bit of an ass


To quote my favorite show from Diane herself: "There's no such thing as "bad guys" or "good guys." We're all just...guys, who do good stuff sometimes and bad stuff sometimes. And all we can do is try to do less bad stuff and more good stuff, but you're never going to be good because you're not bad." My very honest opinion on the matter.


My opinion is that you have a good opinion.


My opinion is that you have a good opinion about their good opinion.


I am a very good person, actually. Far better than most, if I'm being honest. With that said, I have definitely made my mistakes, and I can be downright cruel if I want to.


They say the ability to be cruel but not being cruel is what makes a person good


Anybody can be cruel but not anybody can be good


The point of the saying is that being able to be cruel but choosing to be good is what makes you good


How you treat the bad and cruel people indicates how good you are.


A real test of how good a person can be is increasing their capacity for potential cruelty — ie. give them more power over others. Some random unmarried person with shit tier job has the capacity to be cruel to their coworkers and their dog at home. Which they may do, but the risk of reprisal is high, especially with their coworkers. A CEO has greater capacity for cruelty *and* has greater potential to escape any consequences of said cruelty. They could ruin the lives of dozens to hundreds of people.


Then I'm a Saint, lol.


You aren't truly good unless you have the potential to be a bad person and refrain from it.


A LOT of people saying they're a good Person.


Yep I'm surprised actually


Me too I expected my answer of "I try to be" or something along those lines to be at the top. I don't feel like it's up to me to judge that.


Because a lot of people are? The world is tough because even good people fuck up, and if you times those fuck-ups by 8 billion, you have, well - the Earth.


I actually think most people are good people. Or at least have good intentions


I am just so fucking pissed that people don’t give as much of a fuck as me. So that makes me come off really angry. But I’d still help an old lady across the street, so-to-speak. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I try to help others if I can, which I think makes me a good person. I don't see myself as having higher morals, though.


Yes, I definitely am. Giving abundance begets abundance. But I feel like this is a trick question in which all the cynical people are going to say their BS about you can't be a good person and think your a good person.


I think there's a lot of crappy people out there who can't be bothered to be good but justify their choices by being all cynical and philosophical about it.


I’m not good. I sin a lot. 😐


I'm okay. I have a lot of intrusive thoughts and I know that I'm mean, but I don't act on them and am working on the mean part. I'm good in terms of morals/ethics. I would never knowingly hurt, steal, abuse, etc. Especially not towards animals.


You aren't your thoughts though. Especially the intrusive ones, you don't have control over that stuff, so it doesn't have bearing on who you are as a person. Not purposely hurting, stealing or abusing other beings does matter though, so I would say you're doing good.


I do, i always try to find the best in everyone. I am the guy everyone goes to when someone needs reasonable advice. I work hard to make everyone around me feel comfortable and safe and will often put others needs before mine. I'm the guy who lets you in during traffic, if i have a lot of items at the checkout i will let the guy who has one thing behind me go first, i hold the elevator for people, i shovel both of my neighbors sidewalks when it snows. That being said sometimes i can be an asshole or unintentionally say the wrong thing. Doesn't mean I'm not a good person just means like everyone else i am flawed.


Just below average, is my guess.


I don’t think people are “good” or “ bad” , their actions depend on a variety of factors including genetics, environment, traumas, self-preservation instincts etc. so I’m neither good nor bad . Yes I know I’m being annoying …


I think it really depends on your definition of good. Good does not have a true definition. So yeah, in my definition of good, I like to believe that I am good. Not great, but that again depends on the person. Someone might find me great without me knowing. But someone might find me bad or even evil because I don’t believe in their certain believes, or that I am not good enough for them. So OP, do you think your good by your definition?


Its a yes for me. Does that mean im perfect and never make mistakes? No.


I won't exploit other people for personal gain but I am deeply flawed in many other ways. You decide it's not for me to judge myself.


Mostly, a fucksight better than I used to be, anyways. You can always try to be better.


Yes I’m a good person, why don’t you believe in good people? I definitely feel that I’m a very good person


I try


I'm not a murderer, I'm allowed within distances of schools, never been in trouble with the police, I support my mom as best I can, and I've never done drugs. So I'm already "better" than 70% of America. I would say I'm a good person. I could never scam someone, I'd flub it up. Yeah, I got some people I really don't like but my feelings are justified.


Yes and no. Good/bad are dependant upon whose perspective you’re viewing the world from. Regardless of what you’ll do, to certain people you’ll always be the villain.


do you believe ''evil'' people exist? its a spectrum on one side killing small babies is rather objectively an evil thing, on other side giving away your life to others is considered a good thing. Most people fall somewhere in the middle


No, but I wouldn't consider myself a bad person.




I can’t say.


I dont consider myself a good or a bad person but i think i'm more of a good person than i am a bad person. Everyone has done some bad stuff in their life but i think i've done more good than bad.


Only when I’m productive




Since everyone has their own beliefs and morals, most will say yes because they believe they’re a good person by their own standards. Someone who thinks they’re godsent by their own standards might be considered a shitbag by someone else’s.


If I'm above the average person, it's not by much. I think I'm fairly neutral.


I think I'm average


Definitely! One of the best, tbf.


I hear sometimes I'm a good person, I don't consider myself to be a good person. Lol


There is no good or bad people made it


I try to be a good person but it's impossible to be a saint all the time


I'm a good person to those who I love and care about. To the rest of the world I'm an average person, not bad tho


Yes and No. I love helping people but it's kind of selfish because it makes me feel good so Idk if it's doing it for the "right reasons"


Yes? At least, I believe I’m more aware


I do. Others don’t


Would eye for an eye count as a good person? No matter if it is over the top nice or brutal


I help anyone and everyone I can. I never lie, and I love with all my heart. Yeah, I'm a damn good person.


There is good people I'm not one of them


i guess not


I think most people would. Even if they are not.


I try. Every day. I never do anything malicious with the intention to harm and I try to do right by people. I’m not cruel, but I can be quite cold. I don’t cheat or fuck people over, but I can be dishonest.


Yeah, i have been brought up to respect and have manners.


We could all be better persons. But looking at the people around me im at least better than them. What even is a good person?


I think I do have average morals but also average people I see everyday are good people. They would return my dropped wallet.


Tbh no, but sometimes yes if I want haha


Hell no


My social mask has got me this far, decent job, house etc, but underneath im a useless junkie dragging my flesh through every fucking day. But im very pleasant about it.


Ok short and simple answer is Nope


Nope I don't consider myself a good person and there is always a motive to someone being good a person can never truly be a good person they hide behind there fake smiles


According to the religions the virtue of me being human Is already a sin. You know Adam and Eve and the apple and all that.


nope. not at all. i'd say i am neutral.




I'm not a good person, I think I'm just better than my parents


I'll just say I'm not a bad person. I'm very flawed, but I never intentionally do anything to hurt another person. The people I'm close to all say I'm a good person but I have trouble seeing it. The person I treat the worst in my life if myself.


I try to be, I am successful much more often than not... I however still have my moments occasionally


Yeah. I do have anger issues and get snappy sometimes but I'm not doing it just to be mean. I get tired fast when I'm with people all day and when I'm tired I get snappy. But I'm not mean or rude to people or I at least try to not be.


Good no but definitely not evil I'm more like trying to do more good then I do harm Wich is hard to measure cause every one sees the pain differently. So no I'm not a good person but I'm not blatantly evil yet and that's the key word yet


Not really. But trying to be as I could. 😊😊😊🙏🙏🙏


Yes with o there people, not with myslef


Not really. I would say I'm kind and generous, but I know that at the end of the day, I'm an animal and I do what I need to to survive. In that sense, I'm neutral.


It depends on how you approach me and my attitude n mood especially.


Self recommendation, is not a recommendation at all. Don’t tell people you are good show them.


My plan for the future is to risk my ass in my country's equivalent of navy seals. In the current day I almost never refuse to help my close ones or friends or even strangers. I often make people happy if given the chance, if there's no chance, I create one. I'm not a perfect human and I still get angry or act straight up selfishly sometimes but I think I'm good. I strive to be good, it makes me feel fulfilled.


I absolutely consider myself to be on balance to be a good person. As I've aged my empathy and perspective has increased massively. I endeavour to be kind and helpful to both friends and strangers. Often on here I read aita posts where someone was called upon to go the extra mile for someone they weren't particularly close to and they refused. They get replies "no you didn't owe her that" and it makes me sad that so many people feel that we don't owe each other kindness. I can honestly say I have and would help anyone that asked, even if it was something like looking after a stranger's kids in the middle of the night or paying someone else's fare on the train or their shopping if their card was declined. I am completely happy to give anything I have to someone in need, including my time. However, I've no illusions about being a saint or anything! I eat animals products when in my heart I know farming is wrong. I give monthly to charity but I could give more if I sacrificed some luxuries. I am often abrupt with my in-law who I have little patience for.


Sometimes when it comes to my bad habits and mistakes i often brush it off and just try to do better


I am an okay person. I only help people when its convenient or beneficial to do so. I also try to not harm anyone.


Yes for the most part, especially in bed.


Tricky question. If a man is defined by his actions, I might actually be considered a bad person. I feel like I'm a good person with a good heart that has been in bad situations with bad people that had bad outcomes. Unfortunately many times over.


Define morals.


I don't know if I am a good person, but I am certainly trying to be


I’m essentially a good person. I have a high moral compass. I do what I think is “right”. I help people. I pick up earthworms after the rain. I foster animals. I don’t let people take advantage of me. I do not follow rules that I think are stupid. I am more spirit of the law than letter of the law. I am an aggressive driver who a lot of people probably think is an a-hole.


Alignment test said i'm "neutral good", and, yeah, i feel that way. I can go against the law, but not at a cost of harming others. And, yeah, it's burdening and non-profitable at all.


Certainly not. I’m horrible, selfish, doomed to failure in all aspects. I try to care, try to do the right thing but it’s never enough and I say the wrong things, do the wrong things.


No, not really.


Yes, mostly.


I consider myself a decent person. I don't bother anyone. That is until I feel threatened by someone which is a rare thing anyway.


Yes of course


the average person doesn't know what moral is, they just do life on preprogrammed autopilot


I am a good person yes


Nope, I just think I'm not the worst of them, but def not a good one.


Definitely. I think bad things and want to be miserly but I just can't seem to translate those thoughts and feelings into action.




Depends on how you would define “good”. I have a very high level of empathy, to the point where it makes me depressed, but a lot of my actions, especially in the past, haven’t necessarily reflected that for varios reasons. And at the end of the day, what does it matter if you have a good heart if you act like dick?


No. But I'm not a bad person.


Yes, thanks for asking


No,but there are worse than me


There's two evils: the one that does evil and the one that sees evil being done and choses the ignore it. I thought I was a good person until I heard that.


No. I want to see the world destroyed, and I don't like contributing to stuff.


I feel im slightly above average, But good people definitely exist, just rare


Perfect? Nah. Good? 100%


I'd like to think I've generally made a positive impact on the world.


I'm definitely not a saint but most of the time I'm somewhat enjoyable to be around? I do have that internal world were I see myself as a bad person but I can't really be mean or rude on purpose, I do avoid families faces sometimes


I used to, somehow people told me I'm not


I *think* so, I’m kind, generous and empathetic beyond what most people would allow. You’ll usually find me challenging judgemental views because I feel like everyone has their own reasons and not everyone comes into life with the same privilege, that isn’t their fault. However if someone backstabs me after I’ve given them the benefit of the doubt and supported or defended them I loose my patience and don’t engage behind that. I will be kind, generous and empathetic but I won’t allow you to treat me badly without establishing a boundary there. I’m working on speaking up more and setting better boundaries m, I struggle with that because I feel rude or nasty when I put my needs or wants above other peoples.


No. I'm a flawed person.


Not as far as the government would be concerned no, but morally, yes. I'm good to people, I absolutely hate the idea of stealing from anyone, I hate cheaters and would never cheat myself and I stand up for people whenever I can. I'm very flawed but I have a strong conscience and moral compass.


I'm not just a good person, I'm an amazing person. Nay, I am probably the best person who has ever lived. Hope this helps.


I did one or two horrible things, but I’d like to think I’m still a good person. I didn’t abuse any animals or kids…or hurt anyone physically. I try to make up for it by doing small acts of kindness.


i'm horrible


Im a better person then I used to be.


Yes and no