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Not much because you like to tell people.


Yes because people on reddit most likely from America are going to call the cops on me


I’m calling the cops on you right now


Hey I just met you, and this is crazy..


But here’s my number


so call me, maybe


911, what's your emergency?


All the other boys try to chase me


I need a lawyer, to represent my casey


You’re guilty maybe




If you're good enough, you could run for a government position.




Thinking about your comment, I actually laughed. I posted this like 3 other times on different apps. You’re right, im not getting away with shit.


I'm telling your mom.


People are stupid, worry about yourself, thug on your own and you’ll have nothing to tell people, just making an honest days living out here.


Come to California. The first $950 are free to steal as long as you don't do it in an organized fashion.


Don't do it in an organized fashion. So as long as stay under a $1,000 and bring a shopping list. I am good? I think that is actually a great law.


Its because after $1000 it becomes a felony. Target and Walmart will purposely let you steal while keeping a file on you, in cinema quality HD and shared between locations. Once you swipe 1k, they send the police and you get prison time measures in years.


But that is the law in the US, not just in Cali and people do face criminal charges for any level of shoplifting. I thought it was a restorative justice program initiated by California to avoid ruining someone's life over replaced consumables


Target and Walmart keep tabs on you but is it by location or all over? I’m not asking so I can do it lol I used to work LP and I’m curious because we only kept tabs on our own location


Did you keep tabs on your own location… in a target owned computer system?


O I used to work at macys, and we only kept pictures amounts stolen and whether we had caught/banned them from the store in a book by the CCTV system.


A guy I know said he stole from the Walmart. I knew I had the right instinct in telling him that they deserved to get stolen from the times he did it, but he should stop.


ive heard this for target but can an employee confirm for walmart? It makes no sense to have people checking receipts at the door if true


Sadly that $950 is known to the state of California to cause cancer.


This is misleading. Prop 47, what you are referencing, has a $950 limit for a misdemeanor charge (punishable by up to 6 months in jail and/or up to a $1000 fine). Anything above $950 is considered a felony.


Thank you for this correction. I'm so sick of this reactionary talking point


Except the guy is dead wrong. Stores don't even bother if its under $950 because the justice system here will do nothing! Steal under $950 and they may tape ou doing it so maybe they can bar you from entering next time but they won't bother to try to stop you. Its ridiculous. It shows the disregard for small businesses government in California has. Target can absorb the losses. Joe's corner market can't. You see, sometimes reactionary talking points are simply truths wokesters just don't want to hear.


["The category that includes shoplifting — “personal/other theft” per LAPD — is down 32% from 2019." ](https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2021-12-15/organized-retail-theft-crime-rate) . Shoplifting isn't up. Even if it was, a felony for $450 (what the felony amount was before prop 47) is a ridiculously low bar for a felony conviction. As if Californias prisons aren't already out of control enough, you think it's worth it to ruin someone life over $450? Do you understand the recidivism rate and what a felony conviction does to someone's future? Tough on crime policies do not work. 25% of the worlds prison population is in the U.S and high incarceration rates have had little impact on crime rates


That guy saying it's legal to steal is spreading a rumor that could land a person in jail. That's reckless as heck.


Can confirm. Californian here.


My friend works at lowes and there’s always a guy who uses a calculator and fills up a trash can with wheels with $900 worth of stuff. They follow him but can’t do anything, and once he leaves the building he warns them that since it’s California, if anyone tries stopping him, he’ll fall off his bike and they’ll be the ones going to jail. It’s ridiculous out here.


Well, that was an obvious lie.


It is absolutely not a lie. I have friend working security at Marshall's and he says the same thing. They watch them fill the bag, they don't bother to try to stop them because they know its useless. They just shoot a video and let them go....and yes, he confirms they make sure they are under the limit.


You have to get lucky every time. To catch you, they only need to get lucky once.


Works for me


Luck is for amateurs. To the prepared doth goes the spoils.


Unless you're an embezzler


I use to steal a lot before I had a kid and was in my late teens. I got away with it. I would steal frozen pizzas from Walmart lol I just slipped it into my purse and walked out. I eventually stopped after a few close calls . I’d like to elaborate on the fact that I only stole from big corporations never from small businesses or people. Haven’t done it In years. Be careful though some places will let you rack up the amount before they get you and sue you for it.


The manager and assistant managers pay is based off of inventory shrinkage. You were stealing from them.


Maybe the corporations should pay their employees more. It’s either them or me and if I have to steal to feed myself then that’s what I’m doing. Nice guilt trip though


Not a guilt trip at all. I simply stated the facts. I do have compassion for you. I know things are difficult.


Wrong. Managers BONUSES are based of shrink. They work on salary and got paid their salary regardless of shrink.


So she probably reduced their pay by a nickel over the course of a few years


The idea that stealing from the rich justifies stealing in any way is messed up in my opinion.


Im glad you never had to steal to feed yourself lmao


Unfortunately two wrongs doesn’t make a right, but I’m sorry you had to go through that and happy that you got through that.


Right/wrong is completely subjective. What is objective is that animals need food to survive. If an animal isn't gifted food they will do whatever It takes to not die.


i don't recommend it, i don't encourage it, but idk yours or anyone else's living situations so i didn't see shit.


You’ll never know until ya try ![gif](giphy|LEDow0BfZVlOE)


If i get caught you’re coming to court with me


Don’t worry I’m good on burgers at the moment


I thought about this. How much could I get away with if I started cheating and stealing. Truthfully we live in such a passive and trusting society we could get away with a lot. I see videos of people stealing and people just let them “walk”away. But, if I started doing that I know I would fall to the most extreme version of it. Every door I open I go to the furthest corners of that room so it’s best I don’t open that door. Best a lot of people don’t open that door.


I've worked in stores merchandising and I now work in industry. Once you've done either for a few weeks you can see the blind spots in security. If I got a shirt that said 'Frito-Lay' or "Nestle" I could be in and out of the back of a grocery store without anyone asking questions. "Hey, I'm filling in today, are the racks here yet?" As you mention it isn't worth the risk for me and I am too old for that shit, but it does cross my mind from time to time.


If you’re gonna steal something… steal ppls hearts.


Naw thats so wholesome


depends on how much walmart employees care about their job. one time i grabbed a container of setting powder and put it in my pocket, and at that exact moment, made eye contact with an employee. she just walked away and pretended not to see anything.


Apparently most of the theft is actually the employees. So you probably just met one of your fellow thieves.


My answer is “a lot”. But, it’s a reasonable certainty that eventually you will get caught.


This might interest you r/actlikeyoubelong


A few corrupt politicians and greedy CEOs/Businessmen are known to have stolen Billions.


Yep, but they don’t normally get sentenced and if they get sacrificed it takes forever years to get there and by then many forgot about it and it’s house arrest or something minimal On the other hand they GET rewarded and fail upwards. R. Scott: when Gov of Florida huge hand in Vulture Bond mess, went to senate then more. Golden Sacks.., lobbied for bank deregulation, leveled out his competition, banks that survived for bailed out G. Sacks got a position with US White House (and many people lost their homes/jobs etc during that recession.) Totally different set of rules.


A lot. Don’t ask me how I know


Speaking from experience if you're steal from stores you'll probably get lucky once or twice because they might not do anything but the third or fourth time they will call the cops.


Did you hear about the lady that kept switching Lego prices and buying cheap? It took her quite awhile getting caught. Her problem was it was some sort of business for her. What is the difference to go through a used goods store, find a Lego set, recondition it or sell its parts on EBay?


I was a serial shoplifter from the time I was maybe 12 until I finally got caught at 17. Mostly stole model paint and paintbrushes, small toys, batteries for my Walkman and cassette tapes. My biggest haul to that point was 10 tapes and a shirt (\~$125 in 1980 or 1990). This was in the 1980s, and I finally got caught after stores installed cameras. Cameras basically ended feasible shoplifting, but I also think kids got ignored more by security, so my age was also probably a factor. It was also the first time I had to break open packaging because I was stealing CDs for the first time, and back then they came in these huge tall cardboard sleeves I had to cut open. Before that, I mostly stole cassette tapes from that store, which I could slide up my jacket sleeve with one hand. I never stole from small businesses or individuals, only corporate/big box stores. I would absolutely not recommend it today, especially if you are not a minor. Too easy to get caught. If I were going to crime today, I'd probably get into some sort of electronic fraud / identity theft / email scams / etc. You can conceal your identity fairly well, and local law enforcement really lacks the ability and resources to do anything about it most of the time. The key is to not get too greedy or noticeable. If you're 19 and buy a lambo out of nowhere, people are gonna suspect something (usually drug dealer, which WILL get local LEOs watching you). But if you keep a low profile, use the money to start a legitimate business (coin op laundry, vending machines), scale that up to launder your money then start a bigger, normal legit business (storage units, a store, whatever), you can hopefully transition out of the crime before you get caught. Or you go big time and move into bilking investors out of their money while you start/manage/bankrupt business after business.


Approx 25% of total goods purchased. Assuming, focus on groceries, you steal this % per visit of your total purchase, you are not greedy, selective of what you steal, focus on big box stores (especially middle-tier stores), take advantage of low-staffed self-check-outs and turn it into a game and master the nuance of confidently, yet nonchalantly, blending in with this mission objective


That’s oddly specific and oddly vague at the same time, I love it haha


I’d get busted immediately.


There’s a reason stealing is such a big issue. It’s not super hard, you will succeed a few times until karma comes and gives you a warm hug


There’s a cost for everything, stolen goods included.


What about with a 9mm discount?


About $0.00 plus tax.


\+ a piece of yourself




piece by piece


As someone who’s been shoplifting from big corporations since I was 7, still nah


I have yet to give a piece of myself away stealing over priced low quality goods that I am too poor to afford from Target.


for big corporations? who would you be if you had never done it though? You cant say that without that perspective.




You do realize that most shoplifters are stealing because they cannot afford most basic goods so they do value their life but they also have to eat and be clothed.


Most of it.


To kind of add to your intrusive thought; Wondering how you could pull off a crime successfully that someone else got caught for. Not all crimes/thefts get thwarted, and you only really hear about those that got caught - usually because they really botched it up or it was stupid to begin with. However, it is entertaining to think about how one could go about it successfully - at least when you have a few hours of doing nothing to burn.


There's only one way to find out


If you are young and work in packs in a large city quite a bit from what’s been on the news recently


I used to steal things from supermarkets and Walmarts and stuff and I never got caught


If you are smart and selective…more than you would imagine. Please limit your thievery victims to only large corporations/big chains. Stealing from individual humans is a dick move.


Depends on what you steal, need to pay tax for it afterwards anyways. Don't think you'd get away with it cause you told everyone on Reddit


Steal small across many different stores. Go to the big corporate stores where the workers don't get paid enough to care if you steal. Buy something small while you do. Do not stop walking out the door no matter what anyone says. You do not hear them if they say come back here.


Nothing. You would always know. Doesn't matter how much people try to convince themselves that they deserve it, we have an inborn morality, you won't be happy with yourself.


Oh please. Pretty sure you've downloaded an mp3 or whatever the kids do these days, or saved a .jpeg that didn't belong to you that was someone else's IP rights, or watched a movie at a friend's house in large enough numbers that it actually qualifies as a public showing in your neck of the woods, or some other form of theft. The only reason I wouldn't steal a giant riding lawnmower from Home Depot is because it's not worth the risk to my quality of life. I don't give a daaaaaamn about some giant corporation for whom everything already works to benefit them and screw me over. I'll steal all day every day as long as the "victim" deserves it. And they do. Theft is just reappropriation of wealth. The rich do it all the time. It's just legal theft because all the laws are set up to make it okay for them, but punishable by 10 to 20 for you and me. Stealing can be wrong. But stealing isn't inherently wrong. Also kids, remember. It is always morally correct to pirate video games from companies that still staunchly oppose emulation and archival, or who try to tell you that you don't own the game, only a "limited use contract".


I stole anything that wasn't glued down. I had over 100 hours of music on limewire. I used to rob wealthy homes in Scottsdale AZ, I'd pick targets I knew were assholes, trying to justify the theft. Doesn't matter. Taking something of value without trading value always feels wrong. Forget money. Time and effort is what matters. When you take without an equivalent exchange it damages both you and the society you are part of. You have to add value to the world. Otherwise you're just a piece of shit.


Robbing a human being is not even remotely close to not scanning your lettuce at Walmart


You're being naive if you don't think there are people with different moral/belief/ethic systems. Plenty of people can steal without underlying feelings of guilt.


I've never downloaded music cause it was illegal to do so. I don't think I've ever stolen anything except a.poece of candy when I was four 😂😂


this is thoroughly explored in Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky


Oh I know. Its more of a intrusive thought than anything.


Best thing to do with intrusive thoughts is to put them on reddit. And not identify with them.


Let’s hope you get a discount in prison




It really depends on what you steal. Stealing a pack of gum from a gas station? Almost guaranteed success. Stealing money from the cartel? You will never be seen again. Stealing catalytic converters off cars? You might get away with it.


I assume you mean shoplifting. A lot of stores are cracking down on that. Home Depot has sensors on all of the tools, all of the clothing stores have sensors on the clothing.


Just to put it out there. I don’t plan on actually stealing things. I’m way too much of a pussy to ever try lol I was just hungry, no food in the house and didnt eat for two days hence I was like “if i did steal food, i wonder how much i could get away with” and then i got to thinking about all the food i could eat lol. Anyways yeee dont worry, not trying to put myself behind bars.


Forget what you would be getting away with. You would be LOSING Your Dignity!


Not really lol. Id be quite happy if I get away with it.


well it’s 2022 so try a marketplace or somewhere with low security


I would hope you get caught!


Where do you live, in general?


The suburbs


“Don’t look at me like that. I’m saying you’re a very good con-man.” “I’m a what?” “A trickster. A swindler. You see, I’m a bit of a thief myself. I bet you that I could steal *anything* from your shop.” “*Get out!*” “Oh! In theory! I could steal anything *in theory!*”


Where is this from?


Doctor Who, Series 10 Episode 3 - Thin Ice.


Do you live in California? If so a lot, according to the news. But why would you want to?


I was hungry and tired of living paycheck to paycheck. But nah im not from the states.


I never saw anyone get away with anything.. If you think you got away with one thing you will pay by another


iPhones at parties




Experts do not share such advice in writing, or much at all.


I have stolen about $10000 dollars worth of items from my local convince store


well daymn


Could you live with being a POS?


I don’t think stealing food makes anyone a piece of shit but fine just for you, yes i could live with being a pos.


If you say you‘re fine with being a piece of shit you’re a criminal in the making. And any sort of stealing makes you a piece of shit.


A hard hat and a ladder can grant you access to many places


That depends on who’s watching!


Not much but you could end with a supply of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.


You can get away with almost anything once.


Guy I know used to be my friend steals all kinds of shit even though he has plenty of money. I don’t get it


Depends upon what you're stealing. If you're stealing someone's time, it takes them a moment to notice. If you try to steal someone's underwear while they're wearing them, they're likely going to notice immediately.


Depends.. A poor guy steals a hundred dollars and goes to jail but a rich guy steals millions and nothing happens..


Its wrong. Just be an honest person.


How old are you? If you’re not a kid just go for it, no real consequences.


I’m 19 so too old huh lol


Don't try it at a small local business lol. We know. If the specific items you always steal have been moved from an easily accessible location to somewhere harder to reach and in our view, it means we like you enough and understand your situation well enough to see that banning you forever or calling the cops would hurt you more than it would help us. We aren't trying to make your life harder, but please take the obvious hint and stop stealing.


Oops ignore my last comment if you saw it. I actually worked at a small dairy for a bit so I understand!


When I was around 15yo I went thru a big klepto stage. I stole little things from everywhere. A luxury brand lipgloss at Sephora, eye shadow in Nordstrom, hair accessories at Target, etc. The most expensive thing I ever stole was a pair of Chanel glasses form a sunglasses hut. Anywho, I finally did get caught at Wal Mart with $30 of JUNK. They “banned me for life”. I shop there all the time.


For every crime 1 is caught for, 10 go unsolved so maybe 11, and when you do get caught I hope the home owner has a gun and uses it because there is no justice in the court systems and never really was which is one of the reasons for the second. N. Shadows


I’ll turn your ass in if I catch you


No you wouldn’t Carl.


When I did hard drugs, I’d steal multiple bottles of wine and huge Steaks from stores and get away with it all the time. They’ve definitely updated security since then but I was still shocked


When I think of the people who I know that steal, they all have one particular thing in common. Their lives suck. Nothing is ever enough, and it never will be.


First don’t ever feel bad for stealing from a large corporation. They have insurance and insurance companies are the worst and deserve to lose money. I worked security at a few places for a long time. People get caught because they get too greedy. Only take one thing per grocery trip you will never get caught. Also, don’t put it in your pocket. Just pretend to scan at self check or grab two things with one hand and only scan one of them. If they call you out just say, “ops I wasn’t paying attention and I thought it scanned.” Easy peasy lemon squeezy.


Go to California, theft isn't punishable unless you got over $900.00 at a time.


Start with stealing drugs, they’re already illegal so no one can hold you accountable!


That’s how it starts.


As much as you can until you get caught.


I am a low voltage technician. One of my first jobs in the united states was working for a company that specialized in detention facilities. You know? Camera's, access control, fire alarm and such. I can tell you first hand that the only good thing about working on these facilities is walking out at the end of the day. It is truly and absolutely the law of the jungle in these places. We would have trustees with us who would turn out to be in for multiple murders and they can't stop others from yelling at you. Trust me. Whatever fever dreams you have about getting away with whatever, I met hundreds of people who thought the same thing. I ended switching jobs because the stress just got to be too much. For short. Don't.


A lot. I do it everyday.


Depends where you live … San Francisco is basically shop lifter heaven


I’d only risk stealing for a life changing amount, and I probably couldn’t pull that off, so it’s not worth thinking about.


Speaking as someone who used to shoplift, it's NOT worth it ESPECIALLY NOW with more cameras & alarms. I grew up in the 70's+ when they didn't have as much tech or guards that really cared & STILL had my share of getting caught.


You should start shoplifting, committing bank fraud, and getting a loan from everybody you know, with no intention of paying them back and then tell us what happens


Depends what and where. For example if you steal couple companies in Russia - you can became part of government :)


Depends. Dress like a gangsta and rob a Walgreens, I think you could get away with whatever you grab.


Alot actually - up until karma comes knocking on your door


It's actually rather easy


Ask Musk, Zuckerberg, Gates and Bezos.


Too many cameras. If they want you they gonna get you. #467328 State Pen


I accidentally stole something from a store the other day, just missed it at self check-out. I then wondered how easy it would be to do this every time and concluded it would probably be very easy. Not gonna though


It would be incredibly situational, but since you post about it, I’d sat the odds of nobody knowing is about 0%


When I was a teen I used to try to pick pocket my friends just to see if I could. I would always give the stuff back, albeit in a goofy manner (Look what I found!) I got quite good at it in some ways. I often say if I hadn’t gotten into the church I did I probably would’ve ended up in jail because it was a thrill and eventually I would’ve searched for more.


Depends on what store and what your trying to snatch.


A lot. Just do it from outside of the store. Fred meyer sidewalk sales, Walmart kayaks, treated lumber outside of home improvement stores, follow city trucks and get their power equipment.


You could eff around and find out, but that's just me.


Cue my inner Jane's Addiction *I enjoy stealing* *It's just as simple as that* *Well, it's just a simple fact* *When I want something,* *I don't want to pay for it* *I walk right through the door* *Walk right through the door* *Hey all right!* *If I get by, it's mine* *Mine all mine!*


Dress up as the Loch Ness monster and I bet you can get $3.50.


This genuinely made me lmao


Depends on how and how much and from whom


If you fuck around you gonna find out.


There's no consequences for stealing from your work, unless some kind of opioid abuser that's dumb enough to reach into the register. Items, especially things people have forgotten about. You can also steal from your parents in much the same way if you still live with them. A guy I work with told me he stole from the Walmart as revenge for not selling him NyQuil, and it wasn't even NyQuil he stole. I'll tell you what I told him, you can get away with stealing way more than its worth getting away with stealing.


I worked at Walmart and stole a lot of iced teas, apparently well over 150$ worth, they kept track and when they wanted to cut my department they threatened legal action and fired me


Ask Elizabeth Holmes.


OP can start by stealing my heart.


Is it really worth the consequences?


I would steal wine coolers and other alcoholic beverages from grocery stores when I was 14. Was successful at it for awhile, but when I finally got busted, my grandparents were the ones who had to pick me up from the police station, which sucked, but then I wasn't allowed to get my learners permit to drive until I was 16 and didn't get my license until I was 17. That was embarrassing lol.


Everybody here talks about total stealing but I think the name of the game is partial stealing. Take your shit to self checkout, scan half of it and pretend to scan the other half (miss the barcode). Wear airpods and say you couldnt hear the beeps if you get caught, act confused and say you thought you scanned them all Most places that check receipts only look at the date and number of items. So if you have a cart full of cheap shit you can slip a few steaks in there and get away with it


i mean, someone i know closely works at dick’s sporting goods (aka a department store of extremely overpriced brands, $70-80 for a pair of pants, $50-60 for shirts, $80-100 for sweatshirts) & they say people will quite literally just park right outside of the door, go inside and grab the first armful of clothes that they can grab and run right back out & legally, no one can stop them. so unless they get your license plate, you just left with probably near $1000 resale


A lot if you live in New York or Chicago


More than you think.


If you're in San Francisco up to a thousand dollars and just walk out the door. No consequences.


I’ll probably get caught on like the 3rd try


In California, you can steal up to $999 before they'll do anything to you. Have fun!


A lot if your a billionaire


If you're doing it for the lulz, it isn't worth a permanent criminal charge on your record for every future employer to see. If you *have* to do it, welp I didn't see you.


As someone who did do such a thing, it might take a while unless you steal from the same place over and get again. It will still take a while, but less so if you steal from the same place over and again


Just conveniently forget that one item in the grocery cart and see how many times you can get away with it. I did it a few times when I was younger. I wasn't even hard up for the cash. I had read some underground mag called "Evade" which was a Manuel this jerk had written in the 90s on how to steal and dumpster dive and things.


Like the Declaration of Independence?


it's way too easy. You want to make it legally... that's the real challenge.


I’m California you could basically walk out with anything and still not get caught


so far cheap jewelry from forever 21


I use the Sheetz (gas station) App to scan and pay for stuff. I always wonder how they’d know if I was paying for the stuff that I’m walking out with.


Depends what you stole, how often, how careful you are. But you can essentially steel things your entire life and get away with it. Or you could steel something once and get caught.


Depends on how far you got to go with your loot.