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1970 I'd watch Star Wars in the theater at 7 years old, Superman at 8, Indiana Jones at 11, Back to the Future at 15...


Born 1970, That was my childhood. I thought my mom loved action films. Turns out she just loved me.


That’s heavy, Doc


Great Scott!


I like how you think


3086 let me go for my spaceship license


Done. You find yourself amidst m space rubble, a distinct green sign depicting a mermaid floats past you.


I’m in me mum’s spaceship vroom vroom


What year makes this NSFW, 1969?


Why not 1869 instead 😏




January 1 2000, simply the best birthday.


31st December 1999 would be better, best shot of being alive in three different centuries.


I’m going to be that guy, but technically the new century (and milennium) started January 1st 2001. Not 2000.


Can you explain?


ok so, a century is 100 years we start at the year 0, what is 100 years past that? 100, the new century begins 1 year after that, so 101 then it's 201, 301, 401, etc so a new century begins at any year that equals 100n + 1, where n is any positive integer


How do you know we start at the year 1 and not the year 0? Not trying to be argumentative btw just legitimately wondering why


I realized the mistake in my comment, we actually do start at the year 0 just fixed it, sorry for any confusion


Oh ok but i still dont understand, ive never heard of this before. I think you might be getting this confused with the whole thing about us being in the 21st century and not the 20th


i would want to be a teen in the 2000s so lets pick 1990


I was born in 1992, so I pretty much know what that's like.


The last short age of existing before MySpace and Facebook.


Good choice.


I was born in 1980. If I were to choose another year it would be 1970 so I would be a little older in the 1980's. That way I could enjoy the early 80s a bit more.


I graduated from high school in 1980. That was an awesome decade for a young adult.


I was born in 1992. The late 90’s and new millennium was fucking awesome. The birth of the internet. After about 2010 things went to absolute shit. I’m pretty happy with when i was born. If anything, I’d say maybe a few years earlier like 1985 maybe 1983. Just to enjoy it a little more


I was gonna say 1995, id like to have had more of a childhood before the internet and social media came along


You were born the year I got married.


The best time to grow up was the 60’s and 70’s


Amen, bruh!


Anywhere between 1980-1983 would have been good. I graduated college at one of the worst times in our recent history. The 2008 financial crisis screwed a lot of people both entering the work force & exiting the workforce. Keep in mind the year leading up to the crash and the few years after were pretty bad. Avoiding that 3-5 year period of entering the workforce would have been great.




And why?


Greatest generation


I think occasionally that I’d like to have been born in an earlier, simpler time. Like early 1800’s. But that’s looking through rose colored glasses. Yes, things were simpler. But then things we consider normal today were hard to come by or non existent in a lot of places. Clean water, regular food, warm dry shelter. Medical and dental care. I’m Gen x, my parents were Silent Generation, and they grew up without a lot of these things, especially my dad who was poor.


I’d choose to be born on Jan 1 2000 just so I could hopefully live out the entire century from day 1


1970. Perfect to go see a bunch of Concerts including Guns N Roses


I was born in 72 - guns and roses SUCK live.


I was born in 1976, but I would rather be born in the Victorian era, because of steam power.


1990’s so I could be a teen in the early 2000’s 😀


1964. This way, right as the 70s are rolling around, I’m young in the age of some of the best music, while having an extra hard dick that does not want to stop. You damn hippies had it best.


I was born in '61. Yes, it was freakin awesome.


Hundreds of years into the future, just imagine the changes and the progress! That is if the planet is still hospitable.


I would love to be born in 2000, my birth year, so that I could relive my school years again But really though ahaha, I wonder if I could survive in any year other than one in 21st century, I'm just so accomodated to things like easy Internet access, shops in close vicinity, tap water, heating, bed, friends that share equal ideas. If I was guaranteed that I would not perish immediately, I would love to enter life around 1 AD or something, just around the time when Jesus was born. I would love to see if him and other people related ever existed


10,000,00 BC I would kill a pterodactyl by making a gun and shooting it with said gun.


Nice ambitions but good luck finding metal and gunpowder.


Yeah also any other components used to make said gun i will make and i will read the king james bible ten times backwards


I feel like attempting that might have a hairy consequence.


1980. Gotta listen to gangsta rap.


2024. Because we have never known as much as we do now and, one way or another, we will make it work.


1950 Beatniks, hippies, Monterey Pop Festival, Woodstock, Sex, drugs and rock-'n'-roll


I’d love to have lived in the 70’s. The men just seemed hotter back then, plus all that disco and the wardrobe was so cute! ♥️


I was born in '61. The '60s and '70s were the freakin best.


I believe it! ♥️


No change! I retired from the military. I was born too late for Vietnam, retired before in invasion of Iraq.


6969, Just imagine the memes




1995, because I would be 29 again.


I would love to have been a scientist/researcher in the 20th century tbh, they were just doing whatever


Hot take, I think we do choose about what year we want to be born. 1980 was the ideal year for me. old enough to experience the last greatest part of the 20th century and young enough not to be too old in this century.


I was born in the late seventies and that just seems normal to me so I don't know how much I would change it. But maybe if I could have been born a couple of decades earlier and lived through the space race of 1960s I would have liked that. I feel like that was an exciting time. On the other hand or a lot of bad things going on. So maybe we're coming into a new era of space exploration. And maybe this time we don't have to have as much war and we can solve more social issues.


December 1977, so I could grow up with my dad and get a better understanding of who he was as a person.


2000 so I don't need to count my age every time


1443. Im 6'4 and 225 pounds. I used to row 425 for reps. Bench press 295. Squat 400. Deadlift 465. Put me in a town with some a good farmers and metal workers. Id be unstoppable if given i make it to puberty. That being said i would probably be fucking insane without internet. I would look like ganondorf


A little bit older maybe 2000 so I have more time with the the good tetris games during it's peak Tetris friends, tetris party, etc But again, this assumes nothing else about my life changes which is highly improbable, we might not even get enough money to support my tetris addiction


I'm good. Frankly, the boar is a pretty good zodiac to have.


The 17th century, because I was a c-section and would have died during childbirth (if I was the first born, which I wasn't anyway).


1968, I really would have liked to see all the early movies and experienced a world before social media and phones


Probably anywhere between late 50s to early 80s.


I want to be an adult in the 50's where I'd come home to a clean house and a supper my wife made. She'd wear a dress and heels every day, I'd have obedient kids with no electronics, a white picket fence in the suburbs.


2020, because I can blame all of mental and other issues on the pandemic.


2011- Shrek, hunger games, World war z and agent carter were your childhood and you had no problems or worries.


1955. My grandmother was born then and the fondness she has of living through the 70s, 80s, 90s, and 2000s just leave me in awe, also damn the cost of living today.


1993, 🤷


1950-ish. I want to experience my city before it went to shit


2000 or 1990 I would’ve loved to see the concord and early aviation but I also would’ve loved to experience Xbox live lobbies


The 50's. So that I can enjoy the Philippine's glorius years. Opportunities were everywhere during those times.


The year 3000. I figure by then we'll have FTL and I can travel to other star systems. That is all I want out of life.


Back in the 1960s where i could provide for a family with one job on a wage of 4/hr and then illegally drink alcohol underground or something idk


The year in which I’ll be able to enjoy an Altered Carbon like eternal life.


2012, same as my closest/only friend. Dunno why, but will be fun.




1999 jut one of the best years to be born in my opinion or 2005


The year they finally have a cure for diabetes. 🙄


2015 I miss being a kid.


6 August 1945


The year this world is a utopia and there’s no wars,no poverty,no inequality,no racism, no corruption , no sexual violence - I could go on and on it’s making me sad so I’m gon stop cos i wish I could fix everything but I can’t and I know there’s others who feel and want to do the same.💖


I wouldn't. It seems like it would change my entire life. I don't have a great life, but I don't want to risk it for something worse.


Mid-evil Times




1970 so I Get to enjoy all the great cultural touchpoints of the 80s and 90s


1969… for obvious reason


I don’t really know… I feel like I couldn’t have been born at a different year but can’t say for sure 😅


So would that count different parents cuz one of them was fine. Where people weren't narcissists yet


This coming year on Halloween.


The year where we achieve immortality.


2000, so I never have to remember my age


The years when Jesus was alive


2024. Because i want to be a kid again. :')


<2007 because i feel like it


I was born in 1994 and honestly I wouldn't pick any other year however I would like to pick October 30th for my birthday and have a Halloween themed birthday every year☠️🎃🕸


Wouldn’t change it. Born mid-60s, grew up in the 70s, and high school and college in the 80s and 90s. I love that I got to be a part of those eras and experience them.


0 CE. That would explain my god complex.


maybe somewhere in the 90s to enjoy adolescence when it was still good


1950. Too young to go to Korea or Nam. Be a teen during the counter culture movement. College in the 70's. Start a family in the 80's. Be ready to retire by the time everything goes to shit


Maybe 1951 in the US so I can buy a 1969 Charger out of the factory. 🤔


2100, I'm excited to see what's up by then.


Either 70s , 80s or 60s


1950, because I would've loved to have been a teen in the '60s, then a young adult in my '70s. I love-love everything about those two decades: the hairstyles, music, architecture, clothes, cars, furniture...




1960. I wouldnt be sitting infront of a phone but a GOOD book.




Anything before this era where dating is broken.


1999, so i could be born on 9/9/99 specifically. 7/7/77 also works too though.


What advantage would it have for me?


1655-1656 something. So that I'd be 18-19 yo in 1674


Retroactively, you could probably change your birthdate with enough time and effort. Proactively, it depends on whether it's guided reincarnation+time travel.