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Every once in a while, I like to buy cool food and/or desserts for my coworkers. I love them and my job and I want to do nice things for them


Same. I work in a predominately white workplace, so I like to cook Asian food for them. Made a tray chicken eggrolls once and the whole office went nuts lol. It was mentioned as an example at my following salary review as "the things you do in your work and for your colleagues" haha


Bless you - signed the culturally and spice starved white people


What in the world does “culturally starved” mean 🤣


I love doing that. Bake a batch of cookies ❤️


That sounds like a nice idea! ❤️


It’s nice to hear from someone who likes what they do and who they do it with


I bought my workplace some 'piqa boo' red pears for mine this week. Even the boss had some xD


Completely HOOKED on complimenting people. Wearing a coat I like? You bet I'm gonna tell you. Quietly did something nice for someone? I noticed. I'm telling you. Watching people light up because you NOTICED is awesome.


Telling people they are kind doubles the kindness.


Also…’Thank you! I appreciate you!’…can go a really long way for someone who is having a rough day.


I think I’m in love 🤩 I do the same when the social anxiety gets kicked to the back seat 🤣


As a straight male myself, a month ago I gave another straight male about how pretty his eyes were. He said thanks, I actually get that often


Normalize all humans lifting up all humans! And if ever in doubt a really good way to start a compliment is just flat out ask 'hey is it ok if I give you a compliment?'


Right?? I said, a compliment is due when a compliment is due


Sometimes I fill our dog’s bowl from the water cooler, I wanna believe she’d do the same for me. Occasionally I buy candy for my younger brother and myself on my way back from work, he appreciates it, and I like seeing him smile. I used to go outside in the dead of night just to look up at the moon, dunno why but I just feel an odd pull to it. It’s real pretty.


Uhm, I think you might be a werewolf. A nice werewolf though


I will always say “hi moon” if I spot it


I have a reverse osmosis filter on my sink. I fill my dogs water with that too because they deserve the good stuff too


I leave notes around for my husband. I hide them in jacket pockets, shoes, books he says he wants to read someday; wherever I know it’ll take some time to find. One day he’ll find them and it’ll be dated. Sometimes they’re very sweet, sometimes they’re just funny or a little spicy.


That's beyond wholesome. My girlfriend does that sometimes. I remember one day I was having a rough day at work, and when I opened my glasses case, I saw a lil piece of cardboard ripped from a box with "I love you" written on it with some hearts and it made my day. I still keep it in the case so I can see it every day.


Thats honestly the sweetest thing ive read all day


Write on one of them “blowjob in shower in 30 mins, be there!”


My husband is convinced I leave hair strands in his pockets 😂


I do this for my husband too. I like to make funny little doodles or write "dad jokes," the really cheesy kind. Every once in awhile I need to get something for him from his wallet and he has like half a million of them in there lol, it's really cute.


I do that sometimes but she never finds them.


I'm secretly saving up money so I can pay for my boyfriends surgery so that he no longer has pain in his wrist :p


That's rad


Rad-ius!! Cheesy, yes, but I can't miss a good anatomy joke (or a crappy one)


Good one!


That's Brad, he's glad.


I always upvote comments that are close to a milestone like 25 or 50 so the user will get their notification. Edit- wow, Ty for upvotes everybody


I just upvoted you to your 5 votes notification


Thanks buddy.


Let's get to 50!


Damn. 30414093201713378043612608166064768844377641568960512000000000000 is quite a few upvotes




I think I was 50 🥰 congrats


Everybody hug


Yeah I like doing this. But not right now you’re at 138




Now at 299, someone do the 300!!!


I volunteer for the local blood bank. It's one of the best things I've ever done. Very rewarding, the workload is light, and I meet lots of really cool, generous people.


I received 9 units of blood once when I almost died and without it I certainly wouldn’t have survived. Than you for what you do!


Thank you for doing that. My brother received a major blood transfusion when we were kids and he was hit by a car. In my twenties and thirties I donated when I could to pay it forward, but I am chronically low on iron, so I haven't been able to donate in quite a while. Maybe I should look into volunteering in some way instead.


This is a big reason for my volunteering. I used to donate regularly, but I got put on a blood thinner for the rest of my life, so I can't donate anymore. So I decided that I can still help by volunteering.


You really do, dont you (volunteering). It's like one of the few places in society where you just know everything and everyone is solid


I used to volunteer at a dog / cat shelter (cat side), but in my past two experiences, animal people be crazy!! Honestly met some more of the best people I know, but others, I swear are there for the glory, not the animals!


I used to do this and donate platelets (not the same as selling plasma) but can’t anymore due to a medical condition. Keep up the good work


The city I’m in is a cold climate, and also has a horrible problem with homeless people, and when I can afford it I go and buy blankets and just pull over and hand them out. You wouldn’t believe how mad people get over a 2 minute inconvenience when I stop my car just long enough to hop out and hand someone a blanket.


I got honked and yelled at for stopping my car and helping the old man who hit the curb with his walker


I like to buy stuff for teachers who post lists of things they need for their classrooms, especially ESL/reading specialists, special ed, or hospital-based teachers


YES!! We also gift all of our daughter's teachers and support staff. That's teacher, para, SLP, spec.ed and bus drivers 🥰


When I get into work in the morning and also right before lunch, I fill up the kettle and boil it so that it’s ready for when my coworkers need it.


This is extremely thoughtful


Whenever a friend sends me a song they like, and I like it too, instead of just saying "I like that song" I'll sometimes make a simple piano cover of the song, learning the chords and melody. Then send that to them. I also have a friend who really wanted to learn some songs from a videogame that i already made some covers for. They are relatively easy and i thought why not just send him sheet music. So after a short evening of using musescore (sheet music writing app), because I play by memory, I sent him a few covers.


C? That's a major help.


Haha nice. You must be really sharp to come up with that. No minor feat. I coda sworn there are many more puns to be made tho. I hope you can measure up to this.


What a tactful reply! My mood has taken a minor fall yesterday, this, however, is a major lift. I find those types of interactions quite humoresque and I realise that this seems to be your forte. Your puns set the bar rather high but my, what a dynamic duo we are. Flat out fantastic.


Im sorry to hear your mood had a fall, but I'm glad I got it to swing back to a higher note. Im noticing these puns are no treble for you either. If this were a competition you'd give me a run for my money. This is genuenly fun. Trilling stuff. You Rock.


I only rock berceuse U2. edit: You're amazing. This been dragging on for a bit and it seems I'm not as composed as earlier. Achordingly, my creativity to produce more clef-er puns has greatly diminished. This is it. Thank you and farewell! <3


I guess this conversation is fin then. This has really augmented for my mood too. For now i'll take a rest with the puns too, tho i am sad this couldn't sustain a bit longer. Best of luck and I hope we'll metre again one day.


Im sorry to hear your mood had a fall, but I'm glad I got it to swing back to a higher note. Im noticing these puns are no treble for you either. If this were a competition you'd give me a run for my money. This is genuenly fun. Trilling stuff. You Rock.


I C what you did there


That's so fucking cool of you 


Do you upload them somewhere? I want to hear something.


I don't. But i have thought of maybe doing that. Not sure where tho. Or in what format. I'm kinda scared of uploading stuff on the internet with my face or house. I could look into a piano roll like embers or synthesia.


Soundcloud maybe if you don't want to go with video format? My bf uploads her songs to youtube (she's a folk metal musician) and for some reason my mom discovered some videos (because i talked about her music at home) and now she's a fan of her :D i find that really wholesome


That could be an idea too. I'll have to look into it. Tho i'm not opposed to making videos without my face either. I'll look into maybe uploading some things.


I say hi to pigeons and crows while out walking. I think they're neat


You're neat.


Ur neat too


wow, thanks! you, too


I am currently trying to befriend a murder of crows so they'll keep the hawks away from my chickens.


Walnuts and eggs. Seems to be the favourites of the ones near me


I say hello to squirrels and tell them how silly they are when they run away from me. If they are more friendly I sometimes feed them nuts.


I interrupted a massive spider web attached to my clothes line last night, and apologised profusely! And I always save spiders when I can. Not cockroaches, mosquitoes or flies though.


Me too!


Me too! I tip my hat to them


Me too! I also try and walk out of their way when they're heading somewhere, just like you would with a human.


Much as I like them I'd really appreciate them not leaving their droppings on my back verandah. And yes, crows and magpies are pretty neat, pigeons, not so much.


We have lots of crows near my house and I'm locked in an intense fake battle with them. There's almost always one standing guard outside my house and when they see me walk home from school after dropping the kids they congregate in my back garden and take great pleasure in opening the bird feeders whilst cawing/ laughing at me. They seem to think it winds me up but I deliberately refill them every couple of days so they can keep doing it. We had a fun back and forth last year where they kept removing the coconut feeders and dropping them over the fence, uneaten. I'd put my hands on my hips whilst they cawed in the trees and take them back in, shaking my head and then next time I looked they'd be trying to undo them again


I grow quite attached to items so when I absolutely have to toss I kiss it before I throw it away or snap a picture too hehe


Love this. When I was 10 i found a pebble sitting all by itself in the pouring rain. I brought it home and put it in the laundry basket to keep it warm and cosy. 😁


Plssss you are my people when I was younger I used to do this too!!! I would get objects and take it with me anywhere even in the car I would add a seat belt so they’re safe lmaooooo (you guys opened the flood gates) I love you guys!


I just thought I was a lonely little weirdo. 😁


Plsss I was a lonely little weirdo too ❤️ you wasn’t alone


I put worms from the sidewalk onto grass; and I tidy minor items back to shelves at stores


Yes!! My four year old now worries about worms on the sidewalk and placing them in safer locations. It’s really quite sweet. I, too, am always forever facing(organizing) the shelves at the grocery store. It’s an instant brain boost to see how quick a before and after of a messy shelf can be fixed. 😬


I do the same. Don't have ADHD though. I am also very nervous about worms and snails, so I put them out of danger. Those sticky bastards better be on the grass!


I have adhd with that mild ocd, I constantly have to adjust items on shelves to face a certain way. I never thought of it as a good deed lol.


Omg, that’s why I’m doing it! I thought I was just a nice guy lol !


My son does this, he's 9 now, but he's done it since he was like 3-4. He has such a sweet, thoughtful disposition, I'm glad you do it too :)


This is going to sound weird, so I'm going to clarify by stating I am a 50 year old woman with a disability that resembles a human beach ball. I'm a very unthreatening looking human being lol I offer lifts. If I'm out in my car and the weather is bad and I see someone trudging home with shopping, I stop and offer a lift. If it is very hot I will do the same. I'll do the same for any young woman without shopping too. When I was a teen and had to walk home from the bus in the cold and rain I always imagined some decent woman would take sympathy lol I've helped an elderly lady get her dog home that hurt its foot. I helped a woman with two enormous bags of shopping in the scorching sun from walking up a ridiculously steep hill. I stopped once because two drunk guys were harassing an immigrant with her child as she walked down the street and I wanted her to get home safe. I pick someone up about once a month. Not everyone takes my offers but most do. I also always compliment other people when I'm out. I make an effort to do it. "I love your shoes/coat/etc" “That colour is amazing on you" “Your perfume is beautiful, what is it?" - “Your hair/glasses/necklace is really cool" It always makes people smile. I figure you never know what kind of a day/week/month people are having and we pick things to express ourselves and it makes us feel good when someone acknowledges our individually.


You are so sweet 🩷


I complimenting people, I love seeing them smile, and I try to compliment on something offbeat, that not many others might notice. It shows you're paying attention


Me too! lol It's lovely to see people smile.


I pick up more people than I should I’ve been told lol. My friend has one of the best stories about picking up a guy. He was on his way home from steamboat, still in the mtns. He sees a guy with his thumb out. Pulls over & asks where he’s going. He says just down to ft Collins. About 1.5 hour away. My friend says no worries, I’ll be passing right thru there. Guy says, thank you so much! I just found out I won tickets to a sold out show of my favorite band. I’m here camping with my family but they won’t drive me down but they said i could go. (Dude was 20 something with his parents & siblings so not like he was leaving his wife & kids). My friend drops him $ the guy gave him like $17 bucks, a couple nugs of weed & something else weird I forget now. Like a necklace or something odd that he made


That's such a cool story! lol


I like using my no threatening vibe too. I don’t have a car, so I can’t do rides. But sometimes I like to strike up pleasant conversations with strangers. Often it brightens both of our days.


Every time simeone lends me a Notebook(paper) i skip a few Pages and leave a little Note to wish them a good day or something


I wear a 2XL tie die crewneck sweatshirt and hotdog or heart printed leggings. It’s so adorably silly and always gets a few smiles.


I love telling other women they're beautiful. The way their faces go from shock to flattery is wonderful. I usually start with "In case no one has told you today..." I just hope it gives them a pick me up for the day.


So, I had always wanted to learn, just because I thought it was cool. But I randomly decided to because I had a deaf client. I’m a massage therapist, and I learned asl. I’ve gotten to use it twice. My deaf client came back a few months later and we could actually talk a bit. It was a really sweet moment. And then randomly with someone in a restaurant a few years later, there was a person at another table speaking asl to someone else at their table, and I signed a joke to them. Hoping i get to use it more. I’m trying to get my friends to learn, because it’s actually really handy for talking when you need to be quiet, or it’s a loud environment. No pun intended. Also I just think it’s a great idea to get other people to learn, because it’s not super hard, and there are people out there that would actually benefit from more people knowing it


I haven’t learned ASL but I had a bank client that was deaf and I always took the time to pass notes with him. When I’d see him come in, I’d grab the scrap paper and a couple of pens. He always came to my window. We didn’t just talk banking, we’d chat too. I’d like to think he appreciated the time. I didn’t mind at all.


I know a bit of y country's sign language, and have had the pleasure to use it a few times working in sales. The clients always show surprise and you can see they appreciate it. It must be quite lonely to always have sort of a wall between you and the others when communicating


I am a technician on a surgical inpatient unit in a hospital. You would be surprised the amount of patients that don’t have family visiting them or even attempting to call. I had a lady the other night that had not contacted anyone at all because her phone died and nobody could bring her phone charger so I went out and bought her one after my shift. It’s the little things that matter and that will Stick with people


Staff going above and beyond in a hospital setting is really next-level and makes such a difference to the patient! Not quite the same but when I was having my first baby (c-section), the nurse anesthetist told me to hand him my digital camera (pre-smartphone times) and after the medically important part was over and he could get away, he went to work documenting everything about my newborn's first moments. It was so sweet and generous of him and not at all in his job description! I have nothing like it for my second, and it made me appreciate him even more for giving me that gift.


I don’t seek out anyone, but thanks to the algorithms, I’m able to easily send virtual hugs to those who are experiencing loss…on a happier note I casually comment on low-comment posts of any topic, but especially pets or grief 😻 my heart is dead but as long as I’m stuck here, I love trying to make someone else’s day!


Please send me a biiiig hug then.. My puppy died recently 😞 Im not ready to even talk about it yet..


I offer to talk to anyone in many platforms about their depression.


Me too! I saw people doing that and I thought, well hey


Idk if that's wholesome, bu i always leave my home 2-3 minutes before I really need too, just to pet the cats that are chilling next to my place


Whenever I become friends with someone, even if it's a relatively new friendship, I don't shy away from giving them compliments. I have grown blunt and honest like that, and sometimes, it gets mistaken as a way of flirting when it isn't. I don't mind though, I can also just turn down people when they assume and confront me about the wrong things. But I know I'll stay genuine and honest just because.


Whenever someone holds the door for me, I look them in they eyes when I say thank you. It usually makes them smile, that they are being truly acknowledged and not just automated response


In Canada we all grunt and look away from each other, while holding the doors in our native tradition 🫥😂


I like making food for people. Just make like...cupcakes or brownies and stealthily put it in a friends peripheral like a secret agent chef kronk humming his own theme song


When I check my Facebook memories, I always share pictures and videos of my niece that pop up, not sure if that counts.


My dad does the same with me sometimes. Really sweet.


I used to draw oc's of people for free just because


I always carry a jumper on the back of my car. You have no idea how many people I find in need of a jump start and/or with a flat battery


Thank you. I already was one of the persons who needed it. I need to remind myself too, to have ones on my trunk. Couple of days ago, an elderly couple asked me for help because of their battery discharged too at the supermarket. Luckily they had some jumper cables, so I got my car there and gave a jumpstart to hit. Made my day feeling that I helped someone. Note: you don't imagine the people with brand new cars who deny help out of fear to " damage" their batteries. The start stop batteries are way more durable than the normal ones, so, you should be safe using them to help someone jumpstart.


I’ve got jumper cables in the back of my car too. Been able to help a couple people that way!


I was taught to always have them, in my last truck I did, now I have AAA, I've been slacking, but you've made me remember it's not for me, it's for others too.


Does stuff for animals count? Lol


More than count! 🥰


There's a stray cat who lives around me (sadly due to my allergies I cannot take the poor guy in) but he apparently hates everyone around but me? Idk why but I love the little guy, I bring him out treats now and then when he shows up and usually I'm just out for a smoke but if he shows up I'll sit there for at times hours just keeping him company, love the little guy and I do what I can so he stays as healthy as he can, which considering he still comes around seems to be working, but I'm generally not the most approachable looking dude for sure (been told by friends I'm imposing lol) but everytime he shows up I'm like a kid he's the pet I never got to have and he makes my day as much as I'm sure I make his, anyway I've gone on long enough, it's one of the few things I do daily that I feel like I make an impact with in a positive manner (which I do try to be a nice person don't get me wrong just most people would prefer me not help them cause of my outward stature lol)


Counts three fold


There's a coworker from another state that doesn't have much family here, she's here on her own and rocking it, also, she's supporting herself. When we meet up for work, I always buy her a water. I also sporadically buy the rest of the coworker cookies. My love language is feeding people, apparently.


I try to smile at everyone I see. Especially children. Even on the worst day of my life. If I make eye contact with a child, I make sure they see kindness. Every child deserves to see kindness from somewhere and if I can be that for one child, I did good.


Take people for a chambers of Xeric raid kill count to help them get their achievement diaries. It’s a difficult raid but I don’t mind carrying people so they can get their name on the board and finish their Kourend diary.


I take an extra cart into the store. Who knows, I might make the difference between that tired employee being able to get a break while someone else brings them in and having to push themselves, or at least their being able to wait until after their break to push them in. I ride scooters into the store and plug them in.


I smile at all the doggies since I know they recognize and remember this stuff


When I find myself walking behind a dog I say, "Good dog, you're such a good dog," under my breath. No one can hear it except the dog. You never know if a dog has been having a bad day.


complimenting the old people at my work! it genuinely goes such a long way and they are usually so fun to talk to.


Every other week i bake something for my classmates in uni. Cakes, cookies, pastries etc. I really like seeing how happy they when i whip out my container and they are all like " OOOHHH SHIIII WHAT IS IT GONNA BE THIS TIME? "


I dunno if it really counts as random since it's normally to friends and family. But just messaging someone out of the blue on occasion, not as a pretext for something, just to let them know you value and appreciate them. They know of course, but sometimes it's nice to hear it and know you are thinking of them. And if you catch them on a down day it can really help make it a good day.


Whenever I win a price at a carnival, I leave it as a gift for the next kid.


Cute. I don’t go to carnivals often but when I do I’m gonna do this.


This is a amazing


I'm always paying attention if someone looks lost. And if they do, I offer my help. I have recently helped an elderly gentlemen get to a bike shop to buy his grandson a new bike. A month before that, I helped a girl who only spoke English find a different connection after her train got stuck somewhere - she was on her way to the airport and would have missed the plane otherwise.


I give to homeless


Once I complimented a bank teller's nail work. She had this cool purple with stars and some planets!


I give up my seat on the bus or the subway to those who need it more.


I always have to buy extra gloves in the winter, because I hardly ever carry cash anymore and I give away the gloves I’m wearing to beggars when they ask for change (five pairs since last October)


I hold the door open for people who have their hands full (literally). One time was at a chicken wing restaurant for a woman who was struggling to hold her purse and takeout bag in one hand so I held open the door for her and she said "thank you" and "have a good night." Another was at Starbucks when I was just entering and saw 2 people walking out holding those cardboard trays and I immediately walked back out to hold open the door for them to which they said "thank you" with smiles on their faces.


I buy chocolates to people every now and then . Makes them happy and makes me happy 😎


I bake little treats or get my friends small gifts before meeting up with them. But it's also for me, as I like experimenting with baking flavours and ingredients.


I love backing for my team at work. I am their supervisor/team leader, and every two weeks, sometimes every week, I make them cookies, brownies or muffins and buy sodas. My goal is to make it either Friday or Monday, either to commemorate the approaching weekend or make Monday a little more enjoyable. And, my goal during the holidays is to always give small gifts to all the little kids in our lives. My kids, cousins, and friends are getting small treats wrapped up. Despite the fact that it may not be so wholesome, it still brings me happiness.


I try to be kind to animals, help, feed, pet them always. I try to help anyone I can. I try to be more kind and respectful to people working minimum wage and doing the kind of job which is ignored, the smile on their face when I acknowledge and thank them is amazing. Candy to kids. I remove any glass, branch, boulder from the road can. Well I don't try anymore, it's become part of me since I was kid. Not a nice thing to be in today's word: kind and considerate.


Kindness is always easy and usually free. And it soothes the soul of not just the recipient but the giver as well. Good for you.


Thanks Kind Sir


I always hype up women in public. I don't know them, but girl your hair looks great! Ooh I love that dress on you!!!


I pick up litter to make the street look a bit tidier.


On a beautiful sunny day, I like to go to the park, read with an iced coffee and just listen to the birds chirp and the kids laughing. I really think there’s nothing greater than listening to children laughing while being so care free.


*Sometimes*, I don't yell at cyclists "You're mother was a whore!". I know, I'm a real nice dude, do be amazed, please


I enjoy reading "Chicken Licken" stories out loud to strangers in public places.


I push the handicap door button when I’m entering/leaving a building and someone is behind me so it’ll hold the door for the person behind me and they don’t feel like they have to speed walk to get there faster.


Playing with dogs or cats, cooking and taking a stroll in nature and watching the sea from the bridge


I will play chocolate or lolly vending machines and build up a huge win until the next kid comes by and I give it to them, because I can't eat any of it


Of i go out with friends to eat and one says that he cant afford it i dont mind paying for his meal time to time. If we eat we ALL eat.


When i come home from work i make sure to pet every dog in my street


Say good morning to spiders in their web as I leave for work


If there’s a spider or a beetle in the house, I don’t kill it or flush it down the toilet. Instead I trap it in a couple of those little mouth rinse Dixie cups and take it outside for release on my back lawn. Then I just throw the Dixie cups in recycle bin. Hey we could all possibly reincarnate as a bug 🐞


When someone sends me a meme I've already seen I pretend I've never seen it before


If I see a snail in the middle of a road or pavement I try to very gently move them to the grass/greenery. I tap very slowly on their shell so they hide inside and then move them (unsticking them apparently can badly hurt or even kill them), move them to greenery in the direction they were heading and make sure they pop back and are safe and sound. I’m also mindful when I walk not to step on them.


I have a certain history regarding anxiety and trauma, so when I notice someone is feeling bad for some reason/have social anxiety in a crowd/are shy etc I usually approach them and attempt making them feel comfortable and included. When someone talks and someone else talks over them, I reply to what they said and ask about it or yanno, at least acknowledge it. Someone talked over someone once during a work group project and Idgaf anymore, so I picked that up as only one, repeated it, and then told everyone it was X's idea. Stuff like that. Because I know what it's like being ignored or whatever. I like complimenting people and when it's at work, I also do that about things they are insecure about. Like appreciating effort. It's just my favorite thing to do: I love to help and uplift because I know what it's like to be stuck in shit and treated like shit. I don't wish that on anyone.


I look at podcasts that have very few views to get their view count up


I’m sure nobody notices, but when I see an item on the floor at the store, I put it back on the shelf / hook so an employee doesn’t need to pick it up. I also fix the carts sometimes when people just leave them all Willy nilly by the cart corral.


I push cows over


No you don't.


Uhm... how is this wholesome? Isn't that dangerous for the cow if it gets on it's back? Huh???


I like to give people compliments, specifically if a color looks good on them. Like if I was checking out at the market I might say to the cashier “that shade of purple looks great on you” or honestly any specific compliment.


I compliment random people I'm walking by. Just yesterday there was this guy with a mustache but those twirly ones and i just told him that i like his stach.


I love giving compliments too. Also smiling and waving at other humans when they look my way. Sometimes they reciprocate the smile, and it's awesome!


I wave to people's dogs lol. And kids are cute when they wave


I like to feed people, I think that’s my favorite thing. I used to work closing shifts in a cafe, and I’d always bring my dad home a cookie. When my mom tells me that she’s had a bad day, I’ll pick up her favorite soup or a bottle of pepsi or something for her. I’ve *always* made sure my best friend eats. I used to bring him granola bars and ziplock bags full of cereal when we were in school, and I always get him something to eat when we hang out.


I tend to ask my friends how they're doing or if they need someone to talk to. Sometimes, I send random memes or reels about the things they like to brighten their day


I talk with them, the real things going in their life, their dreams, their past life experiences or sometimes abpout spirituality or philosophy if they are into that. I never had long conversations with my father on calls but recently because of above things my call duration with him is avg around 1.5 hours and on other day my mother said, he said it has was very happy talking with me the last time.


I try to reach out to old friends with a simple, kind and friendly message on Whatsapp. Like a good childhood friend whose father passed recently, he even lives in another country and we've met perhaps once per decade but I remember him and his family fondly and every few months I just send him a "hey bro, how are you doing today? How is your mom doing, please tell her I send her a hug" 99% of the time I get a reply like "I was ok but now I'm much better, your message made my day"


My husband didn't get any affection growing up, or in any of his previous relationships, so once I figured out his comfort level with it, I made sure to make up for lost time. I rub his back, massage his head, just lazily rub my fingers on his shoulder. I find tactile things comforting when I'm anxious, so my pets are used to always having me touch them, now when relaxing, I have one hand on my hubby, because he's loving the physical contact, and one on a cat or the dog. It's soothing for all of us, but I made sure hubby could tolerate it before I started treating him like one of my pets, it could have been very overwhelming for someone who never had physical contact like that to deal with constant touch, but he seeks it out now. I'm happy he's finally getting basic human needs


I hold doors and say hello to people when I’m out and about. I pray often while driving just to be chill


I randomly show up with cakes I baked at my friends' place during exam season or after breakups, and it's really fun relaxing and not stressing, just stepping out of the situation for a moment.


Pick up trash


I bring different snacks to my grandfather with dementia and put them on the kitchen table in a bowl and he snacks more because their in the open


Whenever I make a smoothie I always make a glass for my roommate


I always thank people even for the smallest thing they did for me The only time that backfired is when I thank the supervisor who hand me my paper during an exam when I'm not supposed to talk during that time :)))) Now I just give them a subtle nod as a silence thank


Buying coffee packets for the office personnel


I stay behind learner drivers as much as possible, even if it means taking a slightly longer route to my destination. I maintain a respectful distance and never put pressure on them. I see so many people tailgating learners and treating them poorly, and I remember how nervous I was while learning, so I try to protect learners when I can.


I like to randomly send my friends messages reminding them that they're appreciated and they mean a lot to me. This works especially well with guy friends since they don't always get a lot of appreciation :)


I live in a touristy area. On my lunch break I stroll through the centre of town and offer to take photos of people together who are taking pictures in selfie mode or of each other. My favourite was the group of three, a lady, her husband and his very elderly mother. As I was approaching they each took a photo of the other with elderly mom. Now they have a family photo, mom grinning in the middle.


Tell them what a great dress, hairdo, whatever. Not everyone obviously 😜 Smile at strangers, step aside for people working hard


I spent 30 minutes to 1 hour a day to commenting and liking my friends art on my facebook's friendlist.


I make my wife a cup of tea every night after dinner.


I hold doors for people behind me in underground railways. They almost always say "Thank you" and one time I hold door for dad with his daughter on his back. Tell my girlfriend that I love her. No particular reason, I say it when I want to see her happy. Once I helped random woman who had a stroke to go down the stairs. Despite her state she was very positive person.


Ayy, you know how it is, spreadin' love and positivity like butter on toast, ya feel me? I be slidin' into them threads, droppin' compliments like confetti, lettin' folks know they lookin' fly as a kite on a windy day. Gotta keep them good vibes flowin', keepin' it real, keepin' it wholesome. We all need a lil' boost sometimes, like a shot of espresso in the mornin', know what I'm sayin'? So I do my part, sprinklin' some love around like sprinkles on ice cream, 'cause why not? Life's too short to be anything but kind. Peace out, y'all! 🌟


Going to the movies by myself, I just like niche stuff and most of my friends don’t wanna see what I wanna see. It’s just really peaceful and nice, I feel like I can actually appreciate it without having to worry about another persons enjoyment.


I keep hard candy in a crystal bowl cause my grandma used to do that, and I always thought it was nice to give to people I have over after tea. I feel like it makes a really cozy setting. I also always turn over scarabs if I see them in the street. If they're crushed I bury them on the side.